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The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!) — Page 15


Spuffure said:

I don’t like it when villains in movies are just evil for the sake of being evil, that makes a prime example of bad character development and makes the villain really shallow, boring, uninspired, and just plain uninteresting.

And I hate it when the villains motive is the same old same old “tAkE oVeR tHe WoOoOoOrLd Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!”

I really like when the villain actually has a relatable motive, and the viewer is able to sympathise with them. Even better, is a film with no villain at all.

Overall a really tired trope: the villain that’s just simply a villain that wants to take over the world/universe and enslave all of humanity and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Also, how about a film where the good guys lose, sad ending, and the (relatable and well developed) villain wins.

A villain who is “evil for the sake of being evil” and whose ultimate goal is to take over the world may be a tired trope, but it isn’t an unrealistic one. Fact of the matter is that corrupt individuals who seek power for the sake of power exist, even if they aren’t cartoonishly evil.

The “misunderstood” villain is just as tired a trope, and I’d even argue that particularly “relatable” villains have been a trend in the past couple decades. I think you’re looking at this with too much of an absolutist mindset. Yes, some villains are shallow and underdeveloped, but sometimes a villain’s simple characterization is a stylistic choice. What really matters is how the character serves the story.

And I’m not saying that you can’t or shouldn’t have a preference for certain types of characters. I just think it’s good to keep an open mind about these kinds of artistic decisions. Sometimes complexity is a good thing, sometimes simplicity is a good thing, and both can also be bad things if not done well.

And the good guys basically lose in The Empire Strikes Back. 😉

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation


Thanks for the heads up, thoug I still don’t like villains with no redeeming qualities WHHATSOEVER. Like they’re the spawn of Satan and have literally NO good in them.

When’s something gonna happen?


I recently watched the movie Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood, Tarantino’s latest movie, and felt like I wasted three hours of my life.

Seriously I don’t get the heaps of praise. Absolutely nothing happens in the movie, yet everywhere it’s being hailed as Tarantino’s most mature movie to date. This is no doubt one of the most boring movies I’ve ever seen.


As someone who didn’t know much about the historical events described in the film, I also felt like it was rather directionless and dull, but my girlfriend found it interesting because she knew a lot about those events beforehand so it was interesting when the narrative ‘went off the rails’ by the end.

I just didn’t know there were rails in the first place, and after being told that my estimation of the movie went up.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I knew quite a lot about the historical events the film is based on from watching an E! True Hollywood Story on Roman Polanski many years ago, and even when the movie “went off to the rails” from the true story, I was far too bored to care.

Side note on Roman Polanski: undoubtedly great filmmaker, he can go fuck himself as a human being and those who stand by him should be ashamed of themselves. Learn to separate the art from the artist.


Pokemon X is way too easy to be any fun. I much prefer the fair challenge of Fire Red.


The reason there won’t be any more Cavill Superman or Snyder films is one of money.

Cavill’s salary is too much, and Justice League cost 400 million dollars and lost the studio hundreds of millions of dollars.

WB as a film studio are not a charity, not one of Snyder films crossed the billion dollar threshold. And the budgets just kept getting larger and larger.

I’m not even sure sinking an extra 70 million into a failed film was a sound business decision even though i will watch Snyder’s cut. Justice League + Whedon reshoots, + Snyder reshoots is a huge money pit.

Makes you seriously wonder who the producer was, who was in charge of things that they would have allowed things to go so far off the rails. To allow Snyder to almost spend as much as Disney on Stranger Tides.

You could have made man of steel 2 and 3 for what they spent on Justice League.


I personally dislike that popular female singing voice, you know, that voice you hear in ads and on talent shows, or the ‘oah oah’ voice. To me it sounds bland and uninspired. Not saying it’s inherently bad, just saying it sounds homogenous and tiresome to me.

Also, Citizen Kane isn’t the BEST film ever. Sure, it’s plot arc and character development is stunning, but there are way better films out there that trump Kane.

When’s something gonna happen?


re: Citizen Kane : Rosebud is the lamest of the MacGuffins !


I am fed up with this relentless fixation on 1980s pop culture.


The Special Widescreen Edition versions are the best release of the OT on the Laserdisc format (or any format). Clear picture without noise reduction, amazing cover art, and incredible sound. In my opinion, Definitive Collection is too rot-prone and has worse color timing, and Faces is the same transfer.


