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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers ** — Page 4


DominicCobb said:

Some details: release date is May 25, 2018. Han will be late teens/early 20s. Was originally going to be the third anthology film but the second (most likely Boba Fett) got pushed back because Josh Trank is an asshole.

source: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/13/star-wars-anthology-young-han-solo/


I think the postponed movie is about Kenobi, specially because of this statement by Kennedy

“It’s still one of the stories that we absolutely want to tell,” she says. “There is a lot of innovative technology in and around what it is we’re doing with that story, so for a lot of reasons, we were comfortable postponing that. But we’re definitely still developing it.”

Probably the "technology" in development is related to matching Ewan and Guiness


I'd be surprised if they're doing a Kenobi movie. They seem to be putting the PT behind them (even if Ben is an OT character, McGregor makes it closer to the PT perception wise). Besides, I get the idea that the anthology movies are the non Jedi movies (though people with special powers does fit in Trank's wheelhouse).

I would love to see a Kenobi movie though. But Boba Fett makes more sense. A fan favorite character who hasn't actually done anything on film.


And Ewan is fully on board with wanting to do a film. Wouldn't be too surprised if it happens.

I don't know what technology they're talking about for this mystery film, but I ant imagine it's to make him look like Alec. They could make him look generally older, but trying to match him with some new tech sounds silly and awful.


Maybe it's tech to keep every spinoff from costing $200 million to make?

I doubt the Kenobi one is going to be entirely set on Tatooine either.

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DominicCobb said:

I'd be surprised if they're doing a Kenobi movie. They seem to be putting the PT behind them (even if Ben is an OT character, McGregor makes it closer to the PT perception wise). Besides, I get the idea that the anthology movies are the non Jedi movies (though people with special powers does fit in Trank's wheelhouse).

I would love to see a Kenobi movie though. But Boba Fett makes more sense. A fan favorite character who hasn't actually done anything on film.

 Even if I'm for the direction they're taking the saga, I don't think it's time to put the PT behind. On the contrary, it's time to make all the stand alone films possible based on the PT, while all the actors are still young and look close in age to what they portrayed between 99 and 05.


Post TCW, there's very little ground left to cover between AOTC and ROTS.

Maybe there's a Qui Gon story to be told before TPM, but would Liam Neeson want to come back at this point?

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I'd rather see spinoffs of what happened after ROTJ and before TFA, instead of pre-ANH.


I believe the thing would be to make some TCW arc into a movie


I would like them to make a movie that is removed from the time period of the PT/OT and explore something new, but still obviously Star Wars.


unamochilla2 said:

I'd rather see spinoffs of what happened after ROTJ and before TFA, instead of pre-ANH.

 Yes! To unamochilla2 you listen! 

But what I'd really like to see are films set during the Rebellion. Lots of potential for great war films. Which is why I'm really psyched for Rogue One.

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SilverWook said:

Maybe it's tech to keep every spinoff from costing $200 million to make?

I doubt the Kenobi one is going to be entirely set on Tatooine either.

 yeah, "The Ben Kenobi Chronicles, Episode I: Old Ben goes to the shops for a pack of smokes."


Ben must have gone off world at least once during all those years. He was pretty familiar with Mos Eisely, and where to find the best pilots for hire.

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Watch this link below and tell me if you think this guy should not at least a screentest audition for the Solo movie. It's almost feels like destiny. Now some will say he's just an imitator and has little acting experience, just like many people in the SW movies had little experience before they were cast.

At least screentest the guy, he look more like Ford than anyone else does. Ford was his hero and inspiration to get into acting. He is 25 now. They said late teens early 20s Han in the upcoming film. But if 25 year old Hamill can play near 20 year old Luke, why can't Anthony play Solo being slightly younger?



Wow! It's a young Bob Falfa! ;)

Seriously though, Lucasfilm should be talking to this guy.

JEDIT: Hard to find an image that won't break!

