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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 123


Sorry if this has already been discussed but have there been any attempts to cut out the Goonies-esque dagger sequence?

I was wondering if it would be possible to edit that scene in a way that she has a vision of the throne room while looking out at the wreckage and then a camera zoom to the specific location.

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Tobar said:

Sorry if this has already been discussed but have there been any attempts to cut out the Goonies-esque dagger sequence?

I was wondering if it would be possible to edit that scene in a way that she has a vision of the throne room while looking out at the wreckage and then a camera zoom to the specific location.

A vision would be a great idea! I had been watching those scenes trying to figure out how to get around that stupid dagger. (It’s arguably the most asinine thing in the movie) If this is a possibility, I really hope someone is able to make it work!


DarthYcey said:

axlanian said:

DarthYcey said:

Yeah, no problem. Btw, you’ll probably go a more conservative route with Mustafar, but thought I’d share a mockup I did to extend it and actually further Kylo’s arc beyond a minute long fetch for a holocron. If people could get permission from these guys to actually use the footage in their edits (I haven’t tried), it could be a very useful addition. I’ve made enough test edits at this point trying to fix issues, I should just start a thread and take a crack at doing the whole movie. haha


I feel like if the actual fight was trimmed more (and if Vader’s lines were cobbled together from actual James Earl Jones lines) this would work quite well. The vocal impression really pulls you out of the scene.

jordan_winter said:

DarthYcey said:

Yeah, no problem. Btw, you’ll probably go a more conservative route with Mustafar, but thought I’d share a mockup I did to extend it and actually further Kylo’s arc beyond a minute long fetch for a holocron. If people could get permission from these guys to actually use the footage in their edits (I haven’t tried), it could be a very useful addition. I’ve made enough test edits at this point trying to fix issues, I should just start a thread and take a crack at doing the whole movie. haha


This is absolutely fantastic! Overall I loved it and it really makes me sad that we didn’t get something of this level in the final cut. For the final movie in the Skywalker saga it makes me sad that the only call back to Vader (apart from the mask) was that one line on Exegol.

I do have a few nitpicks. First, the quality of the clips in the flashback are a little… off. I’m guessing this is due to the change in colour to try and get them to match TRoS?

The sound effects during the battle with the cultists either need to be ramped up or cut entirely.

The Star Destroyer that jumps out of hyperspace is a Final Order ship but then the TIEs are First Order flying towards Kylo’s destroyer. Bit confused by this, I’d maybe remove that Destroyer jump.

The fan film fight could probably be trimmed a little. Too much time with it and it’s becomes more obvious that it’s a fan film. I am surprised at how well it works though. Clever idea using the colour change and that clip of Kylo shaking his head chefs kiss

Otherwise though, bravo on some incredible editing!

Yeah, I actually cut almost a minute of the duel already…it’s quite long if you’ve seen the original. But I could see cutting even more of it to make the vision go by faster. The new Vader lines are from Battlefront 2, so obviously a different voice actor. And the destroyer jump is just temp (I know it’s a final order ship). The quality isn’t hi-res…it was mostly just a rough test to see if the concept would work. Appreciate the feedback!

If this is only a rough cut then you’re onto something fantastic! Well done!

Personally the Vader lines work for me. Maybe I’m just used to hearing that voice actor though.


Panakin said:

omnimuffin said:

Panakin said:

omnimuffin said:

Panakin said:

Why not cut out 3P0s memory thing altogether. Perhaps Photoshop in the dagger & the Planet its on in Reys book ? Also instead of the book being about the old Jedi order teachings & lessons. Why not simply have it be about powerful force objects / weapons / force training & learning specific moves etc. It never sat right with me that Yoda would want the old ways of the Jedi 2 continue. Wasn’t part of the PT & OT all about Yoda learning the old ways were flawed & problematic ?

I mean, not in their entire. The obsession with their dogma and their connection to the corrupt Republic was the flaw. The core ideas- peacekeeping, empathy, justice, standing against the dark- these are good, and pure, and they were part of the Jedi long before the Republic crumble beneath its own weight.

Plus, it’s easier to know what flaws of the old ways to avoid if you, uh, know what the old ways are. You know what they say- ‘those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it’.

