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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 10


jedi_bendu said:

Cool bike girl only makes me more interested in this series. Plus I feel George Lucas would probably really approve of her bike.

(She’s played by Sophie Thatcher by the way)

So, as it seems we already saw Black Krrsantan, is this girl Dr. Aphra? Or does it not fit with the timeline? (I haven’t read the comics)

(Jedit: checking with Wookieepedia, Aphra would be 33 at the time Boba was Daimyo. Or it’s a flashback, and it’s why she looks so young)


I found the sound effect of that train when it first appears absolutely hilarious. It wasn’t the traditional krayt dragon sound (as heard in the '77/'97 versions of ANH or The Mandalorian), but rather the “krayt dragon” call from Ben Kenobi as heard in the 2011 BluRay. That absolutely ridiculous fucking sound, like someone doing a Michael Jackson impression in the restroom three stalls down.

I take this as a retcon. The OOT version of Ben’s call is indeed a krayt dragon, and the 2011/2019 version is this train.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Temuera’s facial expression when fighting are the best. If someone ever looks at you that way, just run.


Boss episode, which I say as someone who saw the first movie in '77 as an eleven year old and LOVED the Jawas and Sand People. The Mandalorian and BoBF have both delivered in spades on expanding two cultures I have wanted to see have more attention for years. The over officious Twilek major domo guy is great, too.


Z6PO said:

So, as it seems we already saw Black Krrsantan, is this girl Dr. Aphra? Or does it not fit with the timeline? (I haven’t read the comics)

I’ve seen this theory thrown around, but Aphra has black instead of brown hair, is supposed to look Asian, and doesn’t have a mechanical arm. Sure, she could have lost a limb and needed a new arm (and a mechanical one would seem fitting for her) but she’d also be missing her iconic electro-tattoos which would be a huge shame.

And also I think I remember Robert Rodriguez saying this is a new character, so in short, my personal conclusion is definitely no.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Definitely enjoyed this episode more. It was a little derivative of standard tropes, but Star Wars is derivative to its very core and origin so that’s fine.

I particularly liked the callback to Lawrence of Arabia when the Tuskens were looting the train after they conquered it. Those scenes always stuck with me and it worked very well in this story too.

Honestly my only complaint is something about the cinematography felt cheap and “made for tv” in a negative way. Didn’t ruin it for me but it definitely isn’t as good cinematography as Mando or some of the marvel series they’ve put out.


A very good episode. I was almost giddy seeing the Hutts. The CGI has come along enough and it not being Jabba helps immensely. I still don’t like the lame minor characters who try to be funny, like at the mayor’s office, but more concerning Max Rebo’s trunk is too thin, isn’t it?

Rodney-2187 said:

Temuera’s facial expression when fighting are the best. If someone ever looks at you that way, just run.

I’ve been noticing his incorporation of what appears to be Haka facial expressions - it adds character for sure.

The blue elephant in the room.


Second episode was much better than the first! Enjoyed all of the development of the sand people culture.

By the way, a high school buddy of mine is doing much of the percussion, and there is a lot of it in these episodes. On the off chance that anyone has any technical questions about that, let me know and I can try and get an answer straight from the horses mouth.

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This was a massive step up from the first episode. Better pacing and direction. It felt far more cinematic, with the lighting and cinematography disguising the limitations of filming in the Volume for the most part. The flashbacks were also far less jarring as a result.

Plus it drew on the new and original expanded universe without seeming too much like fan service.

Black Krrsantan looked suitably menacing. The Hutt Twins were a great new addition. With the Pyke Syndicate too, it’s shaping up to be the exploration of the Star Wars’ underworld it promised to be - if it can keep to this quality.

The train attack reminded me of the one from the early 1980s Classic Star Wars newspaper strips - where Luke derails an Imperial desert train under attack from Chubbits on the planet Aridus. The train designs are very similar - see Classic Star Wars issue 10.

Camie and Fixer getting into scrapes at Tosche Station recalled Biggs’s comments to Luke in the Star Wars radio drama that they would never amount to much: “They’ll never leave Tatooine - maybe never get as far as Mos Eisley. … Fixer’s just about smart enough to know he’s better off being a big noise in a small room. Camie’s dumb enough to think she’s made the prize catch hereabouts.”

