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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 396


Burbin said:

NeverarGreat said:

To show how much I love y’all:


I really like the ‘early morning’ aesthetic. It’s not as drastic, and more passable, than trying to make it look like night, and we do get that gradual progression of daylight setting in that implies the passage of time, not to mention it’s more visually pleasing.

Agree the morning light aesthetic added by NeverarGreat in his vid is very cool, just need to deepfake the already nice looking Leia vs Luke close up fight scene now for perfection. 😉

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


NeverarGreat said:

Okay, here is the new attempt at implementing these critiques:


Password: fanedit

The fireside chat is now even darker, with much more roto work.

The second half of the Hut scene is now lightened to merge more seamlessly with the next scene.

The sunrise scene has a grade which is now at 50% strength to keep a bit more of the original look.

This is insane. If you could drop the saturation slightly in the beginning this would be perfect.

The scene actually feels powerful now. The colour grade originally was awful,how they let be released in theaters blows my mind.

I’d damn near pay to have this in the edit


NeverarGreat said:

Okay, here is the new attempt at implementing these critiques:


Password: fanedit

The fireside chat is now even darker, with much more roto work.

The second half of the Hut scene is now lightened to merge more seamlessly with the next scene.

The sunrise scene has a grade which is now at 50% strength to keep a bit more of the original look.

WOW. This is perfect.


Hal 9000 said:

Y’know, Dominic, those two ideas could potentially be dynamite. “I will earn your family’s saber” would be amazing, and “birth of her son” does have a nice double-meaning irony to it. Huh. If anyone can execute those I’d say they’d be welcome inclusions.

Years of YouTube Poop lead me to avoid sentence-mixing for these things, so I don’t want to overdo it!

Thankfully both are spoken off screen so that’s at least one part of the equation we don’t need to worry about.


Darth Muffy said:

Burbin said:

NeverarGreat said:

To show how much I love y’all:


I really like the ‘early morning’ aesthetic. It’s not as drastic, and more passable, than trying to make it look like night, and we do get that gradual progression of daylight setting in that implies the passage of time, not to mention it’s more visually pleasing.

Agree the morning light aesthetic added by NeverarGreat in his vid is very cool, just need to deepfake the already nice looking Leia vs Luke close up fight scene now for perfection. 😉


I honestly don’t think Luke looks bad at all. Leia though…whoo boy, if anyone here does know how to deep fake…

Also, I think that Testing’s and MR’s idea of cutting “I’ve seen that ship before” would work really nicely! I think we can keep Rey saying “Ochi’s ship!” if we wanted the exposition; but yeah, as Hal explained, it’s incredibly stupid that it would be Ochi’s ship flying away on Jakku.

(Tangentially related, but…)

“She’s not on Jakku!”

“Okay, I guess she’s not on Jakku. Where is your daugh-” [stab]

Like, my god, it’s like a Bugs Bunny cartoon; except the characters in a Bugs Bunny cartoon are smarter than this.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Regarding Ochi’s ship, I proposed that we replace the ship in that Force vision from TFA with a completely different one to fit in with my proposed series of changes regarding Rey’s parents and how them being good people undermines her arc in TLJ. Reduce Ochi to just a generic Sith assassin, no connection to Rey’s parents.

Who added in the TIE fighters into that shot for the Mustafar scene? 😉


Yeah my best guess is that Ochi’s ship is actually Rey’s parents’ ship. He just stole it from them for some reason. So I would actually simplify the line to, “I’ve seen that ship before” instead of having Rey identify it as Ochi’s.

Unless somebody wants to go back and go some insane VFX on the ship in Rey’s vision, that’s the only thing we can really do there.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Who added in the TIE fighters into that shot for the Mustafar scene? 😉

Other than Poppa’s addition, the others were done with preset green screen layers. I’m still on the hunt for another element 3d or blender user. I have the models if someone has the time?

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Yeah, I don’t see us going that way for this project though.

For the Ach-To scene, could Luke perhaps be de-blued and allowed to be somewhat darkened to blend in better? I’m talking out of my ass though; I don’t know what goes into that work. But with feedback cycling through I know it’ll get perfect.

Sorry, Nev!

My stance on revising fan edits.


NeverarGreat said:

Not at all, I can certainly bring those levels down a bit 😃

Sleep and a life is overrated anyway! 😉

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’ve given myself such a headache over this.

