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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released) — Page 44

I'm capturing the material from the widescreen VHS tape now.

On this tape, the Thief has been taped over another movie, which is timecoded but not on the picture. At the end of the tape you see the end of the other movie, which has some adult material in it. An IMDB search shows that the film is called The Hour of the Pig (aka The Advocate) starring Colin Firth.

Here's something ultra rare for you:


The Allied Filmmakers trailer for the film.

I'm not sure if this trailer was ever used or released. From the clips shown, it refers to the rare Australian version of the film, normally known as The Princess and the Cobbler. On the same VHS tape was a copy of this cut of the film, with the "Thief" title on it instead. Fred Calvert's version of the film, the "Princess" cut is definitely not what Richard Williams intended, but is much better than what Miramax released as Arabian Knight/The Thief and the Cobbler.

Interestingly, this trailer has a shot of King Nod peeking out of a pink tent which doesn't appear in the released versions of the film - but was in Richard Williams' workprint.
Judging from the trailer video, it seems to have really nice video quality for a VHS source. It's a pity that the timecode intrudes on the image, but it at least means less workprint.

I'm eager to see how the Princess DVD overlaid the widescreen VHS looks. Since you can convert the VHS into 24p without blurring, I'd imagine it would look miles better than before. Of course, I'm only stating the obvious.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
I'm capturing the material from the widescreen VHS tape now.

On this tape, the Thief has been taped over another movie, which is timecoded but not on the picture. At the end of the tape you see the end of the other movie, which has some adult material in it. An IMDB search shows that the film is called The Hour of the Pig (aka The Advocate) starring Colin Firth.

Here's something ultra rare for you:


The Allied Filmmakers trailer for the film.

I'm not sure if this trailer was ever used or released. From the clips shown, it refers to the rare Australian version of the film, normally known as The Princess and the Cobbler. On the same VHS tape was a copy of this cut of the film, with the "Thief" title on it instead. Fred Calvert's version of the film, the "Princess" cut is definitely not what Richard Williams intended, but is much better than what Miramax released as Arabian Knight/The Thief and the Cobbler.

Interestingly, this trailer has a shot of King Nod peeking out of a pink tent which doesn't appear in the released versions of the film - but was in Richard Williams' workprint.

Are you re-recobbling, then?

I can't stress again how much I enjoyed this. What a great movie - it's a shame more people aren't familiar with it. Obviously, this project has helped though.

I can't believe how atrocious some of the songs (featured in the official trailer) were - thanks for removing them. "This is what happens when you don't go to school" - that is just dumb.

I think you commented on this somewhere, but it's interesting that Declan Mulholland and Clive Reveill (sp?) featured in this film, and their parts were also hacked up. Bad luck for them, I guess.

Why did you use Sean Connery? What was the source for that? Just curious.
Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story
"Ah, the proverbial sad sack with a wasted wish."

Why did you use Sean Connery? What was the source for that? Just curious.

The Majestic Films brochure has Connery's name on the cast list.

(although, isn't even that disputed?)
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Thanks Andy.

>> Why did you use Sean Connery? What was the source for that? Just curious.

As Patrick says, he's listed in the cast list on the "Once ..." brochure. Tack's voice at the end is intended to be Sean Connery, but it isn't known for sure whether Connery had actually recorded his voice at that point, or if that was an impersonator. I believe it is Connery. It certainly was meant to be.

>> I think you commented on this somewhere, but it's interesting that Declan Mulholland and Clive Reveill (sp?) featured in this film, and their parts were also hacked up.

Clive Revill actually only features in the bad version - replacing Anthony Quayle. Very ironic. And Declan Mulholland is present in all versions. Dick had worked with him on Charge of the Light Brigade.

>> I can't believe how atrocious some of the songs (featured in the official trailer) were - thanks for removing them. "This is what happens when you don't go to school" - that is just dumb.

The entire Arabian Knight edit is shockingly bad. Batman & Robin bad. Worth watching once.
Another YTMND:

"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Great! Been trying to get on there for ages. I sent them a writeup myself, and so did John ... John's got through. Should result in a lot more views for the Youtube stuff!

EDIT UPDATE: My god, 3000 people from Boingboing watched the trailer today. Almost none of them watched all 17 parts, but hey.
Hey, I watched the whole thing! It was amazing! I also tried to figure out the whole history of the film, but this thread is really long and the impression I got from other websites was that Disney is working on a reconstruction. You should set up a more recent website, it seems like a lot has been going on!
Roy Disney was working toward a restoration, but in late 2003 he resigned from the Disney Co.

And he returned in 2005. (Thanks SKot)
I should get out more.

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

speaking as an outsider, the circumstances surrounding this project would appear to make it - or would've made it - an appropriate candidate for an open-source style restoration, if such a thing exists. I think it would be a lot of fun to restore a couple frames, here and there, and I can see how any shortcomings could be dealt with fairly, especially if a system was developed for people to follow. maybe not this film, but there must be similar situations out there?
My lady and I watched the whole DVD last night and we both really enjoyed it. I had actually never even heard of The Thief and the Cobbler before this project, to my surprise, so it's all been new to me. I have to say it's now one of my favorite animated pieces of all time. I don't care for anime-style animation (can't stand it, actually) so this was quite a treat for me since it seems like everything traditionally animated these days is either anime or highly-influenced by anime. This film is unique. Some of the sequences are absolutely mind-blowing, especially when the Cobbler chases the Thief through the palace. What a fantastic piece of work, and what a difficult task it must have been to restore it to even this state.

I'm glad the trailer for Arabian Knight was included on there as well, as it gave me a chance to see how terrible that version was without having to actually watch it. I wanted to puke when Princess Yum Yum started singing that schmaltzy song, or when the Cobbler opened his stupidly animated mouth to say "I'm Tack!" It's like seeing the Mona Lisa "finished" with finger paints... the leaning Tower of Pisa straightened and turned into a McDonald's... the Star Wars trilogy "enhanced" with newly created digital--er, I think you know what I mean.

Consider me a new fan of the film. I'm sold. And now I must add my voice to the voices of those clamoring for a truly restored Director's Cut of the film in the future.


P.S. - regarding Roy Disney, as I understand it: yes he resigned from Disney in disgust in 2003, but more recently came back on board again after a successful campaign against Michael Eisner's handling of the company ended with Michael Eisner finally stepping down as CEO (hooray!), and changes being made on the board of directors. His return bodes well for fans of Disney's traditional animation, and he could be the best hope for seeing both a Thief and the Cobbler director's cut *and* the eventual release of Song of the South on DVD, among other things.

Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]

*and* the eventual release of Song of the South on DVD, among other things.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but...


As for this release, I think it's a matter of writing him another letter. He did seem to have a project running c. 2000-2002 at least.
Originally posted by: Shii
*and* the eventual release of Song of the South on DVD, among other things.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but...


Reasons why I'm keeping my Japanese LD copy!

As for this release, I think it's a matter of writing him another letter. He did seem to have a project running c. 2000-2002 at least.

That's what I heard as well. Hopefully it might come back again (if the studio could settle the terms properly with Williams and all).
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

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A Disney release of this is still as unlikely as the Song of the South being released on DVD, or, to be more obvious about it, pigs flying.

We'll see, and believe then.

Glad you all like it!

I'll try to get it to Dick once I've done a bit more to it. If I can get him to watch it and reply, that will certainly tell us a few things ...

After, what, a month? Amid has finally posted the interview with me ... a very long interview indeed, the longest they've done.

Metafilter thread:
Just thought I should point out that the Cartoon Brew article links to Mininova.COM, which is a scam site. Mininova.ORG is the torrent site people should be directed to for the torrent.
Blah. Somehow I knew that'd happen.

I spoke to *** yesterday (FINALLY, after two months), and he's verified that the VHS tape he was sent by Tahir Shah, the One Pair of Eyes: Dreamwalkers documentary, has completed footage from the Nasruddin film in it. An entire scene - the bread scene - the one described on your Recobbled DVD if you have it. It's completed and colored, but the copy is in black and white. The quality is excellent considering.

I expect to have it in my hands within a week.


contains some added Thief and the Cobbler drawings - the site is primarily around the works of Ken Harris.

Dear god, that's terrific.

Whose collection is that? Yours? Why don't you have a scanner? What an amazing collection.

