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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 4


This is the only place I’ve seen Poe hate and honestly I can’t fathom why. Isaac killed with his brief screen time. My biggest criticism of the film might honestly be there wasn’t enough of him.

I actually think he’s going to inherit Han’s place as the charming and witty hotshot pilot (with rugged good looks). Obviously there’s a crucial difference in his character though - his optimism and fervent heroism - which actually provides a nice counterpoint to Finn and Rey’s more reluctant heroism (sort of a reverse of the OT). I saw an interview with Isaac where he says that he imagines his character might have been at the medal ceremony on Yavin or something like that as a kid, and basically thought “I want to be them someday.” It’s a pretty cool thing to keep in mind and it certainly shines through when you watch his scenes.

Mostly though, I just LOVE his chemistry with Boyega. Can’t wait for their buddy adventure next film (assuming Rey’s still off training).

RE: Lando. Don’t know if he needs to come back (what would he add?) but it could be fun. One of my friends was worried he might have been on the planet that got blowed up, but I said I don’t think he’d be a senator, but then I thought about it and honestly Lando could easily be a politician in his later years. Might be interesting to see him in that sort of role.


Lando’s Angels? I like that idea! 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Lando will be in charge of an independent business in The First Order Strikes Back before Captain Phasma forces him to help her entrap our heroes there. Then he’ll die helping them escape. Rey will face Kylo, where it will be revealed that they are siblings.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Why that slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler!

The Rise of Failures


How about this? Harrison Ford is back for episode VIII, not as Han Solo, but as an older Kylo Ren who time traveled back from the future.

One way this could work is old Kylo turned back to the light and is now Jedi Knight Ben Solo. He travels back in time and teams up side by side with Luke Skywalker to face his younger self in an epic lightsaber battle and kills him thus preventing Luke’s death and saving the galaxy. The movie would then end with him fading out of existence.




So okay, either this guy is mishearing what Kylo Ren says, or Kylo actually says what the guy claims he says (it’s hard to tell what is said until the subtitle is shown in this particular video), OR since this is a simple kid’s game, it means nothing really. Thoughts?

Edit: This guy already made the video private so that no one else can see it. I suspect he found out what really is said, but my headphones are so damn shitty that I can’t tell with clarity what that Kylo Ren video game character is saying.

Edit 2: The uploader via Twitter said he misheard since later on during the game play walkthrough, the line is clearer. The guy originally thought “cousin” was said but it’s “curses”. Basically, ignore this post lol.

The Rise of Failures


I was thinking about the flashback, and the image of Rey standing with the lightsaber in the corridor at Bespin. Everyone assumes it was looking back into the past when Luke faced Vader in that exact spot, but now I’m starting to wonder if that was really a vision of the future.

Maybe Rey fights someone at Bespin in the next film?


Story would be so much better if Kylo were a relic hunter gaining in the dark side, and Luke was training Rey to stop him (and neither of them related to anyone from the OT!). Would have been cool to see Rey and Kylo duel each other in the same spot at Bespin.

Anyway I wonder what they are going to do with Luke? He’s too old to really be a physical fighter, so the more I think about it the more I hate that shot of Rey handing him his lightsaber. There’s something to be said for Yoda and The Emperor being so strong in the force in the OT that neither of them needed a lightsaber. You would think Luke would be stronger than that by now as well.

Kind of made him into a ***** that he ran off and hid somewhere while Han died and the galaxy fell apart.

Can’t say that sits well with me because that’s not Luke from the OT.


Obi-Wan wasn’t strong enough to win and his job was to keep an eye on the boy. If he hadn’t gone into hiding, Vader and The Emperor would have surely killed him and who knows what would have happened to Luke. Certainly he would have never received the droids or had a reason to go to Alderaan.

I felt like at the end of the OT, Luke was the strongest force user in the galaxy and unassailable by whatever was left of the Empire.


Yoda was supposed to be stronger than all of them, yet he also ran off to dagobah, AND didn’t have anyone to protect.


