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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 143


Wow everybody this looks phenomenal! Pretty exciting to have all the greatest SW editors here in one place! Im super impressed with everything accomplished so far (got pulled back in when I saw the force ghost edit show up in my YouTube feed XD)! You guys are incredibly talented and I cant wait to see the new and improved ROS when its done.

I followed and had some creative input on Poppasketti’s Rekindled edit for TLJ, super proud of how that came out, so I cant imagine how polished everyone can make this one. I’ll have to do some serious analysis of ROS having only watched it once since theaters but I hope I can give something helpful for the project when possible.

TBH kinda facepalming over this post (feeling to over-sentimental and self-congratulating) but I’m just ready to get into things and help where I can!

P.S. Even though I haven’t been on the forum long, I’ve checked out your work Hal and I know it’s an honor to be here.

This is the way.


Yeah, man, I feel you. I think most of us felt sort of stunned by the movie we got and are surprised by what’s been done so far by everyone.

The movie’s flaws are still there, but being able to at least make a few good alterations feels great. Personally, I’m acting more as MC than for other projects, so I’m especially thankful for the help. The 9000 saga will conclude with a bang.

Concluding several years’ worth of SW projects using a video editor that was last supported nearly a decade ago like…

My stance on revising fan edits.


Cinefy said:


Cut Lando Dialogue in a tv spot, “You said it Chewie, One Last time”

The music is loud but I know it was used in other tv spots without music if anyone can find it I think we can put as Lando’s first line when he arrives in Falcon saying “You said it Chewie, One Last time”

Damn isn’t that part of the scene in the novelisation where Lando picks up a framed picture of a young Luke, Han, Leia and Ben in the Falcon?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


This is all coming together so nicely. I can’t wait to see this version.

I’ll be doing some test screenings over the next month so if anyone is interested in my cut please PM me with “test screen” in the title.

Hal, if you’re doing the same can I put my name down for yours?

That captain Jack gif is extremely accurate 🤣

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


don’t worry, a workprint won’t be a secret once I do that. I’d like to wait though until most things are done, including Mustafar.

And jonh, please remind me if I haven’t sent it to you by tomorrow.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Ha! Nice way to do that. Yes, I think you have it correct. I’m 98% sure you have it right about the scene where Kylo points at Hux. (Can’t check at the moment!)

My stance on revising fan edits.


That’s not where he has it. In his diagram, it’s after Rey realizes Chewbacca’s alive. Your idea is probably better though.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

That’s not where he has it. In his diagram, it’s after Rey realizes Chewbacca’s alive. Your idea is probably better though.

This is worded very confusingly… Can you elaborate?

Hal 9000 said:

Ha! Nice way to do that. Yes, I think you have it correct. I’m 98% sure you have it right about the scene where Kylo points at Hux. (Can’t check at the moment!)

When you can check it out, let me know if I’m correct!

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I meant that Hal put the scene of Chewie being revealed to be alive after Kylo points his finger at Hux. Hal’s structure looks something like this:

  • Rey talks about her vision
  • Falcon is brought on board Star Destroyer
  • Kylo talks to Palpatine through the Force
  • Characters decide to go to Kijimi
  • Characters meet Zorri
  • C-3PO agrees to get his memory wiped
  • Kylo points his finger at Hux
  • Chewie is revealed to be alive
  • Babu wipes C-3PO’s memory
  • Poe talks to Zorri
  • Rey fixes D-0’s wheel
  • C-3PO reveals the Wayfinder’s location
  • Rey realizes Chewbacca’s alive
  • C-3PO reboots with an empty memory
  • Kylo lands on Kijimi
  • Characters land on Star Destroyer

Hopefully that clears it up a bit.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Okay, my mistake. I guess I just misinterpreted Hal’s comments. I do think that after Rey senses Chewie is way too late to incorporate that scene though. Maybe you could just cut Chewie meeting Hux completely.

It would actually be pretty easy to remove the medallion thing. You would just need to cut the dialogue where the characters talk about it. The whole thing is actually not that plot relevant, since they immediately get spotted anyway.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Yeah, I don’t know. It ‘ticks’ a box and for lack of any other given excuse for them being able to get aboard, it’s fine. It gives Zorri a reason not to follow and to come back later. Eh.

My stance on revising fan edits.


poppasketti said:

Here’s an alt for the end celebration including Coruscant in place of Endor!

Coruscant End Celebration
pw: fanedit

The incredible backplate was made by jonh, and I comped in the ships and added a bit of texture.

This is absolutely brilliant and now actually makes sense! I always thought it was odd having two original trilogy planets that had no real significance to the sequel trilogy. At least now we have one planet from each trilogy.


I hated The Medallion but I couldn’t find a way of taking it out without it seeming like they just flew on board with no resistance.

Hal, how did you manage to get rid of Wickets sound at the end of the movie?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Took me awhile to isolate the audio due to loud music, but I’ve managed to edit in a additional Lando line when he arrives on the Falcon during the fleet scene, I think it fits really well and add a little more Lando spice to the moment. I made it quiet and a little muffled to imply Poe does not hear Lando right away.

I hope this works. “You said it Chewie, one last time”


Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Don’t know if you guys realised but Coruscant has twin sons, not shown in Prequels but its in Return Of The Jedi and Clone Wars.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

Don’t know if you guys realised but Coruscant has twin sons, not shown in Prequels but its in Return Of The Jedi and Clone Wars.

I’m not seeing any evidence of that.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Cinefy said:

Don’t know if you guys realised but Coruscant has twin sons, not shown in Prequels but its in Return Of The Jedi and Clone Wars.

I’m not seeing any evidence of that.


I wouldn’t say anything If I didn’t think it was a continuity issue, last time we see Coruscant theres twin sons.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

Tobar said:

Cinefy said:

Don’t know if you guys realised but Coruscant has twin sons, not shown in Prequels but its in Return Of The Jedi and Clone Wars.

I’m not seeing any evidence of that.


I wouldn’t say anything If I didn’t think it was a continuity issue, last time we see Coruscant theres twin sons.

I was always under the impression those were its moons, rather than suns.

According to canon and Legends Coruscant has one sun and 4 moons.


Movies Remastered said:

I hated The Medallion but I couldn’t find a way of taking it out without it seeming like they just flew on board with no resistance.

Hal, how did you manage to get rid of Wickets sound at the end of the movie?

That Medallion scene was very (mc)clunky but your right without it they board without resistance and best left in for that reason.

Hal 9000 said:

Okay, finally was able to listen with earphones. I agree, it’s awfully noisy. I truly hate not to include a clip from everyone who submitted something, but maybe it’d be better to actually hear what people are saying… That initial mockup had some chatter and calling in, with some boosted to be audible and others less so, but there wasn’t as much sheer content then. Maybe going back to having fewer clips, selecting those that sound the best and making sure to include the ones from people who have contributed to this project the most regardless.

Collaboration Clip

EDIT: https://vimeo.com/428168141

Oh man that clip gets me every time I watch it, it really brings home the collaboration effort for this film. I’m inclined to agree with Hals reasoning with the audio balance listening with my 5.1 home theatre setup voices are best when balanced Hals way. But we get to hear the clip in full glory in the commentry track as Hals mentioned so alls good.


Also Endor is now where the DS2 crash site is, very intriguing stuff 😃👍

poppasketti said:

Here’s an alt for the end celebration including Coruscant in place of Endor!

Coruscant End Celebration
pw: fanedit

The incredible backplate was made by jonh, and I comped in the ships and added a bit of texture.

Thats perfect and also clears up confusion for more casual viewers mistaking Hosnian Prime which blown up as Coruscant.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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