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Name Something You Unreservedly Love About The Rise Of Skywalker — Page 2


Z6PO said:

Mocata said:

theprequelsrule said:

Yavoth said:

I like the “force Skype”, as it was called above, especially with various objects jumping between Rey’s and Kylo’s surroundings.

Wait…are you saying The Force can now instantaneously teleport objects?

It did in TLJ as well.

Just some drops of water on Kylo’s hand. Bue were they real or just a feeling?

TROS on the other hand has the literal interpretation of the Force Skype, as a physical manifestation, both Rey & Kylo being physically present in each other space. I didn’t like it at all, and find it so mundane, like a magician trick, where in TLJ it was a truly poetic idea.

Have you forgotten this?

The power to teleport objects with the force hardly seems to be a new power anyone could just pick up. Rey and Kylo are specifically stated to have a unique bond in the force that allows them to do this.


The first line of the opening crawl.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


“The dead speak!”

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I think the purest, most classic narrative of the story is Rey’s descent to the dark side, perhaps the best improvement on the past two ST episodes, both since she had room in her arc after VIII (unlike the other characters) and since she hadn’t had much struggle. She tries to take more and more responsibility on herself, and I got more and more frustrated (in a good way) with her failures the more she tried to take on herself. Her force lightning was such a powerful moment (despite the cheap reveal after). Then her darkest moment comes at the death star, where she throws Finn away and gets more and more angry at Ren, and as she goes in a downward spiral to the dark side she gets weaker. Ren is in total control besides a miraculous intervention with Leia, and Rey kills Ren at her darkest.

The best thing about is how those moments are all felt, not heard, and earned, not stolen, unlike most of the movie. That kind of characterization is what Star Wars is built on.


EddyMerkxs said:

I think the purest, most classic narrative of the story is Rey’s descent to the dark side. She tries to take more and more responsibility on herself, and I got more and more frustrated (in a good way) with her failures the more she tried to take on herself. Her force lightning was such a powerful moment (despite the cheap reveal after). Then her darkest moment comes at the death star, where she throws Finn away and gets more and more angry at Ren, and as she goes in a downward spiral to the dark side she gets weaker. Ren is in total control besides a miraculous intervention with Leia, and Rey kills Ren at her darkest.

The best thing about is how those moments are all felt, not heard, and earned, not stolen, unlike most of the movie. That kind of characterization is what Star Wars is built on.

I agree. Arguably, of the three films where we see our protagonists unwittingly slip towards the dark (the third film in each trilogy), TROS handles it best.


My head canon is the Force teleportation ability is something only Rey and Kylo can do, as they are a super rare Force diad. I also like to think only they and members of Yoda’s species can use Force healing.


I loved most of the movie, but if I had to pick just one thing, it would be the moment when lando shows up with all of the ships. The look, the acting, and the music all fit together very well imo. Brought tears to my eyes.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I miss that brief period of time pre-TESB when Force powers consisted solely of hightened senses/reflexes and subtle psychic abilities.

I generally agree with this sentiment; but Ben’s body disappearing after being struck down by Vader is far beyond either of these

“Yes, it speaks of the trinity; casting light at the sun with its wandering eye”


FunkyDays said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I miss that brief period of time pre-TESB when Force powers consisted solely of hightened senses/reflexes and subtle psychic abilities.

I generally agree with this sentiment; but Ben’s body disappearing after being struck down by Vader is far beyond either of these

To be frank, I don’t like that either.


EddyMerkxs said:

I think the purest, most classic narrative of the story is Rey’s descent to the dark side, perhaps the best improvement on the past two ST episodes, both since she had room in her arc after VIII (unlike the other characters) and since she hadn’t had much struggle. She tries to take more and more responsibility on herself, and I got more and more frustrated (in a good way) with her failures the more she tried to take on herself. Her force lightning was such a powerful moment (despite the cheap reveal after). Then her darkest moment comes at the death star, where she throws Finn away and gets more and more angry at Ren, and as she goes in a downward spiral to the dark side she gets weaker. Ren is in total control besides a miraculous intervention with Leia, and Rey kills Ren at her darkest.

The best thing about is how those moments are all felt, not heard, and earned, not stolen, unlike most of the movie. That kind of characterization is what Star Wars is built on.



I love the character banter. Poe is really in his element in this film. Some great lines.
Finally getting flying Stormtroopers. How long have the Mandalorians been flying?
Rey’s yellow lightsaber
Ending the movie on Tatooine
The music. Best score since TPM. Though it doesn’t really have a new theme in the film (there is one on the soundtrack).


