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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 276


Hal 9000 said:

But then why does Palpatine seem to gloat as he describes Darth Plagueis not being able to save himself from being killed? Shouldn’t he just be Plagueis?

True, but we never really see the event between Plagueis vs. Sheev Palpatine unfold only what we hear Palpatine retells to Anakin. Its possible to think things went down somewhat diffently to how hes retelling it to Anakin, and that gloating face could well be Plagueis reliving the event in his head of how he ended up posessing Sheev.


“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Well damn, this was at 5000 comments last time I was here.

I’ve no idea where you’re at with this edit now but did snooker return and did you get the Naboo scene finished? I can help if not.

I’m slowly getting back on my feet so if I can help let me know.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Lol, I think everyone can discuss this in circles and it will never jibe when connecting to the series as a whole since George Lucas was clear: Sith don’t conquer death, only the Jedi could. So trying to make this jive with what GL has built and shown with what Disney has done simply cannot connect the dots.

OF course if people like the direction of the whole … Sith living on thing … that’s fine and all. Not going to say “You cannot like this!” But do understand there isn’t a way to make a solid connection with what was built prior to the movie, let alone before the sequels, since it goes against what George, the creator of the Star War Universe, foresaw and explained.

Anyway, good luck on the computer stuff Hal, you can do it!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


George can be a little silly with his choices, and ret-cons were a staple between the OT and PT.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Icecream2448 said:

George can be a little silly with his choices, and ret-cons were a staple between the OT and PT.

I don’t disagree there are silly things, no doubt about it and things I don’t like, but it’s pretty simple why things don’t and won’t ever really jive. That’s all.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I mean, it was George’s idea to bring back the Emperor in Dark Empire. Maybe he didn’t care as much since it was just expanded material, but having the Emperor cheat death apparently bothered him less than having someone impersonate Darth Vader.


Brewzter said:

NeverarGreat said:

Brewzter said:

NeverarGreat said:

The reason is that this wasn’t how Sith worked back then. This is perhaps the single good thing TROS did in making the Sith spirit canon, and I’d gladly take a retcon that improved the OT even if it makes the PT a little more silly.

I don’t think I understand this- by Sith spirit do you mean the idea that literally every spirit had transferred down the line and they were “all the Sith” inside Palpatine that he mentioned? I thought the general assumption was this wasn’t literal

DZ-330 said:

Hal 9000 said:

But then why does Palpatine seem to gloat as he describes Darth Plagueis not being able to save himself from being killed? Shouldn’t he just be Plagueis?

Maybe because Palps killed him in his sleep and the person being killed needs to consciously transfer their spirit to a new host?

Well that confuses it a bit more- if the original point is the case, would all the Sith have built up in Plagueis only for Palpatine to not take them?

I simply saw it as Palpatine saying all of the Sith had figuratively led up to him, but he was just trying to use the transfer-power with Luke and then Rey (or Kylo) to get into a younger, healthier body.

I assumed that Palps meant that the spirits of all the Sith literally resided within him, otherwise he would have some new power that previous Sith did not have when he tried to transfer his consciousness to a new body. It would be weird to say that he was the first Sith to figure this out when this theory of spirit succession fits so well into the otherwise bizarre practice of the Rule of Two.

I think that makes some sense in the context of the movie, but not in full. The Sith are built on selfishness and the idea of living your entire life to continue building power for a future Sith contradicts that.

I thought the point of the Rule of Two was that Bane’s goal was for the cycle to eventually create the perfect Sith who would destroy the Jedi- Palpatine thought he was this perfect Sith and did almost succeed in destroying the Jedi.

Honestly now that I think about it, the Rule of Two makes no sense in the context of what the Sith believe

Well, if each consciousness was transferred since Bane, this would all be Darth Bane’s selfishness continuing, as he uses up body after body.

As for George’s desires… his were never static enough to have this type of conversation. He was constantly changing his mind, based on which story in that moment he was telling. He rarely considered the details of the other stories that were already done. That’s why even the prequels have so many continuity errors and why the series as a whole relies on unreliable narrators: George himself was the unreliable narrator.


Movies Remastered said:

Well damn, this was at 5000 comments last time I was here.

I’ve no idea where you’re at with this edit now but did snooker return and did you get the Naboo scene finished? I can help if not.

I’m slowly getting back on my feet so if I can help let me know.

Yep, we got it, but thanks!

And it seems like I’m going to need to order an NVMe usb enclosure since my Mac isn’t seeing the new SSD at all. The internet suggests I can format it and install my OS using an enclosure before installing it into the machine itself. So that’ll probably add a week waiting for that.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Movies Remastered said:

Well damn, this was at 5000 comments last time I was here.

I’ve no idea where you’re at with this edit now but did snooker return

Snooker has sadly decided to leave the forum.


Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

This is actually something I don’t like about TRoS. The literal nature of a possible spirit transfer being the real motivation behind one of the crucial moments of the original trilogy cheapens the moral implications for me. In Return of the Jedi, I always thought Palpatine was saying that anger and hatred were corrupting and destructive forces, and that even if Palpatine were to die, he still would have won by corrupting Luke. I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.


poppasketti said:

Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.

I think it can work both ways at the same time. Luke doesn’t know about the spirit transfer so he is still resisting darkness solely to not corrupt, while it’s also really cool from a lore perspective as a viewer. Plus like we’ve talked about it adds depth to Vader in this scene by knowing that the gears of redemption are continuing to turn for his son.


poppasketti said:

Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

This is actually something I don’t like about TRoS. The literal nature of a possible spirit transfer being the real motivation behind one of the crucial moments of the original trilogy cheapens the moral implications for me. In Return of the Jedi, I always thought Palpatine was saying that anger and hatred were corrupting and destructive forces, and that even if Palpatine were to die, he still would have won by corrupting Luke. I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.

That corruption is also what enables the transfer. That’s part of the poorly-executed explanation of how Rey kills Palpatine without being possessed at the end of Rise of Skywalker.


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

Well damn, this was at 5000 comments last time I was here.

I’ve no idea where you’re at with this edit now but did snooker return and did you get the Naboo scene finished? I can help if not.

I’m slowly getting back on my feet so if I can help let me know.

Yep, we got it, but thanks!

And it seems like I’m going to need to order an NVMe usb enclosure since my Mac isn’t seeing the new SSD at all. The internet suggests I can format it and install my OS using an enclosure before installing it into the machine itself. So that’ll probably add a week waiting for that.

No worries, man.

I wish i lived closer. I just had to do the sane with my Mac. I hope you didn’t get a 2011-13 model? Mine fried itself but to bad solder in those machines motherboards.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


ChainsawAsh said:

Movies Remastered said:

Well damn, this was at 5000 comments last time I was here.

I’ve no idea where you’re at with this edit now but did snooker return

Snooker has sadly decided to leave the forum.

OH NO!!! She will be sadly missed. Such a talent. 😔

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I got a 2014 13” machine. I popped a new NVMe drive into it. I can boot into recovery or 10.12 Sierra via external USB, but neither option lets me detect the new internal SSD via disk utility or terminal.

I don’t know how the new drive came formatted, and it wasn’t listed as specifically for Mac so I’d be surprised if it was APFS.

So, I’m hoping that an enclosure will let me address the drive so I can format and install macOS. Apparently it may matter that it’s internal.

Does that sound like a good plan or do you have any insight?

My stance on revising fan edits.


That might be an issue with the USB bus. Macs can read NTFS (Windows) drives, so it shouldn’t matter how it’s formatted. Is the enclosure new? If it’s not, could the enclosure be damaged?


poppasketti said:

Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

This is actually something I don’t like about TRoS. The literal nature of a possible spirit transfer being the real motivation behind one of the crucial moments of the original trilogy cheapens the moral implications for me. In Return of the Jedi, I always thought Palpatine was saying that anger and hatred were corrupting and destructive forces, and that even if Palpatine were to die, he still would have won by corrupting Luke. I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.

My man.

Also was part of palpable plan: Luke tries to kill him, Vader would protect and start duel. If Vader wins, Luke threat done. If Luke won, he could manipulate him since he started the dark path. So simple.

I hate the sith transfer thing. No wonder Lucas didn’t go to the opening. Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

poppasketti said:

Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

This is actually something I don’t like about TRoS. The literal nature of a possible spirit transfer being the real motivation behind one of the crucial moments of the original trilogy cheapens the moral implications for me. In Return of the Jedi, I always thought Palpatine was saying that anger and hatred were corrupting and destructive forces, and that even if Palpatine were to die, he still would have won by corrupting Luke. I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.

My man.

Also was part of palpable plan: Luke tries to kill him, Vader would protect and start duel. If Vader wins, Luke threat done. If Luke won, he could manipulate him since he started the dark path. So simple.

I hate the sith transfer thing. No wonder Lucas didn’t go to the opening. Lol.

It seems pretty risky to bank on Vader protecting you when he was actively plotting your destruction in the previous film. It’s actually rather strange that Vader protects Palpatine. On the spectrum of ‘protect your master’ to ‘protect your son from falling to the Dark Side’ there seems to be a big grey area of ‘conflicted’ which would lead to inaction in that critical moment.

As for Luke’s additional motivation, he wouldn’t know of this Sith power anyway, so it doesn’t detract from the purity of his motivation in my book.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


poppasketti said:

Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

This is actually something I don’t like about TRoS. The literal nature of a possible spirit transfer being the real motivation behind one of the crucial moments of the original trilogy cheapens the moral implications for me. In Return of the Jedi, I always thought Palpatine was saying that anger and hatred were corrupting and destructive forces, and that even if Palpatine were to die, he still would have won by corrupting Luke. I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.

