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Random Thoughts — Page 306


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Okay I just watched SF Debris' Before and after review and can i just take minute to talk about something that bugs me in this episode and it has nothing to do with Kes's whole family being purged from existence jut to please the shippers(But that does really bug me. I mean basically her whole family gets killed and it has no negative impact on her),it's something that bugs me in science fiction in general and not just Voyager. Alien life spans. In this episode Kes is dying because she just turned nine and her people only live nine years. Anyone ever notice that it doesn't matter if it is nine years or nine hundred years when alien lifespans are mentions on Sci-Fi it is always very exact and every alien we meet always seems to live that exact number of years unless they get shot or something. if they are under the life span they are never in any danger of dying and once they reach that lifespan it like a switch flips and they just drop dead. it doesn't matter what kind of health they are in,they can't do a thing to prolong their lives like eating right or stuff like that,once they hit that magic number they are dead and everyone knows it. That is not how it works in real life. I mean right now the average human lifespan goes into the late 70s but my maternal grandfather died in his early 60s and paternal grandmother made it to 89,but if they were aliens in science fiction we would be told their race lives to 78 and my grandfather would have made it to that age without any problems and my grandmother would have dropped dead 11 years before she did.

It may not be the biggest issue in the world but it always makes Sci-Fi feel fake and like it comes from the pen of a writer rather then taking place in a real world to me.

Am I the only one who is bugged by this?

I never really thought about it before, but now I can see that is rather stupid.

ray_afraid said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I really need to read/re-read the Silver and Bronze Age Spider-Man comics. I really have little idea of who Gwen Stacy is, and as a self-identifed Spidey fan that's just pathetic.

You should really get on that. Wonderful stories and characters. You'll be happy you did!

I've already begun. =D


Well glad to know I am not alone. I mean we are told the only way kes is going to live another week is if HoloDoc does some weird time stuff that ends of wiping the family she wanted more time with from the timeline. Diet and some sort of meds were not even an option and we were not even told what was killing her,it's just she turned nine so she is dead end of story.


DrCrowTStarwars said: Alien life spans. In this episode Kes is dying because she just turned nine and her people only live nine years. Anyone ever notice that it doesn't matter if it is nine years or nine hundred years when alien lifespans are mentions on Sci-Fi it is always very exact and every alien we meet always seems to live that exact number of years unless they get shot or something. if they are under the life span they are never in any danger of dying and once they reach that lifespan it like a switch flips and they just drop dead. it doesn't matter what kind of health they are in,they can't do a thing to prolong their lives like eating right or stuff like that,once they hit that magic number they are dead and everyone knows it.
Kes and her ocampan friends were like that because the male caretaker didn't know what the fuck he was doing. Maybe something in the food she ate for a good part of her life or he did some weird genetic stuff that the female caretaker didn't. Either way there was that episode with the female caretaker and the elder ocampan guy with super powers. He showed no indication that he was just going to up and die and he was well past 9 years.

Edit "Good part of her life" meaning the time that she grew the most not the majority of it. Just to be clear.


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That is all speculations that doesn't line up with the dialog and we are never told that is what is happening. That doesn't change the fact that what we see onscreen makes no sense.  You can explain away any plot hole or piece of bad writing if you come up with your own back story and just make stuff up out of thin air and while that may be fun that is not what we are told in any of the episodes.  What we are told is that Kes is going to die because she turned nine,she wasn't in danger when she was eight and we are never told anything about the Caretaker or food being involved at all. It treated the same way old age is treated with anyone except it is treat as a fact that no one can live shorter or longer then ten years and that is just silly.

Yeah you can explain it away with stuff you make up in your own head but based on what we are told on the episode it's self this is what happens,once Kes turns nine she drops dead no question about it and it is a natural part of her people's lives.

If the writers wanted us to think it was the caretaker or the food then they should have put a line of dialog saying so in any episode with Kes in it.  The writers had three years to give us this information if that was what was supposed to be going on and they didn't.  if that was the intent then they are still hacks for not giving out information,and by the way that is a writer's job..giving the viewer or reader information.  So in other words this was a huge fail on their part.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

That is all speculations that doesn't line up with the dialog and we are never told that is what is happening. That doesn't change the fact that what we see onscreen makes no sense.  You can explain away any plot hole or piece of bad writing if you come up with your own back story and just make stuff up out of thin air and while that may be fun that is not what we are told in any of the episodes.  What we are told is that Kes is going to die because she turned nine,she wasn't in danger when she was eight and we are never told anything about the Caretaker or food being involved at all. It treated the same way old age is treated with anyone except it is treat as a fact that no one can live shorter or longer then ten years and that is just silly.

Yeah you can explain it away with stuff you make up in your own head but based on what we are told on the episode it's self this is what happens,once Kes turns nine she drops dead no question about it and it is a natural part of her people's lives.

So I just looked up the cold fire episode Tanis states "He was only interested in maintaining the status quo. He kept our people servile and weak." He also mentioned how their abilities had laid dormant and Suspiria taught them to be stronger and how to develop those abilities and he also mentions he's 14 years old. Sure it's speculation on my part about how the male caretaker kept their status quo but it's not something I'm making up. It's there in an episode of Voyager with Kes.


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DrCrowTStarwars said:


Well first JJ wrecked Star Trek now he has done the same to Star Wars. No way I will even see the trailer for this "movie" now,it's not worth my time.

 Are you sure that article is 2 Legit 2 Quit?

nationalreport said:

Binks is more than just an insult to Star Wars Fans (known as Trekies)...

I know nothing about this site, so I dunno if they are serious or not, but that quote, the lack of confirming links and the weird author bio seem to indicate that it's a fake news site. Just not a funny fake news site.
...Or maybe I just need a cup of deep black joe. Coffee is still makin' and things tend to take on shady characteristics before my first cup...

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Though it probably isn't possible, I'd love to see a video compilation of every dolly zoom ever filmed.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Though it probably isn't possible, I'd love to see a video compilation of every dolly zoom ever filmed.

For starters, here's a compilation of 23 classic examples:


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Except for Chris Reeve's performance as Superman*, I'll never understand what people see in the Donner films.


*Just Superman, not Clark.


Hey, it's that guy wot started the threat! Hey guy!



When I imagine my ideal Stargate Universe, this is what I see in my mind's eye:

This is my Stargate -- not a universe of English-speaking aliens or Devlin/Emmerich-style popcorn fluff, but an immense, mysterious, awe-inspiring universe that marries all the best aspects of the Dune, Star Trek, Star Wars, 2001, and Alien universes into a single, nigh-divine whole.

Hopefully, I'll be able to see this Stargate come into existence within this lifetime.


Related note: I saw James Spader a few days ago in an ice cream place in my town.


DominicCobb said:

Related note: I saw James Spader a few days ago in an ice cream place in my town.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


In Spider-Man's first appearance, his costume was red-and-black and the spider symbol on his back was blue instead of red.

Honestly, I this this is a more striking look and I wish they hadn't changed it.