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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 408


Seems to work fine. Although I’m kinda confused right now. Are we trying to make it so that Rey’s parents never sold her? Because I feel like that is a larger retcon than selling her to protect her.


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

End Saber Sparks are finished. I’m just tweaking the sound.

T minus 5 is also finished.

Crackling Saber is on hold as the effect in the cave scene took so much time to get right but I think I’ve sorted it but I’m currently moving studios so I’ve had to pack up all my computer stuff. I should be back on things by next week but I still have my phone to check here in the meantime.

No rush at all, man. Will continue to look forward to the awesome stuff.

The last ‘T minus 5’ clip I recall seeing had the angle of the starlines sort of janky given the angle of the shot. Has there been a revision since then? And at any rate to be certain, would you mind sending me the most recent (unless there was only ever the one version anyway)?

I remasked the windows as they had roundish edges but the falcom has square and slightly blurred them to match the focus of the shot. I thought the stars looked right but many said othetwise. I can change it to which ever direction you feel is right for your edit.

I don’t have access to my drives atm but once I’m set up I’ll upload them to my gdrive for you.

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bbghost said:

This is how I’ve managed to get around that line: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b7m-2Zr8B_0USRM27MO1xQSdNxbFtgiV/view?usp=sharing

Really nice job, it’s very similar to what I did bit I removed any reference that Kylo doesn’t know where she is. she’s holding the dragged, he should know exactly where she is after seeing that.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:
Really nice job, it’s very similar to what I did bit I removed any reference that Kylo doesn’t know where she is. she’s holding the dragged, he should know exactly where she is after seeing that.

Thanks, man. That’s a really good point, too. You’d think that’d be a dead giveaway!

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


At least at a glance I don’t see anything wrong with that, bbghost!

And the idea is just to remove that line, not the overall parent thing. It just seems unnecessary to include “sold” in the retcon itself. Let that just be something Kylo and Rey interpreted about it in TLJ, y’know?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Seems to work fine. Although I’m kinda confused right now. Are we trying to make it so that Rey’s parents never sold her? Because I feel like that is a larger retcon than selling her to protect her.

I get the sense we’re just trying to work around the specific line “they sold you to protect you” because it is quite possibly one of the worst lines of dialogue in the film lol.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


Hal 9000 said:

At least at a glance I don’t see anything wrong with that, bbghost!

Thanks! What I did audio-wise was just nab some of the Kijimi ambience from when Poe first arrives and is running around the streets, then swap it out for the dialogue during that big sweeping shot where it swaps between the two locations, seemed to work just fine.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


bbghost said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Seems to work fine. Although I’m kinda confused right now. Are we trying to make it so that Rey’s parents never sold her? Because I feel like that is a larger retcon than selling her to protect her.

I get the sense we’re just trying to work around the specific line “they sold you to protect you” because it is quite possibly one of the worst lines of dialogue in the film lol.

It is a bit of an oxymoronic statement, isn’t it?

I don’t really care one or or another if we go through with this. It’s just not what I expected out of you all because I see it as a larger retcon lol. I’ll just head canon it that Rey and Kylo misinterpreted the events in TLJ and that her parents actually paid Unkar Plutt to take care of her for a while.


Right. This way that interpretation of events is not precluded.

It makes sense that Rey would come to admit to herself what it seems like: her parents sold her out and bolted.

That makes more sense to me than “no man, they sold you with good intentions!”

My stance on revising fan edits.


Makes me wish we could make Kylo say something like, “There was a sale that day, but your assured protection was the purchase.”

Another idea for Faraday’s novelization thread I suppose.


Quick Rey Nobody idea: Change Kylo’s “I pushed you because I needed you to see it… Who you are” to “What you are”


Hal, just wondering. I really liked the last DOTF DSII music you put together, which I think was an extension of the track in same place. Is that gonna be in the completed edit still?

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Hal 9000 said:

To call up a not-totally-resolved idea from a little while ago, does it seem like there are any workable alternatives for the line “they sold you to protect you”?

It would need to be replaced with something that would still make sense in context of the scene, as its part of the flow of conversation. Without this specific line, it’s much easier to headcanon the retcon as her parents perhaps paying Unklar to watch Rey for a while. When they never returned he eventually stopped. Then, Kylo Ren gets Rey to “admit” to herself what she long suspected… they sold her to him rather than entrusting her to him and ditched her.

