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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 191


Hal 9000 said:

nl0428 said:

Are there any other shots from the trailers and documentary that you’d like to add in, Hal?

I don’t think so, other than what Dom plans to send.

If you do plan on doing so, you can ask members here to chroma key in the blue and green screens for you.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I feel like the original trilogy had some humor at the expense of Stormtroopers.

“Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors! Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!”

They were always kind of inept canon fodder, although they weren’t as explicitly mined for comedy as the Battle Droids in the prequels. I think the problem with a lot of the humor in the prequels is that it often made the pacing of the films come to a halt. George often didn’t know when to cut away. I don’t really have a problem with quick quips and gags as long as the movie doesn’t dwell on them. I get that it can be a fine line though.


If the dialogue in certain areas for troopers could be adjusted, it would be good. Troopers are the cannon fodder, but it seems like especially in this movie they were at an even higher level.

One scene I would like to cut, though not necessary obviously, is the scene you see Finn and Poe running down a corridor and mowing down troopers. That short scene felt way to excessive and was really making troopers feel just … pointless … like if a group of troopers see two guys running down the middle of a corridor and no one could shoot one of them? Even one bolt? That little scene felt just too much. Yes they are the heroes, but even then, way too excessive.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I think the problem jarbear has isn’t with the violence, but with the lack of tension. The heroes mow down trooper after trooper who should have had them dead to rights, all while running almost uninterrupted. It’s like they’re playing Battlefront with an aimbot.

Contrast with the similar scenes from A New Hope: the stormtroopers there still can’t hit our heroes (stormtrooper accuracy has been an irl joke for 40 years now), but the heroes are always either taking cover during firefights, or running away from the troopers trailing behind them. Meanwhile in TROS, the heroes are getting shot at from every single direction at the same time in a wide open hallway and are blowing away every trooper almost casually.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure an edit could do much about it without making the scene too short or choppy, and I certainly wouldn’t recommend removing it altogether. At least Poe gets a non-lethal wound and they get captured, so that while the combat itself lacks tension, the outcome does not.


Hal, I just finished watching the workprint and I must say…nice work so far. This is shaping up to be much better than the original for sure. My only thing about it is the “FOR SKYWALKER” line. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. However, do you think it would be better for the fleet to say “FOR LEIA!” instead. I guess in my mind these people are coming from around the galaxy to fight for the rebellion and Leia more so than for Luke and the Jedi.

“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


That would certainly make sense, but there’s only really opportunity to get across a concise message. I was hoping to tie this movement in with what Luke did in the last movie. Partly to explain the big difference between no one showing up and everyone showing up this time.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Yeah, poppasketti, that’s wonderful as is. My idea for perfection is that the second that they see the Falcon jump to lightspeed, they immediately turn about in order to head back to the Destroyer they presumably came from in order to quickly move or take further action from there. It’s like, “Shit, immediately head back because we’re done here and time may be of the essence.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


Neerb said:

I think the problem jarbear has isn’t with the violence, but with the lack of tension. The heroes mow down trooper after trooper who should have had them dead to rights, all while running almost uninterrupted. It’s like they’re playing Battlefront with an aimbot.

Contrast with the similar scenes from A New Hope: the stormtroopers there still can’t hit our heroes (stormtrooper accuracy has been an irl joke for 40 years now), but the heroes are always either taking cover during firefights, or running away from the troopers trailing behind them. Meanwhile in TROS, the heroes are getting shot at from every single direction at the same time in a wide open hallway and are blowing away every trooper almost casually.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure an edit could do much about it without making the scene too short or choppy, and I certainly wouldn’t recommend removing it altogether. At least Poe gets a non-lethal wound and they get captured, so that while the combat itself lacks tension, the outcome does not.

Yep you get it. Everything else is fine enough, it’s just that one up close corridor scene as they are running down the middle ofthe hall way without issue. Just that one segment. If that could be removed cleanly it would be nice.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


For the Stormtrooper lines:

“Stop talking.”

“Switch him off already!”

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I think it was actually one of the first things he thought about. He decided that it couldn’t be done seamlessly though.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

I think it was actually one of the first things he thought about. He decided that it couldn’t be done seamlessly though.

I did it fairly easily and it flows so much better now. I can help if it’s something he wants.

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Hal 9000 said:

No, I don’t think so. It’s fine.

No worries!

Was there a conclusion of TIEs having Hyperdrives? I’m constantly getting into arguments online about this as I really don’t like the lightspeed skipping scene but there is also this https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TIE/sf_space_superiority_fighter

I’m glad you decided to remove the lightspeed skipping scene.

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Movies Remastered said:
Was there a conclusion of TIEs having Hyperdrives? I’m constantly getting into arguments online about this as I really don’t like the lightspeed skipping scene but there is also this https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TIE/sf_space_superiority_fighter

Special forces TIEs do have hyperdrives. It was implied in TFA that this was an upgraded model of TIE fighter, since it had two seats and Finn planned to leave the system on it.

I like this particular scene better with no TIEs entering hyperspace, though!


I don’t mind that they have hyperdrives, but they seem to instantly track the Falcon like it’s nothing. In TLJ it took a capital ship to do so with at least a little delay. Just seems like JJ dialed it up to 13 again.

That’s different from an Empire TIE with a hyperdrive. That just feels wrong given ANH’s implication, no matter what the rationale may be later.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Oh yeah, and if anyone so inclined wishes to add a distant Vader’s castle to the reverse shot when Kylo picks up and looks at the Wayfinder, I won’t try to stop you.

However cool that would be, it’s not necessary, and I’m happy merely to namedrop Mustafar in the crawl. That’s enough to tie it into Vader and make sense why there were two: one for the master and one for the apprentice.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Cinefy said:

mrbenjamino said:
in my opinion, I think it’d look better if it was blended into the atmosphere, kinda a lighter blue

Yeah just lower the opacity on that layer.

Maybe too much difference in color behind it as the sky has a lot of variance. Theres a bright cloud behind one tower but the rest behind the tower is dark. Maybe easier to lower the black levels to match the sky and do a filter over it all.

I feel like the clouds are doing what my planets clouds were doing and its too much. They’re moving too quickly and the counter movement of the two layers of clouds is off. Wind should all be blowing the same direction.
