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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 11


Omni said:

Wow, really can’t believe the near universally positive reception from you guys. I hated basically everything from these first two episodes, don’t think I’ll be coming back for more…

Hate leads to suffering!

The broad enjoyment is remarkable. I’m as critical as anyone on most new SW. I’ve written off the sequels. I thought the Mandalorian mediocre but it had its moments that kept me coming back.

I like the current characterization of Fett, Temuera Morrison does a good job, and I’ve always been a Fett fan.

Thinking about what scenes might be repurposed for edits is also fun.

The blue elephant in the room.


Omni said:

Wow, really can’t believe the near universally positive reception from you guys. I hated basically everything from these first two episodes, don’t think I’ll be coming back for more…

Well, after seeing the tiresome and dull second episode, I tend to agree: I liked the first episode but it’s absolutely not looking good at all now. Too bad…

So long 🙌


Omni said:

Wow, really can’t believe the near universally positive reception from you guys. I hated basically everything from these first two episodes, don’t think I’ll be coming back for more…

To be honest I’m not surprised - in my experience huge differences of opinion have always been a staple of the Star Wars fandom.

Maybe if you see us change our opinions to near universally negative reception in the next few weeks, you can go back to watching the series… 😉

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I’ve decided to wait until all episodes are available and binge watch the whole season, but that wookiee bounty hunter gives me some serious Hanharr vibes. Just asking, what kind of character is he? Honourable, ruthless or something in between?


You’re either brave or foolish, coming into the spoiler thread without having seen the show. 😉 They haven’t shown yet in the series, so someone else will have to provide information from the comics.


Definitely ruthless. Krrsantan joins Dr Aphra’s crew in the comics but as soon as there’s a bounty on her head, he gets fed up of her and begins hunting her down. I think that’s good example of how quickly he can change sides.

He’s also fought against Obi-wan, which is where he got that scar over his eye, but he didn’t do too badly against a Jedi master. A formidable opponent for sure. If Boba fights like he did against those Nightwind soldiers, he’s screwed.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Hal 9000 said:

I found the sound effect of that train when it first appears absolutely hilarious. It wasn’t the traditional krayt dragon sound (as heard in the '77/'97 versions of ANH or The Mandalorian), but rather the “krayt dragon” call from Ben Kenobi as heard in the 2011 BluRay. That absolutely ridiculous fucking sound, like someone doing a Michael Jackson impression in the restroom three stalls down.

I take this as a retcon. The OOT version of Ben’s call is indeed a krayt dragon, and the 2011/2019 version is this train.

I thought it was pretty clever how they mixed all three versions of the call together throughout the season opener for Mando season 2. So that now all three versions (including the stepped on a lego) are canon.

Forum Moderator

So now on the official ‘canon’ version of ANH, the tuskens are startled and run away believing a giant hovering train is about to barge out of the canyons.


Episode 3 wasn’t exactly the most exciting episode, but it was the first time I felt really engaged with the “present” part of the story and there’s a lot of interesting ideas being set-up here. This is the first time we see Fett actually ruling with respect (unless you count him sparing the two Gamorreans) and having it actually work out.

I am a little concerned about how three episodes in we’re still not quite sure who the main villains are, but this could also be a build-up to something very big. It does make sense that there’d be multiple factions for Fett to have to deal with and it seems like the series is now shifting their focus more to the “present” and we’re not even half-way through the series yet.

Also, seeing as Rodriguez is a co-producer on this show it was only a matter of time before Danny Trejo showed up.

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That fight with Black Krrsantan was intense! What a way to be woken up! I’m sure setting him free will work to Boba’s advantage just as it did with the Gamoreans and the cyborg bikers. How did Krrsantan get in though? Do we fully trust Fennec?

I didn’t see the female Tusken fighter among the dead. Maybe she survived? That biker gang is done for!

I can’t wait to see the showdown with the Pykes. Will Boba ride that rancor into battle or will it just be his version of being carried through town? Both?

The cameos were great.

All that food looked pretty good. That palace would make a great restaurant.


Rodney-2187 said:

That fight with Black Krrsantan was intense! What a way to be woken up! I’m sure setting him free will work to Boba’s advantage just as it did with the Gamoreans and the cyborg bikers. How did Krrsantan get in though? Do we fully trust Fennec?

I had that same thought about Fennec watching the episode today. She did technically save Krrsantan’s life when one of the cyborg bikers was about to shoot him. She was quite a devious character in “The Gunslinger” so if someone gives her a better offer or Fett seems to be outgunned at some point she might turn against him, that is if she’s not already a “double agent” of sorts. We don’t really know too much about her motivations at this point other than her vague life-debt to him. Of course she wasn’t all that bad in The Bad Batch so maybe she’ll stay loyal, especially now as Fett’s forces keep growing.

I wonder if all the crazy stuff that’s been alluded to by Rodriguez in interviews might literally be Boba Fett riding a Rancor with an army of Tuskens, and maybe even Black Krrsantan on his side? We’re only three episodes in and already he’s built up an pretty colourful entourage.

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BTW, I’m rewatching the episode and I just noticed that the painting that one of the cyborg bikers crashes through while chasing the Majordomo is this concept art by Ralph McQuarrie for ROTJ (only with Luke removed and Threepio changed to silver).

