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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 138


RogueLeader said:

Then why was her father a nobody? Did the power levels just skip a generation?

I just wish fans could accept the Force awakened and things are different now. I feel like the new movies tried to bring back the Force as this mysterious power beyond total understanding, and Abrams ironically fell back on midichlorians. “Rey has Palpatine’s high midichlorian count! It’s gotta be at least 20,000 if not more!”

I appreciate your willingness to discuss this Shopping Maul! Don’t get me wrong, I did have fun with the movie still, these are just some of my issues with it. So I’m not criticizing you or your enjoyment, just the story decisions of the movie.

I just assume her father didn’t want to go there. I mean Luke could have lived a life of total Force-ignorance if Ben Kenobi had never come along. Rey was prodded by circumstance (both survival necessities and then the events in TFA) into accessing her powers, and (for me) the crazy magnitude of those powers is explained by her being in the Sith family. I don’t have Midichlorians in my personal lexicon. I’m seeing the Sith and the Emperor as being an unknown quantity - not including EU (which I don’t follow) and bearing in mind that Palps doesn’t get an origin story in the prequels. Having the Sith be mysterious whacko gothic sorcerers actually works for me.

I get what you’re saying about the Force awakening but I’m not really on board with that. It makes the Force seem sentient when I just personally prefer the Force as a substance rather than an entity.


This movie was hilariously dumb. A huge rickety mess that I laughed out loud during. I kinda liked it. But it’s not good.


Mocata said:

This movie was hilariously dumb. A huge rickety mess that I laughed out loud during. I kinda liked it. But it’s not good.

My feelings exactly, intellectually I think it’s a pretty bad movie, but it still was very entertaining. Just shut down your brain, and you will have a terrific time.


DrDre said:

Mocata said:

This movie was hilariously dumb. A huge rickety mess that I laughed out loud during. I kinda liked it. But it’s not good.

My feelings exactly, intellectually I think it’s a pretty bad movie, but it still was very entertaining. Just shut down your brain, and you will have a terrific time.

At its core it was a two and a half hour rollercoaster, both in terms of enjoyment and the pacing.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Does the Leia training flashback set up a Twin Jedi spin-off? (TV show / comics / other)


[ray_afraid said:]
I’ve never been able to figure out how to do this, though I’ve been told my entire life that it would increase my enjoyment of movies considerably.

Then I guess you went do see the wrong movie for you 😁

For the record my top movie of all time is probably Stalker, so yes, I enjoy adult cerebral stuff.

But if you want to enjoy blockbusters then yes, shutting down your brain helps 🤣


4throck said:

[ray_afraid said:]
I’ve never been able to figure out how to do this, though I’ve been told my entire life that it would increase my enjoyment of movies considerably.

Then I guess you went do see the wrong movie for you 😁

For the record my top movie of all time is probably Stalker, so yes, I enjoy adult cerebral stuff.

But if you want to enjoy blockbusters then yes, shutting down your brain helps 🤣

Love Stalker but it required multiple viewings for me to get to that point.


This movie seems like a loose adaption of the Dark Empire comics to me. The whole Palpatine arc looks to be directly taken from that.


George Lucas supposedly really liked Dark Empire. That might be a reason that they would go for it.
But I think they also drew from the Jedi Prince book series. Rey’s story they probably took from there.


The more I think about Palpatine’s survival, the more I like it. Here’s why:

  • The act of Anakin which turns him back to the light does not result in a murder. The lasting legacy of his action is that of saving Luke, not in destroying the Emperor.

  • Related to the first point, Anakin’s destiny is never to fulfill a prophecy. The balance that he achieves is an inward one, rather than outward.

  • Anakin’s overthrow of Palpatine results in him being horribly mutilated beyond what happened in Episode 3, and requires him to be hooked up to machines for thirty years in a twisted act of cosmic justice.

  • This turns ROTJ into a dark cliffhanger with the addition of something as simple as the Emperor’s laugh at the end of the credits.

  • As I’ve said before, the explanation of Sheeve’s plan for immortality makes sense of the nonsensical Sith lore and goes a long way towards explaining his silly actions in the throne room scene from ROTJ.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hal 9000 said:

I’ve always thought that was dumb. Of all the EU to cull from…

I just read the Dark Empire comic for the first time today. Yeah, it’s pretty terrible. At least there’s no slimy naked Palpatine in this movie.


NeverarGreat said:

The more I think about Palpatine’s survival, the more I like it. Here’s why:

  • The act of Anakin which turns him back to the light does not result in a murder. The lasting legacy of his action is that of saving Luke, not in destroying the Emperor.

  • Related to the first point, Anakin’s destiny is never to fulfill a prophecy. The balance that he achieves is an inward one, rather than outward.

  • Anakin’s overthrow of Palpatine results in him being horribly mutilated beyond what happened in Episode 3, and requires him to be hooked up to machines for thirty years in a twisted act of cosmic justice.

  • This turns ROTJ into a dark cliffhanger with the addition of something as simple as the Emperor’s laugh at the end of the credits.

  • As I’ve said before, the explanation of Sheeve’s plan for immortality makes sense of the nonsensical Sith lore and goes a long way towards explaining his silly actions in the throne room scene from ROTJ.

And there is precedence from some books and comics…This wasn’t pulled full cloth out of Abrams butt.