The Thief's name is given as "Abdul Salaam." Interesting as in Aladdin he became "Abu."

Also amazing - Princess Meemee's name is given as "Gul-Bibi." I've heard a different name for her before, but not that. And her prince Bubba is called "Sweetmeat the Beast." There's a very evocative drawing by Dick under "signed". It should be in the Thief section but isn't.

Guys - check out the "Christmas Cards" and "Personalized Drawings" sections - they're mostly RW related.

Dick interviews Ken:

A great site, a great tribute to someone who could make things "move well" better than pretty much anybody.
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
Dear god, that's terrific.

Really, it's that good!

Whose collection is that? Yours? Why don't you have a scanner? What an amazing collection.
Seeing them via a scanner would've been great!

The Thief's name is given as "Abdul Salaam." Interesting as in Aladdin he became "Abu."

Also amazing - Princess Meemee's name is given as "Gul-Bibi." I've heard a different name for her before, but not that. And her prince Bubba is called "Sweetmeat the Beast." There's a very evocative drawing by Dick under "signed". It should be in the Thief section but isn't.

Guys - check out the "Christmas Cards" and "Personalized Drawings" sections - they're mostly RW related.

I just love that drawing with Ken joining the Thief in that famous bit from the War Machine seq.

Lot of great cels of the Thief from the parts that had been excised as well (such as the emerald in the jar bit).

Souldn't help but notice drawings under "other" having to be from several Disney features as well (The Aristocats, the animated sequence from Bedknobs & Broomstiks and Robin Hood).

Dick interviews Ken:

A great site, a great tribute to someone who could make things "move well" better than pretty much anybody.

You just wish you were around when he was teaching those classes at Williams' studio and wanted to be a part of it!
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

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I know. Ken's work for Chuck Jones was so marvelously subtle, and Richard really exploited that part of Ken's brain, though with a simpler art style.

I can draw like a madman but I don't think I could ever make things "move well" like that.

I've sent out about 37 packages the past few days. I'm trying to catch up on the orders I missed during that 3 week period.

With thanks to John Mathot I applied for a job at The Simpsons today. At both Rough Draft and Film Roman. Wish me luck. I also might be going in to help on Tom Green's internet talk show which seems like fun but doesn't pay. Bah. I am completely broke; I am leaving this place in less than a week, and I have almost no money, certainly nowhere near enough to get a new apartment. I have nowhere to go. I'm going to put my stuff into storage and look at being homeless for a while, or something. I'm not actually sure what I'm doing. I'll figure it out. A stray cat always lands on his feet.
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
I know. Ken's work for Chuck Jones was so marvelously subtle, and Richard really exploited that part of Ken's brain, though with a simpler art style.

I can draw like a madman but I don't think I could ever make things "move well" like that.
I wouldn't mind learning to try though.

With thanks to John Mathot I applied for a job at The Simpsons today. At both Rough Draft and Film Roman. Wish me luck.
I still don't really see myself working on a show like that. I consider it more a writer's cartoon than an animator's one. It's first few seasons in my opinion were the best since they didn't have as much corporate handling as it became apparant in later years.

I also might be going in to help on Tom Green's internet talk show which seems like fun but doesn't pay.

Surprised he's still around. I really didn't care for him at all.

Bah. I am completely broke; I am leaving this place in less than a week, and I have almost no money, certainly nowhere near enough to get a new apartment. I have nowhere to go. I'm going to put my stuff into storage and look at being homeless for a while, or something. I'm not actually sure what I'm doing. I'll figure it out. A stray cat always lands on his feet.

That's true. I only wish I had that to go buy where I am. One of my dreams was operating my own animation studio in town with me running it (hopefully also make it a non-union operation, since I still can't stand where it would go if that happened). Seems like if you want something done, you'd have to do it yourself (I think my city has brought that notion to me with it's isolated interests). I only wish I had rich folks who wouldn't mind giving me a few thousand to start off with!
Yours truly,
Chris Sobieniak

For more mindless entertainment....
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The Online Video Depository - For all your daily video needs!
Hahaha, Cartoon Brew put a link to my "Can't Break Tack's Stride" YTMND on their front page! http://cobblerstride.ytmnd.com
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
I was searching google... and I found this:


I think it pretty much explains itself...