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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 214


jarbear said:

jonh said:

Sorry for not having done anything these weeks, I have started the work and we are shooting during July and August, in September I will have more free time to finish the clips of Ben Solo Force Ghosts and Luke’s hair on the island. 😃
MTFBWY for everyone! 😃

No excuses Jonh! Forget work, your focus should clearly be on a fan edit for a bunch of Star Wars fans. Get your priorities straight! 😉

I hope that sarcasm isn’t lost in translation. 😉

Really glad you’re able to work again Jonh. Good luck with your project.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Well, with Reylo the goalposts for consummation were always on wheels. Before TROS, Reylo was said to be unequivocal fact because they touched fingers in the rain, and that was as good as consummated, because “in Star Wars, kissing is like sex, and touching is like kissing, so ergo, vis a vis, concordantly…”

But still, that snark aside - the climax is a mess of “cool” ideas implemented poorly. Leia should have disappeared as soon as Ben was either healed, or just after he talked to his dad. Ben should have resurrected/healed Rey before Rey’s final fight with the Emperor. Both of them should have been voices (or ghosts) in her final fight. It wouldn’t have been hard. But the filmmakers seized on the cool idea of having them both disappear at the same time, and chose the wrong dramatic moment for that disappearing to happen. It’s like they wanted to maximize emotion, and decided the best emotion to maximize was actually “dissatisfaction.”


I liked that part in theaters…

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Hal 9000 said:

And that’s an interesting read on the Leia death, with Rey feeling responsible for it. That makes sense! I’ll have to play with the scene, though, unless there’s a mock-up out there I may just not be remembering right now. If Rey stabbing Kylo is followed by Rey dropping headphones, there’d be a lot to cram in from Leia before seeing her give out altogether.

JakeRyan17 said:

That would be a tough edit, though an interesting idea. I think it’s doable.

The biggest hurdle is what now distracts Kylo for her to stab him?

Erm… guys its all in my mock up vid from awhile ago right here 😅

Video Breakdown:

  • Kylo gets distracted by flashbacks of him killing Han just before he is about to strike Rey down.
  • After Rey stabes Kylo she feels Leias pain and relises shes also wounded Leia.
  • Maz comments that “Leia knows what must be done now to reach here son” meaning sees a chance to use her force to reach out to Ben and bring him back before Kylo can re-merge again.
  • Before Rey flies off in Kylo ship she reaches out to Leia through the force for redemption but Leia is calling out for Ben instead.
  • Holding Hans medial Leia uses here life force to force Ben to visualise his fathers memory and save Ben.
    (Removed conversation between Ben and Han over Leias death to drive the point that hes only mirroring previous interactions with his father from memory)

Also done a theatre screening of Ascendant in my back garden for friends and family using Hals original V1 work print to better explain future changes being made for the final edit and everyone loved it. 😎👌

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


jarbear said:

jonh said:

Sorry for not having done anything these weeks, I have started the work and we are shooting during July and August, in September I will have more free time to finish the clips of Ben Solo Force Ghosts and Luke’s hair on the island. 😃
MTFBWY for everyone! 😃

No excuses Jonh! Forget work, your focus should clearly be on a fan edit for a bunch of Star Wars fans. Get your priorities straight! 😉

😂😂 😂


Yeah the whole “Rey killed Leia” thing is a bit of a mess. I think if someone wants to go ahead and do it for themselves that cool but it doesn’t really belong in this


As far as Leia being one of the prime people that aids Rey on Exegol, that may be a difficult change to make. I did add Leia into the Force voices in my edit, but I’m not using the visual ghosts a showing up. That seems like a lot more work to add, but I agree it would’ve been nice.


Super fast.

Thanks, Muffy, for reminding me. It was a flashback of Han that filled in the spot there, I couldn’t remember. And that outdoor viewing must’ve been fun.

And I don’t think that music would work; it’s pretty obviously tracked reused music to me. I think that moment is fine as it is; it’s really not necessary to add music.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I know I’m banging on about Palpatine’s message, but I really like llFanEditore’s mockup of it. Any chance it can be considered for this edit?


<Insert Kylo your still holding on Meme.>

Hahaha had to do it.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Lightsideuser said:

I know I’m banging on about Palpatine’s message, but I really like llFanEditore’s mockup of it. Any chance it can be considered for this edit?

I missed that idea. Where was he wanting to put it? The actual message is online, so it wouldn’t be hard to insert it back, except it has music burned into the audio.


jarbear said:

<Insert Kylo your still holding on Meme.>

Here you go:

Seriously though, I agree with you. I just don’t see the purpose of Palpatine’s message. It isn’t necessary at all, and it doesn’t improve the movie in any way.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

jarbear said:

<Insert Kylo your still holding on Meme.>

Here you go:

Seriously though, I agree with you. I just don’t see the purpose of Palpatine’s message. It isn’t necessary at all, and it doesn’t improve the movie in any way.

I really liked putting in into the ending of Last Jedi, when they’re searching for transmissions from allies. That helps make Leia’s “The Spark is out” line more crestfallen, and Luke’s appearance/apparition more heroic.


JakeRyan17 said:

StarkillerAG said:

jarbear said:

<Insert Kylo your still holding on Meme.>

Here you go:

Seriously though, I agree with you. I just don’t see the purpose of Palpatine’s message. It isn’t necessary at all, and it doesn’t improve the movie in any way.

I really liked putting in into the ending of Last Jedi, when they’re searching for transmissions from allies. That helps make Leia’s “The Spark is out” line more crestfallen, and Luke’s appearance/apparition more heroic.