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Where were you in '77?


imperialscum said:

emanswfan said:

Still a little worried about a young Han Solo

That will be the hardest thing to do right. I can't imagine anyone replacing Ford.

 I'm with you on that........ the movie may turn out being great, but in my mind only harrison ford IS han solo.


I only just realised the title of this thread is an hilarious pun. Nice work Dom!

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.Mac. said:

Since this is confirmed to happen, anyone else interested in seeing Anthony Ingruber being cast as young Han Solo?

I sure am, after watching the clip below - his voice is spot on and he looks very much like a young Harrison (in fact, he did play a young Harrison the movie The Age of Adaline).

Harrison Ford Impression

 wow he's really got it!


SilverWook said:

Wow! It's a young Bob Falfa! ;)

Seriously though, Lucasfilm should be talking to this guy.

JEDIT: Hard to find an image that won't break!

I really hope they do too. Not that JJ is involved with this Solo stand-alone, but I think I remember reading somewhere that he was impressed with Ingruber; so it sounds like Ingruber is at least for sure known to Lucasfilm.

After listening to this interview with SchmoesKnow https://youtu.be/8Ff3dL1YdS8 he's a really cool guy too I think. In there when he's asked to say something as Harrison Ford, it's awesome how great he is at impromptu, and that is a sign of a great actor! Like other people here, I cannot imagine anyone else as Han Solo but Ford himself (certainly not Chris Pine, even if he's a cool actor too) but this Anthony Ingruber guy, who looks very much like and sounds like Harrison, he is the only one who I can see it working very well with. He gets my full support.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


.Mac. said:

SilverWook said:

Wow! It's a young Bob Falfa! ;)

Seriously though, Lucasfilm should be talking to this guy.

JEDIT: Hard to find an image that won't break!

I really hope they do too. Not that JJ is involved with this Solo stand-alone, but I think I remember reading somewhere that he was impressed with Ingruber; so it sounds like Ingruber is at least for sure known to Lucasfilm.

After listening to this interview with SchmoesKnow https://youtu.be/8Ff3dL1YdS8 he's a really cool guy too I think. In there when he's asked to say something as Harrison Ford, it's awesome how great he is at impromptu, and that is a sign of a great actor! Like other people here, I cannot imagine anyone else as Han Solo but Ford himself (certainly not Chris Pine, even if he's a cool actor too) but this Anthony Ingruber guy, who looks very much like and sounds like Harrison, he is the only one who I can see it working very well with. He gets my full support.

 I said the same thing, Han IS Harrison Ford. But if they are going to make a Han Solo movie regardless, I believe this is their guy.


Any thoughts on this?
They’ve apparently narrowed it down to about a dozen actors, but this article only showed eight of them.

Can’t say I’m personally too impressed, but then again it’s hard to judge any of them based on just these pictures (also I haven’t a clue who any of these guys are). As far a appearances go the last guy was the only one I though looked somewhat like Harrison Ford.

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ZkinandBonez said:

Any thoughts on this?
They’ve apparently narrowed it down to about a dozen actors, but this article only showed eight of them.

Can’t say I’m personally too impressed, but then again it’s hard to judge any of them based on just these pictures (also I haven’t a clue who any of these guys are). As far a appearances go the last guy was the only one I though looked somewhat like Harrison Ford.

Anthony Ingruber put this message on facebook 16h ago: “I cant keep refreshing my feed fast enough to keep up with all the amazing messages. I dont know whats gonna happen with Han Solo but im so grateful to all of you!”
So my question is… if he was not on the “final 12” do you think he would post such a facebook message?

Honnestly if Ingruber is not cast it will be hard for this movie to interest me much, unless the first trailer is jaw-droppingly amazing.
(I guess the guy from the 8 names that looks (kinda) the part the most to me is Ansel Elgort.)


I don’t particularly want this film…

Having Ewan McGregor reprising his role could work, though