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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 93


Delpheas said:

That’s my theory. Disney has always had deleted scenes, and Lucasfilm too, it’s definitely a cash grab for the eventual extended directors cut

If they drop it after I finish my edit I’m gonna go mad! TROS has been the hardest edit I’ve done and I’ve almost given up a few times. It’s looking amazing now though.

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Darth Sadifous said:

I’ve read the interviews, but I feel they may be singing different tunes if their careers don’t have quite the upward trajectory they are hoping for. I think Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are going to continue to go on and be involved with bigger projects and be potential leading men. I don’t know if Daisy or John are going to be able to carry a movie by themselves, but time will tell.

John seems to be burning Disney bridges on Twitter and I personally don’t think Daisy is a strong enough actor to carry her own movie. We shall see…

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Ed Slushie said:

I assume (nay, HOPE) that means you would cut their kiss?

Well, I have to admit, I wasn’t planning to, because semi-incest is as strong with this family as the force 😄. Plus that kiss was like the only prediction my fiancée made that turned out to be true; wouldn’t want to ruin our future SW-marathon for her. She’s already pissed I put Shaw’s ghost back in the place of Hayden. 😄 😄


szopman said:

jonh said:

leia, luke and ben force ghost ending…

For me Ben looks too CGI but I know you will improve it just as u did this amazing force ghosts stuff before 😃

Thats looking pretty good, a great start! I don’t know if its a CGI look as it is he’s so stiff so it makes him “look fake.” IF there is some movement on Ben’s part, it would make it seem more real!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’ve been lurking this thread for a while, and I just wanted to say there’s some brilliant stuff going on here. I went from thinking TROS was unsalvagble for edits, to anxiously awaiting the release of all the great work that’s being done. Everything with the force ghosts is flawless really, it looks incredibly professional, jonh must be some kind of wizard. I think the terrible pacing of TROS has forced everyone into awkward positions in regard to edits. TLJ was bloated, so nearly everyone just cut down what they didn’t like and left the rest (which is completely fine). But since TROS already feels hacked to pieces, and the flaws are so deeply rooted within the film, it made everyone take some really creative choices, and I think the final products will look wildly different from each other, which is pretty exciting. Just excellent work all around 😁

One suggestion I was thinking of, since Mustafar seems to be a point of discussion: how about making Rey’s vision during her training sequence intercut with Kylo’s scene where he’s killing all of those people. Rey can sense what’s happening via their connection, which is what throws her off. So, Opening crawl > some form of Kylo on Coruscant > reaching out to Vader’s mask and hearing the word “Mustafar” > introduction to Rey, levitating in the forest > Kylo’s rage from the theatrical cut’s first scene intercut with Rey losing it. This presents some problems, like the reforging of his mask needing to be placed somewhere else now, if it was intended to be spliced together with Mustafar.

However I think this change would work for a few reasons: 1) The film really should highlight Rey and Kylo’s connection (the Dyad), and cutting back and forth between them here would help sell that a lot. Showing that even subconsciously they can reach out to each other across the stars (get it? 😁) 2) These scenes are visually striking put back to back. Kylo is in a forest fire, dead trees all around him, and a red sky. Rey is in a lush forest, full of life, with a blue sky. Some nice contrast wouldn’t hurt, especially since it reflects each of them nicely. 3) The Mustafar scene is very short and abrupt, if it’s cut together with another scene, it feels more complete. 4) The extremely quick clip show of other movies in Rey’s vision is super jarring. Not only is each shot on screen for about a tenth of a second, making it hard to tell what you’re looking at, they’re completely unconnected. You see flashes of Luke on Ach-Tu, Han’s death, Evil Rey, Palpatine’s Throne, Rey’s mom, Rey’s parents abandoning her, Kylo closing his eyes somewhere, and Vader’s helmet. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Is she worried she won’t live up to the Skywalker legacy (flashes of Luke)? Is she scared she’ll give in to the dark side (evil Rey)? Is she seeing glimpses of her parents (her mom hugging her, their ship taking off)? Is she sensing Palpatine’s presence (his throne)? Or is it something else? The answer shouldn’t be all of the above. If she’s just sensing Kylo massacring all the villagers, and that’s what makes her lose control, I think it’s a lot clearer. Her connection with Kylo is making her impulsive, reckless, and full of rage. If other scenes are edited, so that the film revolves around Rey’s fear of turning to the dark (mirrored with Kylo turning to the light), I think this could work. The film is completely aimless thematically, may as well center it around something.

Just my two cents. There’s a ton of great work going on, and I just wanted to chime in with my own suggestion here. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s own edits.


idir_hh said:

They probably made two different films with all the reshoots they did.

Well, if you look at Kylo’s death closely, it seems to have been shot in reverse AND he says something before he lays down/gets up.

I suspect Kylo lived in at least one or two shoots.


thebluefrog said:

idir_hh said:

They probably made two different films with all the reshoots they did.

Well, if you look at Kylo’s death closely, it seems to have been shot in reverse AND he says something before he lays down/gets up.

I suspect Kylo lived in at least one or two shoots.

That was debunked long ago. Scenes of people collapsing like that are often filmed backwards to prevent the actor being injured. The whole “Ben lives in an alternate ending” conspiracy theory was just made up by desperate Reylos after the movie’s release.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

That was debunked long ago. Scenes of people collapsing like that are often filmed backwards to prevent the actor being injured. The whole “Ben lives in an alternate ending” conspiracy theory was just made up by desperate Reylos after the movie’s release.

Yes! Thank you StarkillerAG, I’ve been waiting for someone to address that!

On another note if anyone is particularly good at either extracting music from scenes with dialogue or removing music completely from scenes with dialogue, can you let me know?

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Some useful references for those interested in changing the colour of Exogol.







Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Okay, those concept art images of Exogol are great. You could actually see what was going on there!

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Anakin Starkiller said:

As interesting and impressive of a task that is Jonh … I am the guy who hated everything about Rebels so anything that plays tribute to it, especially the “World between Worlds” and Time Travel crap … it’s a nope for me.

I too disliked Rebels, and hated the time travel, but the World Between Worlds itself I actually really like. It plays into the mysticism of the Force. Just because a show is bad doesn’t mean there aren’t good elements within it.

To be fair, there’s no real time travel that occurs through the World Between Worlds. It can’t be used to, say, change history, because from our perspective, any changes made – like, say, Ahsoka surviving – were always made. It’s strictly a closed loop. We see Ahsoka survive at the end of the original Malachor episodes, we watch how she survives in the World Between Worlds episode, and she’s returned to her original place and time. She isn’t pulled forward at all.


Just an idea that came to me recently, I don’t know how feasible it is. However, I was thinking if someone took the clip of Kylo suggesting a clone army in TFA and re-purpose the line to him saying “a clone” when encountering Palaptine. I know his voice is modulated in TFA and he is maskless in TRoS so it may not work. If someone could clean it up, it could make Kylo seem more intuitive and help explain further in the film that the Palapatine we encounter in TRoS is indeed a clone.


I think it’s worth experimenting with having Kylo with his helmet on during the Exogol scene, you get alot more dialogue options to play with that way and prior to that you could have him reconstruct it on Mustafar.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Some useful references for those interested in changing the colour of Exogol.







This hurts knowing what we could’ve had. Killing me!

Gave you a mention in my video today. Cheers for the heads up on continuity error.

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Oh nice! Just watched, another great video mate.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…