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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 44


Z6PO said:

The practical model is 3D printed from a computer file, shot with a digital camera on a computerized rig…

…so what? It’s a physical object being filmed, that’s the point.

(And don’t give me that “it’s a digital camera so it isn’t filmed” bullshit, you know what I meant.)

Also, you do realize that all model shots in the original trilogy were filmed using a “computerized rig,” too, right? That was one of the major advances ILM made in 1975/76 and why the space effects in the original SW stood out to audiences in 1977.


I know all of this. It seemed to me that the effect supposedly being practical was given too much importance. Like in: practical is good, computer is bad.

It’s cool to have an effect with an old school look, I like it too. But how it is achieved is not relevant, imho. If there is a physical model, and if it is (most likely) 3D printed, that is not a telltale of a practical effect! That is not traditional model work at all! The more “natural” lighting of a physical model is I think what could be indicative of a practical effect.


I want to see Roasrio turning into Ahsoka putting on the make-up, prostethics, and contacts.


Hope everyone enjoys the new episode! Surprised to hear Peyton Reed was back in the director’s chair - I kind of wish I hadn’t known that before watching it.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Well, overall , that was a pretty good season. But, is it just me, or did the effects get progressively worse as the season progressed? Its as if they spent the budget on the first ep. Todays ep featured one of the worse digital doubles ever. It would give the Scorpion king a run for its money. Even the ships looked cheap and nasty effect work.




I hope I won’t be raining on anyone’s parade but that was… bad, right? I’ve really enjoyed this season but that really left a poor taste in my mouth. I thought the pacing was bizarre and that whole final sequence… Yikes.

I’m not against what they did in principle but good god. Would it kill them to recast a role or let an actor play his own age when the alternative is a straight up video game character?

I haven’t seen anyone else’s take on the episode yet so I really hope I’m not the only grump. I wanted to love it but damn.

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13las said:

I hope I won’t be raining on anyone’s parade but that was… bad, right? I’ve really enjoyed this season but that really left a poor taste in my mouth. I thought the pacing was bizarre and that whole final sequence… Yikes.

I’m not against what they did in principle but good god. Would it kill them to recast a role or let an actor play his own age when the alternative is a straight up video game character?

I haven’t seen anyone else’s take on the episode yet so I really hope I’m not the only grump. I wanted to love it but damn.

Completely agree. That episode was bad. It somehow felt cheap too. very “fan film”. It had some good bits but i felt that this was all rushed, just to get to that “wow” ending. And the change in the music style in this ep felt so wrong with some of it being more like a 90’s hallmark film

I just hope everyone didn’t stop watching before the credits finished though. 😉




Sees X-wing

“ah it’s the guys from episode 2!”

It’s only one X-wing.


it’s an older model


A hooded figures get’s out

“no…it can’t be”

Ignites The Green


That, that broke me.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…



Star Wars is Back Baby

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I really enjoyed this episode. I tend to prefer the standalone adventures, but as a season finale I thought it did a really good job. Solid action, CG was generally quite good (a few rough moments, but not as bad as we’ve seen previously), some interesting set-ups for the next season(s), and I personally though the reveal at the end was handled quite well.


I thought the de-aged Mark Hamill looked reasonably good (especially considering this is a TV series and not a movie). He looked a little soft around the edges, which makes me believe it was a deepfake rather than a full CG recreation like they did with Tarkin & Leia in RO. I wouldn’t have been against a recasting with a very similar-looking actor either, but Luke is such an important and recognizable character that I don’t think it would have had the same impact for most people if it was someone else. It wasn’t Tron Legacy bad or uncanny valley like in Rogue One, so I really didn’t mind it at all. I get that some people had a strong reaction to it as deaging effects still look a little off, but comparing it to films like the Scorpion King is IMO very hyperbolic. This is leagues ahead of that, and like I’ve already said, probably not a CG face at all, but a deepfake made from OT footage (mostly ROTJ I’d imagine).
Overall, I’m just glad to see Luke back as the Jedi.

What I’m more curious about is what going to happen next season now. I can’t imagine Grogu not being a part of it, so I imagine Thrawn or someone else will do something to bring Din back. I also really like the idea that he now has a claim to the throne of Mandalore as he unknowingly took the darksaber. I suggested earlier that he could become the new Mandalore, and it now seems like that might actually happen at the end of the series.

Post-credits scene was fun, though I’m a little confused as to what it’s about. What is “The Book of Boba Fett”? is it an actual book or is this another series they haven’t announced yet? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Book of Boba fett is a new spinoff series.

As for the deepfake, yeah it wasn’t perfect, but I think it captured Luke’s essence which is most important. I’m just waiting for them to announce his inevitable spin off show, or a substantial role in the Ashoka and Rangers series. I’m sure they’ll throw a ton of cash at de-aging him down to a T once he has a bigger presence.

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

This concerned me a little bit - Luke goes through a fair amount of character growth in ROTJ learning not to become his father. I mean, they’re all droids here so it’s fine, but going forwards I don’t really want to see Luke acting like TCW/ROTS Anakin. I never delved too deeply into the old EU/Legends so I’m not attached to that version of Luke like many are; instead I always imagined he’d be quite diplomatic and spiritual, much like Qui-Gon, rather than just being another prequel-era Jedi General. That’s why I love the force projection in TLJ.


sade1212 said:

idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

This concerned me a little bit - Luke goes through a fair amount of character growth in ROTJ learning not to become his father. I mean, they’re all droids here so it’s fine, but going forwards I don’t really want to see Luke acting like TCW/ROTS Anakin. I never delved too deeply into the old EU/Legends so I’m not attached to that version of Luke like many are; instead I always imagined he’d be quite diplomatic and spiritual, much like Qui-Gon, rather than just being another prequel-era Jedi General. That’s why I love the force projection in TLJ.

