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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 128


JakeRyan17 said:

StarkillerAG said:

Hal 9000 said:

Let’s not call people Trump, please.

I know, it was an exaggeration. I shouldn’t have said that.

“Exaggeration” doesn’t quite capture the jump from “I don’t like the change in colour because it doesn’t make story sense” to a homophobic white supremacist that’s killed over 210,000 people this year… 🙄

I know, it just hit me at the time. It was a bad comparison. Trump is not a good person. You’re 5 million times better than him. Please don’t take it personally.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


jarbear said:

How is changing the look of an established thing to make it “new” makes sense? That’s like Vader’s lighter saber turning black during the final battle cuz … he’s fighting for the emperor/reasons!

If you wanna change the look for something cuz it looks cool … that’s your choice and go for it with your own edit … and this is a general redux thread for the movie … but trying to justify it and be angry that people don’t agree using valid reasoning is silly and bad story telling/writing.

I disagree. If Vader used the force on the Emperor in 1983 and his sword turned black, it would have been written in as a new force power that happens when you become super angry or reach your destiny or whatever and fans would follow it adamantly. The same as Luke (a Jedi) now having a green lightsaber.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


If it was written that way… then yeah. Point is: it’s not and there’s no way to write it in.


OutboundFlight said:

jarbear said:

How is changing the look of an established thing to make it “new” makes sense? That’s like Vader’s lighter saber turning black during the final battle cuz … he’s fighting for the emperor/reasons!

If you wanna change the look for something cuz it looks cool … that’s your choice and go for it with your own edit … and this is a general redux thread for the movie … but trying to justify it and be angry that people don’t agree using valid reasoning is silly and bad story telling/writing.

I disagree. If Vader used the force on the Emperor in 1983 and his sword turned black, it would have been written in as a new force power that happens when you become super angry or reach your destiny or whatever and fans would follow it adamantly. The same as Luke (a Jedi) now having a green lightsaber.

Yep. People get too bogged down with the weight of canon and don’t remember the things that have “always been this way” were new ideas at one point. I mean, take why Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber:


Lucas: Good Jedis only use blue and green. Bad guys only use red. This is how lightsaber power works.
Jackson: Please?
Lucas: Ok.

There, canon suddenly changed.


Props have a precedence in being varied in colour. Powers changing colour are slightly different, as that suggests the power changed, since it… y’know, changed.


JakeRyan17 said:

Props have a precedence in being varied in colour. Powers changing colour are slightly different, as that suggests the power changed, since it… y’know, changed.

The power did change though lol? He’s juiced up on a dyad


jarbear said:

How is changing the look of an established thing to make it “new” makes sense? That’s like Vader’s lighter saber turning black during the final battle cuz … he’s fighting for the emperor/reasons!

If you wanna change the look for something cuz it looks cool … that’s your choice and go for it with your own edit … and this is a general redux thread for the movie … but trying to justify it and be angry that people don’t agree using valid reasoning is silly and bad story telling/writing.

This this this this this


I mean, it’s fanediting. If you want it in your edit, put it in your edit. If you don’t want it in your edit, don’t put it in your edit. This is pretty personal, nobody here is beholden to anyone else’s ideas. If you think it justifies itself, that’s valid. If you’re uncomfortable with introducing the new aesthetic, that’s valid too.

There’s no need to prove anything one way or the other.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


thebluefrog said:

OutboundFlight said:

jarbear said:

How is changing the look of an established thing to make it “new” makes sense? That’s like Vader’s lighter saber turning black during the final battle cuz … he’s fighting for the emperor/reasons!

If you wanna change the look for something cuz it looks cool … that’s your choice and go for it with your own edit … and this is a general redux thread for the movie … but trying to justify it and be angry that people don’t agree using valid reasoning is silly and bad story telling/writing.

I disagree. If Vader used the force on the Emperor in 1983 and his sword turned black, it would have been written in as a new force power that happens when you become super angry or reach your destiny or whatever and fans would follow it adamantly. The same as Luke (a Jedi) now having a green lightsaber.

Yep. People get too bogged down with the weight of canon and don’t remember the things that have “always been this way” were new ideas at one point. I mean, take why Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber:


Lucas: Good Jedis only use blue and green. Bad guys only use red. This is how lightsaber power works.
Jackson: Please?
Lucas: Ok.

There, canon suddenly changed.

