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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread — Page 8


Yeah, anticapitalism’s become just another commodity.

If Disney or any of these other film studios were truly leftist, they’d be co-ops with workplace democracy, their IPs would be in the public domain, and they wouldn’t be churning out all these cynical, artless cash-grab sequels, reboots, remakes, etc. in the first place.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


BedeHistory731 said:

Male suicide ratio is a problem created by the patriarchy due to unrealistic expectations of masculinity. Even then, it’s been completely co-opted by the right wing to suppress women and empower incels to hurt women.

79% of suicides in 2022 were committed by males.


Your rhetoric is not only dangerous but downright insulting to anyone struggling with mental health issues. It is so irritating to see this constantly swept under the rug like it is a political talking point. PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Directors can and should focus on making movies that are aimed at a certain group WITHOUT feeling the need to put down another group. The whole “Us vs. Them” mentality causes nothing but problems, that inspires hatred more than anything else.

Yes, there are angry incels that won’t see the movie because the director is a woman.

Yes, there are people that are gonna praise this movie because the director is a woman, even if the movie is terrible.

However, we are getting more Star Wars, and nothing has to be required viewing. If you don’t want to watch it, don’t! If you do want to watch it, please do! Disney doesn’t decide canon, you do.

Hopefully it’s great! Daisy is an awesome actress that needs some better writing for her movies, hopefully Sharmeen can provide that.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hopefully it is great, yes I agree. I suppose the larger problem is that they’re not talking about the movie itself… because it probably won’t be anything new. There will be a rise and a fall, new disciples, new powers, some evil galaxy scale threat, whatever. Will another three films actually have any material worth seeing? The last three didn’t for the most part. When will Star Wars have relevance again? This generation have had the MCU instead. I mentioned GOTGV3 before not only as a financial success but as a sci-fi trilogy I felt was actually worth seeing all the way through. Problem is now the wheels have fallen off all the Disney owned franchises so where else is there to go…


BedeHistory731 said:

Also, agreed about the laughable idea of a corporation or the mass media having a “leftist agenda.” A corporation having a “leftist agenda” would mean that it’s not a corporation anymore.

This is just a semantic argument, though, right? You know what he’s talking about but you choose not to engage with it because you disapprove of his word choice.

Leftists will personally choose to define leftism to include anti-corporatism despite knowing that it’s not the common parlance, and then act like the average person is just an idiot for using the meaning of the word that’s naturally evolved through real-life political contexts and dismiss what they’re saying out of hand.

Superweapon VII said:

Imagine thinking a corporation has a leftist agenda. lawl. Just goes to show how obscenely skewed to the right the Overton window in America is.

In the year of our lord 2024 it comes off to me as willful ignorance not to notice that media corporations, and most large corporations in general for that matter, are overtly aligning themselves with social movements that certainly can not be called right-wing. Especially when the director of this show is overtly saying that their works include activism.

Maybe this is all a desperate attempt to market their show, but wouldn’t that make treating Anjohan like he’s done something really awful with what he’s said a little silly?

BedeHistory731 said:

Dog whistles about “directors hating men” and the whole “leftist agenda” are disingenuous at best and downright dangerous at worst.

Anybody who is still making the points about “woke” stuff killing brands is genuinely dangerous to people’s safety.

BedeHistory731 said:

I’m thinking, all right. Thinking about the safety of my friends.

Despite claiming to hate Disney, and boycotting them, you’ve still managed to become convinced that you must defend this product of theirs as a matter of people’s safety. If you’re truly convinced of that, some stranger on the internet like me is not capable of changing your mind, but do you at least recognize the irony in that?

Remember, what you’re claiming Anjohan did which was dangerous is claiming that the show directed by a woman who said “Every single piece of work that I have ever created has a piece of activism in it,” is going to have a political agenda.

Does anyone here even actually have faith in the Rey show, anyway? Is literally anyone in this thread even going to watch it?

