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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 395


Which makes the line “Ochi’s ship! I’ve seen that ship before…” so stupid. She sees that ship in her flashbacks all the time, so she would’ve recognised it as her parents ship first. She doesn’t even know what Ochi’s ship looks like.

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sherlockpotter said:
During the flashback, I also replaced the Blue Leia lightsaber with the Ascendant Purple Leia lightsaber, without further color corrections. I like the purple; what can I say?


Seeing as I was the first critical voice for the first pass on this scene, I just have to say… this is a VAST improvement. The work that you and Nevar have done for this scene looks really good and it’s definitely on the right track, if not already locked in.

I will say for this version, I’m not really digging the purple in the X-Wing lift part. Which also brings me to another thing I wanted to talk about: I know you all are wanting that part to have some orangish look to it. However, I think it would be okay to keep the original lighting from the scene for that part. Frankly, I was never a fan of the orange look for Ahch-To that was introduced in TLJ. I think keeping that white, “Mists of Avalon” sort of look is really great and hearkens back to the first time Rey and Luke met (in the final scene of TFA).

Again, that’s just me.


We’ve fallen down another rabbit hole folks lol. I find whenever we do this we eventually realize that the way the movie has it originally is that way for a reason.


I don’t really think this is the time or place to talk about Rey’s arc. Unless Hal is willing to upend the entire structure of the film for V2, that should be kept in the Redux thread, methinks.

I’ll just say that I disagree with your analysis, Testing. There’s a lot of circular logic in your points, but I can only offer my own interpretation. I don’t think Rey’s arc was ever about being “loved”; it was about finding where she belongs. They’re similar, but not exactly the same. She doesn’t need other people to love her; hence why she was initially tough with Finn, rather than friendly. But she immediately likes Han, who represents a new mission. After Han she tries to go with Luke, when Luke fails her she goes to Kylo. She wants to belong with other people; she doesn’t want to be admired by them. That’s why her Force Vision shows her with no one but herself.

Maz even explictedly tells her “The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead.”

TestingOutTheTest said:

She believes this lie that the only way to feel happy, to feel loved is if she gains approval from others as well as if she pleases others which would then result in said others giving her the validation she desires to make herself feel happy; why do you think she freed BB-8 from Teedo? Why do you think she bypassed the compressor on the Falcon? Why do you think she told Luke that she would not fail him in the way Kylo Ren did?

I mean, it didn’t seem like she was worried about gaining anyone’s approval on Jakku. (Remember when she didn’t sell BB-8?) And I just thought she did those things because she’s, ya know, nice? Maybe I’m reaching.

Again, let’s move this discussion to another forum though.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

I don’t really think this is the time or place to talk about Rey’s arc. Unless Hal is willing to upend the entire structure of the film for V2, that should be kept in the Redux thread, methinks.


As I said in my previous comment, we’ve fallen down a rabbit hole again. Even though it sucks, we’re going to have to keep her parents noble in order to not upend the entire structure of this film.


If people can come up with a way to accomplish these, I think that changing the line from “Your brother’s saber” to “Your family’s saber” and “The death of her son” to “The birth of her son” would be a great fix for both.


But arguably the end of Leia’s Jedi path takes place in TROS where she projects herself to him to turn Ben back to the light. Pretty sure she doesn’t give birth there. Actually, hold on a second.

I just realized the freaking genius of changing it to birth. Her son is “reborn” at the end of her Jedi path in TROS, and she physically gives birth to her son shortly after having the vision and giving up her formal Jedi training.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

But arguably the end of Leia’s Jedi path takes place in TROS where she projects herself to him to turn Ben back to the light. Pretty sure she doesn’t give birth there. Actually, hold on a second.

I just realized the freaking genius of changing it to birth. Her son is “reborn” at the end of her Jedi path in TROS, and she physically gives birth to her son shortly after having the vision and giving up her formal Jedi training.

