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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 572


omnimuffin said:

sherlockpotter said:

Burbin said:

I don’t see the problem with Pryde saying Palpatine & co. “conjured legions of Star Destroyers”, I don’t think he means that they literally materialized the ships out of thin air. It’s just a riposte to that other officer calling them “conjurers”, he’s simply stating they have brought forth a large & previously unknown fleet, as if being “conjured”.

In any rate I don’t think Pryde would be privy to the inner machinations of the Sith Eternal and their ‘fleet conjuring rituals’, so I don’t see how this line could be read as him explaining the origin of the Sith Fleet.

On the other hand, Kylo was the only person who even went to Exegol (as far as we know), so all any of them would know is what Kylo told them. Why would Kylo, in his official report, say that Palps had “conjured” Star Destroyers if he hadn’t? I’ve always interpreted as Pryde being literal (not to mention, it’s the closest thing the original film offered to an explanation for the Sith Fleet’s existence).

Personally, I’m not super concerned about this either way. If Pryde/the script wants to say that the Sith Fleet was conjured…fine, whatever. It’s not the stupidest thing in the film by a long shot. But if Ascendant does want to downplay that whole aspect…like Chase said, it would probably be more in line with that goal to trim the line.

Plus, the intel from Hux that Poe shares outright states that they’ve been BUILDING the fleet for years.

And even then, one possible interpretation of that statement is that they’ve been building ON the fleet. As in, there was a stockpile, but they’ve also been expanding upon it and upgrading the weapons (BTW this is the answer that I think makes the most sense because it’s a hybrid approach).


omnimuffin said:

sherlockpotter said:

Burbin said:

I don’t see the problem with Pryde saying Palpatine & co. “conjured legions of Star Destroyers”, I don’t think he means that they literally materialized the ships out of thin air. It’s just a riposte to that other officer calling them “conjurers”, he’s simply stating they have brought forth a large & previously unknown fleet, as if being “conjured”.

In any rate I don’t think Pryde would be privy to the inner machinations of the Sith Eternal and their ‘fleet conjuring rituals’, so I don’t see how this line could be read as him explaining the origin of the Sith Fleet.

On the other hand, Kylo was the only person who even went to Exegol (as far as we know), so all any of them would know is what Kylo told them. Why would Kylo, in his official report, say that Palps had “conjured” Star Destroyers if he hadn’t? I’ve always interpreted as Pryde being literal (not to mention, it’s the closest thing the original film offered to an explanation for the Sith Fleet’s existence).

Personally, I’m not super concerned about this either way. If Pryde/the script wants to say that the Sith Fleet was conjured…fine, whatever. It’s not the stupidest thing in the film by a long shot. But if Ascendant does want to downplay that whole aspect…like Chase said, it would probably be more in line with that goal to trim the line.

This feels like one of those things where people are going out of their way to assume the absolute worst possible interpretation of something that happened in the movie. Nothing about the movie implies that the ships were literally conjured, and arguing that it does feels like arguing in bad faith.

I’m not arguing in bad faith, I’m just quoting what the script is literally saying verbatim. I even said the line doesn’t matter to me either way.

Hal said he’s not going to pursue changing the line regardless, so I don’t understand why we’re trying to reignite the debate.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Movies Remastered said:

I havent been able to open anything in after effects properly for months. It makes my computer turn red hot in a very short time

From what I remember people didn’t think the effect was strong enough in the day shots and I only finished one cave close up with the new filter layers. The final design has 5 different Saber effect layers so it takes forever to do a few seconds.

Also, I’ve since re-ripped the bluray but worried about replacing the current file incase something goes wrong. This also means I’ll have to redo the source files on all after effects shots I’ve made including the crackling saber.

Does anyone know an easy way to replace source files that haven’t been nested? I’ve tried render and replace but the file is greyed out?

Dude, I’m so sorry to hear that things aren’t going well.

Knowing literally nothing about After Effects’ project structure, do you have access to the project save files you were working on? Depending on how much is left to do, maybe it’s possible to share the files with someone else, have them open them on their end (replicating your source file structure), and render the video for you?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


The Saber plugin is free but I can’t remember if you have to buy video co pilot first? I can offer the project files to anyone who would like to take it on?

