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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 38


I have seen that poster , but imagined Brosnan in the role long before seeing that . And yeah , if Thrawn shows up , I think Lars will play him , as all of the other Rebels /Clone Wars characters who have appeared so far on The Mandalorian have been played by their voice actors . Just lose the big arches on his head please ! I also think Jon Hamm from Madmen could do the character justice.



jedi_bendu said:

screams in the void said:

so , do you think we will finally get to see Thrawn in live action in this series ? If so , who would be the best choice to play him ? I always picture James Bond era Pierce Brosnan in the role when I read the original Thrawn trilogy from the early 90s.

I don’t think we’ll see live-action Thrawn in The Mandalorian, because it would ruin the opportunity for the Star Wars Rebels sequel story that’s been set up (same goes for live-action Ezra Bridger - I can’t see it happening), but if any show could pull off a good live-action version of the character, this is it. My vote is for Lars Mikkelsen because he provided such a chilling and iconic voice in Rebels; a few prosthetics maybe on a sharper chin, and he’s there.

I agree that it should be either Lars Mikkelsen or someone very similar to him. I understand the interest in seeing famous movie stars like Brosnan in the role, but I honestly don’t think actors like that really has what it takes to pull off a menacing character like Thrawn. Mikkelsen has already played a supergenius psychopath in an episode of Sherlock, so Thrawn shouldn’t be a problem. With some small prosthetics and a change in hairdo I think he’d look perfect for the new canon version of Thrawn.

I also get why people don’t like the so called “McDonald’s arches”, but I think it was clever of *Rebels to emphasize that he’s an alien by adding a slightly unnatural shape to his head, as well as accentuating his “high brow” look as it were. Animation obviously exaggerates these things, but I think some subtle arches could work really well in live action. I didn’t like them at first either, but now when I go back to a lot of old Thrawn art he just looks oddly too human too me.

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for me it’s not so much an interest in seeing a famous actor playing the part , it’s more about Brosnan’s aristocratic voice and demeanor . Coincidentally , the fact that he plays an Art thief in The Thomas Crown Affair , helps too , as Thrawn has a penchant for art. And , I think Mikkelsen probably will play him in live action , and the glowing red eyes and blue skin were enough to emphasize that he was an alien to me . Although , I always pictured him without pupils , as depicted in the Heir To The Empire comics adaptation . If Mikkelsen does play him , and they have to go with the arches , I hope they do make them a lot more subtle.



screams in the void said:

for me it’s not so much an interest in seeing a famous actor playing the part , it’s more about Brosnan’s aristocratic voice and demeanor . Coincidentally , the fact that he pays an Art thief in The Thomas Crown Affair , helps too , as Thrawn has a penchant for art. And , I think Mikkelsen probably will play him in live action , and the glowing red eyes and blue skin were enough to emphasize that he was an alien to me . Although , I always pictured him without pupils , as depicted in the Heir To The Empire comics adaptation . If Mikkelsen does play him , and they have to go with the arches , I hope they do make them a lot more subtle.

Right, I see what you mean. First character that pops into my mind when I hear Brosnan is Bond, but he obviously has more range than that. I still don’t see him doing such a menacing character though, at least not to the extent required for Thrawn. Either way I’d think an actor known for villains or anti-heroes is the best choice. When I first read the Thrawn trilogy (a couple of years before Mikkelsen did the animated version Rebels) I imagined someone like Benedict Cumberbatch. In hindsight not necessarily who I’d considered ideal for the role, but at the time it made a lot of sense as his version of Sherlock is both intellectual and sophisticated while also a little bit unhinged at the same time.

A side note to Thrawn being “aristocratic”: one thing that I love about Mikkelsen’s Thrawn voice is his subtle, but still noticeable Danish accent hiding underneath British accent we associate with the Imperials. Since Thrawn is an outsider, and the only non-human Imperial, it makes so much sense for him to not have a perfect British accent. His sophistication also has more to do with intellect and discipline, as opposed to the simple snobbishness of most high ranking Imperials. And you get a sense of all of this not just through Mikkelsen’s performance but also through Filoni simply casting a Danish actor.

I’m still 50/50 on the eyes though. On the one hand I love the simplicity of the empty red-glowing eyes, but at the same time I can understand why filmmakers wouldn’t want to remove the pupils of such an important character. I’d probably make the same decision myself as eyes are really important in live-action. It’s the kind of thing that sound great on paper, would have been creepy in real-life, but I don’t think it would translate too well to film/TV.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Rodney-2187 said:

How about Charles Dance?

A bit old perhaps (how old should Thrawn be during the Mandalorian?), but a few decades ago he definitely had the right face for the character.

I think there’s a decent amount of leeway with the face overall though, and I think the eyes and especially the voice are the two things that’s really important when it comes to casting Thrawn. Not counting the audiobook voice-actor that imitates Mikkelsen’s performance, the only two Thrawn voices that has worked for me is Lars Mikkelsen and the voice-actor from the audiobook version of Outbound Flight (couldn’t find his name). Both have very calm and measured performances. Other attempts have seemed to stereotypically British or just generic tough-sounding bad guy.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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wow ! That photo of Charles Dance looks spot on for Thrawn . Is that a personal photo of him or from his role in a movie ? While watching Game Of Thrones , I thought he would make a great Imperial villain for Star Wars , but never considered him for Thrawn , as Tywin Lannister commanded respect through fear ,whereas those under Thrawn respected him out of Loyalty and his willingness to stand up for them .( The ensign he had Rhuk execute in Heir to the Empire notwithstanding ) .I think the audio book narrator that imitates Mikklsen that Bonez mentioned is Marc Thompson . Marc Thompson actually did his own take on Thrawn before that in the 2oth anniversary audiobook of Heir To The Empire ,and I thought he did an awesome job on all of the male characters in that one. He later changed his voice to impersonate Mikklsen after Thrawn debuted on Rebels .



screams in the void said:

wow ! That photo of Charles Dance looks spot on for Thrawn . Is that a personal photo of him or from his role in a movie ?

