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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers) — Page 29


Anchorhead said:

Is it just the still or does her lightsaber ‘pays tribute’ to the 2004 DVD Release … dull pink lightsaber core.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


NeverarGreat said:

I can’t believe we’re having a discussion about the believability of a spinning lightsaber and it’s not the double-bladed levitating helicopter sword.

I think that one’s beyond discussion. I just like to laugh at it. And also laugh at people who get angry because of it.


Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen & Moses Ingram Answer 7 Star Wars Questions | Vanity Fair

Fun interview with the three leads. It’s surreal seeing Ewan and Hayden back in Star Wars again and they both seem happy to be back, which is great.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


MalaStrana#2 said:

It’s true it looks more like a sequel to the prequels than a prequel to the OT. So was Rogue one. So was the Bad Batch, so it’s surprising you enjoyed it that much.

Rogue One doesn’t feel like a prequel film or an OT film (to me). All new people, locations, mission, etc. It feels standalone to me. My only nitpick was it having Vader in it. I’m not a fan of the character. Sacrilege, I know, but I’ve never found him interesting. I’m also sorry they showed Leia’s face and gave her a line. Would have worked better, I think, if we just saw her from behind as someone handed her the plans. But that’s for another discussion…

Bad Batch is for sure prequel heavy, but it’s animated so I suspect that’s what made it interesting to me. Plus they aren’t directly in the prequel story, just adjacent to it. Worth mentioning again; I’m not really familiar with the prequels, so all these Bad Batch characters are new to me.
They could do a live-action Bad Batch and I think it would work. Even as a short TV series.

This new Kenobi show just seems like a sequel to the third prequel, so it won’t be for me. Yes, I realize that’s exactly what it is timeline-wise, but I’m speaking more of feel, look, and characters. I may give it a look, but it would only be out of curiosity.

I did the same thing with one of the prequels. Not sure which film, but it was Kenobi going to someone’s apartment either underwater or in a terrible rain storm. Some kid answered the door, and I lasted all of two or three minutes before I realized I had zero interest in whatever was going on. I saw that same building in the last episode of Bad Batch. Again, prequel time frame, but not prequel characters (at least not that I know of).

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jedi_bendu said:

I respect your decision not to watch the series though, I’m just surprised you’d make that decision based on a lightsaber spin.

I didn’t. It’s many reasons, as I already mentioned.
I just pointed out that the behind-the-back spin silliness is a clue to what part of the fan base they may be courting.

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Hal 9000 said:

Might be the power of suggestion, but Hayden looks more like Sebastian Shaw nowadays.

He also sounds more like Matt Lanter. Unless we’re both imagining things…

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

Hal 9000 said:

Might be the power of suggestion, but Hayden looks more like Sebastian Shaw nowadays.

He also sounds more like Matt Lanter. Unless we’re both imagining things…

I also noted how he seems to be speaking in a deeper tone recently. And others have made the comparison before.

It is interesting how he recently confirmed he watched all of the Clone Wars as prep.

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Anchorhead said:

Not sure which film, but it was Kenobi going to someone’s apartment either underwater or in a terrible rain storm. Some kid answered the door

That kid was Boba Fett. I am not joking.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Yeah Hayden mentioning he watched ALL of TCW to freshen up made me wonder if he was thinking the whole time “I wish they let me do that stuff in the films”. Matt Latner got to explore soo many levels of action and emotion with the character.


StarkillerAG said:

Anchorhead said:

Not sure which film, but it was Kenobi going to someone’s apartment either underwater or in a terrible rain storm. Some kid answered the door

That kid was Boba Fett. I am not joking.

Ah. That explains why, in Bad Batch, they reference Omega and Boba Fett so often. Something about the two of them being different than all the other thousands of clones, as well as Clone Force 99 being another sort of exception.

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Extended clip of Obi-wan and Owen’s argument, which we got a few lines from in the trailer. It’s not the greatest quality since it was recorded from the Lorraine show on TV but not too bad.


This clip honestly has me really hyped, partly because this kind of character drama is what I was really hoping for and mostly because I can hear Ewan beginning to channel Alec Guinness and it really, REALLY works.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


i just want to say i’ve been waiting so long to see star wars characters talking to each other about their lives and emotions and not just stoic one liners and exposition. this is all i’m excited about, im telling you deborah chow >> filoni/favreau’s action figure mentality

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Dave Filoni has been good at that before, I think.

I agree Deborah Chow might be a better director though, and I hope she gets lots of praise for her work on this series. Jon and Dave can’t have ALL the spotlight.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


NFBisms said:

i just want to say i’ve been waiting so long to see star wars characters talking to each other like real people about their lives and emotions and not just stoic one liners and exposition. this is all i’m excited about, im telling you deborah chow >> filoni/favreau’s action figure mentality

I agree, despite the rumors and spoilers I’ve read, I still think Deborah Chow will deliver something really special with lots of feelings and emotions, not just the action. I enjoyed what she did for the Mandalorian, so I definitely want to see this.

