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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 503


Hal 9000 said:

I’m looney to be thinking this, but would it be easy to make his saber green instead? Could be a subtle way to suggest the events tapped into the existing mythicism surrounding Luke, as people conflate it with his presumably famous green saber.

Just an idea, not even a suggestion! I really love the way this looks. I never knew TROS would give us something this nice.

Faraday did that in his novelization. I opted for the blue saber myself.

I suppose there isn’t a correct answer there, but I went with blue because the green one never shows up in the movie (except the flashback). Rey is wielding the blue one, so it has more meaning imo.


Green I think would just seem like a mistake or perhaps even an attempt at a retcon (and would muddy the symbolism of Rey using the blue).


Burbin said:

The close-up shot of the children looking over is a bit awkward since they look to the right, but the following action of the puppets is on the left (the walker winding up the fire), I looked at the original scene and noticed you reversed that shot, but I think now it makes more sense to leave it with the children looking left at the walker that’s about to shoot.

Here’s a quick mockup with the shot unreversed, so you guys can judge: https://vimeo.com/554532367

I think it flows nicer, it feels like the children go from looking at the alien guy over to the puppet action, and also it matches the following shot of them laughing.


Just sharing my to do list for the next test:

  • A little more bouncy movement for the puppets in the wide shot (MR)
  • Cut away from CU shot before the intense whispy dust blows across frame (krausfadr)
  • Potentially remove the storyteller’s hand from the CU shot. (DMC) MR might help with this change.
  • Un-reverse shot of kids turning their heads (Burbin)

Am I missing anything? Also, I actually applied a little grain to the puppets themselves, to try and help make the elements blend in a little more (especially in the CU shot, since it is naturally more grainy from being cropped), but I’m not sure if it is helping, so I might remove it on the next pass.

And if people wanted a green saber I could probably change the color easily. But I do agree that I think blue makes more sense.

Thanks again for the feedback and the positivity so far!

hedgesmfg said:

Do you need a nice usable 4K shot because I can provide you with one? (4K HDR or SDR)

I’ve gotten covered for this scene, but I may hit you up for other shots in the future. Thanks for the offer!


poppasketti said:

RogueLeader said:

Here is the two-shot test for the puppet show. I made a few changes but I’ll wait and see what people notice. Let me know what y’all think.


👏 Awesome job, RL! Just awesome!

Thanks Poppa! Also wanted to thank you for creating a separate plate just for the bottom half of the shot/stage. Didn’t realize what it was for at first version, but once I did, I have truly appreciated how much work you saved me. 🙌


RogueLeader said:

Just sharing my to do list for the next test:

  • A little more bouncy movement for the puppets in the wide shot (MR)
  • Cut away from CU shot before the intense whispy dust blows across frame (krausfadr)
  • Potentially remove the storyteller’s hand from the CU shot. (DMC) MR might help with this change.
  • Un-reverse shot of kids turning their heads (Burbin)

Am I missing anything? Also, I actually applied a little grain to the puppets themselves, to try and help make the elements blend in a little more (especially in the CU shot, since it is naturally more grainy from being cropped), but I’m not sure if it is helping, so I might remove it on the next pass.

And if people wanted a green saber I could probably change the color easily. But I do agree that I think blue makes more sense.

Thanks again for the feedback and the positivity so far!

hedgesmfg said:

Do you need a nice usable 4K shot because I can provide you with one? (4K HDR or SDR)

I’ve gotten covered for this scene, but I may hit you up for other shots in the future. Thanks for the offer!

It looks amazing, RL! The only other thing I can think of is retiming the voiceover so that Rey looks over after the narrator says “Skywalker.” Oh, and maybe increase the volume on that first part, so that the audience can clearly hear “Skywalker” as well without it getting lost in the crowd noises? (“Huh? What? Skywalker? Skywalker where? Oh my god it’s a Luke puppet!”)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I did move it up a little more, but I felt like I didn’t want the audience/Rey to hear “Skywalker!” while that merchant was in front of her. I feel like we should see her face when she/we hear it. I’ll see again about moving it up slightly more.