But Yoda already learned the old Jedi ways did not work. Qui-Gon KNEW the old ways didnt work. Yoda & Qui-Gon alone would show up & explain things. This simply is not any other franchise. The old ways would be completely avoided in proper movies that gave a damn about decent story telling

Oh, you mean like Qui-Gon’s ghost showed up to tell Luke or Obi-Wan what to change about their teachings? We all remember that scene in the original trilogy. It was one of my favourites.

Also, original research will always trump a ghost lecturing you in terms of comprehensive knowledge. Jedi are monks, baby. They’re all ABOUT that research. They’re a bunch of hot nerds with laser swords, after all.

In movies THAT GAVE A DAMN ABOUT CONTINUITY yes the Ghosts would show up & guide Luke & help him avoid making the same mistakes & AVOID making more Darth Vaders for the sake of the Galaxy

There’s a Star Wars movie that cares about continuity!? After all these year, how did I miss that one!?


The dagger is the reason Rey goes off on her own to Kylo’s quarters, so I feel that any attempt to remove its use would feel more awkward than accepting a dumb moment.

It’s dumb, but it’s not one of the big problems I had with the movie when I left.

My stance on revising fan edits.


It’s probably just as valid for the dagger to give her a vision of the wrecked throne room and for her to hold onto it because of that. It would nicely play into her brushes with the dark side and her anxieties about the other throne she’s supposed to go to.


Yeah, the dagger is kind of useless once 3PO says to go to the Endor system. It’s pretty obvious once they see the DSII that it’s on there. 3PO even says ‘emperor’s vault’. But if you wanted to keep it, I think it would be better if the dagger activated the door to where the dagger is. No unnecessary and unrealistic goonies moment. Personally, I think you could cut around the dagger easily. Just cut Rey’s line about needing it and also Finn mentioning it to Chewie. Just have a voice get Rey’s attention. Could be one from her vision/her parents/whatever to make her want to investigate it more. All you have to do is get her into Kylo’s quarters somehow, following a voice in her head. Then she can come across the dagger coincidentally while she’s there.


Is it bad that I like the ‘Goonies’ moment? Sure, it’s contrived and cheesy, but it feels very classical adventure movie, very pulp.


omnimuffin said:

Is it bad that I like the ‘Goonies’ moment? Sure, it’s contrived and cheesy, but it feels very classical adventure movie, very pulp.

Definitely not bad if you liked it! I wish I had enjoyed it, but when the dagger lined up perfectly with the Death Star wreckage from right where Rey happened to be standing, my eyes rolled so hard I saw my brain


NeverarGreat said:

The dagger is the least of the movie’s problems.

I dunno about “least”… there are a lot of issues, I haven’t triaged them all, personally…


NeverarGreat said:

The dagger is the least of the movie’s problems.

That is why i think that the “Conservative” approach is not going to work with this movie.

This movie is such a shallow mess, that it needs radical changes in order to be worthy finale to the saga…


Hal 9000 said:

The dagger is the reason Rey goes off on her own to Kylo’s quarters, so I feel that any attempt to remove its use would feel more awkward than accepting a dumb moment.

It’s dumb, but it’s not one of the big problems I had with the movie when I left.

Agree so much here. Tried to remove it from my edit but its sticky.

As for the dagger crossguard part, I just removed that part completely from my edit. Easier because mine is a 3-in-1, but Rey navigating the deathstar was almost a repeat of her introduction, searching the old star destroyer. She just knows her stuff really well from being a scavenger that everyone likes to remind her of so much. From there, it made sense that she could figure out quickly where Palps thone room was, then the wayfinder seems to “reveal” itself. Might be too hard to relate to two movies later though.


wakeupkeo said:

Hal 9000 said:

The dagger is the reason Rey goes off on her own to Kylo’s quarters, so I feel that any attempt to remove its use would feel more awkward than accepting a dumb moment.

It’s dumb, but it’s not one of the big problems I had with the movie when I left.

Agree so much here. Tried to remove it from my edit but its sticky.

As for the dagger crossguard part, I just removed that part completely from my edit. Easier because mine is a 3-in-1, but Rey navigating the deathstar was almost a repeat of her introduction, searching the old star destroyer. She just knows her stuff really well from being a scavenger that everyone likes to remind her of so much. From there, it made sense that she could figure out quickly where Palps thone room was, then the wayfinder seems to “reveal” itself. Might be too hard to relate to two movies later though.

Removing the crossguard thing might be enough for me. I don’t mind the goonies moment of matching shapes as much as the little pointer thing. Might do that as well for my own cut.