Woah, that’s deep.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Yeah I might like the sound of that more than the Anakin callback tbh. Getting some heavy baptism vibes from it since he is also surrounded by water in the scene with Han. Definitely like the sound of birthing/rebirthing now.

Think I’ll look around the internet later today to see if Mark says “birth” anywhere.


NeverarGreat said:

To show how much I love y’all:


I really like the ‘early morning’ aesthetic. It’s not as drastic, and more passable, than trying to make it look like night, and we do get that gradual progression of daylight setting in that implies the passage of time, not to mention it’s more visually pleasing.


After giving it some thought after my debate with JJB… I propose that the ship we see in Rey’s Force vision in TFA (yes, TFA) should be changed so it wouldn’t be Ochi’s ship, also remove Rey’s familiarity with Ochi’s ship which MR describes.


A lot to dip into here while taking a short break from work!

I agree, further discussion of broader issues of Rey’s overall arc or parents is best moved to the TROS Redux thread. I don’t like the decisions made on these two points by the filmmakers, but this project doesn’t seek to radically alter them. (And the Rey Nobody version only technically; her arc overall remains the same even without the ‘Rey Palpatine’ angle.)

Y’know, Dominic, those two ideas could potentially be dynamite. “I will earn your family’s saber” would be amazing, and “birth of her son” does have a nice double-meaning irony to it. Huh. If anyone can execute those I’d say they’d be welcome inclusions.

Years of YouTube Poop lead me to avoid sentence-mixing for these things, so I don’t want to overdo it!

My stance on revising fan edits.


TestingOutTheTest said:

After giving it some thought after my debate with JJB… I propose that the ship we see in Rey’s Force vision in TFA (yes, TFA) should be changed so it wouldn’t be Ochi’s ship, also remove Rey’s familiarity with Ochi’s ship which MR describes.

One teeny consideration would be that Finn has a ‘connect the dots’ moment about that. He heard Rey tell him she recognizes it as Ochi’s ship, and then later he tells Poe what he learned from DO about Ochi’s true mission.

But yeah, the Ochi’s ship thing doesn’t make a lot of sense. Did they drop Rey off and immediately get abducted themselves? In TFA it sure looks like she is screaming at the family car. I guess she really just saw her parents put into some random ship and taking off?

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m not sure why the birth of her son would stop Leia from being a Jedi. Did she need to be a stay at home senator? I think it may cause more confusion. She needed to have a push to not continue. The death of your child would do that, and it ironically comes true.

But the good part is that in death Ben is brought back home, which is why Leia’s body waited for him. So, the death of her son at the end of her journey has a different meaning. Sounds like a misread prophecy 😉

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hal 9000 said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

After giving it some thought after my debate with JJB… I propose that the ship we see in Rey’s Force vision in TFA (yes, TFA) should be changed so it wouldn’t be Ochi’s ship, also remove Rey’s familiarity with Ochi’s ship which MR describes.

One teeny consideration would be that Finn has a ‘connect the dots’ moment about that. He heard Rey tell him she recognizes it as Ochi’s ship, and then later he tells Poe what he learned from DO about Ochi’s true mission.

But yeah, the Ochi’s ship thing doesn’t make a lot of sense. Did they drop Rey off and immediately get abducted themselves? In TFA it sure looks like she is screaming at the family car. I guess she really just saw her parents put into some random ship and taking off?

I’m considering having D-O explaining Ochi’s mission be removed, especially since a device shows to the Resistance that Rey is (unintentionally) leading the way to Exegol.


Okay, here is the new attempt at implementing these critiques:


Password: fanedit

The fireside chat is now even darker, with much more roto work.

The second half of the Hut scene is now lightened to merge more seamlessly with the next scene.

