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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 11


So I think the tracking forb tech is an extension of the technology we’ve seen in the films that can detect life signs on ships or escape pods, except they are synchronized with the biosignature of an individual (I’m guessing with the use of DNA samples). I’ve seen people complain about it making bounty hunting too convenient, but I think you still have to at least be on the same planet as your target to be able to track them hotter-colder style. It’s a big galaxy, so laying low on a backwater world is probably a good idea unless you stir up some trouble or someone spots you in a cantina or something (which is probably how they were found in episode 4).

I’ve noticed a quite a few comments regarding the last two episodes being “filler episodes” with little purpose. I think it says more about how the landscape of television has changed in the past twenty years. Shows have become more focused on an overarching narrative rather than being episodic, and I think that has led people to feel like it is a waste of time if the plot isn’t being moved forward in a very direct way. I like the idea that show could just be about Mando trying to survive in this lawless galaxy (and being a single dad).

EDIT: I think the character at the end is just Mando, and went back for her for some reason.


I loved seeing the sandpeople. I don’t think the costumes looked like they were from a convention per se, they’re just too clean and…um…they look like they’ve been ironed. They don’t look lived in.
The biggest problem is rush rush move move. Slow the darn thing down already. That sandpeople scene would have been so much better if it had been drawn out and had a bit more tension. Build it up. Maybe they get sniped at by one and at first they wonder if it’s the bounty shooting or someone else.
The whole ‘‘tell them yourself’’ joke is one of my favorite pieces of recent Star Wars humor.

I generally love the show but the pacing of it is all off, slow it the hell down.


RogueLeader said:

I’ve noticed a quite a few comments regarding the last two episodes being “filler episodes” with little purpose. I think it says more about how the landscape of television has changed in the past twenty years. Shows have become more focused on an overarching narrative rather than being episodic, and I think that has led people to feel like it is a waste of time if the plot isn’t being moved forward in a very direct way. I like the idea that show could just be about Mando trying to survive in this lawless galaxy (and being a single dad).

Good point, I have to think about it. That is true, but also SW in general is very narrative in all of its form previously.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Recently saw episode 5…

I think this was the first episode that I didn’t really enjoy all that much. As nice as it was to see tattooine again (along with all of the planet references and the “no good to us dead” line), I feel like this episode didn’t really “build” towards anything like the first four did, aside from that little tease at the end (hopefully that’s boba). Also the acting from the woman was a little weird, and the gunslinger kid was annoying.



LexX said:

Both 4 and 5 have had some weird female support cast forcing with the waitress and kinda the widow who was written very blandly, and now this mechanic and the assassin. They’re trying to include women in SW so hard that it’s sad and takes away from what’s actually happening in the series.

Seriously? So what, they aren’t allowed to include women at all, or it’s just forced feminism? Give me a fucking break.

It wasn’t a great episode, but it had nothing to do with the female characters.


ChainsawAsh said:

LexX said:

Both 4 and 5 have had some weird female support cast forcing with the waitress and kinda the widow who was written very blandly, and now this mechanic and the assassin. They’re trying to include women in SW so hard that it’s sad and takes away from what’s actually happening in the series.

Seriously? So what, they aren’t allowed to include women at all, or it’s just forced feminism? Give me a fucking break.

It wasn’t a great episode, but it had nothing to do with the female characters.

Hard not to read that comment as anything but plainly sexist.


Yeah, that’s why I quoted it - that bit seemed to have been glossed over since he sandwiched it between some legitimate criticism.


ChainsawAsh said:

LexX said:

Both 4 and 5 have had some weird female support cast forcing with the waitress and kinda the widow who was written very blandly, and now this mechanic and the assassin. They’re trying to include women in SW so hard that it’s sad and takes away from what’s actually happening in the series.

Seriously? So what, they aren’t allowed to include women at all, or it’s just forced feminism? Give me a fucking break.

It wasn’t a great episode, but it had nothing to do with the female characters.

It’s forced only when it’s forced.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


rocknroll41 said:

Recently saw episode 5…

… also the acting from the woman was a little weird, and the gunslinger kid was annoying.

I couldn’t put my finger on it but I completely agree with that odd chose for actors.
Should of gone with something more inline with the concept art:




“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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SO nice to see Mos Eisley back to proper 1977 form. I thought this was a bit stronger than four. I liked four, but this was more my style of a lone bounty hunter. It remains to be seen what he plans on doing with the baby but he seems to want to leave it somewhere safe, as he was trying to do in the last episode.

I also think it was Mando going back for her at the end. If not her body, then something she may have been carrying that the other guy overlooked.

There was a nice shot of Mando on the Dewback that matches the picture on the bottom of my lunchbox. The original was used in other memorabilia back in 77. An obvious inspiration for the shot in this episode. I’m really digging that attention to detail. I don’t have my lunchbox handy, but I’ll take a pic when I can.

I’m not seeing the forced female agenda on this show at all. With the ST, yes, but I’m not bothered by it. With this show, I’m not getting that vibe at all.

Forum Moderator

Anchorhead said:

There was a nice shot of Mando on the Dewback that matches the picture on the bottom of my lunchbox. The original was used in other memorabilia back in 77. An obvious inspiration for the shot in this episode.

A production still used on a lobby card:

(I remember being puzzled that this shot didn’t appear in the movie!)