Yeah, cutting the “Goonies moment” might make the dagger thing tolerable. C-3PO even says some kind of coordinates when he translates the Sith inscription. Can we just pretend Rey and company just tracked those coordinates right to the wreckage corresponding to the Emperor’s throne room? The dagger is just unnecessary after the 3PO reveal.


Hal 9000 said:
Either way, this thread is hardly the place for the discussion, so please find another thread for it.


Secondly, I just thought I should clarify some things I said about removing the Death Star cannons on the Star Destroyers. Upon rewatching some scenes, I picked up on a couple things that are important to note when discussing this.

In the briefing scene on the Resistance base, Rose says something like, “We think hitting the cannons will ignite the main reactors of the ships” or whatever.

This means that the lines, “Hit those underbelly cannons!” and “We gotta hit those cannons now!” CAN STAY. It just implies that the best way to destroy those ships is hitting the big guns.

This means that we still only have the following moments to remove:

Chase Adams said:

  1. Hux saying, “Shall we destroy the city?”

  2. Palpatine telling Pryde to destroy a world they know. (So dumb!)

  3. Scene of Kijimi’s destruction.

  4. The aftermath scene with Poe, Rose and Merry.

  5. Poe saying, “Every one we knock out is a world saved!”

I also love the suggestions Hal makes here, so we should brainstorm more ways to give the impression of an Imperial remnant:
(RIP to the “relics of a bygone era” line!) 😦

Hal 9000 said:

  • Possibly use Dominic’s rescore of the reveal of the Final Order (although the use of the Imperial March could help sell it as an Imperial remnant stashed away)

  • Id like to imply that the Final Order fleet is a backup fleet stashed during the days of the Empire and modified to have the big guns. (Removing Kijimi’s destruction can help this be inferred.)

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I don’t think it’s necessary to remove Hux sardonically asking if he should destroy the city. A Star Destroyer is a powerful vessel, and it’s not like they were in a Final Order Destroyer at that point anyway.

And about the line “every one we knock out is a world saved.” First, it’d be very awkward to try to remove since the main SW theme is blaring. But I think it still makes sense, not as a numerical ratio. Those Destroyers with their big guns are gonna go fuck up “all free worlds.” Taking them down in total saves the totality of all worlds. So, to put it poetically, each one destroyed could be said to save a world.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I don’t think it’s necessary to remove Hux sardonically asking if he should destroy the city. A Star Destroyer is a powerful vessel, and it’s not like they were in a Final Order Destroyer at that point anyway.

And about the line “every one we knock out is a world saved.” First, it’d be very awkward to try to remove since the main SW theme is blaring. But I think it still makes sense, not as a numerical ratio. Those Destroyers with their big guns are gonna go fuck up “all free worlds.” Taking them down in total saves the totality of all worlds. So, to put it poetically, each one destroyed could be said to save a world.

“I see your point, sir”

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I did play around with removing ochi, Lando and the dagger up until Rey is in Kylos quarters but you have to remove so much if the movie that I felt it was too short. Without extra deleted scenes it’s tricky to remove that awful macguffin without losing a large chunk of the film.

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Movies Remastered said:

I did play around with removing ochi, Lando and the dagger up until Rey is in Kylos quarters but you have to remove so much if the movie that I felt it was too short. Without extra deleted scenes it’s tricky to remove that awful macguffin without losing a large chunk of the film.

Yeah, I agree with you there. It’s tough to split TLJ into the other films too because the arcs are so tightly paralleled too. If only there were more substance in Abrams’ films to flesh out.


JakeRyan17 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I did play around with removing ochi, Lando and the dagger up until Rey is in Kylos quarters but you have to remove so much if the movie that I felt it was too short. Without extra deleted scenes it’s tricky to remove that awful macguffin without losing a large chunk of the film.

Yeah, I agree with you there. It’s tough to split TLJ into the other films too because the arcs are so tightly paralleled too. If only there were more substance in Abrams’ films to flesh out.

Exactly! I think on average I’ve removed 26 minutes of footage from each of the movies but most were replaced with deleted scenes.

I actually removed 28 minutes from Solo but the end result was still exactly the sane run time.

TROS is 22 minutes less but with extra scratch built scenes it’s now running around 12 minutes shorter.

I think if I removed everything I wasn’t 100% happy with it would be around an hour less. 😕

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