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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released) — Page 41


Hal 9000 said:

I don’t think that I’ll revisit TFA and TLJ after this (and fixing a video glitch in TFA:R V4), even if you all keep coming up with cool stuff. I have revisited them once each following TROS to tie into it in appropriate ways, so I think this will be it for those two.

Thanks Hal so glad to hear this I feel that both edits are at there best now, Do what Lucas could not by not revisiting whats already been done 😉👍

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


I’m having some real trouble exporting from FCP7. I don’t know what’s causing it and I cannot reinstall the software on my OS, only carry forward from already having it installed on older OS.

So I might just try the “work on something else and try again later” approach for now. 😕

My stance on revising fan edits.


Good gravy, I decided to export TFA in chunks, and about the first 1/5 of the movie is gonna take about 48 hours to render, let alone converting to DVD and BluRay streams after that. I don’t know why but there’s no other option but to just let it take that long. Same for TLJ. But at least I won’t be screwed if it’s interrupted and I could do other things in between renders. I can’t reinstall FCP7, so I’m just stuck like this.

That’s what nearly decade-dead software will do to you.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m so sorry, Hal. Render issues are the worst, and btw, still happen all the time in newer software!

I had to re-export TLJ from premiere several times for V2 because the software kept hanging at the same spot. I had to guess which shot out of a 2+ hour movie was causing it based on the % through the render where it crashed. Eventually figured out it didn’t like that I had a blending mode turned on one particular layer. Not sure why, I hadn’t changed the shot or updated the software since V1, but it would crash every single time.

In an ideal world we could render everything to image sequences so we don’t lose hours of rendering during a crash, but that take a ton of extra hard drive space and are harder to encode.

I hope your computer starts to cooperate!


We will see. Thanks for the camaraderie. For now I’ll just export chunks at a time into ProRes, and then I can use FCPX to presumably encode it easily from that point. Just might take a while.

BUT, that ought to be it for all except 6 and 9.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Thanks for going through all the hoops to get it rendered. I’m looking forward to the update. 10 solid days of just rendering is a bit much.

heil Palpatine!


Just spent $20 in the Mac App Store to get ‘SendToX’ to attempt to migrate existing FCP7 projects over to FCPX, at least to get things exported I’ve done so far. I guess I’ll almost have to use FCPX going forward, even if I want to occasionally dip into 7 to do tricky audio stuff.

No guarantees. Wish me luck.

My stance on revising fan edits.


May the Original Trilogy Force be with you!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Seems promising so far. I’m going through carefully, clip by clip, reapplying settings and filters. The order of shots and clips seems to be mostly sound, though some are sporadically missing. All in all, should at least be possible to export, even though it’ll take some work. I don’t know what happened with FCP7 when I upgraded to a SSD, but the exports were going exponentially slowly.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m going to export a few clips from 7 to use, since it’d be unnecessarily tricky to recreate certain things. I’m exporting just the Ach To scene from TFA and its gonna take 8 hours.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Alright! Ready to take a breath? lol!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


In migrating my video sequence to FCPX, I will need to re-do the color correction. So, does anyone already have a LUT I could apply to the film? Worth checking since that’s an option with FCPX.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal, I can make a LUT from premiere to send to you that should match your original color correction (I made one from your exports and Dr. Dre’s before I tweaked my own). I am not 100% sure how well that will transfer to FCX but it’s worth a shot!


When I recently used FCPX it had an audio export glitch for some reason where it added faint but shitty pops and clicks even to unedited material. Hope others don’t have that same experience. Seems some models of macbook and the OS version can cause conflicts with FCPX.

I wish I had done a test export before I had gotten in too deep. Now it’s Adobe Premiere all the way but it can have its own issues as well especially with 5.1 channel fidelity under certain circumstances. Sorry FCP7 is not working out anymore.

heil Palpatine!


I can export audio from FCP7 just fine so I’m only migrating over the visual sequence. I think I’ve got it ironed out and can export a candidate. I don’t doubt there’ll be some things to spot and fix, though.

My stance on revising fan edits.


And this is reminding me of exactly why I jumped ship from Apple back to PC back when FCPX first came out. So many absurd hoops to just get the damn thing to work. You’d think almost a decade later they’d have ironed that shit out…


Yeah. It seems like there’s no good options for editing anymore. The hell if I’m going to pay a subscription fee, which would make the software cost an infinite amount of money as far as I’m concerned.

I could navigate around FCPX fine if I had to for video, but I’m not sure how to translate the nuance I’ve been able to achieve via FCP7. As things stand, it should do for future projects to lay out the sequence in 7, and do the audio. Then I’ll send the sequence to X for further processing and exporting.

I don’t think I’d go back to Windows. That’d feel like moving to Asia or something; unfamiliar and foreign to me. Macs aren’t magical or anything, but they’re familiar and feel somewhat wholesome or solid to me. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes, like with this stuff. Windows 10 or whatever the OS is up to now could probably still run Bonzi Buddy from 1998 if one wanted it to.

My stance on revising fan edits.


If you’re in college, Adobe CC is free right now until May due to COVID.

…That probably isn’t relevant to most of us, but just thought people should know. It’s sorta related.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Having used both Mac and PC, both feel solid to me. PC can be less stable simply because of the array of components available of varying levels of quality, but any build of decent quality parts will be as stable as a Mac. I use PC because that’s what I grew up on and Mac feels awkward to navigate, but that’s all personal preference.

I hear that Davinci Resolve has good video editing on par with FCP or Premiere Pro, maybe you could try that?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)