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Unpopular Opinion Thread — Page 3


I don’t mind Hayden Christensen at the end of ROTJ.

Phantom Menace has the best soundtrack of any SW movie.

The ST was doomed from the start.

Rogue One sucks.


I like having a wide variety of genres within future Star Wars projects instead of everything feeling like classic Star Wars.

The Clone Wars (with the exception of some arcs) is better than any of the films.

The original trilogy should be drastically remastered with modern VFX, something not too different to a project a former member of this site has been working on.

Solo would’ve been better with Lord and Miller.


daveinthecave said:

I don’t mind Hayden Christensen at the end of ROTJ.

Phantom Menace has the best soundtrack of any SW movie.

The ST was doomed from the start.

Rogue One sucks.

Honestly, Rogue One could be the worst movie ever for 98% of its runtime and I wouldn’t care because I only ever re-watch the last five minutes.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


The last five minutes includes creepy CGI Leia though.


I don’t accept the prequels as we have them as canon. The timeline for when the Clone Wars happened for instance doesn’t make sense. We are supposed to accept Anakin was in his forties when he died and Obi Wan in his fifties.

Leia’s mom dying even though she was supposed to have survived to see her daughter on Alderaan. Never mind Yoda not actually being Obi Wan’s master.

I’m not saying i hate the movies i like aspects of them but they don’t fit pre established canon even down to Palpatine and Yoda having lightsabers.


JadedSkywalker said:

We are supposed to accept Anakin was in his forties when he died and Obi Wan in his fifties.

That reminds me: how f****ed up is it not that a single Skywalker lives to age 60? (Except maybe Leia)

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:

Honestly, Rogue One could be the worst movie ever for 98% of its runtime and I wouldn’t care because I only ever re-watch the last five minutes.

So you agree then.


Episode IX is better than Episode VIII, but Episode VIII is still miles better than the PT.

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Selling to Disney was the best thing that could have happened for Star Wars. I wish they purchased it sooner.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Creepy Puppet Yoda > CG Yoda.

❤️ those sideburns.

I couldn’t actually think of a genuinely unpopular Star Wars opinion that I have, but actually yeah this is one. I stan puppet Yoda. Also I like films being a product of their time so if creepy puppet Yoda appeared in the original film, it should stay that way.

Although I don’t reckon wanting the original threatrical cut of movies to be untampered with is an unpopular opinion, especially not on this forum!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


TPM is not as pointless to the series as some say, not like it even takes much reading between the lines when viewing the ending “celebration”.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


act on instinct said:

TPM is not as pointless to the series as some say, not like it even takes much reading between the lines when viewing the ending “celebration”.

And if one hasn’t picked up on it:


I’m also saddened we didn’t get into the metaphysical aspect of midi-chlorians and the Force or Darth Maul returning like George intended in his Sequel Trilogy as it would’ve made the case for The Phantom Menace being not important pointless. As it stands though it’s essential as there’s lots of connective layers between it and Return of the Jedi if one knows where to look. The Podrace and Speeder Chase on Endor sync up as the explosions and shots align completely for starters at the same minute mark in both films.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


OT, PT, & ST fanboys hold at least one trait in common — a penchant for excusing the flaws in their favoured trilogy.


I like every trilogy, but I acknowledge their flaws. When I watch Star Wars, I watch I-IX in numerical order, no spinoffs, no skipping episodes, no fanedits.


My brother just told me that he found The Mandalorian boring. Granted, he’s not a Star Wars fan.


It is pretty boring, though. 😛

My hot take is that Ezra Bridger is a great character; my boy, I love him.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

It is pretty boring, though. 😛

I gotta agree, especially this season. I’ve already talked about how formulaic the show is getting, and I hope they improve it next season.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Yeah, they need to cut it with the boring sidetracking. It’s like, I don’t need to see luke going to Toshi station every half hour to pick up some power converters. Get to the story or don’t give us 8 episodes.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


See, I’m of a completely different mind about it. I think the show could’ve just not had a story.

Grogu and Din traveling to different pockets of the galaxy doing random stuff and growing together along the way, would have been better than what we got IMO. The little adventures they did have ended up being so half baked and bare bones because of the obligation to get somewhere. It only got in the way of fleshing out how interesting the vignettes could be.

It’s not sidetracking if there is no track, and it leaves you with an entire galaxy as a canvas to explore. Din and Grogu just along for the ride. I genuinely think the show would have been better served focusing less on those two and more on the “guest world” or character of an episode. Make it the Cobb Vanth Show, Greef Carga Show, Egg Lady Show, or Mayfeld Show for the episode(s) they’re in. Flesh those characters and their dilemmas out - invest us in them more than the Mando and Baby Yoda. The duo then comes out of an episode having learned or changed by interacting with them.

As it was, it felt like we were just passing through sidequests to exchange favors. But I’d rather we took on the perspective of those being passed by. It’s not like Din and Grogu wouldn’t be in every episode for us to gather an identifiable thread.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

It’s not sidetracking if there is no track, and it leaves you with an entire galaxy as a canvas to explore. Din and Grogu just along for the ride. I genuinely think the show would have been better served focusing less on those two and more on the “guest world” or character of an episode. Make it the Cobb Vanth Show, Greef Carga Show, Egg Lady Show, or Mayfeld Show for the episode(s) they’re in. Flesh those characters and their dilemmas out - invest us in them more than the Mando and Baby Yoda. The duo then comes out of an episode having learned or changed by interacting with them.

So you’re saying something like the original Star Trek? I’m not really sure if that would be a good idea. I tend to find television formulas to be tiring, especially when they’re of the “threat of the week” variety.

However, I do agree that if they have to include those types of stories, they could at least flesh them out somewhat. I think that could be done well by just extending the average episode runtime. Chapter 9 was the best episode of the season, and possibly of Mando as a whole, because it actually gave us the time to invest in the guest character and care about the problem Mando has to solve.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience: