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Help: looking for... 'Batman' - 1943 Full Version?


"The serial was released on home video in the late '80s in a heavily edited format that removed the offensive racial content. Dan Scapperotti, a reviewer for the magazine Cinefantastique, commented: “The revisions aren’t surprising when you consider that Columbia is now owned by Japan’s Sony Corporation. It appears that some of Daka’s operatives escaped Batman’s justice and were rewarded with positions at the new George Orwell department at Columbia. No doubt we can expect to see David Lean’s Bridge on the River Kwai reissued as the story of a joyous Anglo-Japanese cooperative construction job interrupted by imperialistic American terrorists.”[5] Sony released the serial on DVD in October 2005 in an unedited version, with the exception of Chapter 2, which is missing its “Next Chapter” sequence and a shot of the villains listening to Bruce and Linda’s conversation instead of Robin being angry.

The image and sound quality of Columbia’s two-disc set is varied. The first episode is an upscale of the previous VHS transfer: very grainy, slightly cropped off, and with too high contrast in some scenes, such as the first establishing shot of Batman sitting at a desk amid a bunch of bats in the Bat Cave. The rest of the episodes were restored as much as possible, with the result being solid pictures and good sound.

Mill Creek Entertainment released in February 4, 2014 Gotham City Serials, a two-disc DVD set that contains both the 1943 serial and the 1949 Batman and Robin serial.

The serial was also released on home movie formats in the 1960s and 1970s:

The 1960s: A silent abridged version. The complete serial was edited into six chapters (available in 8mm and Super-8) running 10 minutes each. A seventh three-minute reel titled “Batman’s Last Chance” with action scenes was also issued.
The 1970s: The complete 15-chapter serial (in its original unaltered format) was released in a Super-8 Sound edition."


After reading all this from Wikipedia I was wondering, where I could find a complete Version of Batman 1943?

I have no more links sorry.


I know that all chapters of the serial and the sequel were riffed by Rifftrax. It’s a shot in the dark, but maybe it’s the uncut version for the 1943 serial. Maybe somebody can chime in for conformation.
EDIT: nevermind, they only riffed the Batman and Robin serial.


I have the two disc dvd version I didn’t know about the mill creek version, what was it sourced from?


idk sry

I have no more links sorry.


I have the 2005 Sony discs for the Batman and Batman and Robin serials, which were sold separately. It’s been a while since I watched them, so I can’t really comment on what the quality was like without watching them all over again (and I’m not quite ready for that yet).

However, I’m very curious about the 2014 Mill Creek Entertainment release with both together as a 2 DVD set. Were they upgraded/changed at all, or are they the same exact discs released by Sony back in 2005? One reviewer on Amazon says they look “just as good” as the 2005 Sony release, but another reviewer says regarding the 2014 release “as far picture quality, there seems to be not a drastic, but a more than slight improvement.”

I’d love to be able to compare the two releases against each other.


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It’s been some time since I pulled these gems out and watched them. I seem to recall the 2005 version had a missing part. It was like a chapter preview for the upcoming chapter, so it wasn’t like you were missing part of the story (maybe at the end of chapter 2, it was a preview for chapter 3?).

I can’t speak to the new release, but the 2005 version of the 1943 serial was unedited, which is probably pretty amazing in today’s age. It was World War II propaganda and contained some language and references which would be considered flat out racist by today’s PC standards. You just have to keep in mind the time it was released and it’s purpose. Lots of wartime stuff portrays the enemy in an unflattering light.