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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 427


If you had a chance to go to any of three planets where would you go?

I would go to:


“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


paja said:

If you had a chance to go to any of three planets where would you go?

I would love to experience the cityscape of Coruscant, enjoy the view from Cloudy City on Bespin, and watch the binary sunset on Tatooine.


paja said:

If you had a chance to go to any of three planets where would you go?

I would go to:


Let’s have a chat before you book the tickets to Alderaan…


paja said:

If you had a chance to go to any of three planets where would you go?

I would go to:


Endor man myself.

Although a fortnight in Naboo on a package holiday, all you can drink, lake view room and shuttle from the spaceport would be nice. See you for the welcome drinks and excursions upsell!


I slept in the Hotel Sidi Driss in Tunisia in the early nineties, so I guess I have been to Tatooine and was invited by the Lars’ ? 😃


Z6PO said:

I slept in the Hotel Sidi Driss in Tunisia in the early nineties, so I guess I have been to Tatooine and was invited by the Lars’ ? 😃


Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I’m confused by the way you worded that description. Do you think her speech wasn’t meant to make the audience laugh?


Been reading Rinzler’s ESB book and one funny thing is that Harrison recognized and pointed out both continuity issues with the carbonite prop (wrong shirt and no shackles).


DominicCobb said:

Been reading Rinzler’s ESB book and one funny thing is that Harrison recognized and pointed out both continuity issues with the carbonite prop (wrong shirt and no shackles).

Not seeing what’s funny about that, but the Ugnaughts removed the binders and it was even shown in a close-up.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:

DominicCobb said:

Been reading Rinzler’s ESB book and one funny thing is that Harrison recognized and pointed out both continuity issues with the carbonite prop (wrong shirt and no shackles).

Not seeing what’s funny about that, but the Ugnaughts removed the binders and it was even shown in a close-up.

You’ve never heard the expression “funny thing”? Weird man, it’s a very common phrase and rarely refers to something that’s actually laugh out loud funny (usually just fun/interesting).

Harrison points both out and they Kersh decides to fix it by having Han be jacketless and show the cuffs removed. “Funny” because the shirt itself is still wrong and the continuity error about the shackles still prevails with many fans because of the ones on his arms (even though they likely wouldn’t prohibit the pose he makes).


DominicCobb said:

LexX said:

DominicCobb said:

Been reading Rinzler’s ESB book and one funny thing is that Harrison recognized and pointed out both continuity issues with the carbonite prop (wrong shirt and no shackles).

Not seeing what’s funny about that, but the Ugnaughts removed the binders and it was even shown in a close-up.

You’ve never heard the expression “funny thing”? Weird man, it’s a very common phrase and rarely refers to something that’s actually laugh out loud funny (usually just fun/interesting).

Harrison points both out and they Kersh decides to fix it by having Han be jacketless and show the cuffs removed. “Funny” because the shirt itself is still wrong and the continuity error about the shackles still prevails with many fans because of the ones on his arms (even though they likely wouldn’t prohibit the pose he makes).

Not seeing what’s “fun/interesting” about that, seems more of a mundane anecdote about how pretty much anyone would react.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


I really like those kind of insights in the Rinzler books. Harrison always came off as being pretty carefree when it came to a lot of stuff, but he clearly paid attention to little details like that.

That’s one of my favorite things Ady fixed for ESB:R. The change is really seamless too, with the smoke rolling in front of it in the foreground and everything.


LexX said:

DominicCobb said:

LexX said:

DominicCobb said:

Been reading Rinzler’s ESB book and one funny thing is that Harrison recognized and pointed out both continuity issues with the carbonite prop (wrong shirt and no shackles).

Not seeing what’s funny about that, but the Ugnaughts removed the binders and it was even shown in a close-up.

You’ve never heard the expression “funny thing”? Weird man, it’s a very common phrase and rarely refers to something that’s actually laugh out loud funny (usually just fun/interesting).

Harrison points both out and they Kersh decides to fix it by having Han be jacketless and show the cuffs removed. “Funny” because the shirt itself is still wrong and the continuity error about the shackles still prevails with many fans because of the ones on his arms (even though they likely wouldn’t prohibit the pose he makes).

Not seeing what’s “fun/interesting” about that, seems more of a mundane anecdote about how pretty much anyone would react.

Very cool man, thanks for your input. Will check with you next time before I post a “general Star Wars random thought.”


Why don’t we see androids in the SW universe? Given Luke’s prosthetic hand, a life like android ought not to be a stretch. Is there a canonical reason?
I know at least one appeared in the old Marvel comic, which they went out of their way to say was non-sentient for some reason. And Valance the Hunter was able to conceal his half cybernetic face when it suited him.
That cyborgs were routinely discriminated against might be one factor against androids, but that could purely be a Marvel invention.

We know there are anti-droid sentiments held by some in the OT, but there are scenarios where an android might be useful on both sides of the conflict.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Why don’t we see androids in the SW universe? Given Luke’s prosthetic hand, a life like android ought not to be a stretch. Is there a canonical reason?
I know at least one appeared in the old Marvel comic, which they went out of their way to say was non-sentient for some reason. And Valance the Hunter was able to conceal his half cybernetic face when it suited him.
That cyborgs were routinely discriminated against might be one factor against androids, but that could purely be a Marvel invention.

We know there are anti-droid sentiments held by some in the OT, but there are scenarios where an android might be useful on both sides of the conflict.

Guri from Shadows of the Empire was an android meant to mimic a human, and unlike Viscount Tardi (from the Marvel comic story you mentioned) she had emotions like other droids. She even got her own miniseries.

The reason androids so rarely appear might simply be because they feel a bit out of place in SW, despite the fact that we’ve seen Luke with a pretty real-looking robot hand. People kind of associate SW with that retro-look (like Threepio) so adding androids to the movies would probably feel a bit weird to some people. Luke’s hand I imagine was to avoid having to replace it with an effect all the time.

(As a side note; as a kid I always thought that Lobot was meant to be an android. I’m actually still a litle bit disappointed that he’s just a human with cybernetic implants.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Maybe the original Westworld had something to do with it? 😃

Androids were very familiar to general audiences by 1977. The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman were often menaced by them, especially fembots. Maybe Lucas wanted to avoid androids for that reason?

How the Austin Powers movies got away with using fembot is beyond me. Universal definitely had a copyright on the name.

I think emphasizing Viscount Tardi (thanks for the reminder!) being non-sentient might have been so the Rebels don’t look bad sending a droid on essentially a suicide mission, which is kind of silly since regular rebel droids often are often in the line of fire. There was another issue where Artoo was badly damaged, and Luke lost his temper at a Rebel tech who suggested it was more trouble than it was worth to fix him when parts for other droids were already in short supply.

I may have missed something, but I don’t think Luke having to live with a mechanical hand was dealt with much in the post ESB storylines?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?