Reasonable argument, but doesn’t quite fit the mold specifically about changing something that has always been “this” to “now it changes to “this”. The first Star Wars movie introduced different colored lightsabers. More colors came after that movie. So the door was opened right away for that and continued. The audience can see the bad guys consistently used red throughout. Could they use other color sabers? Sure! But they like red … just like a gang can have a “rule” to only wear orange sleeveless hoodies.

Force lighting has stayed the same look throughout the trilogy. Same in the OT, PT and ST.

And no, the argument “ well Lucas could have done “x” and people/fans would accept it” is a bad argument. Trying to use a “what if” to justify a reason to do something new/different is bad, come on man. “Let’s make “x” glow when using the force cuz Lucas could have done that in “y” movie to support it…”

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

thebluefrog said:

OutboundFlight said:

jarbear said:

How is changing the look of an established thing to make it “new” makes sense? That’s like Vader’s lighter saber turning black during the final battle cuz … he’s fighting for the emperor/reasons!

If you wanna change the look for something cuz it looks cool … that’s your choice and go for it with your own edit … and this is a general redux thread for the movie … but trying to justify it and be angry that people don’t agree using valid reasoning is silly and bad story telling/writing.

I disagree. If Vader used the force on the Emperor in 1983 and his sword turned black, it would have been written in as a new force power that happens when you become super angry or reach your destiny or whatever and fans would follow it adamantly. The same as Luke (a Jedi) now having a green lightsaber.

Yep. People get too bogged down with the weight of canon and don’t remember the things that have “always been this way” were new ideas at one point. I mean, take why Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber:


Lucas: Good Jedis only use blue and green. Bad guys only use red. This is how lightsaber power works.
Jackson: Please?
Lucas: Ok.

There, canon suddenly changed.

Reasonable argument, but doesn’t quite fit the mold specifically about changing something that has always been “this” to “now it changes to “this”. The first Star Wars movie introduced different colored lightsabers. More colors came after that movie. So the door was opened right away for that and continued. The audience can see the bad guys consistently used red throughout. Could they use other color sabers? Sure! But they like red … just like a gang can have a “rule” to only wear orange sleeveless hoodies.

Force lighting has stayed the same look throughout the trilogy. Same in the OT, PT and ST.

And no, the argument “ well Lucas could have done “x” and people/fans would accept it” is a bad argument. Trying to use a “what if” to justify a reason to do something new/different is bad, come on man. “Let’s make “x” glow when using the force cuz Lucas could have done that in “y” movie to support it…”

Maybe we’ve gotten off-topic. We seem more interested in talking if the idea is “logical” when we should be talking about why include it in the first place.

The entire point of this (if I understood it correctly) was that Rey’s blue lightsabers vs Palpatine’s blue lightning amidst the electric blue of Exogol made for a very one-sided color pallet for the final duel of all of Star Wars. So people started talking about making Exogol green a la the Nightsisters, and then someone suggested Palpatine’s lightning being red.

I think this is an improvement for several reasons.

  1. In Star Wars, the Jedi have been most commonly represented as Blue, while the Sith have always been represented with Red. While Palpatine and Dooku both used blue lightning in the past, Palpatine is really emphasizing the “Sith” in this movie, as we see in his “I am all the Sith” speech.

  2. Palpatine’s lightning is more powerful than anything we saw in ROTS or ROTJ, but this isn’t clear until he randomly destroys the fleet. Making it a different color would signify this is a real danger, something on a scale we haven’t been before.

  3. It provides strong visual contrast, rather than tons of blue flying everywhere. Especially if mixed with a green Exogol, I think the red against blue would make a great symbolic and visual end.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


^ You’re right, this has become arguing for the sake of arguing. Great points about it being an improvement too


StarkillerAG said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

This is about as productive as an average political debate.

I’d go further: It’s about as productive as the Trump vs Biden debate.
JakeRyan is Trump in this scenario.

I haven’t seen the American but hearing it secondhand I remembered the last Canadian debate being much the same, like kindergarteners arguing.


Y’know, if we’re debating lightning color changes, shouldn’t we be making the lightning more purple, like it was during the OT?


Movies Remastered said:

Did anyone post this already? https://youtu.be/E83szTzwXYM

That’s a great concept. Obviously the non-lightning scenes (Like Rey’s shots) look really messed up but as a concept the lightning looks great, especially the darker shot when it stems out of the Sith citadel.


