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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 391


Movies Remastered said:

Can we just have Luke say “Because you’re a Skywalker” and be done with it?

“Because you’re a Skywalker … or a Kenobi … or Palpatine … or something else, I’m sorry, I am confused too. Seems like the force the last few years hasn’t been consistent one many things or directions and the last few months was trying to decide who you are. Wait … yeah, your a PalpaWalker … wait, what was I saying?”

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Removed talk about Leia (and possibly Luke, depending on one’s interpretation of the scene) having known about Rey being a Palpatine. In this version, Luke essentially tells Rey, “So what if you’re a Palpatine?” It also seems to make a great deal more sense to assume they did not know this during the events of TFA and TLJ, with Luke learning this postmortem.

I disagree with this. The point of the thing with Leia is for Luke to show to Rey that just because she’s a Palpatine doesn’t mean others inherently hate her for her lineage; it’s part of her arc of overcoming her toxic core belief that she is worthless, she’s developed that core belief during her time on Jakku after she was abandoned.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Removed talk about Leia (and possibly Luke, depending on one’s interpretation of the scene) having known about Rey being a Palpatine. In this version, Luke essentially tells Rey, “So what if you’re a Palpatine?” It also seems to make a great deal more sense to assume they did not know this during the events of TFA and TLJ, with Luke learning this postmortem.

I disagree with this. The point of the thing with Leia is for Luke to show to Rey that just because she’s a Palpatine doesn’t mean others inherently hate her for her lineage; it’s part of her arc of overcoming her toxic core belief that she is worthless, she’s developed that core belief during her time on Jakku after she was abandoned.

First off, you’ve already posted this before.

Second, see my previous comment here. I’m trying to fix this issue by adding back in Luke saying “Your spirit. Your heart”. This would make it much more clear that she needs to be focusing on those more than her lineage, which is exactly what you are arguing. By adding the line back in, Luke is basically saying that others see her for her spirit and heart, and she should do the same. We just leave out the whole Leia always having known bit because that’s just ridiculous.


jarbear said:

Movies Remastered said:

Can we just have Luke say “Because you’re a Skywalker” and be done with it?

“Because you’re a Skywalker … or a Kenobi … or Palpatine … or something else, I’m sorry, I am confused too. Seems like the force the last few years hasn’t been consistent one many things or directions and the last few months was trying to decide who you are. Wait … yeah, your a PalpaWalker … wait, what was I saying?”

A PalpaWalker!!! Actual LOL’d with tears haha! 😄

EDIT: 7 Mins later and still laughing. Man, I needed that 😄

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Hey, if we’re not allowed to have valuable (albeit long) conversations about the overall plotline of this movie/trilogy, could we also stop clogging up the feed with jokes? I feel that’s only fair.


Just trying to make sure my work isn’t being “buried” by people talking about nonessential things. If you want to talk more then DM me please.


But it’s ok for you to bury others in your own pointless rants? It’s not all about you! Stop being so opinionated and aggressive in your responses. Every time I check this thread it’s your avatar I’m seeing.

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Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Please, guys. These posts don’t cost anything. We aren’t on the clock.

Pee on the grate, please refer to the FAQ on the Drive. There’s just been V1 so far which is what’s there, and V2 is being worked on.

I don’t think it’d flow well to reinsert just those snippets of Luke’s dialogue. The way things are now makes sense. If anything it could be like this:

“Because you’re a Palpatine. Rey, some things are stronger than blood: your spirit, your heart. If you don’t face the Palpatine, it’ll mean the end of the Jedi.”

I could see how doable this would be. Hard to say without trying it. I know there’s a bit more footage there and a loop of music that could be reinstated if it happened to be timed right. Idk. (And hey, feel free to let me do this, once I can. I feel like I haven’t really done anything in a while. Lol)

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I could see how doable this would be. Hard to say without trying it. I know there’s a bit more footage there and a loop of music that could be reinstated if it happened to be timed right. Idk. (And hey, feel free to let me do this, once I can. I feel like I haven’t really done anything in a while. Lol)

Sounds good. TestingTheTest’s first time posting his opinion on removing the Leia thing actually got me thinking about how that part could possibly be reinstated (minus her actually knowing).

So thank you Testing.


How many hours did we last before you two started bickering again? We should start a new thread and vote on the winner daily.

Also… have Luke turn into Hagrid and say “You’re a wizard harRAY”

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Chase Adams said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I actually really, really like this! 😃

My only suggestions would maybe be that the colours of the very first shot of the island are a little funky looking and could probably match the following shots a little better. I also think the moment inside of Luke’s hut should by made a little more distinctly nighttime since at the moment it looks a little too ‘day-to-night’ if you get that reference. 😉

I agree with all of this. Less orange, more night. I like it. You guys (everyone involved) are amazing, really looking forward to V2. I have V1 and haven’t watched it cause I would rather wait for the perfected version.

