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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 54


JakeRyan17 said:

thebluefrog said:

paja said:

Turn Ben’s Saber (in the TLJ flashback scene) to Green to really show and dig in that “New generation of Jedi” Idea.

I always thought saber colors had a theme:
White : Jedi Knight
Green : Jedi Master

This fit Luke’s path in ROTJ.
It fit Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in Phantom.
AOTC…kind of followed that pattern. Yoda had green, Anakin and Obi-Wan had white.
But then Obi-Wan always had white even as a master while on the council…so it basically fizzled out as an idea with all the various extra Jedis just being whatever and it was clear Lucas didn’t follow the master-knight theme.

Obi-Wan has blue all the way until his death, so that was never the strict measure.

Blue is more about taking physical action with the force.

Green is about being more reflective and mystic in the fight against the dark side.

Yellow is about being more scholarly and stoic with the force.

Purple is usually associated with the concept of “grey” Jedi, those that seek that dangerous middle ground at the edge of the dark side.

Red is corrupted and bleeding from the dark side (old EU defined them as being artificial).

White (like Ahsoka’s sabers in Rebels) have been purified after going to the dark side.

One idea I had in a prequel rewrite was that the different lightsaber colors were the result of different factions that broke off from the original Jedi order. The “prime” Jedi (Obi-Wan, Anakin, the other Obi-Wan apprentice) use blue, the “renegade” Jedi (Qui-Gon, a Count Dooku equivalent, eventually Luke) use green, the leaders of the “prime” Jedi (Mace Windu and his associates) use purple, the Sith (now a splinter of the ancient Jedi) use red, and Luke/Rey’s Jedi Order would use all of the above alongside yellow and white.

It’s not particularly relevant, but I thought it fit with the talk of saber colors. It also fits with my prequel edit idea of having Qui-Gon be the only Jedi with a green lightsaber (maybe Dooku would have one, even after becoming a Sith).


NeverarGreat said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

In fact, the comprehensibility of the entire ST rests on Leia being a Skywalker.

How so? Kylo doesn’t need to be a Skywalker to be a Vader fanboy, and he still comes from two important lineages, if you’re worried about it stealing from Rey Nobody.

So we’re just supposed to accept that he’s the son of Han and Leia and just so happens to be one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy?

I mean, the ST posits three massively important pieces of the plot all happening to land within a couple miles of each other on one planet in the galaxy, so I get that this shark is already well and truly jumped, but why add another coincidence to the pile?

Wait, do you think he’d only inherit strength in the force if Leia was a Jedi? What?


DominicCobb said:

NeverarGreat said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

In fact, the comprehensibility of the entire ST rests on Leia being a Skywalker.

How so? Kylo doesn’t need to be a Skywalker to be a Vader fanboy, and he still comes from two important lineages, if you’re worried about it stealing from Rey Nobody.

So we’re just supposed to accept that he’s the son of Han and Leia and just so happens to be one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy?

I mean, the ST posits three massively important pieces of the plot all happening to land within a couple miles of each other on one planet in the galaxy, so I get that this shark is already well and truly jumped, but why add another coincidence to the pile?

Wait, do you think he’d only inherit strength in the force if Leia was a Jedi? What?

If she was a Skywalker, not a Jedi. Obviously he could be randomly strong in the Force anyway, but it would be quite the coincidence.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


So we’re just supposed to accept that he’s the son of Han and Leia and just so happens to be one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy?

Yes, because he trained with their friend who’s one of the strongest Force users in the Galaxy? I don’t see how that’s an issue.

Besides, you talk of jumping sharks with everything happening conveniently nearby, but that’s exactly the problem that Leia Skywalker is the epitome of, which is why I hate it. Can we go back a ANH without every other person being a Skywalker? Now it’s just the story of a robot telling his step-brother to save his twin sister from their father. In the context of the film, that has to be the biggest coincidence in the history of coincidences.


Anakin Starkiller said:

So we’re just supposed to accept that he’s the son of Han and Leia and just so happens to be one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy?

Yes, because he trained with their friend who’s one of the strongest Force users in the Galaxy? I don’t see how that’s an issue.

Besides, you talk of jumping sharks with everything happening conveniently nearby, but that’s exactly the problem that Leia Skywalker is the epitome of, which is why I hate it. Can we go back a ANH without every other person being a Skywalker? Now it’s just the story of a robot telling his step-brother to save his twin sister from their father. In the context of the film, that has to be the biggest coincidence in the history of coincidences.

Imagine if Lucas had NOT been going through divorce and emotional turmoil during ROTJ.

I can think of two major differences: Nellith would be real and Leia wouldn’t be a Skywalker. That would’ve changed the landscape of Star Wars forever, and both prequel and sequel trilogy would be totally different.

Also, Boba Fett wouldn’t have died in that way.


Anakin Starkiller said:

So we’re just supposed to accept that he’s the son of Han and Leia and just so happens to be one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy?

Yes, because he trained with their friend who’s one of the strongest Force users in the Galaxy? I don’t see how that’s an issue.

Besides, you talk of jumping sharks with everything happening conveniently nearby, but that’s exactly the problem that Leia Skywalker is the epitome of, which is why I hate it. Can we go back a ANH without every other person being a Skywalker? Now it’s just the story of a robot telling his step-brother to save his twin sister from their father. In the context of the film, that has to be the biggest coincidence in the history of coincidences.

As much as I agree with you that Leia shouldn’t have been a Skywalker, it actually isn’t totally coincidental like the Jakku convergence. It makes sense for Obi-wan to have left Luke’s sister with people who had no love for the Empire who would be involved with the Rebellion. Since the Rebellion would have needed to call on Obi-wan at some point, it was only a matter of time before the siblings met.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Now I’m on the final lap of my edit, I’m starting to notice really stupid edits.

Has anyone noticed that J.J has over dubbed Poe saying “this way…” with “follow me!” Several times in the movie?

Can anyone recall Poe saying “this way.” In any other movies so I can replace the original audio?

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thebluefrog said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

So we’re just supposed to accept that he’s the son of Han and Leia and just so happens to be one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy?

Yes, because he trained with their friend who’s one of the strongest Force users in the Galaxy? I don’t see how that’s an issue.

Besides, you talk of jumping sharks with everything happening conveniently nearby, but that’s exactly the problem that Leia Skywalker is the epitome of, which is why I hate it. Can we go back a ANH without every other person being a Skywalker? Now it’s just the story of a robot telling his step-brother to save his twin sister from their father. In the context of the film, that has to be the biggest coincidence in the history of coincidences.

Imagine if Lucas had NOT been going through divorce and emotional turmoil during ROTJ.

I can think of two major differences: Nellith would be real and Leia wouldn’t be a Skywalker. That would’ve changed the landscape of Star Wars forever, and both prequel and sequel trilogy would be totally different.

Also, Boba Fett wouldn’t have died in that way.

So you think the divorce is what lead to Lucas deciding wrap everything up in RotJ?


Anakin Starkiller said:

thebluefrog said:

Imagine if Lucas had NOT been going through divorce and emotional turmoil during ROTJ.

I can think of two major differences: Nellith would be real and Leia wouldn’t be a Skywalker. That would’ve changed the landscape of Star Wars forever, and both prequel and sequel trilogy would be totally different.

Also, Boba Fett wouldn’t have died in that way.

So you think the divorce is what lead to Lucas deciding wrap everything up in RotJ?

Yes. Interviews at the time show how he was creatively and emotionally burned out. His wife, soon to be ex, helped him with his scripts before–imagine how he felt having to edit them alone after so many years? Not just SW but other movie ideas too. He wanted to wrap things up, 3-6 more movies was too much for him. This is why the writing of Jedi started to falter in places, like the Ewoks. Lucas also had merchandising money (for sniffing Hoth snow) to think about.

It was this burnout that led to Boba Fett becoming the joke death for years. Here’s a sample biography:


It’s a tragedy. I want to see Lucas’ ORIGINAL sequel trilogy. Not the Midichlorian one he wrote after the prequels, but the one he envisioned without the Emperor (yet). Force Awakens basically IS that film, only that Palpatine is already dead and the empire is gone. If ROTJ has JUST been about Vader and Luke, then TFA and Palpatine would’ve worked a lot better.

In fact…that’s a good idea. Almost impossible, but if Jedi could end with the Emperor NOT dying and escaping, that would help the Sequel Trilogy far better. Just make Snoke Palpatine and be done with it.


The problem with the Emperor escaping is Vader has nothing to sacrifice himself for. That’s why I prefer the Emperor surviving on life support.


