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Pitch the Obi Wan spinoff!


Obi Wan is pretty much the last character left that truly should receive a spinoff. Afterwards, Disney’s probably going to go crazy with the Old Republic and Legacy eras or reboot the prequels. Pitch the movie or first read my pitch for inspiration:


  • Set between Episode IV and Episode III
  • Completes Obi Wan’s transformation into a wise Jedi master and Anakin’s transformation into the badass Darth Vader
  • features a grudge match between Darth Vader, Maul, and Obi Wan Kenobi
  • Darth Vader searches for Obi Wan desperately in order to exact vengeance
  • Obi Wan learns the true way of the Force alongside Yoda (midichlorians and all the stupid prequel stuff are debunked)

Pitch It, Obi-Wan!

It’s baseball season on Tatooine, and the Jawas are in a seriously bad losing streak against the Tusken Raiders. Needing a leg up, they recruit Obi-Wan Kenobi – Jedi Knight and former star pitcher for the Jedi Temple baseball team – to play for them.


It would make great sense, given that the Han Solo spinoff and Rogue One are both set between 3 and 4.

Obi-Wan learns to commune with Qui-Gon Jinn, he would have tasks and missions much like Yoda did in TCW Season 6. He could talk to Owen and Beru lots and maybe even get into bar fights in Mos Eisley. Maybe we’d see Luke and Ben have brief conversations and a Han Solo cameo. At first I thought it’d be hard to piece together a film but IMO it should be about Obi-Wan’s final arc.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


Well really there’s no other time period to set it in. You can’t set it pre-Phantom Menace unless you want the movie to be about kiddie Obi-Wan training, which I don’t think anyone wants to see. You can’t set it in between 1 and 2 because then you’d have to deal with Anakin’s training, effectively creating Prequel 1.5. Don’t think anyone wants to see that either. You can’t set it between 2 and 3 because The Clone Wars already covers that. And you can’t set it any time after 4 for obvious reasons. So between 3 and 4 is pretty much the only time period you could create a decent Obi-Wan story in. Also the only time Ewan is appropriately aged for now.

If they do decide to go the route of making Rey related to Obi-Wan, such a movie could definitely tie into that and likely humanize Obi-Wan and flesh out his character a great deal, seeing as he was portrayed as a stern monk in the prequels without much of a personality.


I would like to see a Yojimbo or Seven Samurai / Magnificent Seven-type story with old Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. No Jedis, no Vader, none or few Imperials, just Ben Kenobi, some new good guys, Jawas, Tuskens & some bandits/smugglers/gangsters/etc as the main villains.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I think Ben would probably monitor Imperial movements and keep an eye out for any other Jedi or Sith visitor in the hope of protecting Luke.

Something like the comic where Maul turns up at the Lars farm makes sense (just not Maul).
We need to get the impression that Owen doesn’t like Ben and has a good reason for his resentment.

You can imagine him meditating in his house or monitoring communications chatter and discovering some threat or Rebel in distress and getting discretely involved but in a manner that makes Owen worried for Luke’s safety.

Ben is also very nostalgic for the Republic so it might be cool to make the film a bitter sweet film where there is a successful resolution to whatever plot comes his way but it reminds him of the world he has lost.


I feel like any Old Ben film should be a samurai western kinda deal like Zkin describes, but with a bit more bittersweet sentimentality like Bingo describes.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


It must be character driven and able to go dark. Obi-Wan would be at or near a personal crisis point and over the course of the film must deal with his demons in order to become the wiser Ben we all adore.
Whether or not the entire film would take place on Tatooine is debatable. There could be an excursion to find other Jedi survivors and/or reveal some nefarious Imperial plot that Obi-wan could secretly smash without revealing his identity. Preferably on some totally dark world like Nar Shaddaa which would contrast perfectly.

It should be very reminiscent of the better stories such as the Kenobi novel, and would completely rely on the lead actor to sink into the role.

Will Disney really go for it? Heck no. They’re too busy making another film yet again about the Death Star.

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“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
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The Ben Kenobi novel was very good.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Old Ben Spins Off: A Star Wars Story

It’s Inception but Ben is stuck on the spinning top. Eventually, he falls off and hits his head. He wakes up face down in the sand to the sound of Owen Lars yelling at him to stay away from Luke, especially after a long night at the Cantina.



