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How many good third movies in a trilogy can you name? — Page 4


If The Lost World had been a faithful adaptation of the novel, I wonder if it would’ve been an excellent film on par with the first.

Can’t say, as I never got far into the novel.


StarkillerAG said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Well there we go. Listing third entries that aren’t a part of trilogies.

I thought Lord of the Rings and Back to the Future were trilogies? Are there some further installments I’m not aware of?
And no, The Hobbit doesn’t count.

I was just taking the whole list. Of course those ones are trilogies. I was talking about the others.


DuracellEnergizer said:

If The Lost World had been a faithful adaptation of the novel, I wonder if it would’ve been an excellent film on par with the first.


In fact, I’ll take it a step further and say BOTH should’ve been closer to the novels.

That being said, I love the original Jurassic Park as is. If I had to rank it against all the sequels, it would be the order they were released. I believe each is worse than the last.

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Thought of one:
The Creature Walks Among Us - third in the Creature from the Black Lagoon trilogy. I like it, though it’s not in 3-D like the others and a little boring… still it’s better than the second one, Revenge of the Creature (IMO). At least it tries to be different.


Anakin Starkiller said:

That’s #4.
…or 5, or 1, all depending how ya look at it. Japan had a different SMB2 than the rest of the world, so there’s 2 SMB2’s. The original Japanese title is SMB4: Super Mario World. But, as it’s just SMW everywhere else, it could be considered part 1 of it’s own thing.

I’d argue Lost Levels doesn’t count cuz it’s just a glorified level pack, and SMB2 USA doesn’t count because the gameplay is radically different. That leaves 1, 3, and 4 (World in the West).

Oh, so we’re just making up our own dumb rules of reality? Ok, cool.
The Blues Brothers, prequel to Blade Runner, is possibly my favorite of that trilogy.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

That’s #4.
…or 5, or 1, all depending how ya look at it. Japan had a different SMB2 than the rest of the world, so there’s 2 SMB2’s. The original Japanese title is SMB4: Super Mario World. But, as it’s just SMW everywhere else, it could be considered part 1 of it’s own thing.

I’d argue Lost Levels doesn’t count cuz it’s just a glorified level pack, and SMB2 USA doesn’t count because the gameplay is radically different. That leaves 1, 3, and 4 (World in the West).

Oh, so we’re just making up our own dumb rules of reality? Ok, cool.
The Blues Brothers, prequel to Blade Runner, is possibly my favorite of that trilogy.

Yeah, it’s kind of hypocritical that he’s bashing other people for not using the definition of a “trilogy” correctly, but he just made up some arbitrary gatekeeping limit in order to have the fourth Mario game actually be the third one.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Okay, fair enough. I have no right to criticize other people’s classifications while being weird with my own. I still believe what I said, though.


I think Back to the Future III is a good one. II was never really that good, but i liked the whole tangent universe. As a concept it was cool in execution not so good. The whole revisiting the first movie within the second never really worked.I still like it though but as sequels go its kind of weak.

So many movie series where all i really need is the first film. Back to the Future is one of them, Terminator and Alien are others, and then there is Raiders of the Lost Ark and Jaws, and Jurassic Park. Also the Original Predator. And none of its sequels.


Return of the Jedi, Return of the King and Revenge of the Sith.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


Return of the Jedi
The Last Crusade
Godzilla vs. Monster Zero (3rd of what’s commonly called the Turning Point Trilogy in the Godzilla series.)
Back to the Future Part III

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


Honestly The Godfather III isn’t that bad.

Project creator and film enthusiast.


Sequels in general are almost never as good as the first entry and usually their biggest sin is they are a remake of the first film in some way or form. Or they destroy the goodwill of the first entry, do things that aren’t in the spirit of the original film.

Honestly the Godfather 2 and Empire Strikes Back don’t make those mistakes but a lot of franchises do.

I’ve never seen a third entry i thought was better the the first film in a series ever. And almost never better than the second with few exceptions.

Even the best of the third films in franchises like Return of the Jedi, aren’t that good. Fun and enjoyable if you aren’t looking to be critical and nitpick. But great entries in their own right, stand on their own. Hardly.

Return of the King is an isolated case being better than the Two Towers but not better than Fellowship of the Ring.


Hot take, but I think the trilogy structure is overrated and that’s why we don’t see many good third installments (not counting episodic stuff like Indiana Jones or fully-serialized stuff like LotR). I think in a lot of cases stories should actually be only two installments, if not four or more.