Yoda didn’t have an entire Empire at his disposal. I also always thought that if Vader and The Emperor knew of him or knew where he was, they would have been able to kill him too. It’s debatable if he was stronger or not (maybe because of his age), plus it was 2 against 1, and they had infinite resources at their disposal that he didn’t have.


Luke most likely didn’t have unlimited resources either, I don’t see what he did as any different than what yoda or ben did.


boredom3031 said:

Luke most likely didn’t have unlimited resources either, I don’t see what he did as any different than what yoda or ben did.

I agree with this, and we don’t even know exactly what the exact circumstances or what Luke’s reason for going into exile was yet. Before the prequels we didn’t know why Ben or Yoda were either, and the explanation provided by them didn’t make any sense. Why didnt they just all go hide out on Dagobah and train up the Skywalker twins and then go after the Sith as a foursome?


Alderaan said:

Story would be so much better if Kylo were a relic hunter gaining in the dark side, and Luke was training Rey to stop him (and neither of them related to anyone from the OT!). Would have been cool to see Rey and Kylo duel each other in the same spot at Bespin.

Anyway I wonder what they are going to do with Luke? He’s too old to really be a physical fighter, so the more I think about it the more I hate that shot of Rey handing him his lightsaber. There’s something to be said for Yoda and The Emperor being so strong in the force in the OT that neither of them needed a lightsaber. You would think Luke would be stronger than that by now as well.

Kind of made him into a ***** that he ran off and hid somewhere while Han died and the galaxy fell apart.

Can’t say that sits well with me because that’s not Luke from the OT.

Then why did Mark get back in shape for the role? The costume could conceal his weight, and they have already shot scenes for the next film on Skellig.

Luke didn’t actually take it from her. It was more like Rey saying “teach me”.

And I don’t think Luke ran. You don’t run, and leave a map behind for people to find you when the time is right. There’s some reason he went to that planet. He could have just as easily gone to Dagobah if he never wanted to be found.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Did he leave a map for someone to find though? I thought the whole map thing had to do with the location of the first Jedi temple? Also the section of the map that Sydow (still can’t remember the character name) gave to Poe, wasn’t it parts of the Unknown Regions, which is where the First Order seem to he hiding in this canon? I also seem to recall something about Imperial charts, or something like that.
Anyway, I thought it was more a matter of finding out where Luke had gone, as opposed to him leaving clues for people to find.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


hydrospanner said:
Before the prequels we didn’t know why Ben or Yoda were either

I don’t understand this statement. The backstory was inferred before the prequels, and those films are not necessary to understand Star Wars. Often they contradict the OT which was then retconned. I personally believe the OT is the only thing that matters when deciphering events of the Star Wars universe, but you can see things however you want.

As far as I’m concerned (all from the OT)…

Yoda taught Obi-Wan. When and where he taught Obi-Wan is never established and it’s irrelevant anyway. Coruscant, midi-chlorians, none of that bullshit exists in the OT. What is known is that Obi-Wan taught Anakin, and they became friends. Anakin was then seduced by the dark side and became Darth Vader, the Emperor’s new apprentice.

From there, Vader betrayed his fellow Jedi and helped the new Galactic Empire kill nearly all of them. Only Obi-Wan, Yoda, baby Luke and Leia remained. How the others were all killed, indeed how many were killed is never stated and also irrelevant to the Star Wars story. The only information that matters is that Obi-Wan took Luke and his aunt and uncle and went into hiding on Tatooine, Leia was taken to Alderaan, and Yoda lived on Dagobah. There is no hint that Yoda went into exile; rather, it always seemed to me that Dagobah was his home planet, and the reason he was never discovered was because Vader and the Emperor didn’t even know who he existed. In all of Vader’s dialogue in the OT, he mentions Obi-Wan’s name many times, but never says the name of Yoda even once. The only inference that can be made is that he (and therefore the Emperor) did not know who Yoda was.

The only explanation for why Luke Skywalker was able to live and grow up with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru is that they too were in exile. Obi-Wan must have taken both of them with Luke into exile on Tatooine, and ordered them to raise the boy. It’s not possible in the OT for the Skywalkers to have come from Tatooine originally, otherwise Kenobi and Luke and his aunt/uncle would have all been found and destroyed.