A story of Obi-Wan doing what he can to keep Luke, the single most unlucky kid on Tatooine, alive, while having to prevent his and Luke’s identity from being revealed. Hijinks ensue when Luke inadvertently walks into a den of some of Jabba’s worst smugglers and hitmen.


flametitan said:

A story of Obi-Wan doing what he can to keep Luke, the single most unlucky kid on Tatooine, alive, while having to prevent his and Luke’s identity from being revealed. Hijinks ensue when Luke inadvertently walks into a den of some of Jabba’s worst smugglers and hitmen.

With sexy results.


As overrated and boring as I think Maul is, I feel like he would have to be a presence in an Obi Wan spinoff. In order for Obi wan to have any kind of meaningful arc, he would have to have that presence. He should be haunted by this demon from his past. When you think about it, this time period is Obi-Wan’s lowest point. He has lost everything, with only the smallest glimmer of hope for the future in Luke. To me, the last step to him becoming the wise sage we see in ANH is for him to, at his lowest point, face and eventually overcome the demons of his past, and what better way to visualize that than to have him face the only thing in his past that caused him to waver toward the darkness (I mean he got pissed off and straight up murdered maul in TPM). Might actually give Maul some importance for once.

I don’t think ben should face Vader. Vader should be a presence, and this should be used as a venue for Obi Wan to somehow learn what happened to Vader after Mustafar, but I think it is more dramatically appealing for their duel on the Death Star to be the first time they’ve been face to face since Ben left him for dead.


Well, after the Clone Wars and whatnot, who knows what Maul’s endgame is.

I would imagine revenge against the man who chopped him in half is still high on the list.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Well, after the Clone Wars and whatnot, who knows what Maul’s endgame is.

I would imagine revenge against the man who chopped him in half is still high on the list.

Yeah I’m kind of worried they’re going to kill him in Rebels, which I think would be an enormous mistake because it would close the door on using him for an Obi-Wan movie, which I think it’s all but guaranteed they WILL do. If they don’t announce it as the next spinoff after Han Solo, I will be SHOCKED.


Darth Lucas said:

Tyrphanax said:

Well, after the Clone Wars and whatnot, who knows what Maul’s endgame is.

I would imagine revenge against the man who chopped him in half is still high on the list.

Yeah I’m kind of worried they’re going to kill him in Rebels, which I think would be an enormous mistake because it would close the door on using him for an Obi-Wan movie, which I think it’s all but guaranteed they WILL do. If they don’t announce it as the next spinoff after Han Solo, I will be SHOCKED.

It’s funny, I just listened to a Dave Filoni interview where he says that Maul was originally supposed to be killed by Vader at the end on Season 2 but as the story evolved, that ended up not happening. He’s supposed to be a big player in Season 3 so we’ll see where it goes from there.

Now that we have characters from the animated series’ moving into the films (Saw Gerrera), I don’t think it would be a stretch at all to see Maul move back onto the screen. Ray Park could even reprise the role considering time and everything.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I’d love it if Maul and Ben ended up as pals and Maul ended up being killed by the Empire.


Bingowings said:

I’d love it if Maul and Ben ended up as pals and Maul ended up being killed by the Empire.

I think Disney would likely omit Maul, to keep “film only fans” from getting confused. A resurrect or continue on with those characters from the past in the New EU, but keep them out of the films type deal.

I would like to see a completely stand alone story, set perhaps 5 years after Episode III, that starts off on Tatooine with Obi-wan and Owen arguing about Luke’s future. Someone then finds out about Luke, and tries to escape and inform the Empire. Obi-wan then has to hunt this character down and prevent the Empire from discovering Luke’s existence/whereabouts. In the end, Obi-wan returns to Tatooine and Owen thanks him for stopping those events. But Owen is still too stubborn to let Luke go train with Obi-wan.


They could also come up with a reason he chooses Ben as an alias.

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SilverWook said:

They could also come up with a reason he chooses Ben as an alias.

Clone Wars done it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I just assumed Ben was a nickname for Obi-Wan in that universe. If we can get Dick from Richard in this universe, why not Ben from Obi-Wan in SW?



I want a Yojimbo meets Seven Samurai kind of thing where Ben plays two Tatooine crime bosses off each other in order to help some poor peasants. Largely free-standing, little to no content relating to the old Jedi order, or Luke, or the greater saga in general. Just an exciting episode from his time as a mysterious hermit. Almost like a Tatooine folk tale.


joefavs said:

I want a Yojimbo meets Seven Samurai kind of thing where Ben plays two Tatooine crime bosses off each other in order to help some poor peasants. Largely free-standing, little to no content relating to the old Jedi order, or Luke, or the greater saga in general. Just an exciting episode from his time as a mysterious hermit. Almost like a Tatooine folk tale.

Yep. Agreed.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)