RogueLeader said:

So I think the tracking forb tech is an extension of the technology we’ve seen in the films that can detect life signs on ships or escape pods, except they are synchronized with the biosignature of an individual (I’m guessing with the use of DNA samples). I’ve seen people complain about it making bounty hunting too convenient, but I think you still have to at least be on the same planet as your target to be able to track them hotter-colder style. It’s a big galaxy, so laying low on a backwater world is probably a good idea unless you stir up some trouble or someone spots you in a cantina or something (which is probably how they were found in episode 4).

Sounds like you are trying to sew a jacket to the button.
Nevertheless, it makes no sense.
This a merely “mystery box” thing, that conveniently can move the plot forward.


The Mandalorian is just reused material of some western movies like the Magnificent Seven, and the main theme of just trying to escape the dangers with a child is from Shogun’s Assasin.
Shogun’s Assasin:

Disney Star Wars = copy + paste + change a bit for the worse + rename


Yeah, we know. We’ve discussed it all already. Shogun Assassin is just a film compiled from parts of the first two Lone Wolf and Cub films, edited together for American theatrical release. Magnificent Seven is just “reused material” (to quote you) from Seven Samurai set in the American West rather than Feudal Japan.

Did you know Star Wars (1977) is just a bunch of standard hero and myth tropes jumbled together with a bit of fantasy, western, and samurai genres all blended together? Did you know Fistful of Dollars is just a spaghetti western remake of Yojimbo? Things reuse ideas from previous things. Omg! There’s a reason the word “tropes” exits…

The issue is, how well does THIS media execute those ideas? I thought episode 5 was possibly the weakest so far. I still liked it, but it definitely had some issues with the casting and maybe the directing imo. I still think episode 2 and 3 were the high point so far but this is still a very fun series! I’m sad we’ve got only, what, two more to go this season?


This wasn’t a good episode of television.

Not sure how you waste Amy Sedaris and Ming Na Wen like that.


Magnificent Seven = copy + paste + change a bit for the worse + rename


My prediction is that the first 3 eps and maybe the last two eps (last 3 eps if I’m being optimistic) of this season are important to the narrative, while 4,5, and possibly 6 will serve as filler. Looking forward to a 2hr15min. fan edit of this season more than having to view this episodically tbh.


Anchorhead said:

SO nice to see Mos Eisley back to proper 1977 form. I thought this was a bit stronger than four. I liked four, but this was more my style of a lone bounty hunter. It remains to be seen what he plans on doing with the baby but he seems to want to leave it somewhere safe, as he was trying to do in the last episode.

I also think it was Mando going back for her at the end. If not her body, then something she may have been carrying that the other guy overlooked.

There was a nice shot of Mando on the Dewback that matches the picture on the bottom of my lunchbox. The original was used in other memorabilia back in 77. An obvious inspiration for the shot in this episode. I’m really digging that attention to detail. I don’t have my lunchbox handy, but I’ll take a pic when I can.

I’m not seeing the forced female agenda on this show at all. With the ST, yes, but I’m not bothered by it. With this show, I’m not getting that vibe at all.

I don’t think it was the Mando going back unless that last shot took place earlier in the episode. Just me though.

I agree not forced female agenda on this show (but disagree with the sequel trilogy; I don’t see it there either). There just happen to be female characters these past two episodes and they were all cool… just not as cool as Mando. It’s a big galaxy.

Finally, are you taking about the AMOUNT of people in Mos Eisley when you say it matches 1977? I figured people on this thread would be annoyed it matched the 1997 version of Mos Eisley as it was one more nail in the original versions’ coffins (or at least makes MY personal arguments that neither version is exclusive to each other with canon, other than “Maclunky” 😄) As for some who can enjoy either version, I was tickled to see Mos Eisley matched so well for it’s return to the Star Wars saga.

orchidal said:

My prediction is that the first 3 eps and maybe the last two eps (last 3 eps if I’m being optimistic) of this season are important to the narrative, while 4,5, and possibly 6 will serve as filler. Looking forward to a 2hr15min. fan edit of this season more than having to view this episodically tbh.

Maybe it’s filler, but it’s still entertaining and expands the universe. At least, at only 8 episodes, there’s time to make the filler episodes good (or at least I like them). I’m not sure we need a fanedit as you can skip the recaps for each episode and the credits after the beautiful art. Just me I guess 😃


Four will end up being important because it was the introduction of Cara Dune who WILL return if not this season, it’s already confirmed she’s in the second season.

Similarly I think we’ll probably learn how or why Chapter Five is important later.

Forum Moderator

I think 4 and 5 can be easily skipped. They’re lower quality episodes as far as acting and direction. I think if Dune reunites w/ Mando, it’ll be obvious enough that they have had an amicable history that you wouldn’t really need to have seen ep 4 to figure out. Don’t think I’d ever be able to sit through 4 or 5 again. But 1-3 were quality adventures. Holding out hope for that level to pick back up.


Really enjoying it actually. Pleasantly reminded me of other classic space western series like Cowboy Bebop and Firefly. I have no issues with the tempo or the fanservice - it’s quite decently done for my taste.

Also, I like the Clint Eastwood vibe from Mando. Including the times he gets his butt kicked (like Eastwood did in each film of the Dollar trilogy).


Same here, it’s quite good. As with every series, some episodes are better than others. But so far the standard it high.
Eps. 1 to 3 would make a good fanedit movie.


Nothing beyond the fact that it’s the same species as Yoda.