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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 479


Another thing I noticed: Kylo says “we’ll kill him and take the throne” to Rey (hangar), but doesn’t he already know, in this version, that killing him means spirit transfer?



KumoNin said:

Another thing I noticed: Kylo says “we’ll kill him and take the throne” to Rey (hangar), but doesn’t he already know, in this version, that killing him means spirit transfer?

I agree 100% with modifying this line. In my novelization I replaced it with “We’ll defeat him and take the fleet” but obviously that is a lot harder to do. I could check out what lines I’ve got, though.

Also, Testing, I have no idea what the point of your suggestion is.


KumoNin said:

Another thing I noticed: Kylo says “we’ll kill him and take the throne” to Rey (hangar), but doesn’t he already know, in this version, that killing him means spirit transfer?

Maybe that’s why he needs Rey’s help to kill him, rather than killing Palpy by himself immediately in the opening? Like, together, they’ll be able to prevent the spirit transfer? I think that actually makes more sense than the theatrical “I’ll leave Palpatine alive for no reason whatsoever.” I think it’ll be fine as is.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


It’s a blatant contradiction no matter which way you spin it, Sherlock.

"Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you "


“We’ll kill him together and take the throne.”

To be clear, I still want Kylo to know about essence transfer from the get-go. But obviously that second line was written with the idea that Kylo himself doesn’t know about it.


I think this is a non issue. It doesn’t change the movie and alot of people wouldn’t give it a second thought


The problem is though, that the possession concept itself is shit. If killing Palpy allows him to possess you, the writers have created a no-win scenario. At that point, the only option for resolving anything is to gloss over the idea entirely. Rey decides that she’ll let Palpy take her over (because that will somehow allow her to control the fleet, even though Palpatine will be the one in control?), but then she senses Ben, and is like “Well shoot, what am I doing? This is a terrible idea!” But then as soon as Ben joins her, they’re about to kill him together anyway. And then Rey ends up killing Palpatine, but he doesn’t possess anyone. He just dies.

So you need Kylo to know about the spirit transfer in the beginning, as it gives a reason for not killing Palps immediately. But you also need Rey to not know about it, otherwise she won’t be so hard-set on confronting Palps. You could maybe try to ignore the possession thing entirely: “Strike me down, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete,” just like in the Original Trilogy. But that still wouldn’t explain why Kylo lets him live in the beginning. And I would have a huge issue if Palpy set up this whole, stupid scheme - for the sole purpose of cloning himself and surviving beyond his death - if his entire subsequent plan is just “Kill me, Rey!”

I think it’s a sunk cost. The possession stuff is so messy and poorly handled that I don’t think there’s any way of fixing it. If someone has a legitimate suggestion for getting around it, then I’m all ears; but otherwise I think we’ll just have to accept it and move on.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


ThisIsCreation said:

I think this is a non issue. It doesn’t change the movie and alot of people wouldn’t give it a second thought

It caught me completely off guard and took me out of it, honestly. To be clear, I think this change is not a bad idea, and I think the soul possession should remain, it’s just that the hangar scene should be modified so that this makes more sense. (If that line is not in the nobody version I don’t care as much tho 😄)

EDIT: sherlock may be right again 😕



sherlockpotter said:

The problem is though, that the possession concept itself is shit. If killing Palpy allows him to possess you, the writers have created a no-win scenario. At that point, the only option for resolving anything is to gloss over the idea entirely. Rey decides that she’ll let Palpy take her over (because that will somehow allow her to control the fleet, even though Palpatine will be the one in control?), but then she senses Ben, and is like “Well shoot, what am I doing? This is a terrible idea!” But then as soon as Ben joins her, they’re about to kill him together anyway. And then Rey ends up killing Palpatine, but he doesn’t possess anyone. He just dies.

You have to kill him with the dark side in order to be possessed. And thankfully the Force ghosts we added in serve a purpose beyond fan service: they hold Palpatine’s spirit in place so it’s finally destroyed.

There are ways for it all to make sense, but unfortunately the writers didn’t take the time to think about them. I could explain more of what they are, but whatever.


Jar Jar Bricks said:
You have to kill him with the dark side in order to be possessed. And thankfully the Force ghosts we added in serve a purpose beyond fan service: they hold Palpatine’s spirit in place so it’s finally destroyed.

