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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 195


New Disney featurette on Rey with some new clips from the movie and behind the scenes;

Also, someone pointed out that we may have gotten our first glimpse of Simon Pegg’s character;

(The background does however not seem to match to me, in the D23 B-roll we saw Pegg being on location in the desert and the shot below looks like it’s in Kanata’s castle with all the other alien pirates. It’s hard to tell though, we could get a cantina-type scene on Jakku as well.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


they sure like chopping her lines up don’t they.

“Classified Really?” “Yeah it’s amazing”

and the other one about her waiting for her family.


Kind of interesting new image of Billie Lourd’s character as well as a droid called PZ-4CO.
The droid was reffered to as “a constant fixture in Resistance base control rooms, offering tactical data and communications support during important operations.”
So it seems that Lourd is just playing some random Resistance communication officer, or something similar.


Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

joefavs said:

And here’s something really interesting. Empire Magazine gives us our first canonical map of the galaxy:
Alt text

Tobar said:

UGH, they kept the Unknown Regions as a giant blot that reaches right next to the Galactic Core. So DUMB.

I’ve always maintained that the Unknown Regions should have been one of the spiral arms of the galaxy. At least that would have made some sense.

Hasn’t it always been like that in SW canon though?

It’s still stupid.

It takes Yoda – what? – a couple hours to take a trip from Coruscant to Moraband, but no one from Coruscant’s ever sent explorers into the Unknown Regions, which is significantly closer to Coruscant than Moraband is?

Personally, I feel that when the powers-that-be decided to reintroduce the Unknown Regions, either the Unknown and Known Regions of the galaxy should have swapped places (making the Republic/Empire/etc. a smaller corner of a larger, unexplored galaxy) or the Unknown Regions should have been made to completely surround the Known Regions, like a ring.

It is a bit odd, but then again we had Vikings in real life travelling as far as to the Midlle East (possibly even China), yet hardly anyone ever thought about travelling across the Atlantic ocean. Once you’ve established trade-routes in one direction, you usually have very few reasons to travel in the other direction. It’s just a waste of time and money.

Also is there any canon-for how long these journeys really take? For all we know a trip from Coruscant to Moraband might take days, if not weeks. And even if it doesn’t take that long, it does help to have light-speed when you know exactly what planet you’re aiming for. Space is mostly just emptiness, and exploring the Unknown Regions regardless of how close the borders are would still just be a very slow sub-light-speed scan of mostly empty space. When the other half of the galaxy is explored, why waste your time and money on the other?

Having said that, however, I would have preferred it to be a little bit further away from the core. But it also does kind of make sense, so I’m not going to waste any effort getting annoyed at it.
I would however be very interested to hear why they specifically decided to design the SW-galaxy like that. I still find it an oddly specific thing to add to the canon.

The thing is that unknown regions as they were/are on the map were probably intended to be a state from the old republic era (KOTOR), i.e. 4000 years before OT. Your example about Vikings would make sense for that period. But to assume they remained unexplored for 4000 years is just stupid.



ZkinandBonez said:

I’m not saying it’s brilliant, I’m just saying that the galaxy is pretty friggin’ big and exploring a big chunk of mostly empty space might not be a big priority once you’ve already mapped most of the other half of the galaxy. I’m guessing that the mapping of the “eastern” part of the galaxy was achieved through the races that the people from the core-world met along the way. F.ex. you find one planet that’s inhabited, and you learn about 10 more planets from them. Exploring those 10 you discover 5 more, and from one of their civilizations you discover 10 more, etc, etc. And before you know it you established trade routes, political ties, and explored a large part of the galaxy. The “western” half on the other hand may never have had that first meeting which eventually lead to what is an almost exponential growth in knowledge/expansion. Without that first meeting you are essentially just faced with what is 99,99% empty space and no real starting point for exploration. So even with lightspeed technology it’s far from impossible to spend the next 4000 years not knowing what lies in the “western”-half of the galaxy even if it is right next to you.

(And as for the whole Viking-analogy goes. During a roughly 3-4000 year period of seafaring capabilities there was only one known expedition over the Atlantic ocean. They eventually figured it wasn’t worth their time since everything they needed as far as trade went was east of them anyway, so they simply decided to leave America alone, and for another 1000-ish years it was assumed to have just been some small-ish, uninteresting island somewhere west of Greenland.
Also space is a hell-of-a-lot larger than any areas we’ve ever had to explore on our own planet. At least we can make a full journey around the planet if we get lost. If you explore space however, you could be travelling through nothingness for an eternity.

Sorry but your analogy is not very convincing. It is completely out of scale. Vikings might have ventured briefly to America but that doesn’t mean they explored/settled any significant portion of it, let alone half of the world (which is required to meet our Star Wars example). They effectively explored and used a very small portion of the world. On the other hand, our Star Wars example dictates that half of the galaxy was completely explored (and used) while the other half was unknown. If you have the capability to discover/colonise half of the world then the other half will naturally follow very soon, as in the case of 16th-17th century European discoveries and colonisation.