Liked the parallels between the Tuskens’ aquatic past and Boba’s own watery upbringing on Kamino.

The ‘humanising’ of the Tuskens felt very classic Star Wars - the indigenous species battling superior tech - and a modern day counterpoint to their portrayal in the OT and PT.

The only negative I’ll add at this point is that the sparseness of the narrative - as with the Mandalorian - really requires great direction to elevate the material. The Rick Famuyiwa and Deborah Chow episodes of the Mandalorian were real standouts. Famuyiwa’s ‘The Believer’ from Season 2 being the high point for me.

Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy Robert Rodriguez’s opening episode of the series, nor has stint on the Mandalorian season 2. I hope his subsequent episodes don’t drag down the show’s pacing.

On the plus side, I hope we’ll see Steph Green direct more Star Wars TV.


I agree I hope Steph Green gets more opportunities like this. She and Jon Favreau did a fantastic job with this episode, it might be one of my favourite episodes of Star Wars TV ever. Especially from the tree scene to the end, there’s something very special about that part of the episode. It’s storytelling that can make scenes of robes slowly getting put on a man, and scene of the man slowly crafting a stick, be absolutely captivating.

Last episode I was much more invested in the present story than the past one, but this episode it was the other way round. I love where they’ve gone with Boba finding an affinity with the Tuskens and adopting their culture, then keeping that with him even when he becomes Daimyo of Mos Espa.

Also, it was very nice to see a subtle comics tie-in with Black Krrsantan. I sense there may be a fight between him and Boba coming, and if so I hope it’s indicated that they already know each other.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Mrebo said:

A very good episode. I was almost giddy seeing the Hutts. The CGI has come along enough and it not being Jabba helps immensely. I still don’t like the lame minor characters who try to be funny, like at the mayor’s office, but more concerning Max Rebo’s trunk is too thin, isn’t it?

I am amazed that with the money and tech that Lucasfilm/Disney has at its disposal that so many of the casually seen aliens look like borderline rubber masks.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets had more convincing looking aliens!


I think Valerian, Mandalorian, and The Book of Boba Fett all look amazing. They’re really giving us something special in my opinion.


regularjoe said:

Mrebo said:

A very good episode. I was almost giddy seeing the Hutts. The CGI has come along enough and it not being Jabba helps immensely. I still don’t like the lame minor characters who try to be funny, like at the mayor’s office, but more concerning Max Rebo’s trunk is too thin, isn’t it?

I am amazed that with the money and tech that Lucasfilm/Disney has at its disposal that so many of the casually seen aliens look like borderline rubber masks.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets had more convincing looking aliens!

I feel like it’s probably an intentional choice. They’re trying to emulate the look of the rubber masks used in A New Hope.


regularjoe said:

Mrebo said:

A very good episode. I was almost giddy seeing the Hutts. The CGI has come along enough and it not being Jabba helps immensely. I still don’t like the lame minor characters who try to be funny, like at the mayor’s office, but more concerning Max Rebo’s trunk is too thin, isn’t it?

I am amazed that with the money and tech that Lucasfilm/Disney has at its disposal that so many of the casually seen aliens look like borderline rubber masks.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets had more convincing looking aliens!

I wish they touched them up a bit with CGI, if only for allowing some smoother motion. It’s nice to recall the simpler OT aesthetic but sometimes the alien characters act so unexpressive that it feels jarring, reminds me of the poor lip-syncing of the Neimoidians back in the prequels.

On the other hand some of the animatronic work they’ve pulled off is amazing, such as the Frog lady in Mando or the Ithorian mayor in this series.


Everyone’s new favorite Tusken warrior is portrayed by experienced stunt performer Joanna Bennett.



Rodney-2187 said:

Everyone’s new favorite Tusken warrior is portrayed by experienced stunt performer Joanna Bennett.


She’s fantastic. The jump she did onto the moving speeder train was smooooooth. (And I love how she becomes Boba’s mentor in Tusken Raider combat as well)

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


There’s probably a Wookiepedia page for this, but the implication I am taking from this is that the Tuskens in general or this tribe in specific is matriarchical.


regularjoe said:

There’s probably a Wookiepedia page for this, but the implication I am taking from this is that the Tuskens in general or this tribe in specific is matriarchical.

