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REY NOBODY - A Collaborative Thread — Page 13


I’m with Octorox. I understand the intention, but I don’t think removing strong moments for the benefit of the story making slightly more sense is a good move. The movie needs that moment at that point in order to maintain a good flow and keep the viewer engaged. I’d rather change things down the line to accommodate the moment better than change the actual moment.


There’s also the continuity with the final battle to consider, where Palpatine’s far stronger lightning merely acts to disable many ships. What if Rey’s lightning shorted out the engines and she recoiled in shock, then the ship regained power and continued its flight? Because as the scene plays now, it acts to establish that Force Lightning can blow up entire ships so Palpatine pulling this punch in the final battle feels even more hollow.

Looking back at the scene, this might play better than before since it would explain why Finn yells ‘No!’ as if he bet on a podracer that didn’t win.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


It’d be great if we could convincingly sell the same transport recovering and flying off somehow. You could even keep “Chewie!” (well, unless you’re trying to avoid clashing with Starlight) because, well, he’s been kidnapped! I suppose the difficulty would be selling the idea that leaning further into the dark side would’ve helped Rey in this instance. The fewer fake deaths the better though, IMO.


Peeks sheepishly through the door

Hey, guys, uhmm… Just wanted to check in to see if we…

backs away a half-step

…uh, have what we need for Rey Nobody? Since Spence finished his edit?

My stance on revising fan edits.


I mean, if Spence’s new edit does put together all the Rey Nobody pieces, does the community deem all the pieces to be extant and ready to go? If so, I can plan to push out the variant of Ascendant for it.


My stance on revising fan edits.


There’s a lot of Ascendent in this edit but there are also some edits that just reflect my personal choices. I’m sure there are ways to do a Rey Nobody edit differently as well. There’s definitely room for other versions of the concept.


Oh, sure, I was just wondering if that means that all the proverbial bits and pieces are in place, as I had sat out the Rey Nobody discussion for the most part while agreeing to incorporate them into a variant version of Ascendant.

Essentially at this point for my end of things, whenever RogueLeader tells me, “Here you go, Hal, here’s what to implement,” I will proceed and get it done! 😉

My stance on revising fan edits.


Thanks Delpheas! Glad you enjoyed it.

Hal, I assume the integration into Ascendent wouldn’t include my changes to Leia, right?


I haven’t had a chance to watch Spence’s edit in full yet, but from clips I’ve seen his approach has been my favorite so far (being that no new revelations about Rey’s parents are shown). And Spence’s editing skills are excellent, so I feel like a lot of what he has done is executed well.


I haven’t had a chance to watch Spence’s edit properly yet but I did skim through it. The Rey nobody stuff works really well, with two minor exceptions:

-I still don’t think the “you’ll” in “you’ll have his power” sounds quite right. I think this could use a little bit more massaging.

-I don’t think the exchange where Rey tells Finn that she’s going to “find Palpatine and destroy him” works in this version. In the original, she was motivated by the fact that Palpatine killed her parents, as well as her blood connection to him, which she’s unwilling to accept. In this version, she’s basically told by Kylo that it’s her dark destiny to kill Palpatine and take his throne, so if anything I’d think she’d be trying to avoid doing that.

I think the line would make a lot more sense if she said she was going to destroy Kylo Ren. Then she gives into her anger and does almost kill him, which traumatizes her so much that she leaves for Luke’s island.


Octorox said:

I think the line would make a lot more sense if she said she was going to destroy Kylo Ren. Then she gives into her anger and does almost kill him, which traumatizes her so much that she leaves for Luke’s island.

Mine is still in progress, but that’s largely how I’m planning on implementing it for my version. Kylo wants Rey to join him, she later reflects “He killed [his] father. I’m going to destroy him.” - setting up both why she still doesn’t trust him, and also (re)fueling her anger towards him for when they fight on the Death Star.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I just had a great idea for altering one of Palpatine’s lines, but I think my pitch is too late.

“Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have here… is me.”

“Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have… is here.”

After that cues Rey looking at the Battle of Exegol, as Palatine is referring to the Resistance, as it’s a reveal that they are here as well to her.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


That’s a good idea! I have a feeling there will be a V2 down the line anyway, so I’ll keep that in mind.


Master Lawdog said:

I just had a great idea for altering one of Palpatine’s lines, but I think my pitch is too late.

“Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have here… is me.”

“Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have… is here.”

After that cues Rey looking at the Battle of Exegol, as Palatine is referring to the Resistance, as it’s a reveal that they are here as well to her.

I think someone already proposed that. It’s still a pretty great idea though (and actually flows a lot better than the original conversation).

However, I would prefer if Palpatine said “The only family you have here… will die.” It should be fairly easy to extract the “will die” part from “Now, young Skywalker, you will die”, and then alter it to sound like TROS Palpatine.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


The biggest issue with this scene is there’s nothing to cut to except close ups of Rey. So whatever you do is going to feel a bit jumbled, because the only thing to mask the line change with is a 2 second shot of Rey looking stern.


It’s something a lot of people don’t think about when making suggestions. I need something to cut to!

Apparently Abrams doesn’t believe in insert shots or cutaways, or anything that can establish a space.


With AI in the mix maybe it’s time to go back to some early blue sky ideas. Obvious one would be “Rey killed her parents,” but I’m also thinking about something that was briefly discussed way back when, basically, “what if Kylo doesn’t want Rey to go to Exegol?”


SpenceEdit said:

It’s something a lot of people don’t think about when making suggestions. I need something to cut to!

Apparently Abrams doesn’t believe in insert shots or cutaways, or anything that can establish a space.

or ship landing shots
or wrapping up lose ends
or seeing an end to a story…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

SpenceEdit said:

Apparently Abrams doesn’t believe in insert shots or cutaways, or anything that can establish a space.

or ship landing shots
or wrapping up lose ends
or seeing an end to a story…

“From the director who’s never seen an ending he couldn’t not stick…” 😆

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)