I think if it’s to solve the monochromatic nature of the scene, it would be better to change the environment or the lightsaber (as some have changed Leia’s saber to purple) than to make a drastic change that causes so many story questions.

Blue lightsabers have been associated with Jedi, but nothing else blue has been. Even blue blaster-fire has been more associated with the clones/stormtroopers. Blue/cold hued settings have been more associated with the villains throughout. Saying blue = good and red = bad seems really simplistic and not at all rooted in anything beyond lightsabers.

As far as newly established things being different, Exegol and Leia’s lightsaber are both new and haven’t been established as something else in prior films. If the monochromatic nature of the scene is an issue, changing the elements that we haven’t seen in so many of the other films might be a better solution.


^^ agree.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’m working on changing a lot of elements for the Exegol scenes. Red lightning is one of them.

I’m also going for the Gray look for Exegol but was thinking of restoring the colour after Palptines death, kinda showing the dark side was stripping all light and colour from Exegol. What are your thoughts on this idea?

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Movies Remastered said:

I’m also going for the Gray look for Exegol but was thinking of restoring the colour after Palptines death, kinda showing the dark side was stripping all light and colour from Exegol. What are your thoughts on this idea?

I think that could be a cool idea, but if it’s only restored to blue, I don’t know how much you’ll feel the impact of that. The blue almost feels less natural to me, I feel like the blue fading into more natural stone colours, be that the grey or into warmer tones, would give that effect more. Even if you start with grey and go into warmer natural stone colours. Blue is the least natural for stone or nature though, to the point that it’s wondered if humans could even see the colour blue for most of history.


JakeRyan17 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’m also going for the Gray look for Exegol but was thinking of restoring the colour after Palptines death, kinda showing the dark side was stripping all light and colour from Exegol. What are your thoughts on this idea?

I think that could be a cool idea, but if it’s only restored to blue, I don’t know how much you’ll feel the impact of that. The blue almost feels less natural to me, I feel like the blue fading into more natural stone colours, be that the grey or into warmer tones, would give that effect more. Even if you start with grey and go into warmer natural stone colours. Blue is the least natural for stone or nature though, to the point that it’s wondered if humans could even see the colour blue for most of history.

Yeah, I’m trying to avoid the original colour but bring back a more suitable tint. Watching the scene back in thinking of doing after Rey’s resurrection instead, kinda representing the balance returning maybe?

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I’ll be basing my edit off of Hal’s (only a few changes to it really) which includes numerous changes for this scene: Leia’s purple lightsaber, Anakin’s crackling lightsaber, and the Force ghosts behind Rey. I don’t know if Movies Remastered plans on editing that with red lightning or the original film, but I think alongside the other edits it would get messy looking and overdone with red.

The thing is though I love the red lightning, especially for when Palpatine blasts the entire fleet with it.

I’ll probably just use the red lightning for the fleet-frying scene and then back to blue for him against Rey, I have no issue headcanoning it as only being red because of the insane power to nuke a fleet (juiced up on the dyad) vs blue for just attacking a single person as we’ve always seen.

Is anyone working on the green mist?


Movies Remastered said:

JakeRyan17 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’m also going for the Gray look for Exegol but was thinking of restoring the colour after Palptines death, kinda showing the dark side was stripping all light and colour from Exegol. What are your thoughts on this idea?

I think that could be a cool idea, but if it’s only restored to blue, I don’t know how much you’ll feel the impact of that. The blue almost feels less natural to me, I feel like the blue fading into more natural stone colours, be that the grey or into warmer tones, would give that effect more. Even if you start with grey and go into warmer natural stone colours. Blue is the least natural for stone or nature though, to the point that it’s wondered if humans could even see the colour blue for most of history.

Yeah, I’m trying to avoid the original colour but bring back a more suitable tint. Watching the scene back in thinking of doing after Rey’s resurrection instead, kinda representing the balance returning maybe?

That makes sense, I was just suggesting that when you change the colour, post-Palpatine’s defeat, to change to a warmer colour. Like sandstone or something, going from grey to tan/orange/red tones


Being colourblind tjat whole scene is a nightmare for me to edit. I’m really debating whether I should use the purple lightsaber scene, because I can’t see the colour haha.

For some reason the Gray LUT really allows me to see so much more detail and depth within those scene so I definately think a more natural post Palp pallet could be used. Thanks for you feedback.

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