CourtlyHades296 said:

The Special Widescreen Edition versions are the best release of the OT on the Laserdisc format (or any format). Clear picture without noise reduction, amazing cover art, and incredible sound. In my opinion, Definitive Collection is too rot-prone and has worse color timing, and Faces is the same transfer.

Why has nobody used them in a restoration?

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


My unpopular take on music: We live in the best era for music because we have access to so much music.
I listen to everything, and I mean literally everything, and music I dont like I still understand that others do.

I hate people who base their entire life around a genre of music and disregard music being made today because they are blinded by nostalgia


fmalover said:

I am fed up with this relentless fixation on 1980s pop culture.

Same. Nostalgia sucks.

As a wise man has yet to say (geddit), keep moving forward.

When’s something gonna happen?


ThisIsCreation said:

My unpopular take on music: We live in the best era for music because we have access to so much music.
I listen to everything, and I mean literally everything, and music I dont like I still understand that others do.

I hate people who base their entire life around a genre of music and disregard music being made today because they are blinded by nostalgia

True. Again, nostalgia is stupid. Even with Covid and crimes and all that, today is still the best time to be alive (or the time when we were all single cellular organisms, but that doesn’t really count).

Also, 90s kids should stop saying ‘tHe 1990s wErE tHe BeSt tImE iN HiStOry!’

If you’re not American or a kid in the 1990s then that’s a big fat no.

When’s something gonna happen?


LexX said:

I think Indiana Jones movies are overrated. They’re fine and fun to watch once in awhile but I wouldn’t spend any money to own them.

Same goes to Alien films.

I don’t remember there being a good comedy film in this millennium and that could actually compete with something from the 80s or 90s.

I don’t like any Marvel movie, MCU, Spider-man or whatever.

The first The Fast and the Furious movie is the best of that series.

Yeah. I don’t like a lot of action films either, I prefer deeper films with a good story, story beats everything.

When’s something gonna happen?


The Special Widescreen versions were just a North American re-issue of the Japan Special Collection.

Right down to the image being shifted down in the frame for subtitles. US release doesn’t have burnt in Japanese subs though.

The difference CLV not CAV.

Both versions of Star Wars were the 1985 mix. Neither was the theatrical 35mm.

I agree the US set of the Definitive is super prone to rot, but my Japanese set is still unaffected.

My Faces discs US release pressed in Japan also have no rot.


Grunge didn’t “kill” the guitar solo like a lot of pretentious rock music snobs claim it did. They’re probably referring to Nirvana when they say that (although I love Nirvana, I’ll admit Kurt wasn’t exactly a guitar god), because the other three “big four” bands had a ton of songs with killer guitar solos.

I hate the Disney Channel Live Action Universe


The 25-year import law (read: a car has to be 25 years or older for it to be imported into the US) is a good rule. It’s fun to see the speculator market around vintage Japanese vehicles go crazy when a new model year gets “unlocked.” It makes the random Kei car or odd sight (like a Toyota Century or Toyota Sera) more fascinating.


The worst music genre is the music you hear in ads, the soulless droning piano/guitar/whatever music that’s only there to sell a product.

I HATE that faux ukulele and whistling music as well. Tiny Tim is rolling in his grave.

When’s something gonna happen?


Spuffure said:

The worst music genre is the music you hear in ads, the soulless droning piano/guitar/whatever music that’s only there to sell a product.

I HATE that faux ukulele and whistling music as well. Tiny Tim is rolling in his grave.

Thank you!

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings was an underfunded masterpiece.

Edge of Tomorrow/Live. Die. Repeat. may be the only good scifi/fantasy live-action anime adaptation.

…on that note I’m not too sure that a live-action Cowboy Bebop adaptation is a good idea (I would like to be proven wrong).

I think we should move our focus from lithium batteries and focus more on hydrogen fuel and gravity batteries as energy storage for renewable energy.

I don’t think DaVinci’s paintings were anything special in comparison to other artists of his time. But I think his journals, sketches and inventions were masterworks.

I think NBC’s Hannibal is hands down the best adaptation of Thomas Harris works.


Over the years I have read that one of the biggest complaints fans have with the movie Alien 3 is killing the characters of Newt and Hicks in the very beginning of the movie, but after watching Aliens I must ask what exactly was so memorable about Newt and Hicks.

Hicks is a by-the-numbers military character, and Newt is an orphaned girl upon whom Ripley projects her maternal instincts, and judging by the outrage it’s like they were nuanced, profound well written characters that are essential to the story.