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REY NOBODY - A Collaborative Thread — Page 6


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

This might be a dumb idea but would it be possible to just lift the scene of Rey watching the ship liftoff in the TFA trailer/TFA and use that as Rey’s parents leaving? That way, you can have two different ships for Ochi and Reyrents.

Obviously, that would also mean you’d have to cut out the scene from TFA as well (although with the clip I’m linking, I think it’s an alternate shot anyways so it might work without having to cut anything).

The clip in question:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGbxmsDFVnE (0:26)

I think that could work, but it may not even be necessary. If we go with the angle that Rey’s parents don’t matter at all to this story, and that there’s therefore no reason to include them at all, we can just cut out any mention of Rey’s parents, and their connection to Ochi’s ship.

If we really want to distinguish between the ship seen in TFA and Ochi’s ship, we could just recolor the engines; but I really don’t think that’s necessary. The ship in TFA goes by so fast, most people probably wouldn’t even remember what it looks like by this film.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Chase Adams said:

The difference is minimal, it’s likely that the ship’s exterior had been stripped whilst it was sitting around in the desert:

Here’s the thing though… you see the ship in TFA once, briefly, and small in the frame. If you remove the flashback bits where they more or less recreate that shot (in that still you showed), I don’t think anyone would ever make the connection.


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

This might be a dumb idea but would it be possible to just lift the scene of Rey watching the ship liftoff in the TFA trailer/TFA and use that as Rey’s parents leaving? That way, you can have two different ships for Ochi and Reyrents.

That’s not a dumb idea and it would probably be the best option, unless you go with SherlockPotter’s suggestion or if you want to bank on Dom’s idea. I think some people might be reluctant to change TFA for TRoS’s sake, though.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

This might be a dumb idea but would it be possible to just lift the scene of Rey watching the ship liftoff in the TFA trailer/TFA and use that as Rey’s parents leaving? That way, you can have two different ships for Ochi and Reyrents.

That’s not a dumb idea and it would probably be the best option, unless you go with SherlockPotter’s suggestion or if you want to bank on Dom’s idea. I think some people might be reluctant to change TFA for TRoS’s sake, though.

Yeah… I honestly hate how TROS is so fundamentally broken that people have to go back and change both TFA and TLJ to make the trilogy seem more cohesive. 😕


I guess it depends on how much Rey’s parents are going to factor into the Rey Nobody version. Are they going to be in the edit at all? Will they still be the drunks that they were in TLJ? Will they have been abducted by Ochi still?

If they’re still going to be anonymous (“nobody”) drunks that abandoned Rey on Jakku, and we see that shot again in TROS, I think it would make sense to reuse the footage from TFA.

If Ochi’s ship is now going to be different from the one her parents left on, then it might be nice to recolor the engines to differentiate the two.

If we just want to avoid dwelling on Rey’s parents any more in this film, then I guess it makes the most sense to just cut the shot out of Rey’s vision entirely.

I don’t know if I’m making sense at this point lol. I think I’m overthinking the Ochi Ship thing.

EDIT: I think what would make the most sense theoretically (depending on whether it could be effectively implemented) would be to follow RogueLeader’s outline. Remove any mention of Rey’s parents, change Rey’s vision to be about the future with her friends dying (thereby cutting out the throwback to TFA). Get rid of Rey saying “I’ve seen that ship before,” and then maybe change the Ochi engine color for good measure.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


No, I don’t think you are. How you handle it really does depend on how you handle Rey’s parents in the story. I mean, you probably could not change the two ships and get away with it, just say their similar ship models, but I think differentiating them or removing one entirely helps to avoid any confusion.

And the thing is, different Rey Nobody edits are going to handle it differently. I don’t think a definitive Rey Nobody edit is being done necessarily.


This is kind of radical, and probably cuts too much from the film, but could the entire Kylo’s Ship sequence be cut outright? Cut Chewie getting captured and blown up before they leave Pasaana. So Rey destroys Kylo’s ship, leaving Kylo theoretically stranded in the desert. Replace Ochi’s ship with the Falcon in the wide shots, and have them take that ship to Kijimi. They slip away before the FO finds them, and head to Endor. (You could cut Kijimi too by just having 3PO give up the translation immediately, but that’s almost definitely cutting too much.)

If Chewie isn’t captured, they’ll already have the knife and they won’t need to get it back from Kylo. You can then skip over the Kylo’s Quarters fight and the hangar scene entirely. After that, the only references are Luke’s “Because you’re a Palptine” on Ahch-To, and a few references to “my granddaughter” on Exegol.

Sure, you’d lose the “Poe and Finn are immediately captured, immediately sent to be executed, and immediately saved by Super-Spy Hux,” but I consider that a positive, honestly.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


To be even more radical, I just cut it all haha.

The way I achieved Rey Nobody was by removing the entirety of Pasaana, Kijimi and instead just going straight to the Death Star. This does remove a huge chunk of the movie, but in my opinion these are the most contrived and unnecessary parts of the movie anyway (ochi, dagger, sith translations are forbidden etc etc).

Then you get a really short movie, but I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing. I would actually love to watch a short cut like this. (hmmm, maybe ill just have to make it, haha).

In my edit I combined it with TLJ to make it a regular movie length, so that’s another option.