We’re getting way off topic with this Unknown Regions stuff, but could it have anything to do with something the Rakatans set up? Maybe they’ve booby trapped the place like Alastair Reynolds’s Inhibitors.


imperialscum said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’m not saying it’s brilliant, I’m just saying that the galaxy is pretty friggin’ big and exploring a big chunk of mostly empty space might not be a big priority once you’ve already mapped most of the other half of the galaxy. I’m guessing that the mapping of the “eastern” part of the galaxy was achieved through the races that the people from the core-world met along the way. F.ex. you find one planet that’s inhabited, and you learn about 10 more planets from them. Exploring those 10 you discover 5 more, and from one of their civilizations you discover 10 more, etc, etc. And before you know it you established trade routes, political ties, and explored a large part of the galaxy. The “western” half on the other hand may never have had that first meeting which eventually lead to what is an almost exponential growth in knowledge/expansion. Without that first meeting you are essentially just faced with what is 99,99% empty space and no real starting point for exploration. So even with lightspeed technology it’s far from impossible to spend the next 4000 years not knowing what lies in the “western”-half of the galaxy even if it is right next to you.

(And as for the whole Viking-analogy goes. During a roughly 3-4000 year period of seafaring capabilities there was only one known expedition over the Atlantic ocean. They eventually figured it wasn’t worth their time since everything they needed as far as trade went was east of them anyway, so they simply decided to leave America alone, and for another 1000-ish years it was assumed to have just been some small-ish, uninteresting island somewhere west of Greenland.
Also space is a hell-of-a-lot larger than any areas we’ve ever had to explore on our own planet. At least we can make a full journey around the planet if we get lost. If you explore space however, you could be travelling through nothingness for an eternity.

Sorry but your analogy is not very convincing. It is completely out of scale. Vikings might have ventured briefly to America but that doesn’t mean they explored/settled any significant portion of it, let alone half of the world (which is required to meet our Star Wars example). They effectively explored and used a very small portion of the world. On the other hand, our Star Wars example dictates that half of the galaxy was completely explored (and used) while the other half was unknown. If you have the capability to discover/colonise half of the world then the other half will naturally follow very soon, as in the case of 16th-17th century European discoveries and colonisation.

“our Star Wars example dictates that half of the galaxy was completely explored”
When was that established? I’m pretty sure there are still unexplored planets, and solar systems even within the “explored” half of the galaxy. There’s even some pretty large empty spots on the map even within the “eastern” half.

Also my Viking-analogy wasn’t meant to perfectly fit with the SW universe-lore, I was just pointing out that even on our small planet something as gigantic as the American continent wen’t undiscovered for a very, very long time. And since space exploration, even with lightspeed, would still be an extremely time-consuming and arduous task, taking thousands of years just to discover a fraction of it. And in SW lore the Republic is about 25 000 years old, meaning that all that is on the map (the old one) has been mapped out in roughly that same period of time. And I doubt that they simply flew around in empty space and happened to come across all the planets that are on the map. Keep in mind that lightspeed only works if you know exactly where you are going. This means that in order to find a planet you need to travel in sub-light speed, and of course that can take an infinite amount of time unless you’re really lucky. Also like I suggested in my previous post, they probably discovered most planets through other civilizations over the course of those 25 000 years. Each civilization having explored their own sector at sub-light speed, sharing their star-maps with others that they come across, and quickly you’ll have a decent amount of planets to travel to. However, even then you’ll need thousands of years to map an area as large as the one on the map above.
The main reason it never takes any of the SW characters any time to travel across the galaxy is because they already know the coordinates. Warping into the unknown region would be dangerous and pointless as there’s a tiny fraction of a chance that they would hit anything at all. And for that sake they could actually literally “hit” something. Without anyone to guide their way over the course of thousands of years it’s essentially just pointless, mostly-empty space until someone makes contact or some crazy, lucky explorer comes across something (and on the maps there’s at least 5 or so planets that they seem to have found that way).

Anyway, we’re getting off-topic. Maybe we should add this conversation to a new thread and continue the discussion there?

**EDIT: I reposted the conversation on this new thread; http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Why-is-the-Unknown-Region-so-close-to-the-Deep-Core-Continued-discussion/id/46322 **

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

Anyway, we’re getting off-topic. Maybe we should add this conversation to a new thread and continue the discussion there?

An excellent idea.

Forum Moderator

To the comment earlier about Jakku being surprisingly close to the core:

I noticed it’s about halfway there from Endor. Maybe the Rebels just kept fighting the Imperials straight back to the core worlds and Jakku was the sight of a decisive battle along the way?


^I like that a lot. I doubt the movie will give us an explicit answer about that, but I’ve got a feeling the Aftermath books are building to the battle of Jakku. I think the next one of those is out in April, so if we don’t find out next month we might then.


New Finn’s Adventure featurette from Disney, as well as a new TV spot;

Disney Featurette (direct link)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Whether it’s a flop or not…im not bothered. Btw im wearing this for the premiere


Thanks bro!!! love the hate. I got Star wars socks too :p


Thomas86 said:

Thanks bro!!! love the hate. I got Star wars socks too :p

No wai brah, can you spam another link d00d?

At least most of the shitty ads are from bots. Good luck selling your garbage.


Garbage is what you say for something useless…apparently, clothing is useless for you :p


Moderator warning. Do not spam this thread again.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


ray_afraid said:

timdiggerm said:
Bad news: Still opens with a lightaber floating in spaaaaaaace

Ugh… that’s such a stupid concept. Surely it can’t be true. Opening with something that throws reality so far out the window doesn’t set a good tone…

The TFN thread about all this has a guy claiming the film won’t open this way, because a children’s book indicates Poe is carrying around the plans to the Starkiller instead of the lightsaber, but who knows.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I also recall Devin Faraci (who I believe was the one who made the claim in the first place) speculating a few weeks back that the lightsaber in space thing was leaked intentionally to gauge fan reaction, and that he suspects they changed it when it became apparent just how much everyone hated it. If this stuff actually is from production, that change wouldn’t have been made yet.