I loved that people came together to unite and fight against the oppression and return of Palpatine and his “Final Order”.

I do wish we’d have actually seen such a rebel fleet assemble earlier in the film… to see it come togther to give an emotional weight to the fight itself - the old warriors returning to fight (especially the likes of Wedge), the young, the scared, the naive and more; all deciding to answer Palpatine’s threatening message and Lando’s rallying call. To care for the characters in the actual fight that much more…


On a different note: the acting; Adam Driver was superb, Daisy too, and Oscar as ever. Ian McDiarmid returning was absorbing to watch and fun as ever too.

As yotsuya says above the banter between character too; great and fun to see.


Leia training Rey. It’s so beautiful and potent. Two strong women in a master and apprentice role is incredible! It’s something I’ve always wanted and didn’t know how much I truly needed it.

I also loved Leia and Luke training together. So exciting seeing Leia with her own lightsaber!

In general I think they handled Leia well for the most part given the circumstances.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


No one is going to agree with me on this, but I absolutely love the lightspeed skipping. It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals, while also following up a major development from last film (lightspeed tracking), and showing us what the guy who can “fly anything” can do with the Falcon (which is a nice character beat for him and Rey to argue about).

Truthfully I only have two issues with it - one, the scene goes by so quick that by the time you figure out what’s even happening, it’s over, and two, it’s never used again! It seemed like a set up for some bigger sequence but never got paid off.


DominicCobb said:

It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals

Yeah, but it makes no sense. Hyperspace travel doesn’t take one second, and you don’t get dropped in the middle of some exciting action scene. That’s one of the main problems with the movie: JJ was more focused on cool trailer visuals than he was on actually telling a good story that makes sense.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals

Yeah, but it makes no sense. Hyperspace travel doesn’t take one second, and you don’t get dropped in the middle of some exciting action scene.

Here’s the thing you’re missing: I truly could not give less of a shit about that.


DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals

Yeah, but it makes no sense. Hyperspace travel doesn’t take one second, and you don’t get dropped in the middle of some exciting action scene.

Here’s the thing you’re missing: I truly could not give less of a shit about that.

Okay, you can like big dumb action setpieces like that, but for me Star Wars is more about quality storytelling than cool action. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but I think we should expect better from the franchise.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals

Yeah, but it makes no sense. Hyperspace travel doesn’t take one second, and you don’t get dropped in the middle of some exciting action scene.

Here’s the thing you’re missing: I truly could not give less of a shit about that.

Okay, you can like big dumb action setpieces like that, but for me Star Wars is more about quality storytelling than cool action. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but I think we should expect better from the franchise.

Yeah but for me the logic of in-universe tech has very little to do with what I consider “good storytelling.”


DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals

Yeah, but it makes no sense. Hyperspace travel doesn’t take one second, and you don’t get dropped in the middle of some exciting action scene.

Here’s the thing you’re missing: I truly could not give less of a shit about that.

Okay, you can like big dumb action setpieces like that, but for me Star Wars is more about quality storytelling than cool action. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but I think we should expect better from the franchise.

Yeah but for me the logic of in-universe tech has very little to do with what I consider “good storytelling.”

I understand what you mean, the Falcon moves at the speed of plot, but when it’s something as blatantly obvious as the lightspeed skipping scene, it feels like JJ thinks his audience are idiots.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


DominicCobb said:

No one is going to agree with me on this, but I absolutely love the lightspeed skipping. It’s just a fun idea that leads to some really cool visuals, while also following up a major development from last film (lightspeed tracking), and showing us what the guy who can “fly anything” can do with the Falcon (which is a nice character beat for him and Rey to argue about).

Truthfully I only have two issues with it - one, the scene goes by so quick that by the time you figure out what’s even happening, it’s over, and two, it’s never used again! It seemed like a set up for some bigger sequence but never got paid off.

Agreed! And those planets were all very unique!

Regarding how much it makes sense, what if all those planets exist in the same system?

Maul- A Star Wars Story


lightspeed skipping would have worked just fine from a storytelling perspective if there’d been a few seconds of setup as to what it was before he did it, especially since Rey and Poe get in a fight over his even trying it. So obviously it was a “known” thing to those characters - we just needed to have it hinted it was even a thing before he pulled it off. It wouldn’t have taken a lot, and it wouldn’t need to be tied into the plot any more than it already is (which is not at all).

But I do agree with Dom that I thought it was pretty cool. But I’m a sucker for that bucket of bolts doing things it has no reason to be doing. You show me the space equivalent of a hot-rod Datsun doing sweet jumps, I’m going to react positively, if only for a few seconds.