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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 434


SilverWook said:

DominicCobb said:

SilverWook said:

Can we please take such questions to the spoiler thread? Some people are avoiding the trailer you know!


Work, concerning the post you edited, putting “REDACTED” in place doesn’t hide anything that wouldn’t be glaringly obvious from the context of the rest of the post.

Fixed. 😉

And who the heck is Work?

You’ll have to ask my autocorrect. Fixed


Did we ever see the planet of Endor, or is the forest moon just orbiting a nonexistent planet?


I think it was seen in the Ewok movies?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I think in one of the opening shots of ROTJ, when you see the shuttle flying away from the Star Destroyers, you see a planet in the distance that I’ve always assumed was Endor prime. Or possibly another moon of Endor prime.


CourtlyHades296 said:

My bad.

On another topic, why wipe just 3PO and not both 3PO and R2? R2 knew of Luke and Leia being related as well as Anakin turned into Vader.

Because R2 is smart and loyal. He wouldn’t say anything and the empire wouldn’t think to extract his memory if he looks like every other droid.

C-3PO has been shown repeatedly willing to flip sides if it means survival. A single threat and he’ll let it all out. He’d spill the beans to Luke in their first conversation.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


RogueLeader said:

I think in one of the opening shots of ROTJ, when you see the shuttle flying away from the Star Destroyers, you see a planet in the distance that I’ve always assumed was Endor prime. Or possibly another moon of Endor prime.


Anyone who says TFA was nothing but “pure fan service,” go watch Avengers, come back, look at this picture and tell me if you still think that


I too would have liked to see the Four Spaceketeers reunite to save the Galaxy one last time.

Someone find us a way to get to that parallel universe where they made the sequels in the '90’s? 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Filmed sequels. 😛

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


DominicCobb said:

Anyone who says TFA was nothing but “pure fan service,” go watch Avengers, come back, look at this picture and tell me if you still think that

My ideal Sequel Trilogy would have centered on a group of young new leads and their adventures together, with the old generation forming either mentors operating on the fringes of the story or outright antagonists.

Specifically, I would really have dug a trilogy where Leia/Mothma/Rebellion leadership has formed a new regime which is hailed as a return to the Old Republic but lays bare the inadequacies of such a system. Despite this Leia clings to the dream of the Rebellion and vengeance against the Empire and goes further and further to justify her increasing oppression. Han is estranged, crippled by emotional and physical wounds suffered by fighting beside Leia for thirty years, and secretly hates everything he has become. Similarly, Luke has tried to replicate the Jedi order but finds that their strictures fail to capture the essence of the Force. It is up to our new heroes to break free from these systems which have so trapped our old heroes turned adversaries and forge a new path.

It’s deeply frustrating to see the actual ST come so close to this and time and again miss the mark.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I remember rumors that TFA would have seen Leia and the Republic racing the First Order to be the first to build a superweapon to wipe out the other side. I hated the idea at the time, but the more I think about it, the more I think that might have been a very interesting and worthwhile way to go about doing a “yet another superweapon” thing.


ray_afraid said:

I thought I was the only one (at least around here) who wanted new adventures with our old friends.
All I ever heard was “There to old! Movies need to be about young people because I’m a young people!”

If you think you’re the only one, you’ve clearly never been on Twitter. (Which I have to say, I’m jealous.) I honestly can’t remember anyone complaining that they’re too old. Pretty much the main reason so many people were excited was the main cast returning.


I too had ideas about what I wanted the ST to be, but I don’t hold it against them for not doing it exactly how I imagined.


That’s why I don’t like super hero sequels. It’s just our old friends going on new adventures. It’s unimaginative and, while maybe fun at first, ultimately boring. I’m glad they went a different route with Star Wars.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


I think the dilemma they ran into was Michael Ardnt not feeling the script worked with Luke being reintroduced earlier in the film. Once he came into the picture, Ardnt said that he stole the spotlight, and I’m guessing it hurt the film because the new characters didn’t have enough time to really establish themselves. So, Luke became the goal they were after. But, I think even in George’s treatment, Han probably died at the end of TFA. So the way the story was set up, there were limited possibilities for the big three to share screentime altogether.

It did seem like George’s treatment for 7 may have actually portrayed the Solo son’s fall to the dark side, rather than it being the mystery/backstory as it is in the current ST (but it may have just been flashbacks). But it seems Luke was in a Colonel Kurtz-like exile even in George’s treatment.

I think we can discuss ad nauseum about what-ifs and alternate versions of the ST (people still do rewrites of the PT even now, even I have before) and if it would’ve worked or not. I think, at the very least, it would be cool if we got a flashback in IX of Han and Leia giving Ben to Luke, and it could be an opportunity to have them on screen together but still fit within the story. I’m not necessarily expecting that, but I think people would enjoy that.

I know I’m just setting myself up for disappointment, but I can picture something like that as a cold opening for the movie. Luke has a brief discussion with Han and Leia, and the last shot of the scene would be a close up on young Ben as Luke tells him he’s destined for great things, and then it would hard cut to an older, scarred Kylo Ren as Supreme Leader of the galaxy, sitting on a cold, black throne.


Unrelated but I’d want more movies similar to Rogue One. Just war and battles. Darth Vader being absolutely terrifying and a force to be reckoned with.