I’m also starting to wonder where the cyborg gang is supposed to be from. I’ve already seen some complaints (outside this forum) that they don’t look OT enough, which I do kind of agree with, though we have seen designs like this elsewhere in the franchise. But they do seem quite out of place on Tatooine, and they all have British accents. I can’t imagine that shiny “upgrades” like theirs is something one could easily get on Tatooine either.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Chase Adams said:

“I’ve ridden beasts ten times its size”

Anyone else thought of this? 😄

No, but that’s a nice thing to pick up on! As soon as he said that my mind started racing but this didn’t even occur to me.

As for the episode in general - good, but probably my least favourite so far. The fight with Black Krrsantan was fantastic; I think their portrayal of him has been great, he’s very scary. However, I’m very unhappy with the decision for the Tusken tribe to die offscreen. We’d only just got some major development for them, exploration of their culture etc only for them to be slaughtered for some added motivation for Boba. It feels very unnecessary to me, a waste of potential and perhaps even slightly disrespectful to the indigenous people they’re meant to represent.

I also didn’t like the chase sequence, as it felt quite slow and prolonged. The biker gang I like, though. Those colourful bikes are so weird and stupid I love them.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Chase Adams said:

“I’ve ridden beasts ten times its size”

Anyone else thought of this? 😄

They should have done this scene in live action, starting with him in the Bacta tank after everything that happens in chapter 3.

He could remember looking at the rancor, then flashes back to the holiday special scene here. It could probably happen in chapter 4.

As for the Holiday Special, they should just use his voice for Boba Fett. They already changed it in the original trilogy, might as well do it for this too.


Until we get more Bad Batch, I still can’t help wondering if Fennec ever mentioned anything about Omega to Boba.


I’m glad I qualified my praise for the previous episode because this week’s was drek. Rodriguez has a unique talent for making this world look so cheap. The Bantha Bobba rode in the flashback looked like a muppet.

The fight choreography was lacking. Bobba is no worse for wear after being tossed around, choked, bitten and crushed? Then he lets Black Krrsantan just walk away. The Hutts are just leaving?

The Vespa scooters & their riders seemed jarringly out of place - a Quadrophenia homage on Tatooine? They seemed like something from a bad Syfy or CW show. What was with the bizarrely slow ‘chase’ scene?

Where are the stakes? What is the hook? We’re three episodes in yet the present day story is still thin and underdeveloped. I don’t expect the Sopranos in Space but the poor plotting and characterisation is really exposed when you don’t have a strong director capable of elevating the very basic writing.

GuardianoftheWhills said:

The only negative I’ll add at this point is that the sparseness of the narrative - as with the Mandalorian - really requires great direction to elevate the material. The Rick Famuyiwa and Deborah Chow episodes of the Mandalorian were real standouts. Famuyiwa’s ‘The Believer’ from Season 2 being the high point for me.

Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy Robert Rodriguez’s opening episode of the series, nor has stint on the Mandalorian season 2. I hope his subsequent episodes don’t drag down the show’s pacing.

The handling of Bobba Fett here reminds me of how the Prequels undermined Vader: the economy of his dialogue was a large part of his menace. He didn’t say much but what he did say was pointed and delivered with weight.

The Book of Bobba Fett leaves me wondering did we really need this chapter in his life? More than that, it leaves me thinking who is this inept wanna be crime lord? How can someone who was one of the top bounty hunters in the galaxy be so ignorant of the underworld? How does his organisation work when it seems to only consist of him, Fennec, a couple of Gamorrean guards and a few droids? Why is he so ‘nice’?

With any luck we get a better director who can at least make these issues less glaring. But this show underlines some significant problems with the Mandoverse. I’m looking forward to some other show runners being rather more ambitious.


Unless Fennec is working for Omega. She could be going by a different name, maybe Omega is in charge of this new syndicate. The only person who Boba Fett couldn’t kill would be his own sister. If he found out he had a sister, it would be heart wrenching for him.

His father was killed in front of him, he’s all alone in the universe. Maybe that’s why they keep showing his dad fly off Kamino in his Bacta tank dreams, all his family is dead, or presumed dead.

Maybe Omega reveals the truth to him, as well as some surprises he’s not expecting.

It could be a family reunion of sorts


As per usual StarWarsExplained does a great job at verbalizing the themes explored in Favreau’s writing and although episode 3 was a bit underwhelming on the action side of things, it was a good continuation of the overall narrative and Fett’s character arc;

The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 3 - The Streets of Mos Espa Episode Review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb_KLzHYMjk - by StarWarsExplained (10 mins long)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Part II showed what was possible, and was an adequate length for once which was weird. Part III was frequently jarring and laughable. The design of the gang and their speeders should have been scrapped entirely.


GuardianoftheWhills said:

… The Book of Bobba Fett leaves me wondering did we really need this chapter in his life? More than that, it leaves me thinking who is this inept wanna be crime lord? How can someone who was one of the top bounty hunters in the galaxy be so ignorant of the underworld? How does his organisation work when it seems to only consist of him, Fennec, a couple of Gamorrean guards and a few droids? Why is he so ‘nice’?

Exactly my thoughts so far, Fetts way too nice in this cooing over the rancor and at one point it looked like he was about to cry over Tusken Raiders 😬.

What happened to big bad Bobba?..

and those bright space Vespas what were they thinking 🤨

All these issues can be fixed with a good faneditor though so not too bad so far.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Boba definitely seems like a different character but I also don’t mind in the slightest. He’s just mellowing with age.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


As someone who was playing D&D in the late 1970’s…that bounty hunter wookie fight was a D*D battle represented in live (i.e. not animated) form.
And the biker gang totally are a nod to Biff Tannen’s gang in Back to the Future 2.