Possible, but she’s not playing the tribe chieftain. Though since they all wear the same masks it’s hard to tell if the chief isn’t also a woman, though the costume is more typical male Tusken like we’ve seen before.

My interpretation is that she’s the Tusken equivalent of a Shield-maiden, i.e. a warrior woman, whereas the females we saw in AOTC are wearing more domestic garments and masks. Alternatively this could simply be an all-warrior tribe and therefore everyone, regardless of sex, wears the same masks with only subtle variations to their garments according to individual and/or status.

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With one thing and another, It’s been over 2 years since I’ve commented at length about anything specific around here…BEFORE THE DARK TIMES…BEFORE THE RISE OF…er, THE PANDEMIC! But I’ve had plenty of time to mull over the conclusion of the Sequel Trilogy which came out at the end of 2019, and hope to go into some thoughts of my own on it before too long. Along with an idea or two also, but that’s for another day.

As a long-time fan of the Original Trilogy’s imaginative world-building, I wondered what a regular live-action TV show would offer in a ‘Star Warsy’ setting…so I’m glad to say that I’ve found plenty of impressive and fun moments throughout THE MANDALORIAN and THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT shows so far.

After previous disappointments with certain aspects of the franchise, I’d kept my expectations very low for THE MANDALORIAN. I initially had some reservations about how things would turn out when I found out that the main character was going to be accompanied by a little, doe-eyed, Disney-fied ‘yodaling’…but he’s turned out to be a big hit now, even though I wasn’t too keen on the idea at the start. And due to the way things progressed in the show, I warmed to him too…especially as he remained SILENT throughout, rather than being given some kind of awful ‘toddler Yoda’ voice. Thank the Maker!

Yes, there’s been some overly-goofy moments along the way, but both shows have had enough entertaining moments in them to offset any problems I’ve had with them. And Boba’s ‘backstory’ involving his experiences with the Tusken tribe really helps to strengthen his initial appearances in THE MANDALORIAN show for me too.

So yeah, It’s a great time to be a fan of the franchise I reckon, and if the overall quality of these initial two shows are anything to go by, then I’m certainly looking forward to all the other live-action spin-off shows yet to come too.

However, having said all that

just as I thought that THE MANDALORIAN season 2 finale’s last moments came off a bit unconvincing and cloying for my taste, I also had a couple of niggling issues with the opening episode of THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT too…

…because a scene showing EXACTLY HOW Boba escaped from the Sarlacc was always going to be a big moment that a lot of us were looking forward to seeing onscreen…but I’m afraid that Robert Rodriguez came up with something very mediocre, as far as I’m concerned…because the way he ended up putting this major sequence together was lacklustre and cheap-looking I thought, with lazy camera angles and strangely-edited shots…and very little sense of jeopardy overall. And as a fan of a lot of his work, it pains me to say that.

I’d hoped for a much more substantial sequence for that moment, but it was poorly handled I felt. Practical effects can look excellent if they are done well, but the start of the Sarlacc ‘flashback’ was a gloopy, rubbery-looking disappointment for me, and the whole thing seemed rushed overall. And I didn’t particularly like the way Boba was shown to escape in the first place, with his hand suddenly bursting upwards through the sand like something out of the ending of ‘Carrie’! Some may love what we got, but I guess I just hoped for something a bit more dramatic and better-staged for this particular sequence.

To be honest, I’d rather Boba had eventually just managed to get his jetpack to splutter back into life for a few seconds to get out, while flame-throwing and tossing down a grenade at the beast’s insides on his way out for good measure. At the very least I’d have liked to have seen less cutting and better camera angles used on the scene that Robert Rodriguez actually came up with…as the ONLY thing that salvaged it for me somewhat, was the neat accompanying piece of music that started up as Boba broke out of the sand. Truly a missed opportunity for this particular set-piece to have been something more special I reckon.

