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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 146


Finished watching the workprint a little while ago and PMed Hal some feedback that he suggested I post here in the main thread!

-I think all of the edits Hal and everyone else (especially poppasketti, jonh, Movies Remastered, and many others!) have made so far work really well. I hadn’t seen any footage of Leia’s purple lightsaber outside of the Force ghost clips that jonh posted, and the final product looks amazing.

-Does anyone have any ideas on getting rid of the “Somehow Palpatine returned” line? It’s so… bad, but I don’t know how the scene can work without anyone directly mentioning it.

-On Endor: I think if you cut away after Rey repeats the dagger inscription to herself, and don’t show her holding it up and stuff, the scene would still work without the ridiculousness of lining up the blade perfectly with the Death Star wreckage that somehow hasn’t moved an inch after crashing into the ocean 30 years ago. Perhaps add some Sith whispers when Rey is pulling the dagger from her bag and start the Imperial March motif sooner so it’s sort of implied that, as the inscription says, the blade is literally telling her? Then add more whispers as she’s wandering through the wreckage so it’s like they’re guiding her.

-Hal wasn’t as into this idea as I was, but what does everyone think about giving Ben a few more lines so that his last word isn’t “ow”? I thought maybe taking some of his dialogue from TLJ and recycling it so he can speak when resurrecting Rey, like “Rey… Please…” or something.


DZ-330 said:

  • PLEASE remove “They fly now?!”

In all Star wars era and canon there was always a rocket tropper, that joke makes the writers look like casuals that doesn’t know anything about star wars canon and lore, even more becoming from finn who was a stormtrooper.

It should be removed.


Hal 9000 said:

I would adore any good new shots of ships heading toward planets, lol.

Any shots that can be added showing ships in space heading towards or away from planets would be great. I don’t think there are really any shots like that and they are abundant in the PT and OT.

Chewie’s roar as they head to the ice wall hasn’t been touched; it was like that.

Oh okay, it still feels like it needs something… maybe some other feedback here would be good.

I can try to remove “they fly now,” lol.

Thank you lol

I don’t plan to remove Kylo’s exploding TIE. I’d have to gut the whole sequence, and that won’t help the film’s pacing. These Force users just sort of routinely defy reality.

Not the whole sequence, just the 2 seconds at the end of the shot where it goes up in a ball of flames.

That’s a good point about the heroes leaving Pasaana. If that ship can be seen leaving the planet and maybe entering hyperspace, that’d be cool.

Looking at you poppasketti 😉

Nice idea, i’ll play with quieting the music as Rey tells Finn about her vision.

Glad you’re considering, this movie needs some slower quiet moments.

I’m not going to remove DO’s “sad” or “happy.” 😦 😃

Not all, just the one during 3P0’s speech.

I worry that if I remove the line “You are a Palpatine,” it might not be clear. He’s speaking through the helmet and can be hard to hear. I like the dialogue on paper better without the line, though.

“You have his power, you’re his granddaughter” Rey reacts stunned. Then Kylo talks about their bond and lineage. I feel like it flows better if the audience feels confused and scared like Rey.

The line “two were made” harkens back to Lando stating as much earlier in the movie. It doesn’t bother me, but I’m sure it could be removed easily if it bothers most people.

The line just feels redundant.

Any thoughts about making the lightsaber duel uninterrupted?

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hal 9000 said:

That’s a good point about the heroes leaving Pasaana. If that ship can be seen leaving the planet and maybe entering hyperspace, that’d be cool.

When Kylo is telling Rey about her parents, there’s a shot of Ochi’s ship flying away from Jakku. Could just reuse that to imply the heroes’ escape.


Hi Hal, can I get a link? Can’t wait to check it out! Thanks!


Hal 9000 said:

I can try to remove “they fly now,” lol.

Oh please do, I thought that removal was a given.

Forum Moderator

majoras_wrath said:

Hal 9000 said:

That’s a good point about the heroes leaving Pasaana. If that ship can be seen leaving the planet and maybe entering hyperspace, that’d be cool.

When Kylo is telling Rey about her parents, there’s a shot of Ochi’s ship flying away from Jakku. Could just reuse that to imply the heroes’ escape.

I haven’t seen or tried to get the workprint yet… currently at work lol but just from a real quick looksie at the forum… this was kind of what I was thinking… possibly mirroring or changing the footage in some to differentiate it from TFA… Poppa can make miracles happen lol, if he isn’t too busy!

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


It’s more affective, I think the camera needs to stay a little longer on Kylo before cutting to Rey’s reaction.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Is it possible to give Boolio perhaps a different voice or alien dialect and subtitles?

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Hal 9000 said:

Every frame of the Kylo shot is still there, btw.

I think it just cuts too abrumply after “you’re his granddaughter”. Maybe push his dialogue back a bit?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


It’s really fantastic seeing all this finally coming together.

One thing I noticed was the during the chess scene the audio outside the Falcon is very quiet. Was this intentional? I found it quite difficult to hear Finn, Poe and Chewie, I feel like hearing them while Rey is outside really sells the idea of them being there with her. I feel like that audio needs a slight boost.

Also, are you keeping the line about Luke and Leia knowing Rey was a Palpatine all along? Although I wasn’t a huge fan of the lineage reveal from the start, this line still really irks me.


I don’t know about Finn. There will be some residual Force-implication for him regardless, so I’m inclined to leave his “secret” as is. Maybe something to chew on after leaving the theater.

I wonder if its possible to add some additional hints at Finn’s force sensitivity felt weird as it is being such a small tidbit

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I hope theres a way to get rid of Babu Frik’s hella annoying voice.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


^ My read on Luke’s comment about “Leia knew it, too” is that Luke MUST have learned about this only after he had died. Leia must have known, then told Luke, who then displays this knowledge to Rey while saying “Leia knew too.” TLJ Luke just does not seem to be in on this secret. Even so, I don’t see a good way to remove it unless you’re going to go whole hog and remove Rey Palpatine altogether.

I can boost the audio after the chess scene. I assume you mean the, “I’m kidding!” and subsequent bickering? I wanted it to feel like it’s coming from a few rooms away and not that audible, but enough to sell that it was happening onboard while Rey was getting off the ship.

My stance on revising fan edits.


And I like Boolio! lol
Voiced by Mark Hamill, if you didn’t know.

EDIT: And I like Babu Frik. But I removed his pop-up during the battle, since Kijimi isn’t destroyed and there’s no need to show us he didn’t get blowed up.

My stance on revising fan edits.


FUN FACT: Babu Frik is voiced by the same actress who played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter, Shirley Henderson.

Also, I know that I asked you if you would do another version of your edit if the deleted scenes eventually came out, but since you said you wouldn’t do a V2, does that kill any chances of doing another edit if the deleted scenes do come out later on, Hal?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Unfortunately that’s a big if.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

Exceeded download quota. 😭😭😭

Thanks for the PM Hal. I’ll watch as soon as I can download it…

If you have a Google Drive, “copy” this to your Drive, then copy it again within your Drive, and then you should be able to download.

Cheers Hal, I’m still having internet issues so I drove to my mum’s to download it. About to start… very excited!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hey HAL, I’m having issues with playing the workprint. Do I need a new link PMed to me even with a link to your old stuff?


Hal 9000 said:

And I like Boolio! lol
Voiced by Mark Hamill, if you didn’t know.

EDIT: And I like Babu Frik. But I removed his pop-up during the battle, since Kijimi isn’t destroyed and there’s no need to show us he didn’t get blowed up.

Just finished the workprint I think you should also include the front angle of Wicket. plz!

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I just watched the workprint, and I have a lot of thoughts. I don’t have time to list all of them here, but overall I liked your edit. There aren’t many edits (only 2 minutes of footage was cut), but the changes that are there really improve the movie. Once this edit is done, I think the 9000 edits will be my definitive version of the saga.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I’m not sure the expression on Wicket’s face might be too indicative of “oh boy just wait until he catches up with the main characters.” I think less is more here.

You might need to download the workprint rather than play it in the browser.

And all I meant was that I hope to get enough done for V1 not to need to come back for a V2, and close this off mentally and set it down. But if there’s something like new deleted scenes, you bet I’ll do one!

StarkillerAG, ❤️

My stance on revising fan edits.