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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 15


Just finished watching chapter 4 and as far as I’m concerned the show is back on form again. It was a bit more open ended than chapter 2 but it had the same high quality. Good action and far better cinematography.

I was a bit surprised to see that the flashbacks are already lining up with The Mandalorian season 1, but it does confirm that Fett spent a good amount of time with the Tuskens.

A few random thoughts:

The mods are actually called mods as they literally modify themselves with cybernetics. I thought that was kinda clever. They also looked a bit more OT this time, but there’s still that overall PT feel to the designs. Which I don’t mind. I also thought the mods was a clever way to explain how Fett saved Fennec as it always seemed unlikely that he did it himself.

Loved the droids in Jabba/Bib’s Palace. The meat cleaver kitchen droid was fun and appropriately had a little Grievous moment. Also, wasn’t the little droid a TCW design used by the separatists?

We also get our first on-screen Wookiee pulling someone’s arm off scene I believe. Yes I know they shot a scene for TFA but that was cut. Either way, this scene made more sense and was IMO much better. I just think it’s cool that Krrsantan is going to be a regular character in the series.

Excited for what the implication of the theme from The Mandalorian at the end means. Will it mean that Din will show up to help or just Mandalorians in general. Fett’s building up quite the team for fighting the Pykes.

I will add one critical observatio though. Why did Fett think the beskar armour was still in the Sarlacc? I suppose he could have been too dazed to have consciously noticed yhe Jawas and only reacted out of instinct, but it was an odd detail to not explain. Though I suppose we could see him learn of Cobb Vanth at some point in a future episode.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I think in Chapter 5, Boba Fett/Fennec will recruit the Mandalorian, and he brings in reinforcements like Bo-Katan and the rest of the Mandalorians. Cobb Vanth will help Fett, but it will cost him. Boba Fett finally saddles up and rides the Rancor.

I loved today’s chapter, I think there will be one more flashback, ending with him finding the Mandalorian and Cobb Vanth, because it ties into Vanth and the Mandalorian helping him in the upcoming battle.

I’m sure we’ll see Bossk, possibly Cad Bane, and a few other bounty hunters in the all out war in chapter 6, and chapter 7 tying everything up and saying their goodbyes. Plus a nice couple of surprises.

That’s how I think it will go down.


That shot of Slave I coming up behind the biker gang looked so awesome. Sure seems like the Pykes must have killed the Tuskens and made it look like the bikers did it.

I don’t care if they don’t use the name Slave I. I will still call it that the same way I still say Star Wars instead of A New Hope. It’s just not worth worrying about.

After 4 episodes, I think we’ve seen everything from the trailers. The last three episodes should have even more surprises.

Hard to expect Tatooine to have a strict aesthetic if there’s a spaceport there. The aesthetic may be consistent in most areas, but it makes sense to me that there’d be more variety in a large city.

I love Boba explaining his thoughts and motivations to Fennec. I thought it was all obvious from the context of the show, but it was nice to hear it.

“You can only get so far without a tribe.”

The Chef Grievous droid was cool.


This is a weird specific crit, but I don’t like the bacta dreams as a framing device for the flashbacks? Why couldn’t the editing just take us back and forth, maybe even some on-screen text denoting “Months Earlier” or whatever? I think it only makes the present day plot feel like it’s spinning its wheels; it explicitly demonstrates that there’s just stretches of time where Boba and Fennec are doing basically nothing. At least with hard cuts, we can assume no time has passed since the last present day beat, or even that Boba and Fennec were busy doing anything else in between.

that’s been only takeaway since episode 1 lmao. I don’t get why the story can’t be told outside the diegesis

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Darth Muffy said:

So the fan fixing has begun…

[photoshops of speeders]

Everything is much cooler in black!!!

I enjoyed Episode 4 a lot. I imagine some people will have been rubbed the wrong way by the lighter-hearted sequence in the kitchen, but besides that I can’t see much else to complain about this time around - more polished direction (it’s amazing how much more expensive these shows look when anyone besides Robert Rodriguez is directing), Boba finally spelling out why he’s doing all this to begin with, Slave I action with a seismic charge in the Sarlacc pit and all, Boba and Fennec doing action stuff. Even the present-day plot seems like it’s gearing up to really get somewhere next episode, with the stage being set for ‘war’ and that Din Djarin tease. I wish we’d’ve seen a little more of the Pykes outside the train episode - while the show exposits why they’re the big threat to Boba’s new turf, there’s not much there to really latch on to; no major leader to dislike or anything; they’re just some masked dudes for Boba and friends to presumably shoot at in the next three episodes.


I wonder if Boba Fett gets hit in battle and Fennec takes him to the Mods to get his own modification to save his life, just as he saved her life.

“Now, you owe me one.”