One more week, two episodes.


jedi_bendu said:

Dave Filoni has been good at that before, I think.

I agree Deborah Chow might be a better director though, and I hope she gets lots of praise for her work on this series. Jon and Dave can’t have ALL the spotlight.

I think he’s understood the broader beats of character drama, but I’ve always felt like he’s lacked subtlety that makes his characters truly feel real. Emotional moments for him are big moments, the in-between filled with external action that [can] tee up character changes without being the point. Development only happens via plot triggers, characters don’t have to explicitly carry anything with them to the next arc if it’s not the point.

I don’t quite know how to articulate it, but I don’t think Filoni would have approached the scene the way we just saw in that clip, if he would have even approached character work in that way to result in a similar scene at all. It’s way too understated and nuanced for him; Owen and Ben behave like real people with storied friction, as opposed to just vessels for the emotional concept, if that makes any sense.

I’m probably overthinking it. I’m just excited to see a non Abrams, Filoni, or Favreau Star Wars. Hell, even Non Lucas.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


No I think you articulated that distinction very well. I’d say Clone Wars and Rebels feel in touch with their characters’ feelings but as you said it’s never as natural as it comes across in this scene. I don’t think it’s fair to say that character drama is usually an afterthought - I think it’s the heart and centre of most episodes of Filoni’s shows - but I still get what you mean.

And this clip really does excite me. Only one week left!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Did Hayden Christensen bulk up or is it just padding? I always felt the Darth Vader suit looked comical on his thin body when I saw the promotional photos for ROTS.


Delpheas said:


In this interview Deborah confirms that Obi-Wan thinks he killed Anakin. So I wanna know, just how big was the rock he was living under that he hasn’t heard that Darth Vader was still active?

He wasn’t living under a rock, just on a rock. The furthest planet from the bright centre of the universe… where, presumably, holonet reception isn’t great.

Also I know in legends Obi-wan finds out Vader is alive shortly after Revenge of the Sith when he shows up on the news, but it feels like in canon most of the public aren’t aware Vader exists. He’s more like a shadowy enforcer.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Filoni’s larger-than-life dramatic character stuff works well enough for me in animation, I think, but I agree that it’s nice to see something a little more understated here in live-action. His episodes of Mando and BOBF felt kind of shallow or sketchy, never quite getting into the actual meat of things - Ahsoka and Luke’s scene was very stilted and hollow (not helped by Deep Fakewalker).

Anyway, as the most forgiving Disney Star Wars shill alive, I am really looking forward to Kenobi. It’s interesting seeing the perspectives on this from people who have been checked out since the prequels, or since TCW, or since Rebels, or since the sequels… we all have our own ‘Star Wars’. Luckily for me, Lucasfilm seem to be making this for people like myself who like or have at least have seen basically everything that’s been released, and have thus managed to build up a tolerance to bizarre lightsaber spins and continuity violations. If it manages to be emotionally compelling and exciting, I can happily forgive A LOT of silliness - I always ask myself “is this worse than the Ewoks?” and the answer is almost always no.

Re: the last episode leaks…

I don’t think it’s too unreasonable for Luke to have seen a lightsaber before. He never explicitly says he hasn’t, and he does know about the Clone Wars, which featured Jedi and lightsabers quite prominently. Back in TPM, random backwater planet slave boy Anakin Skywalker was aware of Jedi and their “laser swords”, also. Rewatching the scene in IV, it can easily be viewed as Luke just not knowing that the object Obi-Wan presents him with is a lightsaber, which makes sense as it looks quite different from Reva’s dual-bladed one.

Obviously it is a bit of a stretch to get it to fit with the implications made by the OT, but… that’s true of A LOT of things at this point. In just this same scene, Obi-Wan claims he had an apprentice named Darth Vader who killed Luke’s father, which was retconned to be a lie, and Darth was retconned to be a title rather than a name. Obi-Wan also acts as if he has no idea who Artoo is and claims to have never owned a droid, which is ludicrous in light of the prequel trilogy. The whole thing is a complete mess. I think part of the ‘deal’ you make when suspending your disbelief for these things is just allowing a bit of flexibility, in the same way you accept Obi-Wan or Owen having entirely different faces.


I agree. I’m down with almost everything both old & new canon, as long as it’s compelling. TCW and Rebels are some of my favorite star wars and I am very much looking forward to this show.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


NeverarGreat said:

jedi_bendu said:

I’m just surprised you’d make that decision based on a lightsaber spin.

I can’t believe we’re having a discussion about the believability of a spinning lightsaber and it’s not the double-bladed levitating helicopter sword.

It doesn’t have to be a levitating helicopter sword for me to break the suspension of disbelief. Weren’t the hilts of the sabers illustrated as being full of tech needed to produce the blade in the visual guides? There’s no way all that tech fits in that small piece of metal that spins with the blades of the Grand Inquisitors weapon. I know it’s a design from Rebels but it’s just a little too unbelievable in live action, even for a space tech.

Otherwise I’m hoping to get a pretty good series.