Check out my edit “THE END OF THE JEDI”. It’s a 2 in 1 edit of TLJ and ROS.
[ “To say that ‘if the Jedi die, the light dies’ is vanity, can you feel that?” -Luke ]


Has there been a solid Rey Nobody implementation yet? I love the stuff happening for Ascendant but the movie won’t feel complete unless Rey Palpatine is scrubbed forever.


hinventon said:

Has there been a solid Rey Nobody implementation yet? I love the stuff happening for Ascendant but the movie won’t feel complete unless Rey Palpatine is scrubbed forever.

I agree!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


hinventon said:

Has there been a solid Rey Nobody implementation yet? I love the stuff happening for Ascendant but the movie won’t feel complete unless Rey Palpatine is scrubbed forever.

100% agree. Hal’s plan is to get Ascendant V2 out with all of the new cuts and VFX work, and then put out a “V2 - Rey Nobody” version after that, I believe.

For what it’s worth, I’m absolutely in love with RogueLeader’s reinterpretation of the film - rather than making the film all about Rey’s past, it would be reinterpreted to being about her future. It would emphasize the internal conflict she has about accepting or rejecting the vision of her falling to the Dark Side. To me, it’s the interpretation that feels most in line with TLJ’s themes of Rey letting go of her past; and it also feels like the cleanest direction to take the film out of the different versions discussed.

Also, RL’s hangar scene is just…*chef’s kiss*

RogueLeader said:

In this version of the film, I would remove any reference to Rey recognizing Ochi’s ship, or Rey seeing her parents in any vision. I may try to tackle the Force bond duel at some point, but in this version I would probably shorten the scene, and replace a lot of the dialogue with more generic taunts about Kylo sensing the darkness within her.

This version of the hangar scene just has Kylo Ren confirm Rey’s fears about the vision she saw earlier in the film. Rey’s reaction to info she already has might seem a little dramatic, but in my mind, I interpret Rey’s reaction as her starting to feel that her future is fated and inescapable. But a part of her is still in denial, convincing herself that Kylo Ren is lying in order to manipulate her.

Here’s a rough test for their hangar interaction: https://vimeo.com/447063673

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Somehow I had missed that edit of the Hangar scene. It really is perfect. I cannot wait for the Rey Nobody stuff to be added to Ascendant V2.


The editing for Kylo Ren’s new lines in the hanger scene are outstanding!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


sherlockpotter said:

For what it’s worth, I’m absolutely in love with RogueLeader’s reinterpretation of the film - rather than making the film all about Rey’s past, it would be reinterpreted to being about her future. It would emphasize the internal conflict she has about accepting or rejecting the vision of her falling to the Dark Side. To me, it’s the interpretation that feels most in line with TLJ’s themes of Rey letting go of her past; and it also feels like the cleanest direction to take the film out of the different versions discussed.

Also, RL’s hangar scene is just…*chef’s kiss*

I second all this. And third it too, for good measure.


Don’t have anything to share yet, but working on the audio edit of Rey taking about her vision with Finn gave me the urge to work on Rey Nobody a little more.

I’m currently messing with the Force bond duel scene, which I think is the most difficult scene to alter, because you’re having to actually change the narrative somewhat, and not just cut lines.

I might have something to show sooner rather than later, but this scene is a real pain in the ass. Many of Kylo’s lines “echo” in the other channels, so even if you change/cut lines in the primary dialogue channel, you can still sort of hear them in the other channels. Which means you would have to basically replace the music, sound effects, and dialogue reverb in a few parts of that scene.

With that being said, I still think it’s doable, but if I share a test with y’all, it definitely will be a “test” and nowhere close to final. I’m curious how other people who have tried editing this scene have tackled this issue.


It’ll be interesting to see what you do with it. I had to remove so much from that scene I.e. Kylo not knowing where Rey was due to the dagger, Rey’s parents selling her, Kylo saying he didn’t lie to her, Kylo only noticing where Rey was after Vaders mask…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


RogueLeader said:

Don’t have anything to share yet, but working on the audio edit of Rey taking about her vision with Finn gave me the urge to work on Rey Nobody a little more.

😮 YES!!!


I think the idea of the revelation being that Rey is destined to take the Sith throne and kill Palpatine is much better. Also, I believe that some lines still can be used. I’ll try posting a compilation of how the scenes can play out.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Resurgence by krausfadr was the first major Rey Nobody edit released, which I recommend watching.


Master Lawdog said:

Here is a compilation of scenes for how Rey Nobody can work. Let me know what you all think.

PASSWORD: fanedit

Definitely too much of a gap before “Stop talking”. Similarly, I think Luke waits a bit too much after “myself” before sitting down. Finally, I’m not sure about “I wanted you here” without “I never wanted you dead”. Either cut it entirely or leave it the way it was.

Other than that, I think it’s in a decent place. I mean, I still hate that Rey’s parent’s are retroactively supposed to be good, but it might be beyond the scope of a fanedit to fix that.

Watch Adventure Time


How is the progression of ideas going on here now?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Master Lawdog said:

Here is a compilation of scenes for how Rey Nobody can work. Let me know what you all think.

PASSWORD: fanedit

“The only family you have here is me.”

Not sure how that line works in this context?

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