I grabbed my copy of the TROS novelization and reread the Ahch-To chapter; it specifies that Rey arrived in the evening as the suns were setting and, after talking to Luke and receiving Leia’s saber, Luke had Rey sleep through the night to rest before heading off. When she woke in the morning, Kylo’s ship was now smoldering. Rey went and retrieved the Wayfinder from Kylo’s ship, watched Luke lift his X-Wing from the ocean as the suns rose, then set course for Exegol.

So what I propose is that we slightly tweak the edit, and here’s why:

The visual dictionary for TLJ contains a map of the island:


As you can see, the map depicts a bird’s eye view oriented with the bottom coast being the one we see in the TROS establishing shot of the island (which most shots of the island through the three films are also from). Here’s proof:

In the final scene of TFA, the Falcon approaches the island from this angle which lines up with how the TLJ VD map shows the ship parked on that coast. The map shows Luke’s X-Wing on the far left side of the island from this orientation- in TROS, the establishing shot of the island shows Rey burning Kylo’s ship in the same area of the island. Let’s call this spot the “inlet” as the TLJ VD does. Since Rey hears Luke first start lifting the X-Wing while she’s digging the Wayfinder out of Kylo’s ship and then is able to run over in-time to see it lifted, that further confirms that she burnt Kylo’s ship right at the inlet. Next, the TLJ VD map shows that the temple cliff where Luke dies is also directly next to the inlet. I checked the TLJ novelization which says that he’s watching a sunset as he dies, not a sunrise, which means the suns must set in the direction the inlet is facing. Since the original TROS shows the remaining sunlight in the establishing shot coming from that direction, it lines up with the novelization saying this occurs at sunset. At the end of the Ahch-To scene when Luke lifts his X-Wing from the ocean, he’s facing the ocean from the inlet and the sun rises behind him, which again confirms our now well-established sense of geography.

Sorry if that was dense and confusing, but what I’m trying to say is that in the current state of Neverar’s edit, we’re assuming that we’re seeing the break of dawn, and then as the scene goes on, the suns rise and Rey leaves. If we slightly tweaked this, it would not only be more accurate to the other two movies, but it would make the passage of time clearer AND accurate to what the novelization clarifies. Here’s what would need to be changed:

-We now know that the sun is setting instead of rising at the start of the scene, so leaving this the same is more accurate canonically.

-When Luke tells Rey that she has everything she needs, she seemingly starts to leave the hut, and the way the original movie flows, it seems like she just runs to the ship immediately. I assume that this was the filmmakers’ intention and the novelization corrected this since otherwise, the sunrise position would be inaccurate in the first shot. If we simply cut the shot of Rey off right before she takes off (or just cut the entire shot of Rey, Luke finishes his entire line in the shot facing him), it would seem as though Rey stays in the hut, which she canonically does and helps give off the idea she stays the night in the hut to regain her strength.

-The current edit tries to make the scene start at dawn and progress the sun, so the scene progression of establishing shot > Rey burning the ship > Luke’s talk > Hut scene > Lifting the X-Wing gets a bit lighter each time. This could probably be fixed by either slightly lightening the establishing shot or darkening the hut scene.

-I’m not sure how well the scene would flow after trimming the last shot of the Hut scene, so maybe we could add in a new shot of the island here? With the color correction applied, it would help make the transition from late evening to early morning clear. Maybe we could also try a night shot or two to make the passage of night clearer.

-The rest of the edited scene stays the same for Rey retrieving the Wayfinder and Luke lifting the X-Wing at sunrise.

Figuring all this out ended up being a far longer process and comment than I expected haha so thanks for reading this far. As someone who’s passionate about canon, I’d love to see this tweaking realized (hopefully this post doesn’t sound like a demand) and while I can’t do any color correcting myself, I may try to make a mockup of the other changes I suggested.


I made a mockup of something like that a few pages back, actually:


Password: fanedit

Since then the discussion has turned in favor of having a pre-dawn to morning timeline, but it’s up to the community and Hal to decide what’s best for this scene. I don’t have an opinion either way but I suppose we’ll need to come down on one side or the other so I know whether to leave the hut scene dark or lighten it gradually.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Oh, boy, what an R&D effort!