Agree thats always been my interpretation of it, Sheev struck down Plagueis with dark intent and got possessed probably like the many other Sith before him so Plagueis needed Rey to do the same but Plagueis ended up being destroyed by his own powers in the end as the ghost Jedis shielded Rey.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Has there been any consideration for edits referencing the new Snoke origin from Vader comic, involving Luke’s hand? Could be interesting addition somewhere on Exegol. I know It’s not actually confirmed but we know Luke’s severed limb was there anyway.

Quick Concept edit: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/501825149469851659/841086705423220736/PicsArt_05-10-12.58.02.jpg?width=1064&height=444

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Okay, trying the timing again for 3PO in the hangar. Is this still too manic?


I tried doing “It appears I am a Resistance spy” but the beginning R of that “Resistance” is so slurred with the “D” right before it that separating it always sounded terrible. If anyone’s got a source for a clip of him saying “Resistance” quickly enough that it would fit here, I think it would fit the memory-wipe stuff better if we’re able to keep the “It appears”, but I just don’t have a good source for that key word.


Cinefy said:

Has there been any consideration for edits referencing the new Snoke origin from Vader comic, involving Luke’s hand? Could be interesting addition somewhere on Exegol. I know It’s not actually confirmed but we know Luke’s severed limb was there anyway.

Quick Concept edit: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/501825149469851659/841086705423220736/PicsArt_05-10-12.58.02.jpg?width=1064&height=444

Yeah, JXEditor and I were playing with this idea. I’ve managed to get a higher res of this scene but it moves like a fake hand in a jar. Definately up for working something out if you’re interested? https://youtu.be/fLleAenlOuM

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Good idea, but what if later in the comics (or tv series) the hand is recovered, destroyed or something like that?


axlanian said:

Okay, trying the timing again for 3PO in the hangar. Is this still too manic?


I tried doing “It appears I am a Resistance spy” but the beginning R of that “Resistance” is so slurred with the “D” right before it that separating it always sounded terrible. If anyone’s got a source for a clip of him saying “Resistance” quickly enough that it would fit here, I think it would fit the memory-wipe stuff better if we’re able to keep the “It appears”, but I just don’t have a good source for that key word.

It’s going in the right direction and I’ll watch it a few times again to get a good feel for it.

Please no hand.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Yeah, I see no reason to add a hand. lol

And I hate to be a wet blanket, but Rey using lightning on Finn doesn’t strike me as feeling right for that moment. It could’ve been scripted that way, but with what we have to work with Finn still flies backward and Rey doesn’t blink about any of it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Agreed. Rey using lightning right there would have been the breaking point for her, and would have required her to dispatch Kylo almost in the same moment.

However, it might be cool to see some lightning flicker along her fingers as she pushes Finn away, mirroring the effect with Palpatine’s hands from the beginning of the film.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Any lightning coming out of, or appearing on, her hands, would at that point cause her to react extremely poorly, and there’s simply no footage of her after that point that would fit with that. “I almost electrocuted Finn with the same lightning that blew up a whole damn ship earlier” is too big a deal to go unremarked or un-reflected upon.

In that moment, and that moment only, removed from the context of the rest of the movie it might be “cool” to juice the scene by having lightning show up on her hands or even shoot out of her fingers. But that’s an impulse that again, is too similar to the “throw it in the movie whether it fits or not” ethos that caused the movie to be a pileup of “cool” moments crashing into each other that needed such heavy re-editing by the community in the first place.

It’s a trailer beat - not a storytelling one.


Truthfully, I think the lightning shot would work in part because Rey doesn’t react to it. My feelings in suggesting the extra lightning are that she’s completely losing herself during that scene. As it is, she doesn’t notice or care that she tosses Finn about like a rag doll, potentially hurting him. She never reacts to him again, never goes to check on him, or to express remorse. She’s super angry that Kylo smashes the McGuffin, and then she just goes to town on him. Swinging wildly, screaming…Finn tries to pull her back from the brink and she’s all like, “Nah-uh, buster! *ker-POW!*” She basically pushes back Finn reflexively, not even “seeing” him. And she keeps going after Kylo blindly. Leia reaches out to her son, and Ben clearly feels her presence, but Rey is too self-consumed to notice anything else. She flat-out *impales* him, and then…she feels Leia finally. And she snaps out of it. She looks around, seeing what she’s done seemingly for the first time. And then she cries, seeing what she’s become - seeing how low she’s fallen. Which is why she decides to heal Ben - to atone.