So just for fun, I played around with the opening of the show for a while to see how things would look and sound if it was re-arranged a little more to my liking…which just involves simplifying things even more when it comes to seeing Boba alive outside of the Sarlacc that he escaped from eventually - at some point after the barge exploded, he just DID…with the method UNSEEN this way, so that I can imagine whatever I wish… 😃

We begin with a certain short musical fanfare, as it fades out to the silence of familiar blue wording…

…then we CUT to the existing opening scenes…

…as we see a familiar figure inside a healing tank…

…then we CUT to a whole new ‘flashback’ here, as Boba recalls a desolate part of Tatooine…

…then we CUT back to Boba moving uncomfortably in his healing tank at this point…

…then we CUT to the rest of his ‘flashback’, where we hear heavy breathing from inside a familiar helmet, as the music kicks in at this point…and we see an exhausted Boba collapse to the ground, as the music fades down…

…then things continue normally as per the episode, as a Sandcrawler comes across Jabba’s barge wreckage at night, and the Jawas steal Boba’s armour, etc…

(by the way, keeping the original initial ‘flashback’ of Slave I at the watery world of Kamino would work equally fine for me too, as a juxtaposition to then seeing my ‘flashback’ of the sands of Tatooine afterwards - in fact, we got a shot of Slave I taking off from Kamino during the 2nd episode of the show, as well as another shot of young Boba with his father’s helmet. Unfortunately, we also got a brief repeat of Boba’s arm shooting upwards again…so of course, I’d prefer to remove it from this episode too)

And while I generally liked the majority of the music heard throughout both of these shows, especially the MAIN themes and END CREDIT themes…there were certain moments where I would have liked the score to have been less bombastic and intrusive personally. And the scene where we first see Boba putting his costume on was one such moment! We got an overly-dramatic piece of music throughout the scene I thought, making it faintly ridiculous for me…which is a pity, as it would have been a neat moment if there had been a lower-key piece of music over it I reckon, or even none at all.

So here’s my ideal re-edit showing how it could look instead, which would give a much quieter reveal of his costume at this point -

We see Boba in his healing tank, and hear a female voice say Wake up Boba

…at this point Boba says The dreams are back to Fennec Shand, as he sighs and gets handed his black robe from the approaching droid…

…as Fennec turns to walk away saying Time to go, they’re lined up to pay respects…I’ll let them know you’re on your way, and we end on a close-up of Boba’s gnarly face, as the music fades away…

…then I’d CUT to this shot of Boba now on Jabba’s throne, as we see him in his full armour again for the first time…

By the way, I reckon Temuera Morrison is doing great in the role so far, and his rugged face and accented line delivery are working very well for the character, just as it did for his ‘father’.

One other thing about the opening episode of THE BOOK OF BOBA - as much as I love all of Ray Harryhausen’s creature features, I wasn’t too keen on the the new multi-limbed sand monster at the end. It seemed too on the nose as something that the great man would have designed for one of his fantasy flicks…but didn’t look ‘Star Warsy’ enough to me, if you know what I mean. Just my own view on that, and I’ll get used to it I guess. But after looking at it again, there’s a few shots I’d prefer to remove to make the sequence a little shorter, which would also lessen the amount of skirling that the beast makes during it’s appearance.

Lastly, I thought Steph Green’s 2nd episode turned out wonderfully overall - I never realised that I needed so much Tusken grunting in my life, and they have been wonderfully portrayed so far. I laughed when a few of them immediately wanted to take the stolen swoop bikes apart when Boba first offered the bikes to them…as that was a genuinely funny ‘call back’ to the Tuskens that were starting to dismantle Luke’s speeder in A NEW HOPE, I thought. And Unlike Robert Rodriguez’s 1st episode, this had a really kinetic, cinematic look to it’s set-pieces.

Safe to say that my much younger self would have absolutely lapped all this up if it had been around at the time, even though my current older self would like to tweak certain things a tad.

Roll on the next episode!

IMPORTANT NOTE - if anyone wishes to comment on any of this, please DO NOT re-‘quote’ the entire post, thanks!


Serious MadMax vibes with the train chase scenes in episode 2

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Behold, new character posters for Black Krrsantan, The Twins, and the Tusken Raiders!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


It would have been hilarious if they used landscape orientation for the Hutts.


Rodney-2187 said:

It would have been hilarious if they used landscape orientation for the Hutts.

You’re right, that’s great desktop wallpaper material right there!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Wow, really can’t believe the near universally positive reception from you guys. I hated basically everything from these first two episodes, don’t think I’ll be coming back for more…


Well, you can’t make something that’s for everybody, so it’s bound to happen that someone will be the odd one out. And the series definitely isn’t perfect, especially the first episode, I thought.