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Some fans filmed Prowse under the mask in a recreation of that scene a few years back, but supposedly it was deleted from the documentary itself because they were afraid of the wrath of Lucasfilm. That’s what I heard anyway…

What I don’t get, is if Prowse was “banned” from Star Wars essentially because of Lucas, since he’s no longer in charge anymore, why can’t they bring him back in? What did he do that was so unforgivable? We need Triple H to mend the fences and bring him back. As opposed to waiting until he passes away and then pretending like they were his best friend all along… reconcile before it’s too late!

I never liked the CGI Hayden Christiansen addition, and I prefer how it was originally but if you’re going to make a change, I think the idea of Prowse makes sense. But here’s another cool thing, he’s approaching a more appropriate age (if he hasn’t already) of the Anakin character in that scene, so maybe there’s another option.

And for old time’s sake, how about a version with James Earl Jones 😉 and Bob Anderson. WE ARE VADER!



ROTJ was on TV the other night and I needed a SW fix, so I watched a little. But I had to shut it off during Jabba’s palace scene (just before the @#$%ing musical number) because Adywan’s will be so much better I just couldn’t take it.

And I still need my fix!!! Guess it’s SW:R and ESB:R and a bottle of rum tonight!


Zarnywoop said:

ROTJ was on TV the other night and I needed a SW fix, so I watched a little. But I had to shut it off during Jabba’s palace scene (just before the @#$%ing musical number) because Adywan’s will be so much better I just couldn’t take it.

And I still need my fix!!! Guess it’s SW:R and ESB:R and a bottle of rum tonight!

Great call. applause


I think that must just be a problem with your sound system. I’ve never had any trouble understanding him.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I agree, my biggest issue with what Yoda says is he basically says the same thing in every movie.
Let me guess, fear, anger, the path to the dark side.
Ben doesn’t get a whole lot to say, either. In my ROTJ cut I eliminated the Ben scene entirely and let Darth Vader do the math via the Force about the other child and be the revelator of that. It works much, much better.


Man, I wish I could afford those 3D X-Wing models. I’ve been playing with the free one but it just doesn’t have the same amount of detail.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


StarkillerAG said:

I think that must just be a problem with your sound system. I’ve never had any trouble understanding him.

It’s not that. lol
This has happened my entire life. I know many others, including Ady, who feel the same. Frank Oz’s old-Yoda-about-to-die voice is very garbled and mumbly. Not the entire scene, just at the end when he seemingly decides to go to bed & die.
There was discussion on what to do about it years ago, but I don’t think anything could be done, really.

So, onto other fixes I’d like to see:
Jabba’s big frog mouth flaps open n closed, but makes absolutely no mouth movements that would produce the type of speech he uses. Ady made Yoda’s mouth match his speech, but with Jabbas mouth being so large, I don’t think the same technique would fix it…
I’d rather Jabba make frog-type sounds as his language, as that would fit what we’re seeing, but that voice & language is too iconic to change…

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

StarkillerAG said:

I think that must just be a problem with your sound system. I’ve never had any trouble understanding him.

It’s not that. lol
This has happened my entire life. I know many others, including Ady, who feel the same. Frank Oz’s old-Yoda-about-to-die voice is very garbled and mumbly. Not the entire scene, just at the end when he seemingly decides to go to bed & die.
There was discussion on what to do about it years ago, but I don’t think anything could be done, really.

Oh yeah, that part. The actor really overplayed the “mumbling last words” thing there, especially in the last sentence. So I kind of agree with you.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


teharri said:

Not sure if anyone has drawn attention to this video so I thought I would share.


Maybe these guys could collaborate with Ady for Death Star II space Battle

OMG! I literally just found this and came to comment, haha. But, if all this talent ever came together to do something with Adywan… I think they would redefine unlimited power.


It’s a good video but it certainly highlights the value of seeing the in-cockpit shots of the pilots! It makes me all the more exciting that that’s what Adywan’s doing. But it’s a great showcase of how accessible good CG has become.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Here’s another Fan-Vid worth checking out. Rebel ships approach the correct section of the Death Star to hit the exhaust port-

Also, I believe today is the anniversary for the release of Empire Strikes Back: Revisited. Can you believe it’s already been 3 years?!


Agreed, those colors/saturation are pretty bad, but the DS looks good.

The SkyForge stuff looks great, and I hope he teams up with some folks who shoot live action and/or have storytelling vision. Occasionally it felt like it was verging on cartoony or claymation feel, but better that than bad CG.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


They recreated it and still put Yavin 4 and the DS1 in visual range of each other for the flyby.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

They recreated it and still put Yavin 4 and the DS1 in visual range of each other for the flyby.

Never even thought about that.


Work will resume of the Revisited edits on September 14th. 😁😁😁

At the end of this month we will finally start to have a wage coming back into the household. Sadly a lot less than we had before, but at least its enough for us to cover our bills and food. And there are a LOT of people that are suffering a LOT more than we have than still don’t have this luxury.

Thank you so much to everyone that helped support me through these difficult times. I really can’t thank you enough. Yes, this period has created a hell of a lot of debt for us, but at least, thanks to you guys, we were able to cover some of our bills.

I must apologise for not doing the Q&A video that i originally promised. To be honest i just haven’t been in the right frame of mind to do anything like that. But it will be coming shortly after i restart work on the edits.
Things will still remain quite quiet until the start date because i’m still severely limiting the time spent on the computer to keep the electric bill low until we can start affording it again.

I’m also going to go back in this thread to try and answer as many of the questions asked that i have missed

Thank you all for being so understanding.




adywan said:

Work will resume of the Revisited edits on September 14th. 😁😁😁

At the end of this month we will finally start to have a wage coming back into the household. Sadly a lot less than we had before, but at least its enough for us to cover our bills and food. And there are a LOT of people that are suffering a LOT more than we have than still don’t have this luxury.

Thank you so much to everyone that helped support me through these difficult times. I really can’t thank you enough. Yes, this period has created a hell of a lot of debt for us, but at least, thanks to you guys, we were able to cover some of our bills.

I must apologise for not doing the Q&A video that i originally promised. To be honest i just haven’t been in the right frame of mind to do anything like that. But it will be coming shortly after i restart work on the edits.
Things will still remain quite quiet until the start date because i’m still severely limiting the time spent on the computer to keep the electric bill low until we can start affording it again.

I’m also going to go back in this thread to try and answer as many of the questions asked that i have missed

Thank you all for being so understanding.

Best to you and your family!



adywan said:

Work will resume of the Revisited edits on September 14th. 😁😁😁

At the end of this month we will finally start to have a wage coming back into the household. Sadly a lot less than we had before, but at least its enough for us to cover our bills and food. And there are a LOT of people that are suffering a LOT more than we have than still don’t have this luxury.

Thank you so much to everyone that helped support me through these difficult times. I really can’t thank you enough. Yes, this period has created a hell of a lot of debt for us, but at least, thanks to you guys, we were able to cover some of our bills.

I must apologise for not doing the Q&A video that i originally promised. To be honest i just haven’t been in the right frame of mind to do anything like that. But it will be coming shortly after i restart work on the edits.
Things will still remain quite quiet until the start date because i’m still severely limiting the time spent on the computer to keep the electric bill low until we can start affording it again.

I’m also going to go back in this thread to try and answer as many of the questions asked that i have missed

Thank you all for being so understanding.

No worries. Only the best for your private life.