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What's your take on Emperor Palpatine being brought back for The Rise of Skywalker? — Page 2


I am very glad I stopped after TFA to spare myself of such stupidity. Still, one film too late I guess.



JJ should have not been involved in writing. But I guess that’s what they offered him to come back at all? Should have just got a competent yes-man to give it the full ROTJ mirror image. Maybe sit Kasdan and RJ together and make them do a properly good script since they were the authors of the other 2 puzzle pieces. The so-called creative process is baffling, the way it was clearly rushed out instead of being carefully executed to tie the trilogy up. I don’t get a lot of big blockbuster decision making, there’s no brain power considering how much money is involved.


I wonder if anyone’s realized Rey has the same backstory as Ken from the Jedi Prince series.

Let the existential horror of that knowledge sink in.


Maybe they should have had him appear as a holocron or through an object like Lord Momin’s helmet instead of in the flesh?


DuracellEnergizer said:

I wonder if anyone’s realized Rey has the same backstory as Ken from the Jedi Prince series.

Let the existential horror of that knowledge sink in.

Save the Whaladons.

TAFKA TheBoost


It played into JJs key directorial shtick, which is repeating things from other films and seemingly acting as if the very act of repetition makes them interesting.

TAFKA TheBoost


The more I think about it, the more interesting it would have been if they had brought back Palpatine in VII. I like the idea, which wasn’t really played with, that the ST sort of adds some narrative urgency to the existence of the prequels, and their placement after the OT in watch order. They played a little bit with the failure of the Jedi order angle, but imagine if you followed up the movie where Palpatine talks about cheating death (III) with a film where he comes back to life (VII)? When viewed in release order it would seem like the PT is a flashback where they’re setting up the next chapter, the ST.


Completely agree Dom, in my opinion all those things should have came back for the astute viewer from cloning to reincarnation, technically they did just in a cheap throwaway way at the eleventh hour. I think Disney/Lucasfilm were just avoiding prequel material like the plague and it was a mistake, they should have improved upon it since they couldn’t exactly remove the trilogy from canon.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


ray_afraid said:

The Emperors return, no matter how it’s handled, nullifies Anakins sacrifice, Luke’s mission to redeem him & therefore entire point of the OT.
Seems like a bad idea.

Does it really though? Luke still saved Anakin and vice versa, they still beat the Emperor and won the war (even if temporarily).


I definitely think Palpatine’s return was a bad idea, but to be fair to the ST, there was “peace” for 30 years. That’s longer than the Empire even existed. The First Order’s reign of less than a year is just a blip - relatively - with the OT victory still being the larger, more important one. Especially when the new generation owes so much of its success in quashing TFO before it really got going, to the previous victors, anyway.

Palpatine stayed gone for a long time, and his contingency mostly failed.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


ray_afraid said:

The Emperors return, no matter how it’s handled, nullifies Anakins sacrifice, Luke’s mission to redeem him & therefore entire point of the OT.
Seems like a bad idea.

How does it do any of that? Palpatine died, Anakin balanced the force, none of that changed in the slightest. The Empire still fell. Just because TROS created a tribe of Sith followers who brought Palpatine back to life does not change a single event or meaning of a single even in the OT.


ray_afraid said:

The Emperors return, no matter how it’s handled, nullifies Anakins sacrifice, Luke’s mission to redeem him & therefore entire point of the OT.
Seems like a bad idea.

I’ve never understood this argument. Vader wanted to overthrow the Emperor since Episode 3, so doing it in a way that risked his life would be more a calculation than a sacrifice. Besides, the redemption of Anakin Skywalker doesn’t hinge on him destroying the Emperor, it hinges entirely on choosing to protect the life of his son. That’s how he is going to win, if you will 😉

Similarly, Luke’s mission is to redeem his father, not necessarily to destroy the Emperor. Luke intentionally goes against the wishes of his mentors in his decision to redeem his father instead of taking revenge on Vader and the Emperor.

The fact that the Emperor survives ROTJ actually clarifies the victory of ROTJ in a thematically important way. Despite being a pathetic film, TROS actually does get this one thing right.

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I think if they felt Palpatine had to return in some form, I would’ve preferred the conflict would’ve centered around a Sith cult trying to resurrect him, and the protagonists are trying to prevent that, rather than him already returning in the flesh.

Something the movie introduced that I felt they should’ve leaned into more was the idea of Palpatine being some kind of Sith hive-mind. It at least would’ve made Palpatine, as an antagonist, feel different than before. I recall there being speculation about this very idea in the past, because both the Darth Bane and Plagueis novels hint at this idea of spirit possession. So maybe in IX, instead of the villain being “Palpatine”, we get to see this hive-mind in its true form.


RogueLeader said:

I think if they felt Palpatine had to return in some form, I would’ve preferred the conflict would’ve centered around a Sith cult trying to resurrect him, and the protagonists are trying to prevent that

Having only seen TFA, wouldn’t have been better/made more sense for Kylo & the Knights of Ren to be up to this in the 2nd film & then conclude it in the 3rd?
This seems to be the way to do it & I gather this isn’t what it was done.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

RogueLeader said:

I think if they felt Palpatine had to return in some form, I would’ve preferred the conflict would’ve centered around a Sith cult trying to resurrect him, and the protagonists are trying to prevent that

Having only seen TFA, wouldn’t have been better/made more sense for Kylo & the Knights of Ren to be up to this in the 2nd film & then conclude it in the 3rd?
This seems to be the way to do it & I gather this isn’t what it was done.

I mean, that’s the thing with bringing Palpatine back. If they were going to do it, they either should have done it right away or made hints they were gonna do it later. But it was done last minute, so no.


It would have been better if the Dyad was actually a scheme all along so that their combined powers would resurrect Palpatine. Like he could be in a creepy Sith coffin or something. Some kind of long term plan that ties the story up and gives Snoke a real goal. Snoke can still be a clone for this to work. Then throw out the Final Order ships and have a secret vault full of new weapons, that’s an EU thing right? It would still be stupid but it’s better than nothing.


DominicCobb said:

it was done last minute, so no.

Why does Star Wars always have to end this way?
I mean, most of us still dig RotJ, but can’t deny that aspects were rushed & the film is hurt because of it.
RotS is an obvious rushed attempt to cram in what should’a been spread across all 3 films.
The PT & ST’s both should’a had a much better plan laid out before film rolled. Why fly by the seat of yer pants with such a HUGE franchise? Why not take comfort in knowing you have a solid plan before going into production?

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I think palpatine returning was a bad idea. It makes the ST feel even more repetitive and unnecessary.