In Legends continuity he would have been at the height of his dark-side exploration at this point post-ROTJ (i.e. Dark Empire comic series), but I highly doubt they’ll go that route in the new canon. I haven’t played Battlefront II, but I know he’s exploring the galaxy searching for Jedi artifacts at least a couple of years post-ROTJ. Other than that I don’t think that period has been explored too much at all. At least not from Luke’s POV. I get the feeling that the next season, plus Ahsoka and Rangers of the New Republic might explore Luke’s story a bit more going forward, and then the books/comics will fill in the rest over the years.

As for his “hallway” moment, I didn’t get too much of a dark-side feel from it personally, that is apart from how he crushed that one droid at the very end. Apart from the obvious fan-service, and building up suspense for both the audience ad the characters on the bridge, I see it as being very similar to when f.ex. Yoda or Obi-Wan fought droids in TCW. It seems brutal, but they are just imperial droids after all. And he seemed quite calm and proper Jedi-like at the end of the scene, so I trust they’ll handle the character well going forward.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


adywan said:

13las said:

I hope I won’t be raining on anyone’s parade but that was… bad, right? I’ve really enjoyed this season but that really left a poor taste in my mouth. I thought the pacing was bizarre and that whole final sequence… Yikes.

I’m not against what they did in principle but good god. Would it kill them to recast a role or let an actor play his own age when the alternative is a straight up video game character?

I haven’t seen anyone else’s take on the episode yet so I really hope I’m not the only grump. I wanted to love it but damn.

Completely agree. That episode was bad. It somehow felt cheap too. very “fan film”. It had some good bits but i felt that this was all rushed, just to get to that “wow” ending. And the change in the music style in this ep felt so wrong with some of it being more like a 90’s hallmark film

I just hope everyone didn’t stop watching before the credits finished though. 😉

Kind of agree with you two too. Mostly vfx effects are a little odd and the T4a „Crash“scene…not well.
The Dubstep, I didn’t get it, why…

But showing Luke, oh man I loved it. Not so sure if it is completely cgi or just some stuntman deepfaked. It looked ok, way better than tarkins though.


ZkinandBonez said:

sade1212 said:

idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

This concerned me a little bit - Luke goes through a fair amount of character growth in ROTJ learning not to become his father. I mean, they’re all droids here so it’s fine, but going forwards I don’t really want to see Luke acting like TCW/ROTS Anakin. I never delved too deeply into the old EU/Legends so I’m not attached to that version of Luke like many are; instead I always imagined he’d be quite diplomatic and spiritual, much like Qui-Gon, rather than just being another prequel-era Jedi General. That’s why I love the force projection in TLJ.

In Legends continuity he would have been at the height of his dark-side exploration at this point post-ROTJ (i-e- Dark Empire comic series), but I highly doubt they’ll go that route in the new canon. I haven’t played Battlefront II, but I know he’s exploring the galaxy searching for Jedi artifacts at least a couple of years post-ROTJ. Other than that I don’t think that period has been explored too much at all. At least not from Luke’s POV. I get the feeling that the next season, plus Ahsoka and Rangers of the New Republic might explore Luke’s story a bit more going forward, and then the books/comics will fill in the rest over the years.

As for his “hallway” moment, I didn’t get too much of a dark-side feel from it personally, that is apart from how he crushed that one droid at the very end. Apart from the obvious fan-service, and building up suspense for both the audience ad the characters on the bridge, I see it as being very similar to when f.ex. Yoda or Obi-Wan fought droids in TCW. It seems brutal, but they are just imperial droids after all. And he seemed quite calm and proper Jedi-like at the end of the scene, so I trust they’ll handle the character well going forward.

Just wanted to write something similar. Totally agree.


They’ll probably revisit this scene and improve on the de-aging at a later stage, but worse case scenario I’m sure someone like Shamook will give Luke a deep fake overhaul 😉

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

But damn I got serious rogue one vibes out of that Hallway scene.
Like father, like son. Ey? 😉

I did too. I definitely think it was intentional.

This episode is awesome. I’m going to rewatch it many times.

Was Grogu at Luke’s school when Ben/Kylo killed a bunch of other students? Is Luke going to take Grogu somewhere else?


Man, I absolutely loved it. And I KNEW IT as soon as I realized it was only a single X-Wing.

The real question was, was it going to be Sebastian Stan or deaged Mark? I really think they gave him that little bit of stubble right before he removes the hood to really make you think it might be Stan under there before they pull the rug from under you.

The effect itself, not perfect. There are definitely a couple of shots in there that are pretty bad but I think overall it worked.

AND THE VOICE! That is ROTJ era Luke all over! The voice is what impressed me the most.

Man I loved it.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Man, I absolutely loved it. And I KNEW IT as soon as I realized it was only a single X-Wing.

The real question was, was it going to be Sebastian Stan or deaged Mark? I really think they gave him that little bit of stubble right before he removes the hood to really make you think it might be Stan under there before they pull the rug from under you.

The effect itself, not perfect. There are definitely a couple of shots in there that are pretty bad but I think overall it worked.

AND THE VOICE! That is ROTJ era Luke all over! The voice is what impressed me the most.

Man I loved it.

Yeh, i have to say, the way they de-aged his voice was amazing. Completely spot on. Shame the facial effect was so damn jarring. Although i watched it on Disney+ in 2160p HDR, i gave it a second watch, this time through the SKYQ box, which only has Disney+ @ 1080p and it didn’t look half as bad. I don’t know if it was the fact that the initial shock at how bad it looked had passed or the fact that it worked better at 1080p max. But the lip sync was still CG game level bad. And the “dead eyes” … yuk