With the current placement it seems like she’s just looking over but then she stops when she hears “Skywalker”.


Tiny nitpick, but do we need the alien to say “Skywalker” three times, or even twice? The second time it says Skywalker, it sounded to me a bit like it’s just reusing the same audio as the first time he says it, maybe it’s just because he pauses after the word both times. Maybe I’m being silly, but I’m just thinking of what the alien actor’s “translated script” could have been and wondering how the same word is used so often in just one or two sentences. Maybe replace one with “Jedi?”

On that note, I also wonder if the voice actor (I forget who exactly, my apologies) couldn’t ham it up just a little bit with their cadence and tone to better match what’s happening on screen in the final cut. Maybe a quick dramatic pause before Luke deflects the blast, then a little flair and excitement in their voice when it happens. Like, in a way the kids could be laughing at how he’s telling the story, and not just at the visual of the puppets.


RogueLeader said:

Here is the two-shot test for the puppet show. I made a few changes but I’ll wait and see what people notice. Let me know what y’all think.


Simply outstanding. And I love how you edited the audio to make it seem like it got reys attention.


Yes! Rogue Leader could you upload a version with a green saber? Would really appreciate it! I also changed it to green in my TLJ edit


Movies Remastered said:

I’d appreciate a green Saber. I can’t remember if I changed that in my TLJ cut but the option would be great.

I can’t help feeling as excited as the kids everytime I watch this clip. Simply amazing.

I think I’ve watched it 8 or 9 times. They took an insubstantial moment in the movie and made it something beautiful and emotional


The newest shot looks amazing! Really think the un-reversed shot of the kids works best.

Concerning the color of the light saber. I am color blind and the blue light saber will surely stand out more than a green (or even red for that matter) a green will sort of fade into the background.
I also like to think that these aliens have not seen a light saber before, they have only heard about it, and in their view a light saber simply is blue.

Anyway, just have to say, you guys are awesome!


RogueLeader said:

Just sharing my to do list for the next test:

  • A little more bouncy movement for the puppets in the wide shot (MR)
  • Cut away from CU shot before the intense whispy dust blows across frame (krausfadr)
  • Potentially remove the storyteller’s hand from the CU shot. (DMC) MR might help with this change.
  • Un-reverse shot of kids turning their heads (Burbin)

I think that’s really all that’s needed for polishing at the moment, but man, it is fantastic already. Keep it up!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


How about some new dialogue so Redeemed Ben’s last line isn’t “ow”? It would have to be small and done sparingly so as not to feel fake and out of place, but it would probably be doable and effective to find some samples of Adam Driver quietly saying “Rey,” “no,” and “I’m sorry” when he finds her dead.




Anyways I remember Movies Remastered doing something really cool with the Han and Ben convo and taking some soundclips and moving it to Ben’s sacrifice. It made his ending moment a whole lot better but you would have to chop up the Han scene which would be sad because it’s the best scene in the movie. I would love to have a Ben line sometime during the end for a less radical version though.


Cadavra said:

How about some new dialogue so Redeemed Ben’s last line isn’t “ow”? It would have to be small and done sparingly so as not to feel fake and out of place, but it would probably be doable and effective to find some samples of Adam Driver quietly saying “Rey,” “no,” and “I’m sorry” when he finds her dead.

Maybe you can find something through his IMDb page.


The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


TestingOutTheTest said:

What’s wrong with Ben’s “ow” being his final line?

This is a fanedit, we can suggest changing his last line to be something more meaningful than a summary of this trilogy of films.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


The novelization had his last line be in Rey’s head after he dies: “Noones ever really gone.” Not only is it a nice callback to Luke, but it also explains why Rey suddenly looks happy as she’s flying away in her X-wing.

Too bad he never said that anywhere.