Well, I think it’d be pretty abrupt to cut the last shot of the hut scene. Cutting to another establishing shot of the island might work, but would still feel abrupt. And I think the implication would still be that she went straight to the TIE. It might have to be a weird movie convention thing that the night passes through their conversation.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Evening to night to morning may work in novel form, but I would say that in film you kinda have to be careful with that kind of thing or else viewers will be able to tell that time is passing way too quickly.

I think Nev’s latest mockup is much better than the first one. She starts in a dark place both figuratively and literally, and then the sun(s) rises as Luke raises the ship. But that’s just my opinion.


I agree that the update looks really good. Even as it is, I think the edit can be interpreted in the canonical way I suggested. With the darkened hut scene Neverar just provided (that I apparently missed the first time lol) I may just be able to accomplish what I want to see in my own edit. In any case I’m glad to just get the idea out there. Thanks for the link to the hut clip, Nev!


I like the idea of the metaphorical/physical “dark place” and things progressively getting lighter as she comes to terms with reality. It’s like poetry.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Evening to night to morning may work in novel form, but I would say that in film you kinda have to be careful with that kind of thing or else viewers will be able to tell that time is passing way too quickly.

I think Nev’s latest mockup is much better than the first one. She starts in a dark place both figuratively and literally, and then the sun(s) rises as Luke raises the ship. But that’s just my opinion.

Movies Remastered said:

I like the idea of the metaphorical/physical “dark place” and things progressively getting lighter as she comes to terms with reality. It’s like poetry.

I feel bad popping in here with something so terse but I’m doing my best to keep up: endorsed.

My stance on revising fan edits.


oviniboy said:

Wizards of sound and editing, i had an idea…
what about when Palpatine confronts Rey in Exegol, instead of he saying “Weak, like your parents”, he says “Weak, like your masters”?
And Rey response goes by: “My masters (Luke and Leia, booth dead) were strong!”
I think it centers more the plot around the trilogy and the idea of the Skywalker legacy that rey carries, instead of adding to the already convoluted plot of Rey lineage.
I don’t know if it is plausible to do this, but i though it was worthy the provocation.

Brooo, I really love this!


I agree we should focus on what works better for the movie edit. In the original footage the time of day never seems to change so it feels like she only spends a couple of hours at most on Ach-to. There’s no footage to imply she spends the night there, and it’s really hard to pass day for night. So the early-morning to sunrise really seems like the best approach.


Brewzter said:

In the final scene of TFA, the Falcon approaches the island from this angle which lines up with how the TLJ VD map shows the ship parked on that coast. The map shows Luke’s X-Wing on the far left side of the island from this orientation- in TROS, the establishing shot of the island shows Rey burning Kylo’s ship in the same area of the island. Let’s call this spot the “inlet” as the TLJ VD does. Since Rey hears Luke first start lifting the X-Wing while she’s digging the Wayfinder out of Kylo’s ship and then is able to run over in-time to see it lifted, that further confirms that she burnt Kylo’s ship right at the inlet. Next, the TLJ VD map shows that the temple cliff where Luke dies is also directly next to the inlet. I checked the TLJ novelization which says that he’s watching a sunset as he dies, not a sunrise, which means the suns must set in the direction the inlet is facing. Since the original TROS shows the remaining sunlight in the establishing shot coming from that direction, it lines up with the novelization saying this occurs at sunset. At the end of the Ahch-To scene when Luke lifts his X-Wing from the ocean, he’s facing the ocean from the inlet and the sun rises behind him, which again confirms our now well-established sense of geography.

First off, that’s an insane amount of detail you had to track, so mad props to you for that.

I think the current goal of the scene is for Rey to arrive on Ahch-To at night, start burning the ship, then have the heart to heart with Luke, grab the lightsaber, and get out of there. In which case, as you said, “the sun rises behind [Luke]…when [he] lifts his X-Wing from the ocean.” So aren’t we good? I feel like the time of day/night still matches up.

It’s just a weird sequence of events. In the film, the whole thing seems to happen at midday over the course of about an hour. In the novel, doesn’t it say that it takes place from dusk to dawn (while they’re also under a time crunch)? So, does it take place during the day, or during the night? Is the film “canon,” or is the novel?

I think Neverar’s grade feels best in terms of visually tracking the passage of time, and also symbolically. So that has my vote, once those last new nitpicks are ironed out.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!