The sunrise scene has a grade which is now at 50% strength to keep a bit more of the original look.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I wasn’t planning on using this in my edit, but wow your clips look great! I might use them just for the aesthetic and giving the idea that she was there for a decent bit of time. Couple things:

-Could someone remind me what the original intended purpose of having it seem that Rey is on Temple Island for longer is, and

-Does anyone know how long she was canonically there? I thought at some point someone mentioned that the novelization implied she was there for a decent bit of time but I can’t remember


@Brewzter I’m not sure she can be there much longer than a few hours according to the time limit of the movie? Making it feel like she’s there overnight allows that scene not to feel rushed.

@NeverarGreat Is it worth having the first segment of the scene almost dark grey/black to show more passing of time? Really nice work on the Roto, Maybe motion track the closeup of Luke so the glow matches his movement? I like where this is going.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Its progressing really nicely Nev, really nicely.

I’m think the Luke by the Log stuff is going to be the pain in the put to work with since is glowing is different affected by the original shot’s day time coloring/brightness.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


watching this early morning on the island makes me wish for a “Binary Sunrise”, but it would be too much complicated

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


NeverarGreat said:

Okay, here is the new attempt at implementing these critiques:


Password: fanedit

The fireside chat is now even darker, with much more roto work.

The second half of the Hut scene is now lightened to merge more seamlessly with the next scene.

The sunrise scene has a grade which is now at 50% strength to keep a bit more of the original look.

YES! Dude, that looks amazing. God, seriously, wow.

Just two things kind of stand out to me, and maybe I’m wrong, but…

At the second establishing shot (the wide of the fire after Luke pops up), the green on the hill behind them might be a tad too bright? I think it would either been tinged orange from the firelight, or still kind of shadowy.

When Luke stands up, it looks like a feather mask? That’s what I was experimenting with too, until MR pointed out that it makes the background around Luke’s body light up too, rather than being a true “glow” in the immediate space. Clearly I’m not an expert on it though. MR linked a video that might explain it more. That’s the only shot I noticed where the glow seemed kind of off though.

Seriously, amazing work!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


jarbear said:

Its progressing really nicely Nev, really nicely.

I’m thinking the Luke by the Log stuff is going to be the pain in the butt to work with since is glowing is different affected by the original shot’s day time coloring/brightness.

You have no idea. Luke has basically no glow in the original due to the high-key lighting, so practically all of his brightness now is due to roto work. Same thing with Rey’s hood. Luckily the scene just short enough that after working on it, I still have some sanity left. Barely 😉

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


sherlockpotter said:

NeverarGreat said:

Okay, here is the new attempt at implementing these critiques:


Password: fanedit

The fireside chat is now even darker, with much more roto work.

The second half of the Hut scene is now lightened to merge more seamlessly with the next scene.

The sunrise scene has a grade which is now at 50% strength to keep a bit more of the original look.

YES! Dude, that looks amazing. God, seriously, wow.

Just two things kind of stand out to me, and maybe I’m wrong, but…

At the second establishing shot (the wide of the fire after Luke pops up), the green on the hill behind them might be a tad too bright? I think it would either been tinged orange from the firelight, or still kind of shadowy.

When Luke stands up, it looks like a feather mask? That’s what I was experimenting with too, until MR pointed out that it makes the background around Luke’s body light up too, rather than being a true “glow” in the immediate space. Clearly I’m not an expert on it though. MR linked a video that might explain it more. That’s the only shot I noticed where the glow seemed kind of off though.

Seriously, amazing work!

There are a lot of feather effects going on with Luke, yes. I will see about toning down the green there because you’re right, but it’s basically impossible to have a glowing Luke without seeing a brightened background behind him. I chalk it up to Ghost Magic 😃

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

jarbear said:

Its progressing really nicely Nev, really nicely.

I’m thinking the Luke by the Log stuff is going to be the pain in the butt to work with since is glowing is different affected by the original shot’s day time coloring/brightness.

You have no idea. Luke has basically no glow in the original due to the high-key lighting, so practically all of his brightness now is due to roto work. Same thing with Rey’s hood. Luckily the scene just short enough that after working on it, I still have some sanity left. Barely 😉

If you’ve already roto’d it have you thought about adding a glow effect to that layer and removing the feather?

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