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The General '3 in 1' Redux Ideas thread.


This thread is dedicated to discussing fan-edit ideas for 3 in 1 edits of the Prequel, Original and Sequel trilogies.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I specifically had the ST in mind while making this thread but I thought I might as well generalise it just to be more inclusive 😃

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


To be fair, Revenge of the Sith could basically act as a stand-alone prequel film, with maybe some brief glimpses of events from the Episodes 1 and 2 in Anakin’a dreams.


Haha, and maybe you could just call it Star Wars. 😂


Both PT and ST would be great for
3-in-1 edits. Each relying on a central film.

PT could use ROTS with maybe half an hour of TPM and AOTC to open with

ST could use TFA and TLJ and TROS to wrap it up. Stealing ideas for Adobewan, you could use the death of Snoke as a semi convincing end to the Saga, especially if it quickly proceeds Starkiller Base blowing up.

Current Edits:
Obi-Wan Kenobi - TBC
The Mandalorian (Season 1) - V1 Complete
The Mandalorian II (Season 2) - TBC
The Mandalorian Returns (TBOBF) - TBC


I’ve tried doing a 3-in-1 of the prequels back in my earliest fanediting days. I think it’s hard to accomplish as long as you hold on to the precept that it needs to feel like a Star Wars film. If you let yourself go crazy with titles, music etc. like the Neon-Noir edit from a few years back it can work.


I did a 7 in 1 once (Six Sagas + R1). It’s possible to mash these movies together, but they never flow as strongly as you’d expect. I resorted to two timelines so I could easily jump wherever I wanted.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


I was thinking that it could be cool to try and make a 3 in 1 sequel edit. If somehow Starkiller Base and Palpatine could be eliminated, I’d be very happy.


You could remove the weapon aspect from star-killer, affectively making it just a base that Rey and Finn escape from.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I think the ideal ST 3-1 edit would have TLJ as its thematic soul with elements from TFA and TROS peppered in throughout.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

You could remove the weapon aspect from star-killer, affectively making it just a base that Rey and Finn escape from.

That’s always been my approach.


I’ve been giving this more thought, and I’m starting to think that maybe the ST would’ve been better received if it was just a one-movie, self-contained “saga epilogue,” of sorts. I agree that TLJ as the “core,” with bits of the other two sprinkled throughout, would be the way to go.

Gonna give it more thought!


https://youtu.be/ngElkyQ6Rhs The Force Awakens trailer really encapsulated the feeling I wanted to get from the sequel films. And ultimately what I think we should strive for in a potential edit.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Gave this more thought last night. I think I know how I would do this now:

So I’m aware of at least one TFA edit and at least one TLJ edit that narrows both movies down to 1 hour and 30 minutes each, just about.

I’m also aware of a TLJ edit in the making that makes it feel like the ending of the saga by adding just some bits and pieces of TRoS at the very end (there’s a thread on here for that one).

So my proposition is to simply just combine all of those together, and what you’d get from that is a movie that’s just a little over 3 hours long that’s about one half TFA and one half TLJ, with just some light sprinkles of TRoS at the end.

I think that’d be really cool!

EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that doing it this way would lose the explanation as to where Snoke came from. Before TRoS, my “fix” for that was to have Rey faintly hear his voice in TLJ when she walks into the ancient Jedi temple by the cliff and sees that little pool with the mural thing (I always thought that the figure in the mural kinda looked like Snoke). This would imply that Snoke is an ancient being of some kind, maybe even one of the first Jedi ever, who became corrupted long ago.


Building off my idea above; if you’re one of those people that doesn’t like the way Luke was portrayed in TLJ, maybe you can cut out everything with him and Rey on the island after we see her holding the saber out to him on the cliff. Then, the next time we see him is when he shows up to join the other rebels on Crait. That way, you can imply that him seeing his old saber again was enough to convince him to come back. This would probably involve having to cut out all Snoke scenes, though, as well as any mention of him, thus making it so that Kylo went to the dark side by his own choice, and he’s been running The First Order/ Imperial Remains since the beginning… Perhaps this is too radical of an idea…

EDIT: Yeah, you know what? Nevermind. Forget what I just said in this post. Given the material we have to work with here, Grumpy Luke needs to stay, whether people like it or not.


Anyone got idea’s on how to integrate some of the better aspects of TROS (mustafar) (the death star) (adventure with trio) into a majority TFA TLJ edit?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I think a great way to start an ST 3-1 would be to have Luke’s failure at his training temple be the prelude of the film. It sets up the story nicely, and puts us right into the heart of the drama.

I really like what this guy did with the scene in question.
(extended scene concept inspired by the comics)

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…