I just googled Charles Dance and came across it randomly, but from what I’ve gathered its from a 1989 biopic called Goldeneye where he played Ian Fleming.

screams in the void said:

While watching Game Of Thrones , I thought he would make a great Imperial villain for Star Wars , but never considered him for Thrawn , as Tywin Lannister commanded respect through fear ,whereas those under Thrawn respected him out of Loyalty and his willingness to stand up for them .( The ensign he had Rhuk execute in Heir to the Empire notwithstanding ) .

Agreed. He’d make a great Moff. Or a villain of any SW era really.

screams in the void said:

I think the audio book narrator that imitates Mikklsen that Bonez mentioned is Marc Thompson . Marc Thompson actually did his own take on Thrawn before that in the 2oth anniversary audiobook of Heir To The Empire ,and I thought he did an awesome job on all of the male characters in that one. He later changed his voice to impersonate Mikklsen after Thrawn debuted on Rebels .

Ah, I didn’t know it was the same guy. I haven’t heard any Heir to the Empire audiobook versions yet, so I’ll have to check out the 20th anniversary version at some point (I do have the hardback though, with all the little BTS notes in the margins).

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Guy’s remember this quote from Bob Iger?

“The priority in the next few years is television with The Mandalorian season 2 coming in October, and then more coming from The Mandalorian thereafter, including the possibility of infusing it with more characters and the possibility of taking those characters in their own direction in terms of series.”

Everything is proceeding as planned

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


screams in the void said:

wow ! That photo of Charles Dance looks spot on for Thrawn . Is that a personal photo of him or from his role in a movie ? While watching Game Of Thrones , I thought he would make a great Imperial villain for Star Wars , but never considered him for Thrawn , as Tywin Lannister commanded respect through fear ,whereas those under Thrawn respected him out of Loyalty and his willingness to stand up for them .( The ensign he had Rhuk execute in Heir to the Empire notwithstanding ) .I think the audio book narrator that imitates Mikklsen that Bonez mentioned is Marc Thompson . Marc Thompson actually did his own take on Thrawn before that in the 2oth anniversary audiobook of Heir To The Empire ,and I thought he did an awesome job on all of the male characters in that one. He later changed his voice to impersonate Mikklsen after Thrawn debuted on Rebels .

When Rogue One was first announced I was hoping they would cast Charles Dance as Tarkin. That certainly would have been better than what we got.


Has it occurred to anyone else that, if Grogu really was raised in the Jedi Temple, there’s a decent chance that he actually is the son of Yoda and Yaddle?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Jedi should not form attachments, but they should totally breed together! Being force sensitive having to do with something in the blood, surely the offsprings of Jedi will be Jedi too!!


Isn’t there something in Legends about Ki Adi Mundi having tons of kids since his species was dying off?

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

Isn’t there something in Legends about Ki Adi Mundi having tons of kids since his species was dying off?

Yes, his species had a very low male birthrate so he was given a rare exception by the Jedi Council. He also had five wives apparently.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Rodney-2187 said:

That would make a great Disney+ series.

Big Love: A Star Wars Story

There are a minority of Star Wars fans who talk of wanting a 15+/R-rated rated Star Wars project, probably about Darth Vader murdering rebels or Jedi with extreme graphic violence (in George’s words, a “real guy movie”)

Imagine if an R-rated Star Wars project came along, and it was just a romance about Ki Adi-Mundi and his five wives, with lots of sex scenes. It’ll never happen, but I’m enjoying imagining the reaction to it!

To get back on topic… I’ve no theories for what’s about to happen next in The Mandalorian because we really are entering uncharted territory. Going into Chapter 13, I already had a visualisation of what might happen: a lush forest planet, with Moff Gideon’s forces arriving and Ahsoka having to fight off force-sensitive darktroopers. That didn’t happen; I did the same for Chapter 10, and both times I set myself up for disappointment. But now - we’re utterly clueless about what will happen in the season’s finale, which I’m sure will be spectacular.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Luke shows up. Din Djarin holds Grogu out. Luke takes Grogu and tosses him over his shoulder as he walks off.

Just kidding. I love TLJ.

I do wonder what this Jedi temple will look like. Will the spot be similar to what we saw Luke sitting on in TLJ? Did Ahsoka use it to contact Ezra? Who is in the Ghost at the end of TRos?


I guess Jedi aren’t necessarily celibate as long as they don’t form attachments…

I love how they have kept us in the dark regarding what’s to come in the show so we literally can expect anything. I already decided to set aside my theories for the moment and just enjoy the ride.

Ahsoka mentioned the temple on Tython was on ruins so I’d say we can expect something similar to what was portrayed in TLJ.


I wonder if Rosario got face painted or glued on like Orli being Shaak Ti…


Will there be another Gallery documentary after this season? I sure hope so.


Will there be another Gallery documentary after this season? I sure hope so.