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kk650's Star Wars Saga: Regraded and Semi-Specialized (Released) — Page 32


towne32 said:

The way you are responding to people’s honest and respectful feedback/opinions is urging me to lose my respect for you.

I assume he’s just having a bad day, since he’s normally a bit more open minded about the criticism.

That’s also what came to my mind, but seriously, I think that whole post was uncalled for even if he’s got some stress goin’ on.

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation


Wtf are you smoking? I spelled it the same as you spelled in the thread title and the way harmy spells it. If you at some point changed your mind on how it’s spelled I honestly wasn’t aware. It was an honest question and I wasn’t trolling.

It honestly is a misunderstanding. That being said, based on your reaction to it I’m really not all that sorry.


It has been a tough day at work, my apologies everybody if that came out before, real life gets to the best of us and i’m human like everybody else. My releases are actually called the ‘Semi-Specialised Editions’, always have been. The Aluminum Falcon started this thread with the incorrect title and I never got round to asking him to change it. I have no problem with people here refering to them as the ‘Semi-Specialized Editions’ if they find that easier to remember but I would prefer it if they were refered to by their actual name, the ‘Semi-Specialised Editions’.

Possessed’s post caught me at a bad moment and I most likely read more into it than there was.

I don’t want anybody to feel like they can’t post negative opinions or feedback about any of my releases, I respect all feedback, whether good or bad and from past experience negative feedback has often been the most helpful in getting better as a regrader and improving my releases.

@Possessed: If you were not trolling before and it was a misunderstanding then I apologise for how I reacted before. I hope that with the answer I posted to your question you now have a better understanding of why I do not consider the fleshtones of my Star Wars regrades to be ‘jaundiced’ and why I consider them greatly preferable to overly reddish sunburnt fleshtones.


Considering the subjective nature of human vision, not to mention the variation in print tone, I don’t think anyone would have noticed a bulb tint in the theater. I also don’t think it would have changed the tint of the color so much. I still vividly remember watching the 70 mm 5 Star Trek marathon in Denver. Some of the reel changes were painfully obvious because the film would change tint and be more red or yellow than the last one. But the eye quickly adjusted and I forgot until the next obvious reel change. My understanding of how film print sets were assembled indicates this was normal print variation (with the copy I saw being assembled from the best available prints after the original run). They normally tried to match the tone on new film so audiences don’t notice. This was particularly difficult for Pleasantville.

So while I admire your dedication to choices you feel add to the 70’s feel, I don’t agree with the end result.

Most of what I was trying to say initially was that when we perceive a color issue, we tend to over correct. I feel the yellowish tones are an over correction. I don’t think it matches the majority of films have seen. You have a different perspective. That is fine. That is why I’m doing my own color correction. My opinion (on several things) seems to be in a minority around here.


Quick question for those who are handy at handbrake (pun entirely intended). What would be the best setting for handbrake to retain the grain in kk650’s prequels?


Wel yeah, but how do keep them the same (like what are the settings you should put them to or such). A screenshot would be helpful if that is possible. Thanks for your patience and help, I’m not very tech savy when it comes to handbrake, so its great help!


So good news! I managed to get the picture right and looks fantastic. On the other hand, the sound is being a sarlacc pit. When I play the movie, it comes out crackling the star wars theme and does it the rest of the way. I tried plugging the usb in the tv and it sounded fine, but it wasn’t using dts for the surround sound. I think it has something to do with the sorround sound, and I tried a different bluray with dts (and the logo showed up on my sound system) and sounded beautiful. What I think is going on has something to do with the file, because I tried putting the audio through dts hd passthru on mp4 and my bluray said “audio codec not accepted”. When I tried it with mkv, it was accepted but only crackles the sound out bits at a time. Can someone help out please?!?!?


Ok, I have tried the audio codecs that would be close enough to the surround sound mix and your suggestions Smithers. But when I put in the flash drive it keeps on crackling. This definitely means that there is something up with my surround sound system and I will be consulting my dad about it. Not sure what it is, but whatever is going on, one of the systems is smoking a whole lotta crack…


Deloreanhunter12 said:

Ok, I have tried the audio codecs that would be close enough to the surround sound mix and your suggestions Smithers. But when I put in the flash drive it keeps on crackling. This definitely means that there is something up with my surround sound system and I will be consulting my dad about it. Not sure what it is, but whatever is going on, one of the systems is smoking a whole lotta crack…

So you got the picture to your liking? I was going to give you Tips about the grain issue.
Did you try the Auto-Passthru setting as suggested for your Audio?
That would duplicate the original track exactly. Does your playback hardware support THAT Codec?

I thought I recognized your foul stench when I entered this forum!


The picture I got to my liking. The issue is when I play the audio back on my bluray player (I use a 32gb usb). Strangely enough when I tried using the dts-hd passthru on handbrake and played it back through vlc, it sounded fine. Then I played it back through my bluray player and it crackled. I also tried auto passthru on handbrake with similar results. I’m going to attempt two tries with vlc conversion and if that fails, I’ll need to find a different means of conversion…


Hey kk650, thank you for getting back to me I highly appreciate it. I just found a different place to get Jedi 2.15 it unfortunately didn’t have the a dts 5.1 mix but I’ll just wait for a future version that comes along . I wanted to ask would you mind if I work on finding corrected chapters marks your Semi Specailized OT regrads ? I would love to work on it. Being you edited out some of the changes its goes out of chapters points go out to sync when you go through. So if you’d like I would love to work on it and send you the corrected points.

All my life as I looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never in my mind did I know where I was, what I was doing.


Hi KK650, I am attempting to make some disc art for your regrained prequels and was wondering if you had a logo in mind for yourself? Also to anyone out there who has them, I need a black and white 2000 x 633 logo of Attack of the Clones, that is the only two things I need to complete them…


http://s1043.photobucket.com/user/moviedrhari/media/Star Wars Episode 1 Regrained v2-1_zps68vtcbab.png.html?filters[user]=145339342&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1

http://s1043.photobucket.com/user/moviedrhari/media/Star Wars Episode 1 Regrained-1_zpswn48nkgw.png.html?filters[user]=145339342&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

That’s what I have so far. They are the two different styles I’m going with for the whole trilogy. Episode 3 is done, but Episode 2 just needs the title and a few adjustments. I think it looks good as is (aside from Episode 2), but I would appreciate feedback or criticism on them…


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

I did a whole bunch of tinkering to make it look more professional and this was the end result. I decided that the fate of the second style of cover is to be the main box cover. There is still more editing to be done (especially with Attack of the Clones ironically enough), and once again would like to have your input on what to improve on… Also huge thanks to KK650’s and Harmy’s work for inspiring me to push through with these designs!!! 😃


Here is a sneak peek at what is to come with my new cover art (new fonts, logos, etc)…

Episode 1 Disc

Episode 1 Box Art

There may be more tinkering with Phantom Menace, but in my book it is near 98% complete…


Finished all of the covers! I am planning on uploading them to Customaniacs.org. I am also in the midst of purchasing Adobe Encore CS6 with intentions to create full Blurays for this set!!! PM me if you would like to take a look or download the covers…


Is there still a way for me to get the ROTS regraded?? 0 seeders on the spleen and no where else for me to look. I really want to get my hands on it.


Try again on spleen. Should be complete and going fast in some hours.