A reddit comment from u/Fainleogs regarding Rey:

It’s not that Rey Palpatine is inherently bad but they seem to have forgotten the lessons not just of the OT and TLJ but of JJ’s own film in The Force Awakens. In TFA they specifically avoided drawing out the “Kylo is Han and Leia’s son” reveal to avoid it being hackneyed. They just gave it to us pretty up front Then they give us emotional pay off via Han and Leia and Han and Kylo. In this film they labour endlessly over the reveal but do nothing with the emotional fall out

And while the conversation always comes back to Nobody/not nobody, the Palpatine reveal completely invalidates the mot important part of that story for Rey. She devoted her life to staying on Jakku waiting for family to return and it turns out her family weren’t coming back because her family didn’t love her. Now it turns out her parents were deeply good people who loved her dearly and gave up everything for her. Finding them has been her motivation her whole life, she’s mad about it for half an interstitial scene, then she forgets about them and declares Luke and Leia her substitute parents.

I mean, Rey, track down your mother’s maiden name and take hers. Your parents died to save you and you knew them a lot longer than Harry Potter did.


MaxRiibo said:

This movie seems like a loose adaption of the Dark Empire comics to me. The whole Palpatine arc looks to be directly taken from that.

^ I thought this too …Palpatine even says the same line about it not being the first time he died . That also looked like Pinnacle base that Poe flew the Falcon through while skipping through hyperspace.



I’ve read all the spoilers. In part because they’re tough to avoid as a moderator, and because I’ve never been terribly interested in the “who is Rey?” drama. As someone mentioned earlier, that was drawn out to the point of silliness. I thought she was a very interesting character the first 30 minutes of TFA. That faded as the film went on. TLJ completed her path to one-dimensional.

I was going to see this film to see how they handled Rose because she was the only person I found interesting, poorly handled or not. Now that I’ve read the spoilers, it seems she’s handled as an afterthought.

All that said, I still held out hope that Rey could be written as deep and interesting again. Man, from what I’ve discovered, I was very wrong. They answered the question for which I’d held out hope with the polar opposite. All these years I’d hoped it would turn out she was Rey Random. To have her end up being Rey Palpatine?.. FFS, J.J. We’re 40 years in and they’re still shrinking the universe. No thanks.

For the record, I didn’t find The Emperor even remotely interesting in Empire and even less so in Return. In the one prequel I saw, he was even less interesting. To wait the past few years in hopes that Rey was finally a step-out from the shrunken universe only to find out she’s the mother of all universe shrinking was a gut punch.

I’m off the rest of the year, so I have all sorts of time to see everything in the theaters currently. Today, I briefly toyed with the idea of just watching it and getting it over with, enjoying one more trip with Chewie and The Falcon. I went through the listings at the nearest theater, but just couldn’t bother. I rode my motorcycle instead. I might end up going this coming week, but it’s not a priority. Most likely, much more riding and a couple evenings of Ford vs Ferrari and A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.

Truth be told, The Mandalorian is Star Wars for me now.

Forum Moderator

4throck said:

[ray_afraid said:]
I’ve never been able to figure out how to do this, though I’ve been told my entire life that it would increase my enjoyment of movies considerably.

Then I guess you went do see the wrong movie for you 😁

Oh, I didn’t go. Haven’t even seen the last one. Or Solo.
Not ripping on anything, I could just see that they weren’t for me.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Dark Empire never said “Sith” besides the scene where Palpatine visits Korriban, and it’s made clear in that scene that Palpatine isn’t one of them.

In Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine being a “Sith” and his desire for “the Sith” to be “reborn” is frequently mentioned.


Concerning “Rey Palpatine is bad”…

I have to disagree. While the concept of “Rey Nobody” is nice, it’s poor in practice. What else could be the conflict of the story?

TROS leaves us with two opportunities to serve as its emotional core - either will Ben be redeemed? or will Rey be turned?. The problem is the Ben question is so lazy when you consider we already answered it in ROTJ.

ROTJ was asking if Vader’s natural family will triumph over evil. TROS raises the stakes by putting Rey’s natural family on evil, and forcing her to choose a new family at the end of the movie. It’s not perfect, but with TLJ barely bothering to setup Rey it’s the best they could do.

The alternative is Rey is nobody, and after TLJ has already come to terms and is on Team Jedi. Which means no personal growth besides seeking the redemption of Kylo (which is copying Luke’s arc).

Maul- A Star Wars Story


I don’t see how Rey overcoming family dark side baggage is any different than Luke doing the same. Especially redundant because that’s part of the reason why we are to believe that Ben is Kylo (the Vader in him).

Rey Nobody is compelling because she is forced to determine her own path. It’s uncharted territory which is what makes it so interesting. Kylo/Ben is a compelling character because he has always struggled with the pull between the light and dark. Vader was an inherently different character because he was pure evil before his son managed to pull him back. There were a number of different ways they could have taken either of their stories (and how they’re intertwined) but the result they came up with is purely unimaginative, plain and simple. There is more to characters, their journeys, and their choices than just what “team” they’re on.


darklordoftech said:

Dark Empire never said “Sith” besides the scene where Palpatine visits Korriban, and it’s made clear in that scene that Palpatine isn’t one of them.

In Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine being a “Sith” and his desire for “the Sith” to be “reborn” is frequently mentioned.

Obviously not everything is exactly like in the Comic but it often is far to similar to be a coincidence. I now looked up the comic again and to me it looks like they even nearly copypasted some shots from the comic.
The entrance to Exegol for example looks extremely similar to Palpatines arrival on Korriban. (the big Sith statues to the side, the ship in the background even the camera angle)
Another example is how Palpatine is consumed by his own Force power. Look at the scene that happens on the Eclipse in the comic and compare it to the movie. (camera angle, Palpatines pose, the look of his face)