So that’s my read on the scene, and I’ll defend the lightning idea as a legitimate storytelling beat, feeding into that blinding, consuming darkness that Rey is (or should be) feeling right about now.

But, that said, the Man has spoken. If it’s not right for Ascendant, it’s not right for Ascendant. Maybe I’ll add it to my version if I can get the effect to work.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


That’s my read too, Sherlock. Rey is totally caught up in her anger, reacting blindly. It’s too much to throw actual lightning around, but a few stray bits on her hand would be totally in character for her at this point in the story and lead organically from her destruction of the transport. There’s actually a lot of emphasis on her hand in this scene, as she shakes it as if it’s paining her, grabbing Kylo’s saber with it to deal the injurious blow, and using it to heal him when she finally realizes how close she was to the darkness. The scene even ends with dialogue about her taking Ben’s hand! It’s actually stranger that there’s no reference to Force lightning in this scene, given how important it was earlier.

Finally, it is absolutely a storytelling beat to tie her abilities visually to Palpatine’s abilities as they have been seen so far in the film.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Sherlock is how I interpreted it. The fact that she doesn’t react would be what would give it weight.

It’s not at all about adding a “cool trailer moment” or whatever the hell. Come on we don’t need to degrade legitimate ideas with snark like that.


Oh yeah, no, I totally get where you guys are coming from; I’m just trying to justify adding the lightning in my own edit, you know? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It really is strange that Pasaana is the only time Rey uses an actual Dark Side ability, especially Lightning - the most Dark Side-y of all Dark Side Darkness-es. I could definitely see adding lightning to her hand when she shakes it during the duel; although I do feel like that moment would be better served by the lightsaber starting to flicker out, as was previously suggested. It conveys the same implication as the lightning - that she’s failing as a Jedi - but it also explains why she ends up on the ground, unable to defend herself against Kylo; and it also foreshadows the ending really well where the sabers will go kablooey. Having the saber flicker out and lightning flicker might be too much for the moment, I fear.

I dunno. But also, if we can pull off the new Dagger Translation and the Dagger Vision according to RogueLeader’s plan, then at least we get Rey explicitly channeling the Dark Side at that moment. So that at least would give Rey’s arc a little more dramatic weight.


NeverarGreat said:

Finally, it is absolutely a storytelling beat to tie her abilities visually to Palpatine’s abilities as they have been seen so far in the film.

The only thing is, Ascendant removed Palpy’s hands flickering when he raises the fleet. So it would be less a direct reference to Palps, and more a generic allusion to the Dark Side.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


DominicCobb said:

Sherlock is how I interpreted it. The fact that she doesn’t react would be what would give it weight.

It’s not at all about adding a “cool trailer moment” or whatever the hell. Come on we don’t need to degrade legitimate ideas with snark like that.

+1 to all of this


Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, I see no reason to add a hand. lol

And I hate to be a wet blanket, but Rey using lightning on Finn doesn’t strike me as feeling right for that moment. It could’ve been scripted that way, but with what we have to work with Finn still flies backward and Rey doesn’t blink about any of it.

Yeah I’m not a big fan of Rey using force lighting on Finn, feel like it would probably look weird especially since ILM force lighting is hard to replicate unless you do it in Nuke

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


axlanian said:

Okay, trying the timing again for 3PO in the hangar. Is this still too manic?


I tried doing “It appears I am a Resistance spy” but the beginning R of that “Resistance” is so slurred with the “D” right before it that separating it always sounded terrible. If anyone’s got a source for a clip of him saying “Resistance” quickly enough that it would fit here, I think it would fit the memory-wipe stuff better if we’re able to keep the “It appears”, but I just don’t have a good source for that key word.

Not too sure this new Threepio line is working for me. To my ear, it sounds choppy, and the intonation at the end almost makes it sound like it’s in reverse, haha! I’m sure you’re doing the absolute best with what’s available, and maybe in the context of the movie I wouldn’t think twice about it, but just thought I’d add my two cents.