PD: I love the purple saber.
PD2: I can NOT notice the wig, never had a problem with it, kill me.


The constant change of the lighting on Act-to just doesn’t make sense… It starts out as dusk and slowly darkens, but then all of a sudden it is the dawn? What happened to the night? I think to change the lighting like that would only work if something was inserted to delineate the passage of time like a cut away to the Resistance base or a shot of Rey sleeping (?).

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


I don’t think Luke needs to elaborate on “Some things are stronger than blood.” He’s basically telling Rey her lineage doesn’t define who she is. I think it’s fine to let it have some nuance rather than spell things out.

Also I think it’s Peon the Grate…


dgraham414 said:

The constant change of the lighting on Act-to just doesn’t make sense… It starts out as dusk and slowly darkens, but then all of a sudden it is the dawn? What happened to the night? I think to change the lighting like that would only work if something was inserted to delineate the passage of time like a cut away to the Resistance base or a shot of Rey sleeping (?).

The first half needs tweaking but the rest of it really sells that idea that time as passed.
In Hal’s cut of the movie the time limit that palpatine puts on the movie has been removed.

I think the change in lighting helps make the scene feel somewhat extended.


dgraham414 said:

The constant change of the lighting on Act-to just doesn’t make sense… It starts out as dusk and slowly darkens, but then all of a sudden it is the dawn? What happened to the night? I think to change the lighting like that would only work if something was inserted to delineate the passage of time like a cut away to the Resistance base or a shot of Rey sleeping (?).



I feel like it’s similar to the trip to Alderaan in ANH; based on the events that happen on the Falcon, it feels like it takes maybe twenty minutes, but the ‘canon’ timeline takes hours at least.

Every change of location in the island scene is written to lead into the next, but there’s no reason that Rey couldn’t have had a bit of a sleep at some point while waiting for Luke to appear in the hut or the TIE to stop burning. In a perfect edit I would maybe try to cut Rey racing out of the hut to check on the TIE so as to better imply that she took her time and spent the night while waiting for the fire to die down, but that may not be feasible.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Yes, it’s cut.

I wonder, what if the scene in the hut ended with ‘A thousand generations live in you now.’ (cut to Rey, Luke’s voice offscreen which drifts off into echoes) ‘You have everything you need’.

Cut to: Rey finds the other wayfinder.

This would allow Luke’s ghost an exit and give Rey a chance to think and decide what to do, maybe have a bit of sleep, then get the wayfinder the next morning and Luke’s help would then be a bit more of a surprise since he’s already had what could amount to a decent exit, with his last appearance being the fanservice icing on top of the plot cupcake.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Looking at the De-Blued Luke comparison, I like the partially de-blued look (which I believe is what is in V1?). Maybe I’m thinking of the Special Editions or something, but I feel like Force Ghosts have always had a blueish glow to them. 100% de-blued just seems like, “Oh, hi Mark [Hamill]. I thought you were dead?” Seriously though, the wig looks so stupid after jonh’s haircut version. It’s like Podracing said - I never noticed it in the theatrical; but now that I’ve seen the improvement, y’all have ruined the movie for me.

With the Luke dialogue, what’s currently in V1 is: “Because you’re a Palpatine. Rey, some things are stronger than blood. Confronting your fears [blah blah blah]” yes? I think it’s fine in context. It’s implied that he means who she is (as a person) is more than just some DNA she inherited from her grandPalpy; I don’t think it has to be explicitly stated. I like Hal’s idea of “Some things are stronger than blood: your spirit, your heart. If you don’t face Palpatine, it’ll mean the end of the Jedi,” but I don’t think it’s necessary.

For the Ahch-To color grade, I’m inclined to agree with the others. Night looks really good so far (maybe we could make the Ghost Luke a little brighter, to show that he’s actually glowing against the darkness? Symbolism!!), but I don’t like the sunset. For one, it just makes the whole first part “orange sky, orange light, orange fire…” it feels very monochromatic. For another, the timeline feels very rushed. It feels like night only lasts about 25 seconds on Ahch-To. If it were all nighttime until the end, I think it would flow better.

Also, I still like the idea of a purple sunrise in honor of Leia, but that may just be me.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I think the problem is that the ghost effect changes in almost all movies. Yoda wasn’t even transparent in TLJ. I kinda like the original look where Obi-Wan was washed out with a more blue hue effect around him. It seemed to get very Ghostbusters by the time it got to TROS.

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