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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 45


No special effect is perfect, but I’m all for them doing whatever needs to be done to tell the story they want to tell. This episode made my heart glad.


I feel like Mando removing the helmet would have been hyperspace lanes more impactful had we not see him do it in the last episode 😕

But God what a time to be a Star Wars fan.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I was way off in most of my predictions, but that is a good thing in my opinion. Nobody died and they didn’t have a darker season finale. But there was this one thing:

Rodney-2187 said:

I was thinking it would be Bo-Katan who would fight Gideon. It would make sense for her to “win” the Darksaber from him, instead of having it given to her, if she is to rule Mandalore. But then again, she seems almost maniacally fanatic about it. Is she the right one to lead Mandalore? Has she changed somewhat? Could she become a villain of sorts? There’s just so many directions they could go with everything.

Not sure if Bo-Katan goes full villain, but there are definitely some things to work out.

Din Djarin still doesn’t have his own ship. Cara Dune wants to take Gideon to the New Republic. Bo-Katan wants the darksaber and Gideon’s ship. Does he leave with Cara Dune on the shuttle or stay with Bo-Katan? Fennec and Boba are off on their own.

Has Grogu seen R2-D2 before?

Will Luke be the next poster on Monday?


Rodney-2187 said:

idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

Was Grogu at Luke’s school when Ben/Kylo killed a bunch of other students? Is Luke going to take Grogu somewhere else?

Well, that doesn’t happen until 28 aby, while this show starts in 5 aby, and given that Grogu has already had some training, he’ll probably have graduated by then.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


That, and the current canon for Luke’s temple is, I believe, that Ben accidentally blows it up with a big force lightning storm generated by his negative emotions (or Palpatine/Snoke generated a big force lightning storm to blow it up, but making Ben think he did it). It’s not until a little while later that Ben kills his first Jedi intentionally. My point being: it’s not hard to retcon in some survivors, especially compared to Order 66, which was much more well-organised, sudden and widespread.


Ed Slushie said:

Rodney-2187 said:

idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

Was Grogu at Luke’s school when Ben/Kylo killed a bunch of other students? Is Luke going to take Grogu somewhere else?

Well, that doesn’t happen until 28 aby, while this show starts in 5 aby, and given that Grogu has already had some training, he’ll probably have graduated by then.

The Mandalorian takes place 9 ABY, but still, look at 50 year old Grogu. How much different will he be at 69 years old? I guess none of us can comment with authority regarding the growth of his species but it just seems he has a long way to go before he even reaches what we would consider a teenager.


Rodney-2187 said:

Ed Slushie said:

Rodney-2187 said:

idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

Was Grogu at Luke’s school when Ben/Kylo killed a bunch of other students? Is Luke going to take Grogu somewhere else?

Well, that doesn’t happen until 28 aby, while this show starts in 5 aby, and given that Grogu has already had some training, he’ll probably have graduated by then.

The Mandalorian takes place 9 ABY, but still, look at 50 year old Grogu. How much different will he be at 69 years old? I guess none of us can comment with authority regarding the growth of his species but it just seems he has a long way to go before he even reaches what we would consider a teenager.

It seem likely that Yoda’s species have a very long infancy disproportionate to what most species have. So he’ll probably go through adolescence pretty fast, otherwise Yoda at 900 in ROTJ would only be a a young adult.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
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With Filoni and Favreau I wouldn’t put it past them to create an alternate timeline using Ashoka and the world between worlds.
They seem to be hinting at it with the Ashoka series cover.

That way you have a clean slate post ROTJ, while keeping The ST confined to it’s own timeline.

Have your cake, and eat it too.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

That way you have a clean slate post ROTJ, while keeping The ST confined to it’s own timeline.

Have your cake, and eat it too.

Honestly, I think one could make the argument that all of Filoni’s series take place in a slightly different timeline from the movies. Even with the brief Hayden Christensen voice clips in TCW season 7, I still don’t buy that Anakin from The Clone Wars would fall for what Anakin falls for in Revenge of the Sith (I mean, he would still become Vader, but it would take a lot more convincing). But this isn’t the right thread for that.

Back to the latest episode of Mando, was it just me, or has Ludwig Gorranson not used any of John Williams’ original motifs aside from the Force Theme? When Luke fights the Dark Troopers, there’s clearly a recurring melody, but it isn’t anything I recognize - which is weird because the tune is in harmonic minor, the same scale as The Jedi Steps, another suspenseful piece used to build up that Luke Skywalker is a big deal. So why not incorporate that?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


13las said:

I hope I won’t be raining on anyone’s parade but that was… bad, right? I’ve really enjoyed this season but that really left a poor taste in my mouth. I thought the pacing was bizarre and that whole final sequence… Yikes.

I’m not against what they did in principle but good god. Would it kill them to recast a role or let an actor play his own age when the alternative is a straight up video game character?

I haven’t seen anyone else’s take on the episode yet so I really hope I’m not the only grump. I wanted to love it but damn.

This was easily the worst episode of the whole series. CGI Luke looked bad. Grogu’s fate is to be killed by kylo? Wonderful. Bo Katan can’t take the darksaber from Din, but she could take it from Sabine?

I was skeptical about resurrecting Boba Fett for this season, but they kinda pulled it off. However, I think he’s a character that works in small doses. I have no interest in a boba fett series.


Cthulhunicron said:

Bo Katan can’t take the darksaber from Din, but she could take it from Sabine?

Well, Sabine didn’t win it in combat like Din did, she just found it on Dathomir. Just like it took a full season to explain why Din couldn’t remove his helmet, I’m sure they’ve thought up a good explanation for this as well. The darksaber also made its first appearance in Filoni’s series so I’m absolutely sure Favreau went through it all with him as he wrote this episode.

Cthulhunicron said:

Grogu’s fate is to be killed by kylo? Wonderful.

There’s so many ways this can go so I don’t see why this has to be the case. As mentioned before its quite vague how many were killed by Papatine/Kylo so there could be plenty of them still around somewhere. Also there’s the whole Ahoska world-between-worlds thing, Grogu might still be a Whills, etc. etc. Who knows what they’ll end up going with all of this.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Yeah but Bo Katan didn’t win the darksaber from someone through combat, yet she had no problem claiming it. Now all of a sudden, she can’t accept it? Doesn’t make sense to me.


Cthulhunicron said:

Yeah but Bo Katan didn’t win the darksaber from someone through combat, yet she had no problem claiming it. Now all of a sudden, she can’t accept it? Doesn’t make sense to me.

Well, that’s kinda my point, if Sabine didn’t have a proper claim on it then why not simply take it. Din on the other hand has a proper claim to it now. There’s also the possibility that she failed to unite Mandalore because she didn’t have a proper claim to it and the Mandalorians rejected her as a leader, hence why it was so important for her that she defeated Gideon. The important thing to me though, is that this adds some interesting drama for the next season and it makes sense for this series. All other lore details can easily be explained away the same way The Children of the Watch explained the helmet rule.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


For a while there, I really thought Gideon solved that little dilemma by gunning down Bo-Katan. But no, she’s fine.


idir_hh said:

With Filoni and Favreau I wouldn’t put it past them to create an alternate timeline using Ashoka and the world between worlds.
They seem to be hinting at it with the Ashoka series cover.

That way you have a clean slate post ROTJ, while keeping The ST confined to it’s own timeline.

Have your cake, and eat it too.

I will eat an Ahsoka action figure if this ever happens. I see so many crackpot theories about how the Sequel Trilogy is going to get decanonised - I would’ve thought that people would’ve moved past the denial stage by now (or is this bargaining?). Disney wouldn’t do that to the movies they just spent millions on, and which have been seen by so many people.

The worst that’ll happen to the ST is they’ll be slowly eroded away at through the power of recontextualisation, much as about half of the dialogue in Star Wars 1977 now has to be explained as “Obi-Wan was lying!” or “Obi-Wan was just calling him Darth to tease him!” etc. It sounds like the upcoming Obi-Wan series will prompt another few lines in the OT to suddenly need to have their commonly understood meanings adjusted.

New stories always find their way into the gaps and create new interpretations of events. Back in 2005, Anakin didn’t resent the council for accusing his Padawan of being a terrorist, and the Clones didn’t have biochips in their heads. In 1983, Vader wasn’t the prophesied Chosen One bringing balance to the Force, he was just a protective Dad. This website understands this better than most Star Wars communities.


Having rewatched the latest episode I now see what people mean by Luke’s moth moving a little unnaturally, though its still much better than RO Tarkin IMO. You can even see that they’ve tried to work around that shortcoming in the edit. However, now that the surprise of seeing the de-aged Hamill isn’t there anymore and I can simply watch the scene, I actually think they did a pretty good job with the de-aged face. I don’t think the effect is soulless like some have suggested, it’s rather just Luke being very serious in the scene. There’s actually some really nice subtle expressions, like his final little nod to Din before he takes Grogu away. I also think it’s important to keep in mind that this is Jedi Master Luke and he doesn’t know any of the main characters so he’s being (for lack of a better word) “formal”. The effect is a little “soft” around the edges at times, but for the most part I think it looks really good. And now that Jeans Guy has been removed, should they choose to polish the effect a little more in the future, they could always add it to the episode without most people really knowing of caring.

I do wonder how they de-aged the voice though. I know how deepfakes and such work fairly well, but this is the first time I’ve heard a voice de-aged.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


sade1212 said:

I will eat an Ahsoka action figure if this ever happens. I see so many crackpot theories about how the Sequel Trilogy is going to get decanonised

Ah but you see it won’t be de-canonised. What I think will happen is that the 2 timelines will diverge due to Ashoka messing with the world between worlds. But both timelines will be Canon, just in their own way.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


What I really want to know it this: did Luke travel all the way back home with Grogu on his lap or did they steal a bigger ship from the hangar?


Ahsoka figures are pretty expensive. That’d be a pricey meal. I don’t see it happening though.


I’m all for two branching timelines. I’d be totally fine with a TV canon and a movie canon. I hate the idea of all of this leading to the horrible ST. They dont have to decanonize it. But they can make the shows not lead into it.