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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 319


sidshady12 said:

It is an interesting thing to think about - how far did they go on their first light speed jump? And would it make sense with the whole chances of running into a star or other debris?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s

Being generous, I’m assuming he was going light speed for 3 seconds, but it might be 3.2 or something. Multiplied by 3 and converted to miles, you only get 558,847.

EDIT: nvm ships go WAY faster than the speed of light in star wars pretty sure

https://www.tor.com/2014/12/08/star-wars-how-fast-is-the-millennium-falcon/#:~:text=The Millennium Falcon’s top speed,So there we have it.

With this guys research and anaylsis, which I’m inclined to believe because for the star wars lore/movies to make sense with the distances and speeds seen then going hyper speed would be extremely faster than just normal light speed, so even 3 seconds is by no means a ‘quick/close jump.’ Did some calculations with the times this guy theorized and the falcon likely would’ve gone a couple trillion miles in just a few seconds

Well, I would say it’s Star Wars, not Star Trek, doesn’t need to be realistic as long as it keeps inner consistency within the Universe it takes place.

So long 🙌


jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke

Great work as always, I think this is just enough to get the reduction across; those other shots shouldn’t impact it too much when they play back to back.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Fantastic work! Like Cinefy says, it’s not too distracting in the other shots, especially since it’s not blowing around as much, so this is a great improvement. Have you thought about applying the same effects to Luke’s ghost on Tatooine?


EddieDean said:

Star Wars ships travel through hyperspace at the speed of plot.

I’m going to start working “at the speed of plot” into casual conversations from here on out. XD


jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke


wow my boy luke just looks so more handsome like that hahahah, thank u jonh

“The greatest teacher failure is”


21C Peasant said:

At the risk of annoying everybody, I put together another version of my tie sequence including a brand new shot of the ties with the castle in the background.

Please keep in mind that I’m doing this purely for my own enjoyment, not to try to impress anyone or to try to convince Hal9000 to include this in his edit. I’ll be putting this in my own personal edit, but if anyone wants to use it in theirs, that would be cool, too.

As someone in this community once said, “The best edit is always your own.”

Right on!


I love this opening so much. Whenever the Rey Nobody cut is all done, I’m definitely gonna add your opening scene to it.


hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.

Superstar! I’m in the UK so my days about to end here, so no rush.

Ended up happening quicker than I expected. This should be what you need.


Be sure to download the file for the full resolution. Google drive doesn’t stream 4K.

Thanks for doing it so quickly. I can’t download this file yet as it’s exceeded its quota. I’ll try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I started from scratch and manually tracked the castle movement in the last few frames. I think it’s much smoother but can someone let me know if the new smoke overlay and colouration is ok?

pw: fanedit

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I don’t have an eye for this like many people but I think this looks great!


Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.

Superstar! I’m in the UK so my days about to end here, so no rush.

Ended up happening quicker than I expected. This should be what you need.


Be sure to download the file for the full resolution. Google drive doesn’t stream 4K.

Thanks for doing it so quickly. I can’t download this file yet as it’s exceeded its quota. I’ll try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I started from scratch and manually tracked the castle movement in the last few frames. I think it’s much smoother but can someone let me know if the new smoke overlay and colouration is ok?

pw: fanedit

Strange. Didn’t think this one small file would exceed quota so quickly, but it could be limits on the storage itself.

Try this file instead. Might get it to you quicker.

Also, your vimeo video link says it’s private. I can’t see it.


hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.

Superstar! I’m in the UK so my days about to end here, so no rush.

Ended up happening quicker than I expected. This should be what you need.


Be sure to download the file for the full resolution. Google drive doesn’t stream 4K.

Thanks for doing it so quickly. I can’t download this file yet as it’s exceeded its quota. I’ll try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I started from scratch and manually tracked the castle movement in the last few frames. I think it’s much smoother but can someone let me know if the new smoke overlay and colouration is ok?

pw: fanedit

Strange. Didn’t think this one small file would exceed quota so quickly, but it could be limits on the storage itself.

Try this file instead. Might get it to you quicker.

Also, your vimeo video link says it’s private. I can’t see it.

Awesome, Got it! It seems fairly tiny for a 4k file. Is 92mb right?

My clip should be password protected. password is fanedit

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Jonh and MR, both of those new clips are absolutely incredible! 😃

For the castle clip- You don’t need to worry about the smoke and contrast anymore MR, I would say you’ve nailed that already. Same goes with the tracking, those pesky last few frames have been dealt with! Smoothing it out manually seems to have done the trick! I would say the clip is finished and good to go! (Unless anyone else picks up on anything) Nice work. 👍

Jonh, where do I even begin?! 😄 I compared each of those modified shots to the original to get a sense of how much had been changed, and I was totally blown away! Your work is nothing short of amazing. Not only have you completely hidden any evidence of Luke’s wig, but miraculously, you managed to remove the extra weight and age to his face gained between films and reshoots! This is Hollywood level expertise. 😉 👍

All that I would say is left to do now with Jonh’s footage is to merge it with Skenera’s de-blued footage he provided a while ago. Whether this means sending Jonh the footage to re-apply the effects over or perhaps, the other way around, I don’t know. Aside from that, does anything else remain in the ‘Rey Palpatine’ cut?


Forgot about the potential of including a modified Vader’s castle shot from Rogue One. We’ll see how that plays out.

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke


Great work jonh! We knew you could do it.

Couple little nitpicks:

  • At around :14/:15 you can see some residual blue glow flare up in the background to the left of Luke
  • At around :25 when the hair blows, the mask seems a bit obvious since the hair moves by the edge stays the same

I also wonder if there’s some way you could thin up the shot where Luke stands up and says “there’s something my sister would want you to have”? That one always stands out to me, I think it’s more a matter of the angle and the robe making him look bigger but he just looks strange there to me.


Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.

Superstar! I’m in the UK so my days about to end here, so no rush.

Ended up happening quicker than I expected. This should be what you need.


Be sure to download the file for the full resolution. Google drive doesn’t stream 4K.

Thanks for doing it so quickly. I can’t download this file yet as it’s exceeded its quota. I’ll try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I started from scratch and manually tracked the castle movement in the last few frames. I think it’s much smoother but can someone let me know if the new smoke overlay and colouration is ok?

pw: fanedit

Strange. Didn’t think this one small file would exceed quota so quickly, but it could be limits on the storage itself.

Try this file instead. Might get it to you quicker.

Also, your vimeo video link says it’s private. I can’t see it.

Awesome, Got it! It seems fairly tiny for a 4k file. Is 92mb right?

My clip should be password protected. password is fanedit

It’s compressed in h.264, but at an extremely high bitrate, so the quality should be fully preserved, near lossless. It worked perfectly in my copy of adobe when I tested it for editing. Let me know if it gives you problems.

Also, your current edit with the castle looks excellent. It’s amazing how such a subtle detail does so much to improve things and make the film a bit more immersive.


DominicCobb said:

jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke


Great work jonh! We knew you could do it.

Couple little nitpicks:

  • At around :14/:15 you can see some residual blue glow flare up in the background to the left of Luke
  • At around :25 when the hair blows, the mask seems a bit obvious since the hair moves by the edge stays the same

I also wonder if there’s some way you could thin up the shot where Luke stands up and says “there’s something my sister would want you to have”? That one always stands out to me, I think it’s more a matter of the angle and the robe making him look bigger but he just looks strange there to me.

can you tell me where exactly? with screenshots, to fix it ?😉


jonh said:

DominicCobb said:

jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke


Thanks Chase, I did try to blur it a little more but I think that’s the best I can do.

Jonh are you able to fix that last flappy strand of hair at 0:06 and 0:23? Other than that it’s perfect. I also PM’d you about the force ghost image. Great job, dude.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

Darth Muffy said:

Yep Vaders castles a must…

Did you do this? If you lay up the colour, I’ll give the tracking a go if you’d like.

@ MoviesRemastered Cinefys your man for that Vaders castle concept image it was him who originally posted it …

Cinefy said:

Vader’s Castle Mustafar concept: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501825149469851659/793147257834045520/PicsArt_12-28-05.03.03.jpg

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


He should try removing the blue hue on the pasted-in ghosts in the final battle of this saga, especially Luke.


jonh said:

DominicCobb said:

jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke


Great work jonh! We knew you could do it.

Couple little nitpicks:

  • At around :14/:15 you can see some residual blue glow flare up in the background to the left of Luke
  • At around :25 when the hair blows, the mask seems a bit obvious since the hair moves by the edge stays the same

I also wonder if there’s some way you could thin up the shot where Luke stands up and says “there’s something my sister would want you to have”? That one always stands out to me, I think it’s more a matter of the angle and the robe making him look bigger but he just looks strange there to me.

can you tell me where exactly? with screenshots, to fix it ?😉

At 00:00:15:07

It’s tough to see in still but look at that part of the frame in motion and you’ll see the blue flare up a bit.

Now that I got my fine toothed comb out, I also noticed some stray pieces of hair at


00:00:14:06 (and in the same spot the frame before and after)




And then at 25 seconds ish these are two spots where the hair moves that seem a bit too clearly masked:

And this is the shot that too me makes Luke look awkwardly wide:

By the way, would strongly suggest anyone who hasn’t already look at a comparison between the original and jonh’s work. It’s truly insane, night and day.