I’m totally with you.
To me Palpatine was always such a great character because he was a fanatic of the Dark Side. He was strong, yes, but he wanted an apprentice capable of surpassing him. Even in the prequels, when Anakin finds out that he’s Sidious, he smiles at Anakin becoming angry. Later, during the fight with Yoda, he’s excited because Anakin will become more powerful than him. He knows that he could be killed, and he knows that this act would strengthen the Dark Side.
Right now… he’s just a Dragon Ball villain. A Cell. Or a Majin Bu. I’ll steal your body so that I can live forever. (On the other hand we could say that in the prequels he’s obsessed with immortality, and that in ROTJ he clearly mistrusts Vader, and so he probably should have a contingency plan about that, being the mastermind that he is)

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


IlFanEditore said:

poppasketti said:

Darth Muffy said:

What I took out of RoS which I really liked the idea of was how it explained Palpatines “stike me down” lines both in RoS and return of the jedi. I like to think that meant that if Luke struck him down in return of the jedi with anger he would of possessed Luke the same way Rey would of been possessed if she stuck him down in RoS through the sith ritual.

This is actually something I don’t like about TRoS. The literal nature of a possible spirit transfer being the real motivation behind one of the crucial moments of the original trilogy cheapens the moral implications for me. In Return of the Jedi, I always thought Palpatine was saying that anger and hatred were corrupting and destructive forces, and that even if Palpatine were to die, he still would have won by corrupting Luke. I realize that doesn’t literally make a ton of sense given Palpatine’s ambition and ruling an empire, but it makes sense in the context of the morality tale that the original trilogy was. This added motivation means there’s a reason for Luke to resist temptation other than showing poise and maturity in the face of evil.

I’m totally with you.
To me Palpatine was always such a great character because he was a fanatic of the Dark Side. He was strong, yes, but he wanted an apprentice capable of surpassing him. Even in the prequels, when Anakin finds out that he’s Sidious, he smiles at Anakin becoming angry. Later, during the fight with Yoda, he’s excited because Anakin will become more powerful than him. He knows that he could be killed, and he knows that this act would strengthen the Dark Side.
Right now… he’s just a Dragon Ball villain. A Cell. Or a Majin Bu. I’ll steal your body so that I can live forever. (On the other hand we could say that in the prequels he’s obsessed with immortality, and that in ROTJ he clearly mistrusts Vader, and so he probably should have a contingency plan about that, being the mastermind that he is)

“They think inward, only about themselves.”

This idea that Sidious, the exemplar of Sith philosophy, would be so selfless that he would risk his life just to see another rise above him in power, feels totally at odds with his character. In a strange way, the Jedi seem more obsessed with selfishly gaining immortality than the Sith.

Maybe I’m just not seeing something (and it’s definitely a discussion that should happen in another thread) but the Sith stealing bodies to live forever is entirely on brand for me.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Okay guys, we get it lol. The Emperor in TROS didn’t work for you.
I don’t think this is relevant in a discussion for this fanedit anymore, the transfer stuff is going to remain in this edit.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Icecream2448 said:

Okay guys, we get it lol. The Emperor in TROS didn’t work for you.
I don’t think this is relevant in a discussion for this fanedit anymore, the transfer stuff is going to remain in this edit.

I’m not saying that. The idea of him always wanting apprentices in order to have a potential new body diminishes his role, IMHO. But on the other hand I like it because it gives a sense of closure on all his immortality talking and on the opera scene in ROTS.
But fair enough, back on topic.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

Well damn, this was at 5000 comments last time I was here.

I’ve no idea where you’re at with this edit now but did snooker return and did you get the Naboo scene finished? I can help if not.

I’m slowly getting back on my feet so if I can help let me know.

Yep, we got it, but thanks!

And it seems like I’m going to need to order an NVMe usb enclosure since my Mac isn’t seeing the new SSD at all. The internet suggests I can format it and install my OS using an enclosure before installing it into the machine itself. So that’ll probably add a week waiting for that.

Do you have a spare external drive to install the OS and try to format/repair the SSD?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I tried to, but it gave my a cryptic complaint (about the drive lacking a “firmware partition”) that I believe wouldn’t be there if the internal drive had 10.13 or later installed.

Didn’t anticipate this as a problem, but should be solvable. Plan A is to move the original internal drive to an enclosure and boot from it in order to format and work with the new one.
Otherwise I’ll have to get creative about removing the screw I stripped and temporarily putting the original internal drive back in so I can format the new one.

And I’ll say this: even though the screen is busted, it’s nice to have a MacBook that isn’t dented and dinged to hell like my 2011 machine was when I got it. (That’s how I got it as cheaply as I did.)

My stance on revising fan edits.