I know there’s Kylo dialogue from video games and stuff, but… any ideas? Maybe something like “They were trying… to protect you.” Or something.

I’ve been going over this line on and off since I ranted about it last (lol). The annoying thing is I don’t even necessarily disagree with the overall sentiment of them “selling” her as protection or however one wants to interpret it… it’s just more how “off” the whole line is for such a delicate subject that’s never substantively brought up again.

What if we were to take a simple route of just swapping the order of the line around - so that it’s “To protect you, they-” and then Rey sharply cuts him off with the usual “Stop talking!” line?

It might not be the most elegant solution or idea, and might be too YTP-esque with his inverted inflection and whatnot… but it would at least mean not having to make any of the wizards here sweat it out in making brand new Kylo lines all over again!

JEDIT: Posted before I looked through the rest of the thread - oops. That works much better, bbghost!


sherlockpotter said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

I think the scene would have a lot more power and carry a lot more weight if we allow it to stand on its own, rather than distracting the audience with, “Hey! Yoda’s Theme!”

I get where you’re coming from to a certain extent, but 2 changes in this project include music from the prequels (3PO and R2 theme, ROTS Palpatine as he drains dyad). It would be a shame IMO to not include such an iconic piece from the originals. Even if you remove the music, the scene is still an overt reference to Yoda. You can’t undo that. For me, I really enjoy the music there. It shows how far Luke Skywalker has come; he has taken the place of Yoda.

Yeah, I get the justification for the scene, but I think there are more reasons against using it than for it. Besides, this shouldn’t be a question of “We’ve included ‘music from the prequels’”; it doesn’t matter that it was “an iconic piece from the originals.” There’s no checklist for “pieces that we can bring back.” I’m looking at it from what suits this scene, this film, this trilogy, the best. Rey has no connection to Yoda, and this moment is about her. Luke did have a connection to Yoda, which is why Yoda (and his theme) were brought back for his arc in TLJ. But his arc is done. The scene is supposed to be about Rey. Not Luke, and certainly not Yoda.

Look, this isn’t just my opinion. This is John Williams’s. John Williams himself didn’t intend to put Yoda’s Theme into the film; the stupid music editor was the one who wanted it.

So unless y’all think that you know how to score a Star Wars movie better than John Williams…

EDIT: To be clear, I’m just arguing my viewpoint. I can only speak for myself (and John Williams, apparently); I begrudge no one who still wants to leave it in the film.

I’m sure the majority of people that watched the movie enjoyed hearing the theme as a nice call back to the original trilogy. I think there’s an argument to be had that it could work either way. But the original composer’s opinion isn’t the one to always die for, putting the music and movie together is all a collaborative effort, just because the director/editor had it to go a different direction doesn’t mean they’re automatically idiots.

EDIT sorry looks like this was an old reply didn’t notice.


Watching that video you can definitely tell that Williams hated the idea but hey the music editor had a gun to his head, what can you do.


I was being sarcastic, seems like he really liked the idea.


DominicCobb said:

Watching that video you can definitely tell that Williams hated the idea but hey the music editor had a gun to his head, what can you do.

Vader also really hated those force chokes, it was the emperor’s dumb idea.

heil Palpatine!


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Hal 9000 said:

Anyway, it might just work pretty okay to straight up remove the line.

I really enjoy having some silence after the flashback to let it sink in with the audience. We don’t need Kylo to explain what we just saw.

Yes we do, we need our hands held THE WHOLE TIME! That’s the movie’s motto … that and “death fake outs.”


Anyway, it works for me Hal.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hal 9000 said:

I guess I didn’t have my sarcasm hat on; was really confused.

Anyway, it might just work pretty okay to straight up remove the line.

This is really nice. Letting us see something instead of straight up being told what’s happening.


I dunno why we get so much over explaining of things.

That is one, of many nags, in TLJ during Rey’s Force Cave Scene has her voice over. That whole scene, while visually interesting, doesn’t really keep my interest or engagement since we have a literal voice over describing everything.

Sometimes, silence speaks volumes.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”