Thus, as far as I’m concerned, the idiotic retconning that Anakin’s home planet was Tatooine, that he somehow made C3PO, that Yoda taught all Jedi and was known by Vader and the Emperor, that he knew Chewie, and that we almost got baby Han in the prequels, is all bullshit to someone like me.

As far as I’m concerned, the prequels are bullshit and have no influence on the story of the OT and might as well not even exist. I suggest other people take the same approach, but YMMV.


Alderaan said:

Yoda taught Obi-Wan. When and where he taught Obi-Wan is never established and it’s irrelevant anyway. Coruscant, midi-chlorians, none of that bullshit exists in the OT. What is known is that Obi-Wan taught Anakin, and they became friends. Anakin was then seduced by the dark side and became Darth Vader, the Emperor’s new apprentice.

Not that I’m disagreeing (because I completely agree that the PT has no authority over the OT which came first), but just to be nitpicky, Coruscant has been part of the canon since the beginning. The name is technically from the EU, it’s from the Thrawn trilogy I believe, but the Imperial capital / ex Republic capital, has been mentioned since the beginning. In some of the early drafts I believe it was even referred to as Utapau.

Alderaan said:
From there, Vader betrayed his fellow Jedi and helped the new Galactic Empire kill nearly all of them. Only Obi-Wan, Yoda, baby Luke and Leia remained. How the others were all killed, indeed how many were killed is never stated and also irrelevant to the Star Wars story. The only information that matters is that Obi-Wan took Luke and his aunt and uncle and went into hiding on Tatooine, Leia was taken to Alderaan, and Yoda lived on Dagobah. There is no hint that Yoda went into exile; rather, it always seemed to me that Dagobah was his home planet, and the reason he was never discovered was because Vader and the Emperor didn’t even know who he existed. In all of Vader’s dialogue in the OT, he mentions Obi-Wan’s name many times, but never says the name of Yoda even once. The only inference that can be made is that he (and therefore the Emperor) did not know who Yoda was.

In the novelization of ROTJ, which was offical canon, e.g. Lucas canon, not just EU canon, has Palpatine mention Yoda in a very vague way. After having asked Luke who finished his training he says; “There was one called… Yoda. An aged Master Jed…Ah, I see by your countenance that I have hit a chord…Yoda, then.” He even asks Luke if he’s still alive, so Yoda was never as important as he was made up to be in the PT.

Alderaan said:
The only explanation for why Luke Skywalker was able to live and grow up with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru is that they too were in exile. Obi-Wan must have taken both of them with Luke into exile on Tatooine, and ordered them to raise the boy. It’s not possible in the OT for the Skywalkers to have come from Tatooine originally, otherwise Kenobi and Luke and his aunt/uncle would have all been found and destroyed.

Also your idea that Obi-Wan took Owen and Beru into hiding as well is a pretty interesting idea that I’ve never heard before. That could explain why Owen resents him so much. Tatooine isn’t exactly the nicest place in the galaxy.
However in the novelization of ROTJ, like I said before, technically Lucas canon, Owen is actually Obi-Wan’s brother.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


TavorX said:

joefavs said:


Kathleen Kennedy confirmed at the European TFA premiere that “all the cast members you see here tonight” will be back for Episode VIII. Present at the event? Harrison Ford. Now, KK could very well have been bending the truth to avoid spoiling TFA, but if she wasn’t, what do we think this means? Personally, my money is on Kylo having an hallucination of the old man.

Max von Sydow is also in that shot too and he was killed within the first scene! I’m thinking they’ll show some flashbacks then as well in VIII…?

I really don’t want to see Han again. Even cameo appearances will make his death feel cheapened.

Edit: Actually, it could work to help flesh out Kylo Ren if need be. Han for flashback (although, that’s a weird territory for a SW film to go into), I’ll tolerate. Han SURVIVING, that’s a huge no-no.

Maybe Max Von faked his death and is Snoke, still want Leia to be Snoke though.