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People remembering that fan edits don’t have to be canon? Is this still OT?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Honestly if the way of Fett’s defeat could be changed to be more dignified while keeping his actual death ambiguous would be a nice middle-point.


Boba flies high above the Great Pit of Carkoon and prepares to unleash a dizzying array of missile-based weaponry from his armor. His targeting system locks on to Luke, Han, R2, Lando, even Leia and C-3PO. He looks at Luke. “For my father…Jedi.” he growls in an Australian accent. Suddenly a tentacle shoots out of the Sarlacc beak, ensnaring the formidable bounty-hunter. He turns his attention to the menace beneath him, but his weapons can’t get a lock. He fires missiles at the Sarlacc but they go wide and he is dragged down into the depths.

Luke stares at the pit as a deep rumbling is heard. He races to the other side of the barge, Leia in tow. “Let’s go, and don’t forget the droids!” He shouts, swinging to freedom. Behind them the pit ignites in a fireball of Mandalorian glory, engulfing the sail barge and sending Jabba’s crime syndicate into the stratosphere.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Of course he can do whatever he wants and it should be easy to “reinsert” the “original” cut for Fett to line up with the current stuff. (The special edition Sarlac pitt with its … Alien-style extra mouth … seemed to make it more of a "chew the prey a bit before digesting) So the pre-Special edition sarlacc does at least leave the possibility of it’s victims not instantly dying since it is a slow digestion without any “chewing”. So with Fett’s armor and gadgets, he would have a chance to get out.

So at the end of the day, Adywan can do whatever he wants since he doesn’t have to follow any canon or what’s going on lately. However, I would ask if he could at least provide the scene with his color correction so it matches with the rest of the film so people could choose to replace whatever he does to “line it up” with what’s going on with Boba and the shows.

For me, I cannot color correct and am color blind … so having that “alternate” version would be helpful.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Adywan, I know you were planning on extending the spacebattle aboved Endor and creating a bunch of practical models to use for that, but I also know covid has thrown more than a few spanners in the works, so I was wondering if it has effected any of you plans. Correct me if I’m wrong but you never got a chance to do filming out at redwood park for the ground sequences so they will be delayed ofc, but I know keeping your pc running 24/7 to processes renders must be pricey so if you were looking for cheeper alternatives to crafting, filming and compositing pratical models you could take a look at these guys:



They seem to have mastered the look the endor fight and practical models perfectly but with 3D renders instead. I genuinly don’t know if thats helpful or not, if you know about them someone might have posted about one of them a while back but I couldn’t find it to check so I figured I’d post this just in case.

Obviouly it would be great to see practical effects in action if that still possible but again I jsut wanted to lyk there are other options if you need them.

Also wanted to check how you’re doing, not your project, you. And Mrs Adywan. Hope you’re both well and staying safe.


May the forth be with you all 😄


NeverarGreat said:

Boba flies high above the Great Pit of Carkoon and prepares to unleash a dizzying array of missile-based weaponry from his armor. His targeting system locks on to Luke, Han, R2, Lando, even Leia and C-3PO. He looks at Luke. “For my father…Jedi.” he growls in an Australian accent. Suddenly a tentacle shoots out of the Sarlacc beak, ensnaring the formidable bounty-hunter. He turns his attention to the menace beneath him, but his weapons can’t get a lock. He fires missiles at the Sarlacc but they go wide and he is dragged down into the depths.

Luke stares at the pit as a deep rumbling is heard. He races to the other side of the barge, Leia in tow. “Let’s go, and don’t forget the droids!” He shouts, swinging to freedom. Behind them the pit ignites in a fireball of Mandalorian glory, engulfing the sail barge and sending Jabba’s crime syndicate into the stratosphere.

Australian accent?! 🧐🤯

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


And regarding Boba’s “death.”

I believe it still can look effective. We don’t need to see him escape the Sarlaac, do we? Or maybe just a little hint that he did escape… 😉

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


FVDnz said:

NeverarGreat said:

Boba flies high above the Great Pit of Carkoon and prepares to unleash a dizzying array of missile-based weaponry from his armor. His targeting system locks on to Luke, Han, R2, Lando, even Leia and C-3PO. He looks at Luke. “For my father…Jedi.” he growls in an Australian accent. Suddenly a tentacle shoots out of the Sarlacc beak, ensnaring the formidable bounty-hunter. He turns his attention to the menace beneath him, but his weapons can’t get a lock. He fires missiles at the Sarlacc but they go wide and he is dragged down into the depths.

