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Unpopular Opinion Thread — Page 2


Force powers such as telekinesis, Force lightning, etc. should have either never been introduced, or limited to extremely powerful Force adepts.


I don’t know if these listed are controversial. If anything, they’re pet peeves of mine.

Count Dooku using Sith lightning ruined the prestige.

“Who talks first? You talk first or I talk first?” is a more out of place line than “Ouch Time” or “Do you want to buy some death sticks?”.

There were too many Jedi in the prequels, which watered down their lore. I find it hard for Palpatine and Vader to fear a Jedi destroying them both when a battle droid and clone trooper could take one out.

Obi-Won’s “true from a certain point of view” explanation still felt like a retcon.

Darth Plagueis wasn’t that wise.


I like Temuera Morrison as Boba in ESB (but his lines should be replaced with those from Battlefront, the delivery is much better).

Luke and Leia’s kiss on Hoth should have been removed from the SE onwards.

Rogue One could dispose of the first and second acts and be great.

I’m not very fond of the original butthole-looking sarlacc. I wish someone could redo the SE effects for it.

I rewatch the films in chronological order.


Nilbog said:

Count Dooku using Sith lightning ruined the prestige.

I agree. That should have been an extra-high ability power unique to The Emperor.

I think having Yoda and Palpatine duel each other with lightsabers was a missed opportunity to show off new powerful Force abilities, perhaps learned only by those two great masters.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Star Wars material that isn’t approved by George Lucas isn’t really Canon.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Star Wars material that isn’t approved by George Lucas isn’t really Canon.

Is that unpopular? Felt like it was a pretty popular opinion among the prequel crowd.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


my final one: I prefer Clive Revill as the Emperor in Empire Strikes Back.


All these complaints about Force lightning remind me of what Plinkett said in his reviews of the prequels, that the Emperor using Force lightning in ROTJ was to show his deep knowledge of the Force, however by the prequels using Force lightning means you have achieved level 12 Sith status.


I’ve already posted this elsewhere on this forum, but I guess I might as well share it again on this thread specifically cause it fits the topic at hand:

I recently wrote a four-part blog post explaining why I think ESB was really the movie where Star Wars “broke.”

You can read Part 1 here (each part ends with a link to the next part): https://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-real-reason-you-probably-dont-like.html?m=1



I think having Yoda and Palpatine duel each other with lightsabers was a missed opportunity to show off new powerful Force abilities, perhaps learned only by those two great masters.

Agreed. Should’ve been like a shonen fight. They sorta touched on it throwing senate pods but didn’t go as far as they should have.

Is that unpopular? Felt like it was a pretty popular opinion among the prequel crowd.

Anything post CW S6 is technically not Lucas approved, and yet everyone still goes on and on about how much they love The Mandalorian.


jedi_bendu said:

Nilbog said:

Count Dooku using Sith lightning ruined the prestige.

I agree. That should have been an extra-high ability power unique to The Emperor.

Speaking as an A:TLA fan, I’m glad the show limited lightning bending to just Azula and Ozai (i.e., two royal family members who were bending prodigies). Korra did away with that limit (while the Kyoshi novels made it even rarer than the A:TLA). Still, it’s more understandable than making Sith Lightning so widespread.


BedeHistory731 said:

jedi_bendu said:

Nilbog said:

Count Dooku using Sith lightning ruined the prestige.

I agree. That should have been an extra-high ability power unique to The Emperor.

Speaking as an A:TLA fan, I’m glad the show limited lightning bending to just Azula and Ozai (i.e., two royal family members who were bending prodigies). Korra did away with that limit (while the Kyoshi novels made it even rarer than the A:TLA). Still, it’s more understandable than making Sith Lightning so widespread.

I’m going off-topic, but I’m watching Avatar season 1 for the first time right now. I wonder if there’s a TLA thread in the off-topic section? I could see a lot of Star Wars fans being Avatar fans as well, like yourself.

A friend of mine loves A:LTA and Korra is the bane of his existence because of how it messed up the canon/lore. I’m glad I don’t hate the prequels that much, but they certainly did a similar thing.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


As much as I still love and appreciate SW77/ A New Hope, I’ve found it to be one of the least… watchable of all the Star Wars movies. So much of it has aged horribly. The space battles feature ugly composite shots that get repeated over and over again, Han is so blatantly sexist that he uses the term “female advice” as an insult, the lightsabers look incredibly fake (and not even in a consistent or stylized way), and worst of all: some of the extras have mullets.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Based on his movie appearances alone I must say Boba Fett is the most overrated character in the franchise, because he does absolutely nothing noteworthy in either TESB or ROTJ, yet everywhere I look people rank him amongst the greatest SW characters. Based on what? Wearing a cool looking suit of armour? Give me a break.


I think debates regarding what constitutes a “real fan” are silly. People have different tastes and varying amounts of free time and disposable income. But at the same time, if someone only likes one or two of the movies and dislikes the other nine or ten, at what point are they not a fan of the franchise and just someone who enjoys an individual movie or two?

Not saying you have to love all of it, but if you only enjoy 10% of something, are you really a fan of it?


Ed Slushie said:

As much as I still love and appreciate SW77/ A New Hope, I’ve found it to be one of the least… watchable of all the Star Wars movies. So much of it has aged horribly. The space battles feature ugly composite shots that get repeated over and over again, Han is so blatantly sexist that he uses the term “female advice” as an insult, the lightsabers look incredibly fake (and not even in a consistent or stylized way), and worst of all: some of the extras have mullets.

Which version are you watching? I ask because I’ve found that the lightsaber effects have gotten worse each time they’ve been recomposited (probably due to degradation of the elements), whereas 4K77 still has the original compositing and it looks great.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Ed Slushie said:

As much as I still love and appreciate SW77/ A New Hope, I’ve found it to be one of the least… watchable of all the Star Wars movies. So much of it has aged horribly. The space battles feature ugly composite shots that get repeated over and over again, Han is so blatantly sexist that he uses the term “female advice” as an insult, the lightsabers look incredibly fake (and not even in a consistent or stylized way), and worst of all: some of the extras have mullets.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Wexter said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…

From what I’ve seen, most fans love one trilogy, loathe the other, or enjoy both. Fans who dislike both trilogies seem to be in the minority.

I don’t think fans who dislike both trilogies are so rare, moreso that they end up picking one side or the other on the internet.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Wexter said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…

From what I’ve seen, most fans love one trilogy, loathe the other, or enjoy both. Fans who dislike both trilogies seem to be in the minority.

I don’t think fans who dislike both trilogies are so rare, moreso that they end up picking one side or the other on the internet.


DuracellEnergizer said:

SparkySywer said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Wexter said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…

From what I’ve seen, most fans love one trilogy, loathe the other, or enjoy both. Fans who dislike both trilogies seem to be in the minority.

I don’t think fans who dislike both trilogies are so rare, moreso that they end up picking one side or the other on the internet.


Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Wexter said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…

From what I’ve seen, most fans love one trilogy, loathe the other, or enjoy both. Fans who dislike both trilogies seem to be in the minority.

I don’t think fans who dislike both trilogies are so rare, moreso that they end up picking one side or the other on the internet.

I find that fans like me, who like to point out the flaws of the OT (mainly ESB and RotJ) are even more in the minority.

EDIT: Meant to quote Duracell there. My bad.