For the record, I would’ve been interested in the first Star Wars media directed by a woman. I think a woman would’ve created something substantially different from male-created Star Wars media, but I don’t have any interest in anything that connects to The Rise of Skywalker. Maybe I’ll check out the second piece of Star Wars media directed by a woman.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:
In the year of our lord 2024 it comes off to me as willful ignorance not to notice that media corporations, and most large corporations in general for that matter, are overtly aligning themselves with social movements that certainly can not be called right-wing. Especially when the director of this show is overtly saying that their works include activism.

and this is an argument from the year of our lord 2018

Ultimately this whole thing is just proxy culture war for which ideas are deemed profitable, no one’s really going to bat for or against the Rey movie but trying to assert how mainstream their politics are to a corporation. Should women direct movies, should activism be in movies? - aren’t even big questions to a leftist, they just are their understanding of Art. So when someone frames milquetoast as radical or even something to have an agenda about at all, it’s a frustrating signal that even the most inoffensive perspective they have is a matter of discourse

It is just idpol, it doesn’t actually matter or do anything to anyone. Corporatism then comes up because that actually means something, and is between the two a more urgent political conversation happening in that sphere. At least in this context, way more meaningful and relevant about Disney’s role, if those are the terms people want to talk about this.

But Obaid-Chinoy’s identity is her own. If someone has a problem with what she says on that, then mask off about it. I don’t think someone gets to hide behind nonpartisan, vague anti-corporation. At that point, you’re advocating for corporation to run as you see fit, not really being against it.

Leftists will personally choose to define leftism to include anti-corporatism despite knowing that it’s not the common parlance, and then act like the average person is just an idiot for using the meaning of the word that’s naturally evolved through real-life political contexts and dismiss what they’re saying out of hand.

How is the common parlance supposed to evolve if no one speaks up for it? In the past years the question of labor and monopoly, where money goes and comes from, have been very prevalent - leftists don’t want to have to justify the most basic respect for diversity when there are bigger concerns, and like I alluded to, some that people on “either side” could probably get behind.

Maybe it’s browbeating, but it’s much easier to dismiss something so petty and purposefully divisive. Women directing Star Wars should be “neat” and technically true. The mechanism that makes that a headline is ineffectual brownie farming, it’s something that ‘common parlance’ needs to move on from.

I don’t think people get passes on this sort of thing because it’s “common” or “average”. This is the incuriosity I talk about; why shouldn’t someone clinging to a broad, reactionary narrative be challenged on their terms?

Remember, what you’re claiming Anjohan did which was dangerous is claiming that the show directed by a woman who said “Every single piece of work that I have ever created has a piece of activism in it,” is going to have a political agenda.

This is not all Anjohan said

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Taps on The Sign:

Stay on topic. (Determined in part by the OP. See General Guideline #3 below for details.)
Don’t attack other members personally. When debating, argue the point, not the person. Respectful criticisms of debate style (logical fallacies) are acceptable.
While there are no specific restrictions on profanity, please exercise restraint. Dropping an F-bomb here and there isn’t going to get you banned, but excessive profanity shouldn’t be necessary to make your point.
No politics; only light discussion of current events is permitted, and only in the Off Topic section. Your signature, which appears beneath all your posts, may not contain political content or social commentary.

I know this thread has been running free for a few months now but the forum rules are clear on any and all political discussions outside of Off Topic. If this keeps up the thread will be temporarily locked for a time.

Forum Moderator

Jeff Sneider dropped a new report where he says the following:

-Daisy is getting paid $12 million for her new movie.
-Chinoy and Knight are both still on board and everything is fine.
-Levy’s movie also features Rey but it’s not on the schedule yet.
-Right now he’s thinking the schedule is Mando&Grogu in May 2026, Chinoy’s movie in December 2026, Mangold’s movie in December 2027, and finally, Filoni’s movie some time in 2028.
-They’re trying to get other TFA actors back for Chinoy and/or Levy (and they may possibly get paid roughly the same as Daisy).



Wait a second… what is Levy’s SW movie? I feel like I’ve lost the thread of who’s in and who’s quit now.


Mocata said:

Wait a second… what is Levy’s SW movie? I feel like I’ve lost the thread of who’s in and who’s quit now.

We don’t know the specifics of Shawn Levy’s sw movie just yet. It doesn’t have a tentative release date yet or anything like that. Sneider said yesterday that Rey could also be in Levy’s movie. That’s all we know right now.



Wow that’s pretty strange. I mean the others at least have a basic premise.


Oh right those still exist… allegedly. Still, very odd they’re talking about a Rey cameo but so far nothing else.


What with Lucasfilm’s long history of cancelling SW movies/shows, I really doubt it’s going to come to fruition.


I want it to be a good movie. I also can’t pretend i’m going to be there on opening day or buy a ticket for more than one showing. Like i did on Force Awakens. The trailer needs to be really good. I can only ask for two hours of enjoyment, hopefully its not 3 hours long or boring.


Superweapon VII said:

Yeah, anticapitalism’s become just another commodity.

If Disney or any of these other film studios were truly leftist, they’d be co-ops with workplace democracy, their IPs would be in the public domain, and they wouldn’t be churning out all these cynical, artless cash-grab sequels, reboots, remakes, etc. in the first place.

Agreed. But the term “leftist” is now mostly a vague term, causing people to talk passed each other. Some people use it strictly to refer to various forms of socialism, implying public ownership of means of production - basically a primarily economic term. I gather that’s close to what you mean here (although worker co-ops obviously can exist under umbrella capitalist economies).

But nowadays the term is also thrown around as a general synonym for “progressive” or just a blanket term describing a cluster of beliefs centering around equity-based social justice. But I think the number of people supporting equity-based social justice is probably way larger than those who identify as socialists. Anyway, modern corporations often release messaging broadcasting support for various relevant social issues. They’ve updated the language of their messaging to parrot the vocabulary of the left. It’s not entirely a farce, just like 95% a farce. Large corporations are huge and consist of countless departments and sub-departments. There are certainly many people (including executives) working at these corporations that support equity-based social justice, and push internally for policy changes, while resigned (reluctantly or not) to the reality of shareholders and profit margins. Most large American corporations generally really do try to diversify their workforce via hiring policies that seek to replicate population percentages of minority groups as percentages of the workforce. (The consulting firms they hire instruct them to do this - or at least say they’re doing it.) This is mostly a PR tool to manage public image and redirect attention away from any number of hilariously evil practices, like operating sweat shops in Asia, giving obscene bonuses to executives, and/or regularly laying off large swathes of their work force to appease shareholders.

But, at the risk of getting too controversial for a Star Wars forum, I feel that the American “left” has largely abandoned economic change in order to focus mostly on identity politics. Marx is probably turning in his grave, but it seems class tensions alone are insufficient to generate any sustainable mobilization in the Western world. Identity politics, on the other hand, has the power (and corporate backing) to generate significant public interest and funding, and so has obviously been co-opted by corporations as a PR tool. And the majority of social movements or NGOs that were once focused primarily on economic change have seen where the wind is blowing, and have shifted focus to social issues instead, to better secure funding - often from large corporations. (The modern “Occupy” movement, for example, no longer protests the corporate greed or the excesses of capitalism, but instead protests immigration issues and ICE.) Now most “leftist” messaging (corporate or otherwise) is all about supporting Black-owned businesses and hiring women/minorities, instead of actually uniting the proletariat or even just promoting some form of economic democracy. (The average person in the US doesn’t even know what a fucking worker co-op even is.)


Reread (or perhaps read) Tobar’s post just a few posts up on this page.

Forum Moderator

Anyway, back on topic.


Ridley Talks Future “Star Wars” Excitement

"I was like, ‘It’s wonderful.’ It’s wonderful to be part of something that people love and to play a character that people… It’s so weird.

It’s really making me emotional thinking about it. I get to have more adventures. I’m like, ‘Where is she now? What is this new adventure and how are things going to go?’ That’s a long way of saying it’s great. It’s really great.”


Z6PO said:

Daisy Ridley excited for “fun direction” of new STAR WARS film (YouTube)

I’m glad she is excited to return . Also glad to hear her praise of Sharmeen Obaid’s documentary experience . Wasn’t there something about George Lucas making the original Star Wars in a documentary style ? Seems like this may be in good hands , between the lead , the director and the writer , I am optimistic . Idk , we will see . anyway , looking forward to seeing Star Wars in theaters again soon .



Fan_edit_fan said:

This just in…actor is excited for work. 😶

Excited for that pay day. I kid, I have nothing against Daisy, I just don’t have any faith in the production.