Maybe Luke Skywalker is there getting his hand repaired and Han Solo is waiting outside for his friend.


I think they’ve lost me at this point. Part 4 was just a series of things we don’t need to see. Boba Fett thought it was a good idea to go into the Sarlaac and then lamented that nobody ever has any brains. Jeez.


SilverWook said:

No Audrey II beak on the Sarlacc, thank the maker!

Ooer. This didn’t age well…

I enjoyed the episode, it was fun. It seems we’re done with the flashbacks now, but I had been hoping they would explore how Boba knows Cobb Vanth’s name in The Mandalorian but hasn’t tried to reclaim the armour from him before. There are multiple ways to explain it - perhaps he learned it from the jawas, or went in the direction Mando came from and found Cobb Vanth to ask him about it. But without concrete explanation, it feels like a plot hole.

I think we’re finally caught up on all trailer footage now! I didn’t think I would be this excited to see Din Djarin again, but I am. The Mandalorian season 2 ending felt like both a resolution and a cliffhanger, with the cliffhanger being where Din and the Mandalorians go from here, so finally we’ll get a glimpse of that - likely next week.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Episode 4 was really good, for the most part. Boba’s motivations make a lot more sense now. I only have 3 complaints:

  1. Why would he think his armor was in the sarlaac? You crawled out of the sarlaac with your armor on, dumbass!

  2. Having spice be the central item of the plot makes this all feel too much like Dune, and the last thing SW needs is more similarities to Dune.

  3. As someone above said, we never learned how Boba found out who Cobb Vanth was and that he had his armor. Oh well. I guess that’s a small hole in the grand scheme of things.



I dislike the out of place disco must during Fenic’s surgery.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


The mod characters all look like they’re ripped straight out of an 80s cartoon like Droids, and I mean this as a compliment. I dig it.


So some folks are upset becuase Slave 1 is now Firespray.
But but but but Jango was never a slave.
Shouldn’t it be called Donor 1?

I wanna see a fanedit now with Slave 1 with a vanity plate that reads DONOR1.


Well, this episode was actually really good. In fact, it’s probably the best one in the show so far. They really did a good job justifying Boba’s recent attitude: it’s not that he’s become soft, just that he’s tired of the endless cycle of petty conflict, and wants to forge a better path. It feels like what I wish Luke was like in the sequel trilogy.

I’m also really looking forward to how they wrap this up. They seem to be teasing this massive battle between Boba’s accumulated forces and the Pykes, and it sounds epic. Also really looking forward to Din’s return (if that’s what the music at the end was teasing). I just hope Rodriguez isn’t directing any more episodes.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


rocknroll41 said:

Episode 4 was really good, for the most part. Boba’s motivations make a lot more sense now. I only have 3 complaints:

  1. Why would he think his armor was in the sarlaac? You crawled out of the sarlaac with your armor on, dumbass!

  2. Having spice be the central item of the plot makes this all feel too much like Dune, and the last thing SW needs is more similarities to Dune.

  3. As someone above said, we never learned how Boba found out who Cobb Vanth was and that he had his armor. Oh well. I guess that’s a small hole in the grand scheme of things.

Regarding number 3, I think there’s one more flashback at the beginning of chapter 5 showing him going across the Dune Sea talking to Tusken Raiders, maybe some Jawas, and eventually coming across Cobb Vanth and the Mandalorian trying to kill that Krayt Dragon. He flys over to investigate and that’s when he sees his armor.

Then the next scene should be of him talking to Cobb Vanth and explaining that the armor is his. He tells him a Mandalorian took it from him. Then Boba Fett tracks the Razor Crest to that planet That should be the end of the flashbacks, because we already know what happens in the Mandalorian season 2.

There is no plot hole, yet, at least. They could just assume everyone knows what happens, but I can see Fett remembering Cobb Vanth and offer him a deal to help him, and maybe get the Mandalorian to help him as well.


I feel bad for the Sarlacc. I hope its family eats the mods soon. The episode was more disjointed than others. Not much of a story. I liked the Bantha but the tongue kiss was a bit much. I was curious how they were going to deal with Fett killing the cute little rat catcher droid, most tension in the episode there. Hal is right the ship’s type is firespray. Thor Skywalker has correct view on that matter. If they need to change it, something like Survivor 1 could work. Best part was Niktos getting blown up by Slave 1.

The blue elephant in the room.


This episode was definitely a step up from the last. I do appreciate the comment about Boba being too soft and Boba reassured us, and the audience, that is not the case. So I am hoping to see more of the “Ill Rule with Respect, but Don’t Cross Me” vibe. I think the “softness” many were not keen about was more about Boba focusing on a tribe, or group for power, and not just himself. Im ok with that.

Still not a fan of the CyberPunk style, especially the music, but it does tie in Fennec’s “repair.”

Although I can “rationalize” about Boba and Sarlacc in that his memory could have been fuzzy about his escape of the Sarlacc (Loss of memory from injury/dehydration/etc.) … it was strange he thought it must have been inside of the sarlacc. I think the writers wanted him to have a sort of “revenge” against the pitt … but still wasn’t logical even if he had zero memory of what happened. But whatever.

It’s easy to see Disney is removing the Slave1 name. Granted, in context it made sense for Fett to describe his ship to Fennec as a ship model as apposed to just Slave1 so she knows what they are looking for … but even then doesn’t matter since he could just point it out to her. “Fennec, let’s find my ship … (goes to hanger and points to the ship) … That’s it.”

I am personally not a supported of changing established things for the sake of agendas or making something a problem that wasn’t. (asides for Fett’s ship, I also look at the Rule of Two being changed for the sake of an No Plan movie/saga.)

HOWEVER, with Boba changing from a bounty hunter/rebirth/Diaymo, I can see him changing the ship to reflect his new persona/title/role/etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if after he defeats the Pykes or is in full control, he simply names it Daiymo1. That would at least have a story reason for it … though again, not a fan of changing things or trying to make something an issue that never was.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Went back and finished #3 and watched #4. My opinion hasn’t changed. It’s a weird mix of interesting (Fett and Krrsantan), uninteresting (Hutts), stupid (kitchen scene that felt like 1978 Holiday Special), and weirdly unnecessary (Mods). Fennec being repaired by the Mods (who behave like Rockers) seemed like Prequel style backstory.

The Hutts, in 1983 and in this, seem ridiculous. If the show even flirted with realism, they would have been done away with quickly and easily. If you’re a worm that has to be carried everywhere, you can be easily killed by the criminals and killers you keep close by. But I digress…

This thing is a mess. It reminds me of the film Solo. Too many chefs and too many side character stories. Boba is the only really interesting part for me. The rest feels and sometimes looks like TV show filler. I won’t be watching this series a second time. My personal canon for Fett will stay Empire and Mandalorian.

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Anchorhead said:

The Hutts, in 1983 and in this, seem ridiculous. If the show even flirted with realism, they would have been done away with quickly and easily. If you’re a worm that has to be carried everywhere, you can be easily killed by the criminals and killers you keep close by. But I digress…

Realism? In Star Wars? And even so, real life mobsters, or dictators for that matter, weren’t always all that tough themselves. Money and extortion are often far more powerful than just muscle, and the Hutts aren’t necessarily as weak as they seem either. They don’t have to be carried around, they just do it as a sign of power. 1983 Jabba didn’t move about simply because they didn’t have the technology to pull it off (at least not to Lucas’ high standards), and we’ve seen Hutts move about in TPM and throughout the cartoons. Some canonical Hutts are actually quite dangerous.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I think Boba Fett will be injured, maybe a arm or a hand, Fennec takes him to get his arm/hand repaired

It just seems weird, there’s all this action and great stuff, then they have to stop and have a comedy troupe for a few minutes, then back to the action again, it’s very jarring and out of place sometimes.

The Vespa gang don’t belong on Tatooine neither, more like Canto Bight or Coruscant, but not here.

I love the Hutts, BK, Rancor and his keeper, all the scenes of Boba Fett’s ship flying around. The revisiting of the Sarlaac Pit/Sail Barge wreckage.

I would love to see fan edits of this after it’s over.


Wait a second…

How did Boba waken up perfectly intact, inside the pit, if the dumb 97SE beak thing exists? Maybe I’m overthinking this.


Jabba moved around fine in A New Hope special edition scene at docking bay 94, he crawls away after Han Solo agreed to pay him 15% extra what he owed him. Boba Fett was there too😁


If they have podracing in Mos Espa, I can believe there’d be a small group of Mods with shiny bikes there too.

I find a lot of humor in the prequels to be irritating, but those droids in the kitchen were awesome.

Boba is trying to get the syndicates to cooperate for their mutual benefit. Killing those Hutts would start a war. He already has what looks like a war with the Pykes coming, and doesn’t need to be making more enemies.


Chapter 4 wasn’t making much sense around a few plots (why is he looking for his armor while he should remember he escaped from the sarlacc with it? why does he tell the rat droid “I am Boba !”? many weird choices as well here and there) but it was fun and Boba is more objective driven with leadership than the unsecure version we have seen since the beginning of the season. I dig a bit more Fennec as well thanks to the pleasant Mission Impossible-like infiltration scene.

Not great but if they keep this level of brainless fun until the end, it can be decent. Not sure I’ll ever revisit it unless the ending really is surprinsingly epic (I also have never rewatched Mando at the exceptoin of the episode with the dragon, which is great).

So long 🙌