Anakin Starkiller said:

The problem with the Emperor escaping is Vader has nothing to sacrifice himself for. That’s why I prefer the Emperor surviving on life support.

Maybe he uses the force to hold back the Death Star destroying Endor? Rough concept that just popped in my head, but I think it’d work.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Anakin Starkiller said:

The problem with the Emperor escaping is Vader has nothing to sacrifice himself for. That’s why I prefer the Emperor surviving on life support.

Well, he sacrificed himself to save his son. That’s the core of Star Wars, right? Not so much sacrificing oneself to destroy an army but to save your loved ones.


Which is why I’m okay with him surviving. My problem is that the sacrifice has to do something, and the only thing for it to do in that context is off the Emperor.


I think a lot of Rey’s interactions in the Rise of Skywalker (Specifically, the two times she thinks about telling Leia about her vision, but decides against it) would have a lot more weight if she already knew she was a Palpatine. Plus, it would give new meaning to the part where Luke tells her that Leia knew all along and still decided to train her. So, against almost all logic, I’m thinking about making an edit of TLJ to better set this up.
Basically, I’d need to make two major changes in dialogue:

  • Add at least one line about how there were rumors of Palpatine having a biological heir. Ideally, Luke would explain in his flashback that most people thought Snoke was the heir, but that Luke believed Snoke was just someone in the right place at the right time.
  • In the throne room, Kylo reveals that the “heir” was actually Rey’s father. Then, in trying to persuade Rey to join him, he posits that the resistance would kill her if they found out who she truly was.

Then, in the Rise of Skywalker:

  • Cut all references to Palpatine being alive, until Rey meets with Kylo in the hangar. That’s when Kylo reveals Palpatine is back. Because it’s a slow scene and he’s wearing a mask, there’d be a lot more room for him to explain it in a way that makes sense than in the earlier resistance briefing scene.

How does that sound?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:

I think a lot of Rey’s interactions in the Rise of Skywalker (Specifically, the two times she thinks about telling Leia about her vision, but decides against it) would have a lot more weight if she already knew she was a Palpatine. Plus, it would give new meaning to the part where Luke tells her that Leia knew all along and still decided to train her. So, against almost all logic, I’m thinking about making an edit of TLJ to better set this up.
Basically, I’d need to make two major changes in dialogue:

  • Add at least one line about how there were rumors of Palpatine having a biological heir. Ideally, Luke would explain in his flashback that most people thought Snoke was the heir, but that Luke believed Snoke was just someone in the right place at the right time.
  • In the throne room, Kylo reveals that the “heir” was actually Rey’s father. Then, in trying to persuade Rey to join him, he posits that the resistance would kill her if they found out who she truly was.

Then, in the Rise of Skywalker:

  • Cut all references to Palpatine being alive, until Rey meets with Kylo in the hangar. That’s when Kylo reveals Palpatine is back. Because it’s a slow scene and he’s wearing a mask, there’d be a lot more room for him to explain it in a way that makes sense than in the earlier resistance briefing scene.

How does that sound?

Agree I do, hmmm !

Edit: There’s an edit by Fixing-Disney Star wars that plants the seeds of Palpatine’s return in TFA.

Maybe this could be changed into a Rumoured heir to Palpatine?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Those are regular First Order destroyers. They were destroyed when the galaxy heard Lando’s message and decided to rise up. It’s kind of contrived, but it’s not a plot hole.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I did wonder. I was thinking of adding star destroyers arriving at each planet destination before the battle starts to add to the reason why the galaxy got involved but I couldn’t think of a reason why they would do that unless they were xyston class destroyers.

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NeverarGreat said:

It’s funny, the more you think about it. The First Order General was offed as a joke and their Supreme Leader hallucinated himself into switching sides, then the rest of the organization died off screen.
A story for the ages.

Pretty much all characters except Rey were reduced to jokes by the end.

Pretty sad waste of potential.


Movies Remastered said:

I did wonder. I was thinking of adding star destroyers arriving at each planet destination before the battle starts to add to the reason why the galaxy got involved but I couldn’t think of a reason why they would do that unless they were xyston class destroyers.

In my headcanon I just assumed the First Order had occupied and laid siege to all those worlds in the aftermath of TLJ, paying off what Rey stated in that movie: “The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks”. Perhaps this detail could be included in a redone opening crawl.