Luke stares at the pit as a deep rumbling is heard. He races to the other side of the barge, Leia in tow. “Let’s go, and don’t forget the droids!” He shouts, swinging to freedom. Behind them the pit ignites in a fireball of Mandalorian glory, engulfing the sail barge and sending Jabba’s crime syndicate into the stratosphere.

Australian accent?! 🧐🤯

Clearly he decides to have a go at sounding like his clone brothers from TCW for a bit.


FVDnz said:
We don’t need to see him escape the Sarlaac, do we? Or maybe just a little hint that he did escape… 😉

You’ve got two tv series with him alive, what more hints do you need 😄

It’s the faneditor’s choice anyway, but I would feel it out of place to use the last chapter of the best SW trilogy to stage whatever tv show added 40 years later.

So long 🙌


As long as he doesn’t appear as a force ghost at the end.
“I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the afterlife”

(hey at least it explains Hayden’s smirk a little better)

I so wish we could snag that footage that was shot of the late Dave Prowse being de-masked for this.

The “boba fett alive” thing was cool but his armor is too clean and neat looking (should look terrible if he just escaped) and no dropping bombs from the slave I on there as he leaves? Remember this is Boba Fett, not “mando” or whatever his name was in that tv series. Plus they’re using prequel music.

I like to think Fett definitely died and the guy running around as him in the EU was some other dude using salvaged or spare armor (something they even touched on in the show).



We haven’t had any updates from Ady in a good long while now, hope the project is going well!


He’s back!

Dang no internet for 2 months, that’s like an eternity in these days. Glad to see you back and hope your family is well!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


adywan said:

Crossvader said:

We haven’t had any updates from Ady in a good long while now, hope the project is going well!

I haven’t had any internet for over 2 months. Only just got it back today. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do now

The man’s like Luke, all cut of form what surrounds us and penetrates us, and binds us all together (the internet). Lets just hope he ins’r returnin all grumpy and depressing. Good have you back, hope the world isn’t treatin you and your family to unkindly. 😄


I’m Back!!!

Well 2 months+ without internet was a nightmare. ISP claimed the problem wasn’t to do with them and that they couldn’t send an engineer to my house because of their Covid rules. Restrictions here were relaxed the other Monday, an engineer came around and it turns out the problem was at their junction box at the end of the street. So it seems the problems i was having with facebook and other sites was all linked to my line starting to crap out.

Anyway, some good news. ESB:R 1080p is complete and should be available to download next week. It will be a 12GB MP4 file with AC3 5.1 @640kbps. So keep an eye out on the Facebook/ wordpress page next week for the links. This is not a 100% upscale though. Many, many shots have been re-rendered in native 1080p . The opening crawl and end credits have also be re-rendered in 1080p

Now ESB:R 1080p is out of the way, i can get back to work on ROTJ:R & ANH:R HD. ANH:R HD will be native 1080p. I’ve already completed up to the droids going their separate ways on Tatooine. It was originally about 70% complete when i was originally doing it in 720p, but now i have to re-render all the FX & fixes i did in 1080p. Luckily the colour correction i did for ANH was originally done in 1080p, so i can just swap out the 720p version with the higher quality one. Here are a few screenshot comparisons of the new 1080p version of ANH:R…








As you can see, there a mixture of the 2011 & 2020 blu-rays being used here. I don’t think that the new 2020 blu-rays are as great as people that are raving about them think they are. There are some serious problems with both releases. The 2020 blu-rays have a serious problem with static grain, as you know, and the grading is horrendous. They’re just so flat. Just look in the bright areas and there’s no definition on details. A flat, muddy mess. It’s almost as if they didn’t even grade the raw scans they did. Also the digital noise reduction they used has eliminated a lot of detail. For the shots i have already added any fixes and effects work, i need to keep to the 2011 as a source, or i would have to start from scratch and i really don’t want to have to do that. So it’ll be a mixture of both sources.

Now onto the donation drive…

We’re now just £976 away from the goal target. So, if you can help us reach the target it would be very much appreciated and i can then get things really moving on ROTJ:R. I got the extra drives needed, but thanks to Brexit and the pandemic, prices of things have rocketed up here, so getting those wiped out a large chunk of the budget.

You can donate through Paypal’s Money Pool feature using the following link:


For those that have said they are having problems donating this way then i will be setting up an alternative and i will post that tomorrow.

Thanks everyone and i’m sorry again about the lack of updates. Hopefully things are back to normal and i can get back to those that messaged me and posted questions in the various Revisited threads during this downtime.





Donated with pleasure! Those frame comparisons look excellent - universally better than any of the other sources. I really respect Star Wars purism but damn these versions brought up to the modern standard are the ones for me.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Thank the maker! Welcome back Ady! Beyond excited with this news. Wishing you all the best as you complete these projects.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.