It’s been so long I’ve no idea what state they’re in atm. I think I gave up last time as I kept finding better settings. They’re like a million options to get the right flow, glow, fractals etc

Even if my computer was up to scratch I doubt I’d have to patience to tackle the crackling saber effect right now. Its easy once you know how but a mentally draining job I don’t have the brain for atm. It’ll be one of the last effects I do before totally burning out and need a very long break.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


And FWIW I haven’t seen a crackly saber effect from you, kewlfish or Luka that I thought anything about other than “wow that’s amazing I’m glad to have this.” So, I’d personally take something you don’t feel is flawless over nothing.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Does there need to be consistency in how crackly the blade should be?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Hey MR,

So sorry again to hear about all of your troubles.

The saber effect is free to download and install, no subscriptions or anyhing needed from video-copilot.

I can walk you through reconnecting media in AE if you like. PM me in our thread!


hello guys, i was absent from this thread for while, can u update me of what things still need to be solved and done before a new version of the edit can be relesased? thank u

“The greatest teacher failure is”


Master Lawdog said:

Does there need to be consistency in how crackly the blade should be?

The problem is, if you use the same setting for the day training shot compared to the dark cave you cant see the effects as much. You have to rework the settings according to the light in the scene.

I tried a bunch of YouTube tutorials to get Kylos crackling effects but they weren’t that great. It tricky getting the frantic animation that agressive. I’ll try to find the test footage I did a while back.

Cheers Poppa,

It’s all installed my side. My computer just can’t handle after effects or anything labour intensive. Simple cuts in premiere pro seem to be ok but as soon as i start adding effect layers etc it crashes without saving. Im losing my mind!!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I just wanted to pop in to say that I love this edit and am excited for v2.

Is there a chance that you’d keep an option for the Imperial Shuttle scene (either an entire alternate edit or just that scene, so that people who like it can splice it back in)? Thanks.


The clip itself is available on the Drive, and will continue to be, but I can’t justify an entire alternate version and 60GB of data just for that one brief difference.
Truthfully, I kinda regret leaving it open to a poll, as I prefer the shuttle! But, I chose to do that so I will honor the result.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I honestly prefer the shuttle too, just due to it making more sense to general audience/casual fans and not just hardcore fans. GA people might remember that obi wan said “fighters that size” can’t get that deep into space on their own, so therefore they might still think ANY variety of Tie is a plot hole, whereas those people have SEEN the shuttle use hyperspace. But I digress; in the end it’s an extremely trivial issue either way.


the shuttle is far superior 😛
but the voice of people is the voice of god

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


I also prefer the shuttle, I find it weird that the TIE Advance was chosen instead of the Shuttle.


T-202 said:

I also prefer the shuttle, I find it weird that the TIE Advance was chosen instead of the Shuttle.

Probably due to how poetic it is since Ben idolized his grandfather, and he flew his TIE fighter to Exegol.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Hal, let’s do a recount! Shuttle is so much better 😃

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I also prefer shuttle.

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


I’m indifferent lol. On one hand I see the poetry of Ben flying his grandfather’s ship, and yet I also think the shuttle is much more realistic (who knows how many of those things were in the Death Star).


How about both? Have two versions and people can choose which one? (Although the shuttle makes more sense, my heart says TIE for the imagery/Symbolism.)

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Should i start declaring voter fraud? I mean the echo chamber I live in tells me that shuttle ACTUALLY won and that the votes for the Tie Advanced were… Russian bots?

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


To me I find it harder to believe a shuttle could be found in immaculate condition with those huge wings and fin. I can headcannon that Vader’s personal TIE could’ve been stored in a more secure location which allowed it to survive the explosion (it’s still hard to suspend my disbelief on this but it’s better than nothing).

Also we see Kylo fly on TIEs a bunch in this movie, we see him go through two (now distinct!) TIEs, so it makes more sense to have Ben’s journey to Exegol be on a third and final TIE + the nostalgic imagery of Vader’s TIE right next to Luke’s X-wing feels more like the kind of thing they would’ve done for real for this particular movie.

I guess you could say it TIEs everything togehter… sorry.