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Peter Mayhew Tweeting Star Wars "Journal of the Whills" script. "Big announcement" to follow...


He’s going to pull George’s limbs out of their sockets if no release of the OUT?


I doubt it’s his retirement, we know he’s doing VIII and this seems like a weird time to be making announcements about what he means to do beyond that. Honestly, the OUT didn’t even occur to me when I saw this story yesterday. Here’s hoping it’s that. Maybe a young Han Solo casting announcement? Though I doubt that would be Peter’s news to break. I guess we wait and see. How many pages is the SW shooting script, anyway?


He will just offer his Star Wars shooting script for sale…


I just cleared a space on my bookcase… probably reading too much into this, but I can’t imagine what other kind of announcement would tie so well into this kind of tease (add in my certainty that a Chewbacca anthology film would probably be incredibly boring).

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


joefavs said:

I doubt it’s his retirement, we know he’s doing VIII and this seems like a weird time to be making announcements about what he means to do beyond that. Honestly, the OUT didn’t even occur to me when I saw this story yesterday. Here’s hoping it’s that. Maybe a young Han Solo casting announcement? Though I doubt that would be Peter’s news to break. I guess we wait and see. How many pages is the SW shooting script, anyway?

I mean, he never says he would be the one making the announcement. Just that it would be “a” big announcement. My bet is that he knows Disney/Lucasfilm is announcing the OUT for the 40th anniversary on a certain date. It would explain why he’s sharing his script of the original film to commemorate the occasion. Seems more likely it’s about something old than something new.

And if that is true I really hope they not only release it on Blu-ray, but also screen the restoration in a theatrical re-release. I don’t want to get too excited, but with all the buzz going on recently it seems inevitable and the 40th anniversary, 20 years after the Special Edition, is the perfect time. Add on top of that Rogue One’s connection to the original and the fact that Episode 8 was pushed back to December and it seems like May 2017 would be the absolutely perfect time for a theatrical re-release. It’s like too perfect, all the stars are aligned exactly right. Disney would be stupid not to do it.


Something just went off in my head. . . . What if this “unethically acquired” content from -1 is pirated from Lucasfilm? Maybe they have a mole, or one of them works for Lucasfilm? Is the team membership actually known? Might explain some of their weird ass behavior and secrecy/stinginess with sources.

One can dream.

Also note a 2-hour script will run ~120 pages.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


It would be best not to speculate about it, especially in an unrelated thread.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Well it is related. We’re speculating about what Mayhew’s announcement means, and if his theory is correct that would be yet another clue that the OUT release is imminent.


I’d forgot Luke was called “Wormie” by the others at Tosche Station. Heh.

What’s 300 feet long and hides beneath sand dunes?

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


John Doom said:
Mayhew tweeted Biggs’ farewell to Luke on Tatooine: https://twitter.com/TheWookieeRoars/status/701178311175614464

The tagline on that latest post is pushing the 40 year thing. And it really doesn’t make sense. “It’s wonderful seeing how far we’ve come in 40 years.” It’s a photo of a movie script (also, someone please buy Mayhew a flatbed scanner). So why mention 40 years unless . . . the news has something to do with 40 years?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

John Doom said:
Mayhew tweeted Biggs’ farewell to Luke on Tatooine: https://twitter.com/TheWookieeRoars/status/701178311175614464

The tagline on that latest post is pushing the 40 year thing. And it really doesn’t make sense. “It’s wonderful seeing how far we’ve come in 40 years.” It’s a photo of a movie script (also, someone please buy Mayhew a flatbed scanner). So why mention 40 years unless . . . the news has something to do with 40 years?

I think it’s either a comment on the quality of dialogue or a gay joke…?

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


I thought it was a comment on how Star Wars is now some sort of colossal franchise bestriding the world like a racist Oxford statue.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I would think slapping a 40 year old script on a scanner might fade the pages.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV’s Frink said:

Tack said:

or a gay joke…?


I don’t know. Reading this now, I don’t even understand my own logic…

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


He wasn’t actually shown drinking it in the Marvel comic.

But Spaceballs did.

There could easily be a small reservoir inside the mask allowing Vader to take a small sip, which he would then drink via a straw type mechanism, (astronauts have been able to drink while in suit since the 60’s) but I don’t think they had actually figured out how what Vader actually was like behind the mask before the sequels.

The business with Force levitating the cup was also in the novel.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?