I saw that change you made, but I don’t think it works. It’s just weird that no one is surprised by it, and no one comments on it for the rest of the movie. I think the message would be best left out.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

JakeRyan17 said:

StarkillerAG said:

jarbear said:

<Insert Kylo your still holding on Meme.>

Here you go:

Seriously though, I agree with you. I just don’t see the purpose of Palpatine’s message. It isn’t necessary at all, and it doesn’t improve the movie in any way.

I really liked putting in into the ending of Last Jedi, when they’re searching for transmissions from allies. That helps make Leia’s “The Spark is out” line more crestfallen, and Luke’s appearance/apparition more heroic.

I saw that change you made, but I don’t think it works. It’s just weird that no one is surprised by it, and no one comments on it for the rest of the movie. I think the message would be best left out.

That’s fair, though they all look horriefied and Leia says “the spark [of hope] is out.” Then Luke shows up and they have a lot of other things to worry about through the end of the film. Then the next movie starts with Poe and Finn investigating.


JakeRyan17 said:

StarkillerAG said:

JakeRyan17 said:

StarkillerAG said:

jarbear said:

<Insert Kylo your still holding on Meme.>

Here you go:

Seriously though, I agree with you. I just don’t see the purpose of Palpatine’s message. It isn’t necessary at all, and it doesn’t improve the movie in any way.

I really liked putting in into the ending of Last Jedi, when they’re searching for transmissions from allies. That helps make Leia’s “The Spark is out” line more crestfallen, and Luke’s appearance/apparition more heroic.

I saw that change you made, but I don’t think it works. It’s just weird that no one is surprised by it, and no one comments on it for the rest of the movie. I think the message would be best left out.

That’s fair, though they all look horriefied and Leia says “the spark [of hope] is out.” Then Luke shows up and they have a lot of other things to worry about through the end of the film. Then the next movie starts with Poe and Finn investigating.

But it’s just weird that no one comments on the complete impossibility of the situation, like “What, how is Palpatine alive?” And then they seem strangely happy at the end of the movie, given that the main villain was just revealed to be alive. I really don’t think the message would work, especially not in TLJ.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


They don’t really comment on anything about the hopelessness of Luke being gone and the joy of being alive. They also don’t comment on Snoke being dead, or Kylo being alive, or several other major plot points.

Like, they did not stop the First Order at all, or even give them a setback. There isn’t need to comment on it until they can regroup and start investigating it.

Not having the message at all feels… convenient. It’s just as unbelievable in the theatrical releases, but now as an audience we don’t have the evidence of his return that our heroes have (even if we do see Palpatine with Kylo). It’s such a strange plot point, to have a galaxy-wide message that forces the entire galaxy back into fearful submission, and on top of that not even include it into the films. As odd as it may be that people wait a bit to talk about the message onscreen, it’s more odd to not have the message at all.

Also, the doubt expressed at the beginning of Rise of Skywalker helps support the lack of them immediately talking about the message at the end of Last Jedi.


I just hated that goddamm Palpatine reveal at the resistance base. Having them react to Palpatine’s voice instead is just so much more impactful. In my opinion.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The best course of action would be leaving the broadcast out. It doesn’t make any tactical sense for Palpatine to spoil his survival, and the actual message is barely touched upon by the characters. The Resistance members at the briefing, like Rose and Ackbar jr, act and speak like they’ve just heard of Palpatine when it’s supposed to be trending news across the galaxy.

The thing is, Palpatine does send a live transmission boasting about the return of the Sith later in the movie. This happens in the early third act, just after Kijimi is destroyed. This makes the Fortnite broadcast redundant.

I don’t think the broadcast works in TLJ either. The best approach so far would be the one in “Rekindled”: be Palpatine reaching Kylo through the comms and saying “Find me”. It serves as a sequel hook (the original film kind of lacked one) and leads to Kylo’s quest at the beginning of TROS.


JakeRyan17 said:

They don’t really comment on anything about the hopelessness of Luke being gone and the joy of being alive.

Umm, yeah they do. That was literally the entire point of the scene of the Falcon.

They also don’t comment on Snoke being dead, or Kylo being alive, or several other major plot points.

That’s because that sort of stuff is nowhere near the same level as Emperor Palpatine himself returning from the grave. That stuff is just unexpected, Palpatine’s return would seem downright impossible to them.

Like, they did not stop the First Order at all, or even give them a setback. There isn’t need to comment on it until they can regroup and start investigating it.

But you’d think they would be much more shocked about it than they are in the original cut, where they’re just shocked over no one responding to their message. The complete lack of even one line saying something like “What? That’s impossible!” is just weird.

Not having the message at all feels… convenient. It’s just as unbelievable in the theatrical releases, but now as an audience we don’t have the evidence of his return that our heroes have (even if we do see Palpatine with Kylo). It’s such a strange plot point, to have a galaxy-wide message that forces the entire galaxy back into fearful submission, and on top of that not even include it into the films. As odd as it may be that people wait a bit to talk about the message onscreen, it’s more odd to not have the message at all.

It wasn’t the message that forced the galaxy back into submission, it was just the First Order ruling with an iron fist. Palpatine’s message didn’t occur until one year into the First Order’s reign, by which time they had already established control over the galaxy.

Also, the doubt expressed at the beginning of Rise of Skywalker helps support the lack of them immediately talking about the message at the end of Last Jedi.

That just exacerbates a problem that was already present in the original cut: When they get Hux’s message, they act shocked, as if they had no clue Palpatine had returned. It explicitly contradicts the opening crawl talking about Palpatine sending a message to the entire galaxy. Since the message was such an obviously contrived plot point inserted last-minute, I think Hal was right to remove it completely.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience: